Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sen. Patty Murray has a dream

Ms. Murray is a Democrat who think other Democrats will share her dream thus:
“*Senator Patty Murray of Washington, a member of the Democratic leadership, said Monday that her party was prepared to let all the Bush-era tax cuts expire on Jan. 1 if Republicans refuse to raise taxes on the wealthy.” She wants to introduce a more favorable tax bill on Jan. 2nd with lots of moving parts.

It is hard for me to have any optimism regarding the wonderful dream of Ms. Murray. When dealing with fellow Democrats, all one can ever do is dream.  Pres. Obama found that out when trying to work with them during the first two years of his Presidency. Things got so bad, the columnist Glenn Greenwald coined the phrase “Villain rotation”. 

Democrats randomly popped up like targets on a shooting range opposing different sections of any bill the President proposed and consequently very little was done when both houses of Congress were controlled by Democrats. Sad but true.

Come January 1st, Ms. Murray is going to be like Old Mother Hubbard going to her cupboard only to find it bare.  Gone are Republicans who would have shared her dream. They, like I, will only be able to sit back and lament another American dream deferred. I wish Ms. Murray well due to the fact she dares to dream. However,  she must not forget  both Harry Reid and Nancy Peloso also have dreams.

As always,
P.S. I do not know if Ms. Murray is already writing the Jan. 2nd bill for the new Congress to sign.

*Democrats Gain the Upper Hand
Read more at:

Friday, July 20, 2012

Alan Keyes, Mitt Romney and Pres. Obama

While watching television last evening, I literally had to LOL when it struck me that  Republicans have sent yet another half-wit to challenge the destiny of Barack Obama.

From the very beginning, the episode was comedic when Republicans persuaded Dr. Keyes to pack his bags, leave his home in Maryland to go take up residency in Chicago, Illinois.

African American Dr. Keyes was on a mission! He was going to Chicago to challenge Obama who was the leading candidate for the U.S. Senate after his Republican challenger dropped out of the race when his un-sealed divorce papers exposed his “interesting” sexual fantasies as reported by his wife.

When Dr. Keyes finally arrived in Chicago, there was a media frenzy at the busy down town bus station followed by a brief ride to check in at a nearby rooming house and off to  television and radio studios he went announcing his intentions to challenge Obama to a number of debates. The media openly and without shame salivated! They had never before seen anything like what was happening.

And so it is, in the personhood of Mitt Romney, we have yet another challenger propped up, brainwashed to the best of his abilities and sent forth by Republicans to challenge Obama and the Obama team who, by this time, are taking it all in stride. Elegance has never seen it so good.

As always,
P.S. I note a curious relationship between un-sealed divorce papers and withheld tax statements. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gov. Mitt Romney: What my HS tells me

My hiney shiney sees a small group of about five men in a dimly lighted wood paneled room with curtains drawn:

- ….so we all agree Christie will be our keynote speaker at the convention in August, right?

- (All) Right on! Christies’ our man! Three cheers for Christie!

- …and since that little twerp Romney  has made such a mess of his campaign, we are going to select another candidate at the convention, right?

- (All) Right on!  So say we all! Throw the bum out!

- …and since he has not listened to us to release his tax statements, we won’t listen to him protesting from the podium no matter how much he threatens and curses us.

- (Voice 1) You know what, I think he already knows we don’t like him.

- (All) Amen! How could he miss it?

- He may get a stronger message when he learns who the keynote speaker is going to be.

- (Voice 2) …and he may already know we are going to put up another nominee. Maybe his wife told him something she heard. You know what a busy-body she is.

- (Voice 3) That maybe why he is not releasing his taxes. Just trying to save face. He’s not doing us any favors. He’s bad for the party, there’s no doubt about it! My God, we could lose everything!

- OK, gentlemen, since we are in agreement, the meeting is adjourned. Hey, don’t forget your cell phone on the table, Kristol.

-(Voice 2) Thanks, Cheney, don’t want to lose that. Wait up, Ron!

As always,

Ron Paul tells Romney to release more tax returns

Read more at:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Home equity money for most start-up businesses

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke told a panel this morning that most small businesses used  money from  home equity loans to create their start-ups. Most home owners are under-water and can no longer get those loans. There's so much talk that small businesses heir the most people.

Surely Mr. Bernanke is in a position to cite the situation as being factual.  If that is indeed the case, could we change the  proverb “For want of a nail” and create a new one, “For want of home equity loans?”  We could no longer say banks are hoarding money and people are too lazy to work etc.,
            For Want of a Nail

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the message was lost.
For want of a message the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

As always,

Monday, July 16, 2012

There are always dirty dishes in my little kitchen sink

-Will our next Black President by an Uncle Tom?

- A VP does not get any better then Joe Biden. I felt any other choice would have stabbed Pres. Obama in the back long ago. It was brilliant of him calling in the audience for the Walter  Mosley character Mouse at his recent NAACP appearance.

- The vocabulary from the financial community is limited and complicated. If you take its limited vocabulary: raise taxes, lower taxes, deficit and  revenue and assign a musical notes to each one and ask a musician like John Coltrane to improvise on them, you will know how I felt this past Sunday trying to listen to financial guru Ali Velshi and his guest. They were having the equivalency of financial orgasms!

-It does not make sense to me to suppress votes with voter ID laws when many polls already show Gov. Mitt Romney being neck-n-neck with Pres. Obama. There’s a fly in the milk somewhere.

-My tv  gets smaller and smaller with all the crap producers are now putting on the screen. It is getting harder to see who I am trying to see and listen to. And now I have to contend with cliff hangers from Rachel and Lawrence O’Donnell that they do not even resolve after many commercials. I am slowly drifting away from watching them for that very reason. I do not like the tease. It gets my pressure up and in my opinion, it cheapens their show. To me it is akin to watching a show on Broadway  having the production constantly interrupted to show you the ending.

 - What happened to the “Fast and Furious” investigations staring Rep. Darrell Issa? Was mission accomplished?

As always,