Saturday, September 27, 2008

America’s propensity to control through farts

As a teacher, you should see the panic in the classroom when someone farts. The boys literally dive out of their seats and girls scatter chairs and silently form a circle around the perpetrator. In the Special Ed. Classes it usually starts a wave of competitors with some even hoisting their legs to make the delivery. There are times it is difficult for you as a teacher to gain control of the class.

And then there is the female who decides to polish her fingernails or apply a perfume. The class re-acts the same as with the fart; they scatter.

So it is, in my opinion, the world smelled America’s fart in its financial institutions and the lone perpetrator, at this time, appears to be the financial rating agencies. According to Michael Callen, Chairman and CEO of AMBAC Financial Group whom I saw on the Bloomberg Channel, there is some blame there although he does support the Paulson plan which, by the way, threw me off of his message. I am also hearing rumblings in other areas the lack of control of the sphincter muscles of people in rating agencies.

In any case, if the agents in the rating agencies manipulate ratings as does a house inspector, you could end up with a real problem of over inflation which will surely catch up with you down the road. A fart, so to speak. By the same token if you have a group manipulating the political polls, you get people smelling a fart. “It smells fishy” they may say. A fart by any other name comes to mind. If you get journalist, pundits and other elements of the mainstream media manipulating realities, there are those who smell the fart as they do with the lies of Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin and I am mindful of the farts emanating from Sen. McCain at the debates last evening. No shame! No sphincter muscle control and it’s a hygiene thing that should be taken seriously; you standing up talking to people farting. In America, it appears to be here a fart, there a fart, everywhere a fart- fart.

Our mainstream media having the metaphorical job of locating the socially un-acceptable farter is so busy manufacturing their own they are equally as useless in their contributions to our toxic air. Enter the bloggers with their unique brand of air fresheners. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.s. And let us not forget the creative proliferation of farts by Hannity, Limbaugh and O’Riley. (Smile)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Presidential debate

Jim Leher poorly prepared. Wants to create a chaotic situation instead of promoting meaning dialog. Jim Leher has gotten tangled up in his own poorly constructed outline for the debate so far. Developing……
Good question from Leher regarding threat from Iran. Very good question. Developing....
Sen. McCain does not use numbers and statistical numbers to back up his answers as does Sen. Obama. Developing....
Good debate.
As always,
P.S. Sen. McCain mentioned the "behavior" of Russia. Present administration always talks about our enemies "behavior". I just think using that concept is not looking them as being mature and equal.

A nigger smarter than Neo-con surrogates? No way! (Update)

It’s crunch time now. It's intellectual Armageddon here in America. Show time, ebbybody! The Mainstream Media (MSM) have tried for almost two years to convince the American public Sen. Obama is not intelligent, an empty suit and is not clear in his delivery. Not one to be taken seriously. They have tried to impugn his character by associations, choice of words, things his wife Michelle has said along with old tried and true polarizing techniques.

Rep. Charlie Rangel's little black feet ran running and screaming to fetch Miss Hillary and her clan to stop Sen. Obama by any means necessary. Michelle Malkin's little black feet ran running to Kenya confident she would be the one bagging “the nigger”. Ms. Ferraro et al., all failed even with strongly coded language. All failed, as a matter of fact, and at the peril of their own miserable reputations many times to the surprise and horror of decent people here and around the world. And let’s not forget all the while the collective Democratic congress “Never said a mumblin’ word”.

It is now time for America to shit or get off the pot. Asia and parts of Europe have also made the request coupled with appropriate adjustments. There is no going back now. Sen. Obama and McCain have to debate tonight or we will witness the most breathtaking and colorful verbal tapestry of excuses in the history of the world. It may bring you to tears in how far America will go to protect white privilege. “At all cost,” they opine, “the nigger must not be allowed to show he is smarter than a surrogate of the Neo-cons; God‘s chosen people”. What will the Palestinians and the Iranians and the North Koreans, Hugo Chavez and, Oh my God, the Russians say? So embarrassing!

