Saturday, September 25, 2010

Is Obama administration impediment to Americas’ future?

In my opinion, the administration is only procrastinating the inevitably of America becoming a third world country. It now appears whichever party is in control, the toilet flushing of America is inevitable.

How’s that “change-y” thing working? We have Americans performing the childish act of walking out on a United Nation speech from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is another world leader and Pres. Obama condemning his speech it appears our UN delegation did not hear him make. Who exactly made the decision to walk out? Was the decision instantaneous or pre-approved? These are the people making decisions for the well-being of our country and the world. I note the high leveled un-diplomatic mind-set to be exalted and emulated by the media.

As always,

Arianna: Dem Punt On Tax Cuts Shows Inability To Govern
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Bishop Eddie Long: Thus doth love make fools of us all

This statement has been erroneously attributed to Shakespeare, but big-time true whoever wrote it! And in my opinion, the process is life long.

How about this statement written by Elizabeth Browning: “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways….” and it worsens when you ask, “How much do I love thee? Here, let me show’yuh!” Damn! And the world continues moving on and on.

As always,

Bishop Eddie Long Pictures Paint an Uncomfortable Image
By Boyce Watkins, PhD
After these pictures were released to the public by the plaintiff's attorney, B.J. Bernstein, I am sure she said the word checkmate out loud. One cannot say with complete certainty that these pictures were sent to the young man to convince him of the importance of working out, to show off the latest fashion trends or to simply say, "Hey man, how ya' doin'?"
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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Will “Obama’s Wars” be Bob Woodwards’ “Othello”?

Straight up, I do not appreciate the continuing racist practice of writing Blacks out of American history. The name of the hero and security guard exposing the Watergate saga, Frank Wills, was so doomed to that fate. It suffered that fate in Woodwards' book on Watergate and Howard Zinns’ book, History of the United States.

As I recall, neither book mentioned Frank Wills' name and surely not in the statue of hero, which was historically deserved! Mr. Wills’ quick thinking as a security guard at Watergate was the solitary episode that brought down the Presidency of Richard Nixon and that is nothing to scuff at or be deliberately ignored by a ‘respected’ journalist or a highly esteemed historian!

However, new day, new era but I still have warm feelings as to how Mr. Wills was treated after Watergate when he was alive and especially after losing his job as a security guard. Later, Mr. Wills was hired as a security guard at Howard University and I understand the President of the University was threatened by Republicans with a cut-off of government funds if Mr. Wills were not immediately fired.

Bob Woodwards’ newest book, “Obama’s Wars” goes on sale this coming Monday and I intend to purchase one. It is not my type of book but when you blog politics, I feel it very important to have your facts as straight as you can and, in my opinion, Woodwards’ latest will provide appropriate references.

And also in my opinion, come 2012, I feel Mr. Woodwards' book will save the butts of many a Democrat including that of the President if and when we learn how hard the President fought to keep one of his most revered campaign promises of ending the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and yes, Rahm should have done more. I don’t know how but hey, politics is his field, so they say but then, they also say Newt Gingrich is brilliant! LOL. And alas, they called Carl Rove 'brilliant'! It is amazing how the Oligarchy is keeping those people delusional and the rest of us ignorant; a win-win situation.

I look forward to reading a contemporary setting of the Iago-Othello dynamics i.e., The Military Industrial Complex and President Obama. Can not wait. Monday….here I come!

As always,

P.S. I did not know about the Woodward book until this morning watching C-SPAN.
P.P.S. One of my English teachers told us, "to be" in any form is one of the hardest written expressions to deal with. I saw that today in writing this post. It took a while to work through it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Sen. Reid puts un-assembled cart before horse

After watching the Rachel Maddow show last night, this is what I understand is due to happen in Congress today:

-The Military Spending Bill is coming up for a vote.

-Sen. Harry Reid wants to have votes on an amendment called *DREAM Act that has yet to be put into the bill and the vote is due this afternoon between 2-3 PM.

-One of the amendments already in the bill, **DADT, has a restriction placed on it until a review is completed in December of this year and one other qualification I did not fully grasp.

I will admit to occasional senior moments and I may have had a few last night watching the Rachel Maddow Show and yes, I will discuss this with my doctor. This has to be fantasy!
As always,

P.S. And to think this is the kind of shenanigans happening in Congress we want Joe Six Pack, Maria and her husband and Pookie and his wife to understand.

