Friday, September 23, 2011

Rick Perrys’ “Little Shop of Horror”

In my opinion, there was not a more vivid look-see into the character of Mr. Perry as occurred on Sept. 20, 2011.

Mr. Perry made a speech to Jewish leaders in New York city wherein he plopped himself squarely into the middle of delicate negotiations the President was having regarding the Palestinians seeking state hood.

The un-timely and scathing criticisms of the President and his administration delivered by Mr. Perry did not go un-noticed as reviewed on the Morning Joe show on Sept. 21st.

Serious and noteworthy links regarding Mr. Perrys’ temperament and his ability to run a country are being forged more than before. His views on Social Security, immigration, vaccinations of little girls, the Israel/Palestinian situation and his views on the death penalty are, taken in totality, of prime concerns.

In my opinion, Mr. Perry delivered a 'knock out punch' unto himself on Sept. 20th. We just watched. (Smile)
As always,

Full Speech and Q&A: Rick Perry on Israel and Middle East
Posted by The Right Scoop
FOX NEWS – Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry accused President Obama of fostering a policy of “appeasement” in the Middle East, blaming him for the standoff at the United Nations over the Palestinian bid for statehood recognition.

Perry called on the U.S. to approach the Middle East with a “new firmness and a new resolve.” Perry criticized Obama for demanding concessions from the Jewish state that Perry says emboldened the Palestinians to seek recognition by the U.N.
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Why can’t they just tell us, “Mary had a little lamb?”

I have concluded many politicians, political pundits and members of the press simply do not know what they are talking about.

They have become experts at dishing out BS by the shovels-full. It’s amazing how much they get paid to do so and how many of’em there are; they are like dog shit, that is, they are everywhere.

At the present time, I am trying to understand the voting today that may prompt another government shut-down. I am trying to find out why we are now at this precipice and until I hear - or read- that “Mary had a little lamb,” I feel I can not make up my own mind as to who is at fault with all the associated political crap!

Typical of what the BS’er write are long sentences froth with words not directly associated with the subject matter and with pitiful efforts to blame one party or the other for whatever reason therefore ending up with articles so ill-written and worthless, their own garbage cans would be embarrassed to be associated with them.
As always,
P.S. I know this problem is ages old and the typical complaints are, “Why can’t you speak in plain English?”

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The lion that roared

Once upon a time, there was a lion that eventually roared. He was a tall, wimpy, skinny lion. There were whispers about him throughout the kingdom. All the people he was supposed to protect were worried that he would not warn them and protect them when danger would come. They did not think he had the strength and were always nervous when they heard him trying to roar hiding behind a tree or in a tall thicket of grass.

On one beautiful day in September, the lion roared! He roared so loudly and so very hard he shook everything around for miles. Peopled feared a hurricane or something even worst. The lion was angry. He was angry because he wanted to have jobs and lower taxes for all of the people he was to protect. There was singing and dancing all around. The music was loud and joyous. The people had never heard the lion roar before and showed their appreciation.

Small groups of maiden girls and little boys sang Hosannas and dogs barked and women began swooning into the arms of their joyous husbands amongst waving flags and colorful banners.

Just as suddenly as it began, celebrations came to a screeching halt. Whispers began again. Shades were drawn and windows were covered. The village square would be empty again when the lion came around and even the once friendly dogs would run and hide.

The word was the mighty lion now had his foot in his mouth. For some reason strange to his people, the lion had put his foot in his mouth and it had gotten stuck deep down in his throat. It was even stranger to them seeing a lion trying to walk with his foot in his mouth. The lion had said he would veto any motion to let their Palestinians friends have a state of their own. Everybody waited to see if their protector would ever roar again. They wondered if he would ever make them feel safe again as he did regarding their taxes and jobs. They waited, and waited…..
As always,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ron Suskind wrote a book

Book: Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President. Published by Harper

In my opinion, this book is not a, “..child, did you hear..” kind of book. I think the book was written by a gentleman for one particular gentleman, the President.

Further, I look at the book as a personal evaluation of the President as one would receive a jobs’ evaluation from his boss or supervisor: “Job evaluation is the systematic process of ranking jobs within an organization based on the responsibilities and tasks required by the position.”

There are only two people who can un-questionably attest to the validity of this book: Ron Suskind and the President. If the President knows the book is packed full of exaggerations and lies, so be it. If the President feels the author of the book was only going for sensationalism to sell his book, so be it. However and above all, if the President feels the book is not a heart-felt attempt to help him save his Presidency, all efforts of the author will have been for naught. So be it.

As always,
P.S. The book officially comes out today. If one passes by the Oval Office and see a “Do not disturb” sign on the door and after hearing loud sobs, swearing and cursing from within, one can only smile and keep on walking. How would Jay Carney 'splain that to the press this afternoon? (Smile)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mr. President! Sir! Don your hat and sail your ship!

(*You don your hat. This means to put it on.)

No one is asking for the Presidents’ head. We all wish him well. In my opinion, if ever there were a ‘wake-up’ call to the President, Ron Suskind, Frank Rich and Adam Moss have done it via every respectable mode of communication possible. Unfortunately, the whole thing boils down to polite requests informing the President, “'s time to get off the pot, sir.”
As always,

NY Magazine Must-Read: Frank Rich and Adam Moss On “What’s Really In Suskind’s New Book”
by bobswern
Late yesterday (Saturday), Frank Rich and Adam Moss sat down and covered the topic over at the New York Magazine blog, after actually reading the book; and their commentary is quite amazing, as they tell us “what’s really in the book.” In fact, I’d say it’s one of this weekend’s must reads.

Here’s a portion of Frank Rich’s closing comment in the discussion, where he notes that there will be a ”…doubtlessly entertaining circular firing squad that is likely to emerge in the next week once Summers, Geithner, Warren, Emanuel, Rubin, Volcker, Orszag, Rouse, Barney Frank (who does not fare well), and perhaps the president get their hands on it.”
Read more at:

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