Meanwhile and on another front coming on stage akin to the Triumphal March in Aida, the voices in the wilderness are getting closer and louder now and added to Sen. Shelby’s voice, I can now hear Sen. Darrell Issa and Ron Kind and I think I hear Lincoln Chaffee somewhere in the background. I am almost certain they are singing “Kum-bye-ya”. We’ll see.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. The thieves in the money markets will straighten things out. Only they know where the dead bodies are. No honor among thieves. The markets will clear up but there will be NO transparency. I am mindful how the other students in the classroom identifies the one who farted; they all scatter leaving him standing there. (Update) America farted. Re: “The global financial system nearly melted down last week when investors pulled out en masse from money market funds and the short-term debt markets that help corporate America fund its day-to-day needs.”

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sen. Shelby, Voices in the wilderness?

I do not know all of their names with all the input regarding this Economic Bailout situation, but everytime I hear a Senator giving me a “warm and fuzzy” feeling, it turns out to be a Republican. I can not put my finger on it but they are saying things that make sense to me as to how this bailout situation should be handled. Eventhough the voices at this time are a bit of a distance away, I think I am hearing snatches of Kum-by-yah. We’ll see.

Speaking of Kum-by-yah, I saw Pat Buchanan on a show and turned it off. I did not want to hear him playing Chop Stick again. To me, he is always playing Chop Sticks. He may start off with the three opening notes and the three chords of the C Minor Prelude of Rachmaninoff, with wrong notes of course, and go right into playing Chop Sticks. During the middle of his diatribe he may go into the dramatic opening of Beethoven’s 5th and immediately go into playing Chop Sticks. With arthritic fingers and wrong notes again he may attempt the Revolutionary Etude of Chopin and go right into playing Chop Sticks. Oy! Wish he would stay home and continue practicing on his interesting arrangement of Stars and Strips on his drum set.
As always,
P.S. Waiting for Sen. Obama press conference on the White House Conference.

Sen. McCain concedes race again?

If he concedes, he can spent all the time he wants fixing the economy... in the senate. Works for me!
by kudgel on Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 03:50:51 PM PDT
Concede here, concede now! Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right.
by darthstar on Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 03:59:47 PM PDT

** Considering how much he talks about it, Senator McCain is never going to bring this election back to the issues. In fact he will drag this through the mud as long as possible to keep it away from real issues. Because when it comes down to it, he will lose if it comes down to issues. The only thing on his side right now is the dirty slanders and falsehoods he has managed to attach to Barack Obama. He is with the president on every major issue, and in an election where Americans are desperate for change, he cannot compete with Obama. So he keeps America in the dark about whats really going on by keeping Senator Obama preoccupied with trying to counter the malicious attack ads. Obama is so busy fighting McCain about stupid smears that he can't even get out a word about things that matter. Its simple Rove politics: make the uninformed masses so uneducated and scared that they would rather vote for a failing status quo than try anything new, and avoid the critical matters at hand at all costs. They are like high-schoolers faking sick to avoid having to turn in a project they didn't do.
by Hunter Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 03:42:47 PM PDT

In my opinion, there is the possibility Sen. McCain conceded the race when he could not get Joe Lieberman on his ticket. If there is one thing a seventy two year old man knows is himself and Sen. McCain is a seventy two year old man. How many times in how many ways does he have to tell his backers he does not want the Presidency? What is it about his behavior they do not understand? Duh! Sen. McCain was resurrected from the political dead when all he wants to do is RIP. When you get into your seventies, people often get on your nerve a lot and at times, by God, a whole lot!

