Saturday, June 06, 2009

"They" make death threats to the Pres.

Anything to get your blood pressure up. The media and other racist entities don’t want to be responsible for singularly getting you killed, they want to continue the accumulative effect of raising your blood pressure along with driving the news cycle. Each one of them enjoys a chance to do it. Sort of like “Murder on the Orient Express” wherein each of the murderers had a chance to stab the victim so no one person can be blamed.

It is seriously hard for me to believe during these times O’Rilley, Cheney and Limbaugh have not gotten death threats. It is just not possible with all these kooks in America. Here again we find the oligarchy doing its dastardly deeds al la Pres. Kennedy, Dr. King etc. At this point in our history, the performances and involvement of the media is predictable! Bastards!
As always,
P.S. Why is it the hero always gets the death threats in our media?

Man On A 'Mission To Kill' Obama Is Arrested

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Eric Holder’s job just got harder

Scott Roeder, the alleged murderer of Dr. Tiller by all definitions is a terrorist. In my opinion, if he is not charged with being a terrorist, Mr. Holder’s job will become a lot harder. If he thinks he has a dilemma now in charging Mr. Roeder as a terrorist, he should wait around and hear the word go out that if you murder a doctor who performs abortions, “…you may only be charged with Murder One and get life in prison to continue praising the Lord in your earthly form”.

It appears Mr. Roeder doing his job was easier and more focused than Mr. Holder doing his. (Note: I hope Mr. Holder and Ms. Napolitano of Homeland Security are not back stage fighting as to whose script it is to go out and call Scot Roeder a terrorist!)
As always,
P.S. In all fairness, the American public deserve this man being tried as a terrorist.

Pres. Obama and Single Payer Health Insurance

On June 2, 2009 Pres. Obama sent a letter to Sens. Ted Kennedy and Max Baucus, “the two Democrats seen as most key to the design of potential health-care legislation.” as recorded by diarist jamess.

A parent sends a letter to the school asking that his son or daughter get straight A’s and be inducted into the National Honor Society. His son or daughter already gets straight A’s and has already been inducted into the National Honor Society. In my opinion, the parent performed a needless head-scratching act.

This is what I does not understand about the June 2nd letter to Sens. Kennedy and Baucus. For at least two years Pres. Obama has grabbed us by the collar and with spittle and wagging finger in our faces telling us he wants Single Payer Insurance. Was the June 2nd letter a “gentle reminder?” Again I say I do not know the answer but I does think I know Pres. Obama doesn’t wont to go through another Pelosi Bail Out Bill so poorly written accounting for more than one sleepless night even after saying his nightly prayers; twice, on a few occasions!

In my opinion, the June 2nd letter is saying, “Boys, you’re doing me wrong. Get yourselves together! I saw this movie just a few months back and I didn’t like it then!” Tis true the President has to take whatever bill those guys present to him but will the bill be his first veto? In my opinion, with his June 2nd letter he has given them the “All hands on deck! heads-up! duty calls!”
As always,
P.S. (Smile)

Obama gets behind the Public Option
by jamess
President Obama issued a public letter to Sens. Ted Kennedy and Max Baucus, the two Democrats seen as most key to the design of potential health-care legislation.
June 2, 2009
Dear Senator Kennedy and Senator Baucus:
In short, the status quo is broken, and pouring money into a broken system only perpetuates its inefficiencies. Doing nothing would only put our entire health care system at risk. Without meaningful reform, one fifth of our economy is projected to be tied up in our health care system in 10 years; millions more Americans are expected to go without insurance; and outside of what they are receiving for health care, workers are projected to see their take-home pay actually fall over time.
We simply cannot afford to postpone health care reform any longer.

Kudos for the Strong Words, President Obama -- but they need to be followed up with Stronger Actions. (Kind an inconvenient time for a Presidential road trip, it seems, eh?)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

American Terrorist: Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval (Update 2)

If you really think about it, from her very beginning America has harbored, nurtured and protected terrorist in one form or another. Even if a person or group was not labeled terrorist at the beginning of this nation, one of the current definitions surely applies; in other words the shoe does fit America and America’s dealings with terrorism appears to have earned her the *“Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval”.

It is apparent to me due to the exceptional teaching skills of Rachel Maddow who, in just a few shows, has revealed to me how the *oligarchy has powers well beyond the Supreme Court of the United States. How the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval can be granted to an individual or group rendering them virtually untouchable, beyond all laws of the land. The entities to this very day are working and doing dastardly deeds with tacit approval and immunity from many local, state and federal law enforcers.

I am mindful hearing years ago Civil Rights activist Bob Laws telling us soon after a policeman shot a Black man that some policemen are just murderers. They do not care whom they kill but it just so happens they can murder Blacks and most easily get away with it. On extending of what I heard Mr. Laws say over 25 years ago, I posit a killer looks for an organization wherein he is most protected when he does murder someone.

