Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Gov. Mitt Romney: What my HS tells me

My hiney shiney sees a small group of about five men in a dimly lighted wood paneled room with curtains drawn:

- ….so we all agree Christie will be our keynote speaker at the convention in August, right?

- (All) Right on! Christies’ our man! Three cheers for Christie!

- …and since that little twerp Romney  has made such a mess of his campaign, we are going to select another candidate at the convention, right?

- (All) Right on!  So say we all! Throw the bum out!

- …and since he has not listened to us to release his tax statements, we won’t listen to him protesting from the podium no matter how much he threatens and curses us.

- (Voice 1) You know what, I think he already knows we don’t like him.

- (All) Amen! How could he miss it?

- He may get a stronger message when he learns who the keynote speaker is going to be.

- (Voice 2) …and he may already know we are going to put up another nominee. Maybe his wife told him something she heard. You know what a busy-body she is.

- (Voice 3) That maybe why he is not releasing his taxes. Just trying to save face. He’s not doing us any favors. He’s bad for the party, there’s no doubt about it! My God, we could lose everything!

- OK, gentlemen, since we are in agreement, the meeting is adjourned. Hey, don’t forget your cell phone on the table, Kristol.

-(Voice 2) Thanks, Cheney, don’t want to lose that. Wait up, Ron!

As always,

Ron Paul tells Romney to release more tax returns

Read more at:


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