-We can’t get married, Chelsey.
-But..but why??
-Your father and Mom have made a man who called you “ugly” one of their good friends.
-So?…I don’t understand. Tell me what you are saying.
-Well, he’ll probably be at our wedding, right?
-Why, yes. I suppose.
-…and at your parent's house when we go over for the holidays?
-Well, yes. I suppose.
-….and for your parents birthdays and stuff? Hold on a minute. My phone’s ringing. Excuse me. ~Yes Dad. I told her. Yes, Dad I told her how it would be embarrassing for you and Mom’s friends. Yes, Dad. DAD!! I can’t tell her that!!! Yes Dad. Bye.
- Tell me!! What is it you feel you can’t tell me?
-Dad said he doesn’t want any of his grandchildren named John McCain or William Jefferson and my Mom, well my Mom she doesn't want any grandchildren named Cindy or Janet or Monica, Sarah or Jennifer or Paula and he wants me to remind you that all my family members are registered Democrat.
-They’ll change their minds and you’ll change your mind, too! You’ll see!! “The heavens will open...."
- Bye, Chelsey. The man called you “Ugly!”

As always,
P.S. Question: I wonder if upper middle-class Democratic parents would let their son marry twenty eight year old Chelsey?
*McCain Camp Proposes Postponing Debate To Oct 2, Postponing Biden-Palin Debate As Well
** McCain Campaign is a joke
by Cnnr Buchanan
Wed Sep 24, 2008 at 07:42:30 PM PDT

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Where’s the BEEF? (Data)

Unfortunately, even this morning both Bernanke and Poulton continue talking their doom and gloom stuff if they do not get the seven hundred billion dollar bailout. I note not once has a Democratic Senator ask for data supporting their pessimistic allegations. You figure.
As always,

Dems to GOP: I’ll show you how to play a game.

*Well, it looks like the Dems are making the right noises about stopping this. Stephanopoulis is reporting that Dem leadership is telling the White House and Paulson that unless McCain votes "yes", the bailout won't happen. Maybe these guys are learning after all.

**McCain was going to wait until the bill had enough (Democratic) votes to pass, then he was going to swoop in and vote NO. Why? Politics. He was going to say to the American people: See, I stood up to Bush. I'm a maverick. I won't raise your taxes. I'll be the candidate who will stand up for you! Obama is the tax-and-spend Democrat." You get it? McCain gets the package to bail out his friends, but he gets to vote against it, too! He gets a free ride PLUS he gets to pin the blame on the largest bailout in history on Obama!

I was very excited this morning tuning into Sen. Dodd’s committee to hear the case being made for a seven hundred billion dollar bailout for our financial institutions. I was twitching as Sen. Dodd delivered his opening statements and gasping at the various opening statements of the senate panel working up my appetite for a nice dose of “Show me!”

I blinked learning Mr. Cox, a witness, had turned in a copy of his written statement to the committee twenty minutes before. “That’s OK” I said to myself. “They were so busy getting their act together to ask for seven hundred billion dollars. I’ll give them that slack.”

Ok, Mr. Paulson. All will be forgiven when I see your power-point presentation. No power-point presentation? What’s that again? You made your initial request in a three page letter? Nuh-huh! You lying!! And there will be no page bringing in stacks of reports with charts and shit to present to the committee members? Surely for a dramatic effect you will have armed guards bringing in seven hundred billion dollars bundled up to let us see? Not even a video tape? Pu-leez! And you say, (gasp), there are not even signed affidavits showing letters and legal actions you have already taken trying to remedy the problem? One moment, please.

Ok, Mr. Paulson. This nice gentleman I just called wants to talk to you. It’s OK. He just wants to talk to you and maybe, uh, maybe he may invite you to come visit with him at his, uh, facility? uh, out in beautiful Montgomery County, Maryland. You’ll like that now, won’t you? Now you just go with the nice man. We don’t want to cause a scene now, do we? Grab him, boys!!

As always,
*Dems: No Bailout Unless McCain Votes For It
by menloparkcardinal
Tue Sep 23, 2008 at 03:08:55 PM PDT

**There's a bailout game afoot and it ain't pretty
by msirt
Tue Sep 23, 2008 at 11:52:49 PM PDT

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Confessions of an Ind. Who voted twice for Bush

I was registered as a Democrat in 2000 and 2004, willing to vote for the Democratic candidates Gore and Kerry both times. I became an Independent in 2008 due in large part to “Impeachment is off the table”. I did not want to be associated with people of that mind set who were also deceitful, turning out to be American traitors for whatever reasons. As kids would say, they became “Yucky!”

