Friday, April 08, 2011

All talk about behavior, not the problem

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is on TV reporting on the meeting held last night regarding the 2011 budget and a possible government shut-down at mid-night tonight.

Sen. Schumers’ dialog followed the same template: Spend most of the time demonizing Republicans and skirt around explaining what the problem is, even if you know what it is. The more the vagueness, the better, even if you know what you are talking about.

A new word has been thrown into the mix: Policy riders. There is no explanation of the word nor how to deal with a ‘Policy rider’. Is it another word for 'Amendment?' What's the difference? In my opinion, Sen. Schumers’ efforts to inform the public on the status of the budget talks was akin to trying to tell a five year old where babies come from.

Maybe one day Democrats will learn how to frame a message and talk to the public. (Yawn)
As always,

Some Republican ‘riders’ could be deal-breakers for Democrats

By Sandhya Somashekhar, Thursday, April 7, 7:32 PM
The impasse that threatens to lead to a government shutdown is not simply about the federal budget. Some of the sticking points relate to policy and have been attached to the budget as “riders.” On Thursday, a few GOP policy proposals emerged as possible deal-breakers for Democrats, as leaders sought to reach an agreement that would keep Washington operating:
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Thursday, April 07, 2011

Glenn Beck finally made me laugh!

I hope I have not awaken my neighbors this time of morning. I am hysterical!
Glenn Beck Fired. Galaxy Yawns.
By bill kramer
The yawn was contagious.

Entire crowd's were bored senseless.

In some areas, the boredom became a national security issue.

Read more at:

As always,

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

A ‘TeaParty Movement’ in Libya?

If the Gadaffi regime is going to start a reformation period and have elections as recent press releases have informed us, in my opinion, the dis-enchanted Rebels could now be the energizing political force they have failed to be to date.

They may not have been successful due to the fact they are neither fighters nor thugs. Not being fighters nor thugs may have something to do with their family and educational background, their patriotic feelings towards their country, their own self-respect and feelings of self-worth and, alas, their love for their fellow countrymen.

In my opinion, those ingredients are ripe for an in-depth study of the American TeaParty Movement.

A TeaParty movement in Libya could be exclusively fashioned for and about Libyans as only Libyans could do. Outside interests and interferences would thereby be null and void.

As a TeaParty Movement, ex-rebels will be shouting and cursing opponents, true, and also raising hell at meetings during the reformation period but not killing their brothers and sisters. I wish them well.
As always,

Is winning having the biggest check in your boxing glove?

And so it is, greedy bandits hiding behind draperies in the Oval Office see a chance to make a financial killing during this re-election cycle of Pres. Obama.

Killer Obama, aka Pres. Obama, will of course comply with their wishes for reasons either beyond his control or for personal reasons those who love him and wish him well will be left to decipher by and by.

Today, they have begun parading Killer Obama around the ring amidst cheering crowds and blaring patriotic songs from the um-pah band. There are guest singers, high school and college cheerleader groups making appearances. The atmosphere is cheerful and festive. Everybody is up-beat with no reports of mal-contents at this time. You can walk up to any group, no matter how small, and place a bet for the big event.

The big ‘Come-on’ for placing your bets will come from the mystery of not knowing the opponent of Killer Obama. There will be a ring master, media outlets and pundits with megaphones chanting: “Who will come into the ring with the un-beatable, the un-stoppable, the one and only…….Killer Obama?

Newt Gingrich and Michelle Bachman have, at intervals, been spotted leaving their front row seats to begin circling the ring waving to the cameras. The audience erupts! Every once in a while, they are seen calling out to Sarah Palin to come join them. There are loud, intrepid pro-Palin chants.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Billion-dollar Obama to run moneyed campaign
By Patricia Zengerle
Could raise $1 billion
Obama amassed a record $750 million as he surged to victory in 2008. His 2012 campaign total is expected to hit $1 billion or more, even without a major Democratic primary opponent or the emergence of a strong Republican contender.
"It's definitely within reach, as he raised three quarters of a billion last time. As the incumbent president it's quite plausible to imagine him raising $1 billion," said CFI Executive Director Michael Malbin.

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The Obama campaign says it plans to raise $1 billion for his reelection campaign. That is not a typo -- that's billion, with a "b." Is this extreme, considering Obama will not even face a primary challenge? CNN's David Gergen and Gloria Borger discuss:
Read more at:

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Should Pres. Obama run for re-election?

Once again, America has seen the best she has to offer step up to the plate. Once again, we have seen a brilliant and heroic individuals’ attempts to hold back the tidal wave of woeful inevitability.

Over and over historians have chronicled the differences in strengths between American “Yes, I can” leaders as opposed to “Over my dead body” forces.

If Pres. Obama feels his nerves can take another run for the Presidency; if he thinks his supporters can take another lap around the track with him and if he feels he can continue holding back the forces of the tidal wave that is paused to devastate our country, I have to put my "I’m with you all the way" feelings on hold.

I think the President has done the best he can. I think sober realization of the Democrats he has to work with should be of concern. I think he should take some time counting the knife wounds in his back.

I think the President should confront the dismay of his supporters who lament his abysmal hiring practices. I think the President should realize how many of us are tired of his admirable but nauseating efforts to go along in order to get along.

Finally, I think the President should take a rest. He’s still young and he can run again. The opportunity will be there. He’s done his best with what he has to work with and I see no possible change in the near future.

If the Presidency of Barack Obama has exhausted me thus far, I can only imagine his feelings. There are times you just have to say, “F… it!” Lyndon Johnson did. (Smile) Ronald Reagan just flipped out.

As always,