* DREAM Act "... would give undocumented young people a path to citizenship by enlisting in the military or attending college..."
** Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
DADT Repeal Vote 'Too Close To Call'; Lady Gaga Hosts Rally In Maine
By Ryan Grim
The concert in Portland is aimed at the three New England Republicans who could break the logjam. "Senator Collins is very much with us on repeal. We think she can be a broker to come up with a resolution that will allow a winning vote tomorrow," Sarvis told HuffPost. Collins, Snowe and Brown have yet to say publicly whether they will block the bill from coming to the floor. A top Senate Democratic aide said that Sen. George LeMieux (R-Fla.) was still a possible pickup for Democrats. [UPDATE - 4:45 p.m.: Scroll down for a statement from Snowe.]
Read more at:

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just shut up N….. and vote!

We don’t need your ass for anything else. Nothing! We don’t need your Black sports superstars, we don’t need your Black entertainers or your Black nothing! What more do we have to do to show you that? Just get your ass to the polls and vote for Democrats. And You better not try to get cute on me and vote for a Republican. I dare you!

We Blacks vote for whites who get all the benefits. They get the best advantages in the judicial system, in the general job markets, in the media and in any situation you can name. It is the Black vote that makes it possible and we know it.
- You know, I didn’t expect miracles or nothing from the Obama administration.

- Neither did I.

- But I did expect something for my vote since everybody know they need it to win.

- I think they call it, ‘Quid pro quo’ or something like that.

- I call it, ‘You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours!’

- Since Obama, how many Black people have you heard them ask if they were going to run for President?

- Good point. Mighty good point! Now that would certainly get my attention. If they would do that....Oh, man!! Seems like every other voice we have is shouted down big-time. Hold on a second ’til I set the alarm and lock the door. Nice sermon today, wasn’t it?

President Obama will have 4 big rallies in swing states!
by jovie131
In another attempt to rally his base, President Obama will hold not one but 4 rallies, giving his supporters an 08 feeling!

Comments: (They surprised me)
Obama is so outstanding at this, and it the (0+ / 0-)
crucial first time black and young voters who show the biggest expected participation drop-offs.
This should be highly effective, and I hope he adds as many as is possible. Another 10, at least. The means is the ends in the process of becoming. - Mahatma Gandhi
by HoundDog on Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 06:14:40 PM PDT

Its the base thats killing them (9+ / 0-)
Trust me, If all the democrats get off their asses and vote we will sweep some of these races, but the problem is the enthusiasm gap is so wide that its causing normal easy races hard to gage or predict. The key is GETTING THESE PROGRESSIVES, DEMOCRATS, GAYS, HISPANICS, MUSLIMS, ASIANS, YOUNG PEOPLE TO GET OFF THEIR ASSES AND VOTE!!

Bill Clinton needs rally's in the south (12+ / 0-)
Recommended by:
MrSandman, blueyedace2, bigred39, HoundDog, beltane, amk for obama, Hill Jill, sabo33, dle2GA, JL, LaurenMonica, flhiii88
It is going to take all hands on deck to get it thru these apathetic progressives, minorities especially blacks and hispanics to get off their collective asses and vote. Michelle OBama and Joe Biden need to have their own rally's too. All 4 of them could rally the base I just hope the DNC and the rest of the democratic establishment push this idea.
Bill Clinton is POTENT and is respected and he could be a real asset for the democrats if we use him right.
by lanae on Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 03:58:05 PM PDT
by lanae on Sun Sep 19, 2010 at 04:00:35 PM PDT
Read more at:!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

To Mayor Fenty: “You will NOT educate MY child!”

You wanna know why? Huh? Wanna know why? (Long story short) ‘Cause you’re too arrogant! Now git tuh hell out'a here and take that….that woman (Educator Michelle Rhee) wif you! Move it fo’ I gits mad and kick yo’ sorry ass right here!

And now Washingtonians can sit back with smiles and folded arms knowing their children are safe again. Mayor Fenty is gone. He's history. Hallelujah!

So it is, if you want to bring down an establishment like a night club, circulate the word it is Black owned. If you want to de-throne a Black man, circulate the word he is arrogant. Works everytime. You bet’cha! I note these techniques are post the successes of *Willie Lynch. Sad.
Adrian Fenty loss worries education reformers
Fenty’s defeat this week — due in no small part to community and teachers union resistance to his education push — is emerging as a cautionary tale for education reformers, who fear that it could cause others to back away from aggressive reform programs swept into the mainstream by President Barack Obama’s “Race to the Top.”

His downfall, observers fret, serves notice to officeholders coast to coast that they could suffer Fenty’s fate if they embark on that ambitious brand of school reform championed by Fenty and his controversial schools chief Michelle Rhee.
Read more:

As always,