I later learned I had been a “one issue” voter in both elections. My one issues was education and it did not start out that way. My 2000 issue was electing a Democratic President and then campaign manager Donna Bazile suddenly, suddenly, mind you, pulled Lieberman out of a hat as the running mate to front runner Al Gore. Up to that time, Gore was moving like a streak of lightening. Donna Brazil chose Lieberman. No pleasant thoughts there with Joe Lieberman. That did not work for me. The Black community have the same problems with the Jewish communities as do the Palestinians. They do not recognize our humanity and we think the same of them so voting for Gore with a Jewish running mate was totally out of the question in my mind and with no second thoughts.

Not voting was not an option for me. During this time, George W announced one of his cabinet members as being Colin Powell and later added Condi Rice, if memory serves me correctly. After negating the Gore/Lieberman concept, I looked at the Republican ticket with more than a “why not?” approach. We Blacks began talking about Blacks being in those high positions in both positive and negative terms and I made my decision. I voted for Bush.

Still going on memory, either before or immediately after the election out popped “Leave No Child Behind” and I was really aglow. George W had really won my heart with that one and I did not give a shit what else came down the pike. I could have cared less. Education of Americans and especially of Blacks was my thing as it continues to be to the present. However, Social Security has been my concern of late but during the time of the first term of George W, it was education due in part to the fact I was not retired.

The Democrats gave “No Child Left Behind” a hard time. That angered me as it further exposed their hands as being a group of people who were Anti-Black as I feel even now. They are not nice people. Many of the Black Democrats hate us Blacks more than we hate ourselves and, in my opinion, that is why Cynthia McKinney just had to go; thrown under the bus by both Black and white Democrats which means she was thrown under the bus twice.

I strayed, but by the time we got to the ‘04 elections, “No Child Left Behind” was hurting. The Democrats vowed they would abolish the act and I knew if Bush were re-elected that would not happen and just as recent as this ‘08 primary season, Sen. Clinton said were she elected, “Leave No Child Behind” would be abolished. By contrast, Sen. Obama said it would be strengthened. So it is if Sen. Obama espoused the elimination of “No Child Left Behind,” he would not get my vote. He is strengthening his resolve to education by calling for college tuition help. It is my opinion America does not want an educated society as it does a military one and this is an up-hill battle. They want un-educated military fodder, if you will. Another can of worms I confess, but it is my opinion nonetheless.

In the beginning I did not start out as a “one issue” voter but I can understand the emotions involved as well as understand why other “one issue” voters have their issues and one of them is not voting for Sen. Obama due to the fact he is Black. That’s OK with me. Let’em. As long as I can remain “Little Johnny One-Note Education” they can do the same with their issue.

I was even willing to take the disaster of Ms. Spelling’s tenure so long as “No Child Left Behind” still had some life and in my own life, I can now concentrate on protecting my Social Security benefits. Life is indeed a learning experience.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S.I am mindful Charlie Rangel put Hillary Clinton up to run for President after Sen. Obama entered the race. Also, I will vote for Sen. Obama for President but will not, as of today, vote for any incumbent Democrat. Sen. Obama is not getting their help now and will not get it as President.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sen. Obama and Specificity

Occidental College - “We’ll let you graduate but you’ve got to be more specific.”
Columbia University - “Sure we’ll let you graduate but we told you when we gave you all those loans and scholarships not to mention all those test you had to pass you’ve got to be more specific.”
Harvard Law School - “We’ll let you matriculate, but you’ve got to be more specific.” and “You can become editor of The Harvard Law Review but you’ve got to be more specific.” and “We’ll graduate you Magna Cum Laude, but you’ve got to be more specific” and the rest is specific history; The little Non-specific that could.
As of today, on November 4th I do not intend to vote for any Democratic incumbent. If I do, it would be under the condition of witnessing the most miracle of miracles Hail Mary Pass ever, and only then with the personal blessings of Jesus Christ himself. I kid you not! I say give others a chance on the pot due to the fact I’ve learned my lessons from ‘06!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, W-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Will we see a curious "hump" on Sen. McCain's back during the Presidential debates? (Smile)