I agree the murderer doesn’t care whom he kills. In our history there has been enrollment in the KKK, on the police force, (there are policemen who have gotten away with the questionable killing of more than one Black) connections with an anti-abortion organization and many other organizations with fancy, smancy names all given the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval from the American oligarchy and I am not even talking about the newest arrivals on the scene; the media pundits and commentators.

These “Untouchables” are also out of the purview of Presidents and I find some irony in calls for Pres. Obama to issues a strongly worded statement to both individuals and groups who terrorize doctors performing abortions. From 1492 to the present many would say, “….the more things change the more they remain the same”. The insanity continues. Makes America want to beat her chest crying out to the moving clouds as she lie chocking on her own blood, “Why me, Lord?”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*The History of the Good Housekeeping Seal

The first installment of the "Approved" list appeared in the December 1909 issue and featured the inauguration of the
"Good Housekeeping Tested and Approved Seal by the Good Housekeeping Institute conducted by Good Housekeeping Magazine." Twenty-one consumer products were listed in the issue and included various household appliances, such as a washing machine, refrigerator, gas range, and an electric iron. By the end of 1910, almost 200 products were qualified to carry the "Seal of Approval."

n., pl. -chies.
Government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families.
Those making up such a government.
A state governed by a few persons.
oligarchic ol'i·gar'chic or ol'i·gar'chi·cal adj.

Operation Rescue adviser helped Tiller suspect track doctor's court dates
District Attorney Nola Foulston said Roeder was charged Tuesday with first-degree murder, not capital murder, because Tiller’s killing didn’t meet any of the criteria required in Kansas. Capital murder charges allow for the death penalty; first-degree murder can carry a life sentence.

Roeder apparently kept track of the state prosecution against Tiller through a senior member of Operation Rescue, the anti-abortion organization.
At the time of Roeder’s arrest Sunday afternoon along Interstate 35 in Johnson County, a television station captured the vehicle on video. There on the dashboard was a note that read “Cheryl” and “Op Rescue” with a phone number.
(Update 2) Rachel Maddow Show

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Killing a society softly

To this we’ve come, I can only say with a sigh and a weary head and heart.

You can belong to as many fringe groups your little heart desires and when you become a hero within those groups by killing a doctor who performs abortions, your conduct was the act of an individual; your own. An isolated case, if you will. The definition of “Terrorist” does not apply. Go home, already! (Yawn)

So I say…..
A truly horrible sight in education is seeing a potentially good classroom spiral downward out of control. The eventual demise may not be curriculum related. Chances are curriculum is the least of the reasons as is the amount of students in the class. It may have an even less degree to do with the cleanliness of the room, the air conditioning, the condition of the furniture or broken windows. In my opinion, it has to do with the teacher playing favoritism. That act which turns most students off like a light switch. Creativity is stifled. Motivation plummeted. Growth of the class dealt a death knell slowing emitting the smell of decay. The classroom dies and you can notice an immediate change in the atmosphere if another teacher and another class comes immediately into the classroom.

The teacher has put the kiss of death on the class by playing favoritism; The act of selective kindness and mercy. Prof. Jonathan Turley was on the Rachel Maddow show tonight. He told us the difficulties of calling the recent murder of Dr. Tiller a terrorist act and by extension the group or groups with whom he is associated can not be labeled “Terrorist groups!” or anything close. (Yawn)

There was a law passed - I do not know if it was Federal- wherein if a (Black) person were caught doing something against the law, everyone associated with him could be also punished for the crime. That was extended by our 4th Estate to a (Black) minor who went against the law had himself and all his friends being labeled “members of a gang!”

I am mindful of the *NAACP (National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People) in the mid- parts of the 20th Century being outlawed in some parts of the South but nothing was said regarding the KKK. I am mindful of the Black Panther Party in Californian and the MOVE party in Pennsylvania. All Black folks, mind you. There was no Prof. Turley espousing the rhetoric of “isolatism!” then. Sometimes I wonder why we Black folks even bother….why I bother. This society is hell-bent on committing assisted suicide by any means necessary.
As always,
* NAACP Banned in Alabama (1956-1964)
In retaliation for the NAACP's role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott and Autherine Lucy's attempt to desegregate the University of Alabama, the state moves to suppress and destroy the NAACP in Alabama. At the request of state Attorney General (and later Governor) John Patterson, on June 1st a Montgomery judge issues an order prohibiting the NAACP from operating in the state on the grounds that it is not properly registered. The judge also levies a fine of $100,000 (equivalent to $725,000 in 2006) — a huge amount guaranteed to bankrupt a shoe-string civil rights organization funded by nickel and dime contributions of overwhelmingly poor Blacks.
The state claims that the NAACP is "not properly registered" because the NAACP refuses to turn over its membership list to the Attorney General. Given the climate of repression and terror, and the close cooperation between state government, the state police, and the Citizens Council & KKK, the NAACP refuses to surrender its membership list because doing so would result in economic retaliation, police harassment, beatings, and lynchings. (Organizations such as the White Citizen Council and Ku Klux Klan are, of course, not required to register or turn over their membership lists.)
For 8 years the NAACP fights this un-Constitutional ban in the courts. Eventually, in 1964, the U.S. Supreme Court unanimously rules in the NAACP's favor. The Court declares that forced disclosure of an organization's membership has the effect of suppressing peoples' right to free association and is a violation of the 14th Amendment. But even though it is later overturned, the 1956 banning of the NAACP drives the organization underground and cripples its activities in Alabama at the height of the Civil Rights Movement.
For more information:
Web: Alabama vs NAACP