*BBC Interview: President of Georgia Mikheil Saakashvili

You would almost swear Woody Allen wrote the script. It was vintage SNL (Saturday Night Live). It was Abbot & Costello and Laurel & Hardy all rolled into one. Breathtaking spontaneity with controlled etiquette. In my opinion, a BBC comedic blowout! Kudos to both participants; Pres. Saakashvili and commentator Stephen Sackur.

In the early evening I got yet another belly laugh with this posting on Drudge:

**Fury at $2.5bn bonus for Lehman's New York staff
By David Prosser
Monday, 22 September 2008
The revelation sparked fury among the workers' former colleagues, Lehman's 5,000 staff based in London, who currently have no idea how long they will go on receiving even their basic salaries, let alone any bonus payments. It also prompted a renewed backlash over the compensation culture in global finance, with critics claiming that many bankers receive pay and rewards that bore no relation to the job they had done.

Sometimes, when in doubt, LAUGH LIKE HELL! In my opinion, it re-sets the nervous system.
As always,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

What I heard today on “Meet The Press”

There were three segments to the program. The first two segments featured Sec. Paulson and Mayor Bloomberg and the third segment was a panel discussion.

Sec. Of Treasury Paulson
Mr. Paulson does not have the smarts. I get the impression he is a good “C” student trying to circulate in a class of the Gifted and Talented. He is out of his league. There was too much metaphorical sobbing and nose blowing into his handkerchief. He said, “It pains me, pains me, to put (see?) the American public in this situation.” Listening to Mr. Paulson gave me a panic seizure to hear Federal Reserve Chairmen Ben Bernanke as the next guest to compair.

Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg
My first impression was “Methodical”. Mr. Bloomberg could do a good job in helping the bailout discussions if he had the information and, most importantly, the time. “I already have a job,” he said. “There are a lot of smart people out there.” I got the impression New York City is his foremost priority. Back to references to the bailout situation, “We need more visibility”. “We have regulations and they have to be followed.” A company “can not be too big to fail but to important”. In reference to Mr. Bloomberg, the words “confidence inspiring” comes to mind. I now understand why his name constantly comes up in the upper echelon of our political chambers (Discussions).
As always,
P.S. I’m laying off listening to pundits today. However, Chris Matthews did have a good show this morning. A nice panel.

The SS America set sails for Israeli ports….

During the congressional conferences this weekend to *“Bailout“ America, the “Steam Ship America” has set sails towards the welcoming ports and arms of the Israeli’s political cabinet.

There should be no doubt the AIPAC lobbyist are working very hard burning the mid-night oil, so to speak. Surrogates were all over television today starting with a special segment on C-Span airing a radio show of Rick Adelman. To me Mr. Adelman was attempting to espouse cleverly construed “Trust me” propaganda.

In my opinion, our dilemma is the deconstruction of “the deceiving web,” disabling it very badly. It can be done. It has been done before. As it is in Israel, as long as we do not see non neo-cons and people of color in the higher echelons of political and financial structures, the mission for any financial peace and stability in the world is not obtainable. No way and no how i.e., even Sen. Obama can not “give specifics” on the bailout issue they would have you believe.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, c-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
*About this "Nationalization" of the Finance Sector
by LithiumCola
Sat Sep 20, 2008 at 11:48:43 PM PDT
The administration’s plan would allow the Treasury to hire staff members and engage outside firms to help manage its purchases. And officials said that the administration envisioned enlisting several outside firms to help run the effort to buy up mortgage-related assets.