Monday, June 01, 2009

A *clarion call to Scott P. Roeder

Scott P. Roeder is the suspected murderer of late term abortion doctor George Tiller. Dr. Tiller was gunned down in the lobby of his church in Wichita, Kansas as he handed out programs for the Sunday morning service.

It appears Mr. Roeder heard the clarion calls from abortion opponents along with Bill O’Reilly and Ann Coulter.

Mr. Roeder appears to be yet another victim who has succumbed to the apparently irresistible sounds of the medieval trumpeter’s calls for one to demonstrate undesirable and diabolic behaviors. It appears whomever is playing the instrument also calls the tunes which, ironically, can be a tune invoking good or evil responses from the listener.

Another irony is within a short span of time Ms. Susan Boyle heard a positive clarion call to make efforts to become a professional singer without help from the media in any form, mind you, and Mr. Roeder heard it to commit murder. He heard a different arrangement of music notes from the chromatic scale. Again and I repeat, it depends on who is playing this instrument calling people to action.

J. Edgar Hover with help from the media played the instrument and James Earl Ray heard it and responded. J. Edgar Hover played it again and Byron De La Beckwith heard it and responded in relation to Medgar Evers. Tim McVeigh heard it from some source or sources I am not in a position to know but far too many of us know he too responded. And yet, there is still another irony: It is reported Scott Roeder is not the only person who heard the call in relations to Dr. Tiller. There were other attempts on his life. And alas, there are some now playing their tunes with Ms. Sotomayer in mind, again with help from the media. This time they are calling it “Entertainment”.

We are presently hearing the clarion calls of Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, Shawn Hannity, Newt Ginrich and associates. Who is listening? Who will answer their calls? Scott P. Roeder has already answered, “Present and accounted for!” He has dutifully answered the call. The instrumentalist are playing their tunes well these days and are apparently just as successful in their presentations as the ancient sailors hearing the powerful and seductive voices of the **Sirens. I would think in another metaphor those instrumentalist could be labeled evil little “Pied Pipers!” Be that it may, whether the Pied Piper, the Clarion call, Sirens or the voice of God, their accomplishments have been chronicled throughout the ages.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

* Clarion call - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A clarion call is a powerful request for action or an irresistible mandate. It derives from the sound of a clarion, a medieval trumpet. ...
** Greek mythology: Who were the Sirens?

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ms. Boyle decided to stay on plateau

In my opinion it is unfortunate Susan Boyle made the decision to once again sing the song “I dreamed a dream” from Les Miserable. “I dreamed a dream” is the song that raised her to such astronomical heights in the musical world when she made her first appearance on the show “Britain’s got talent”.

I would always tell my choir students, “Talent without discipline is like having no talent at all”. In the field of music there are many who have succeeded due to the fact they only have discipline. A disciplined person is easy to work with. A disciplined person will work their ass off. Most of the time it is a real pleasure working with them. They work hard. However, if that’s all you have to deal with, well and good, but add talent, I mean real talent to the mix and you have a very different can of worms.

In the arts, you can not sit on your laurels. You have to do as the poet said, “Build ye more stately mansions, O my soul, and make each nobler than the last”. Art demands this of you for it is a horrific slave master.

I am happy for Ms. Boyle’s second place winning in the finales but not so happy about her choice of a song for the finals. I am uncomfortable thinking Ms. Boyle wasted a week for two reasons; not building up adrenaline by working beastly hard on presenting a new song to the public and not keeping up her vocal quality to sing a song she has probably sung many times before. I speak of her singing once again “I dreamed a dream”. The word “overconfidence” comes to mind with the word “lazy” lurking in the background. Ms. Boyle may now realize how much work and discipline it takes to realize her dream as she stated to the judges, “(I’m) trying to be a professional singer”. I still love her and wish her well. “Life is a learning experience.”
As always,
P.S. I think my real disappointment is not hearing any evidence of "hard work" difference between "I dreamed a dream" #1 and #2. I hate to say this but I think I heard a little bit of FU in #2. Thinking out loud (does Susan have a piano at home? Does she read music?)