Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Obama stole Boehners’ thunder!

Oh, yes he did and that is the reason Boehner did not show up at the signing of the Bush Tax Cut Bill.

Boehner was sulking. “It wasn’t supposed to be this way” he laments wiping away tears, “It wasn’t supposed to end like this”. (Boo-hoo)

Rep. Boehner calculated the President staying ‘Stuck on stupid’ depending on Democrats to advance his agenda. It is said the President wanted to bring up the Bush Tax Cut Bill long ago but his advisers advised against it. It should be no wonder he went to the Republicans to get one of his principle campaign promises passed. By soliciting their help, he had to compromise a few things and that compromise placed a halo above his head.

-Oh, sweetheart, what a beautiful halo! Now that's the guy I married.
-Thanks, baby, and it's big enough for the both of us.

And poor John Boehner. He sense a harbinger of things to come. After waiting sooo long and working sooo hard to be Speaker of the House can now see the handwriting on the wall through his streaming tears: Obama ranks as one of the greatest Presidents in the history of our country.

If I were a Constitutional Scholar and President of America and organized my thoughts as to how the Democratic Party has done mean things to the Black community, and if I reflected on how the party was not even willing to save the dignity of one of their oldest and esteem colleagues, Rep. Charlie Rangel, I would also tell them all to go to hell!

When you have crappy friends, you have little choice but to try making friends with your enemies. Man seeks pleasure, not pain. (Trumpets sound) Obama is duh man, ya'll! He done woke up!

As always,

Friday, December 17, 2010

U.S. Congresspersons: All American Educated

If we get disgusted and impatient with decisions our Congresspersons make, perhaps a reality check on their educational background would temper our feelings.

It is common knowledge the American educational system does not rank very high on the world stage. There is data available regarding the educational ranking of the state a Congressman comes from, the number of high school graduates, the number of persons attending and graduating from college etc.,

I am mindful reading a short while back that on all levels of our associations with China, our Chinese counterpart is the better educated. The article or post (can’t remember which) went on to describe how we, at high level meetings, struggle to keep up with the highly informed Chinese.

In other words, the Chinese know what they are doing. It was not a comforting article to read but hey, the reality of the situation was recorded. And to add insult to injury, most of them also speak fluent English at the meetings and I can imagine this being a point of amusement to them.

The other day I heard, while watching the Wikileaks tape, the actual dialog from U.S.soldiers in Afghanistan killing U.S.reporters and also murdering members of an Afghanistan family who stopped their van to take the victims for medical treatment. In my opinion, the entire dialog and resulting deaths were based on total ignorance, or to be more specific, a lack of meaningful education. How can they therefore be punished?

At this particular time, Congress is all aflutter about passing bills due to the fact disciplines of having a world class education is not in their backgrounds. Most of all, it appears organizational skills and foresight were lacking to say nothing of the mumble/jumble in the bills themselves. They spend too much time working on ‘a strategy’ instead of using sound, pedantic educational principals.

The man said, “What you see is what you get” and Don King would respond, “Only in America”. I continue to believe we are doing our best under the circumstances. Where is Michelle Rhee when you need her? Cheers!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestor,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Thursday, December 16, 2010

“Who are ‘they’ talking to?” (Update)

This question posted by Dkos diarist Im nonpartisan snatched and frames a question I am sure I have pondered at one time or another never thinking to write about it until now.

In my opinion, ‘they’ are targeting the mal-adjusted youth and emotionally un-stable adult. All others are eavesdropping in on their conversations. In a democratic society, ‘they’ have a right to cater to whatever element they like and our U.S. Constitution backs them up.

However, on the other hand and from another point of view….(sort of)

In my opinion, ‘they’ are persons armed with deliberate efforts to convince the rest of us we are out of step with our culture. There are times when their aggressive arm twisting to get their points across yields nauseous outcomes from people not prone to their way of thinking. Diabolically, success for them is getting one mal-adjusted youth or emotionally un-stable adult to act upon things they say.

And at that time, all is well within their culture. They feel vindicated. Their very contracts are written and their coffers swell with such anticipated outcomes. The more creative and odious the outcome of their propaganda, the better.

However, the ‘mission’ does not stop there. No, no, no by my chiny, chin chin! There are others in the set-up, if you will. There has to be another person whom other segments of the society trust i.e., certain TV personalities whose job it is to perpetuate the ‘mission’. Therein lie the key to its success and speaking of success, many of us smile as we come to full realization there are, after all, such things as evil witches and warlocks and their knaves who can live within a society. They are no longer relegated to, “Once upon a time….” We smile because we know the ending to those age old stories.

As always,

Who are "they" talking to?

by Im nonpartisan
The GOP/Conservative/Talk Radio meme these days lately has been about the lazy unemployed American absorbing every free benefit, welfare payment, food stamp, free meal, and charity gift basket they can score before they reluctantly decide to go back to the plentiful jobs that are certainly out there waiting for them, begging for them, once they get off their fat butts and turn off the TV.

Help me out here, who do "they think they are talking to?
Read more at:

Don't Let the NAB Strangle Local Radio
by Timothy Karr
Community radio station advocates have fought for 10 years to free up unused spaces on the FM dial for new, local and independent radio stations. Today, Congress is on the cusp of sending the Local Community Radio Act to the president. If signed, this bill would clear the way for hundreds, if not thousands, of new FM (known as LPFM) stations in cities and towns nationwide.

But one of the most powerful lobbying forces in Washington, the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), is standing in the way.
Read more at:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What I heard about the need for 60 votes

It was last year when there were a bunch of discussions regarding the need for 60 votes to do something in Congress, this is what I heard:
‘I heard’ at the beginning of this last congress, Harry Reid and his Republican counterpart came to an agreement to require 60 votes to do something and at the beginning of the next Congress in January, 2011, the procedure will be repeated.

It was no more complicated than that. I heard it was a simple meeting. I did not hear it was as complicated a deal as I am now hearing.

In other words, In January of 2011 and after the new Congress is sworn in, Harry Reid will once again have a meeting with his Republican counterpart to pick a number; 60 or whatever.

Whether Harry Reid knew what he was doing at the beginning of the last Congress and has regrets begs the question.

My Mother use to tell me, “All you know is what you’re told”.
As always,

Tom Harkin: 'Fireworks' And Shot At Filibuster Reform Coming Jan. 5

Sam Stein
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), who has championed a weakening of the procedural mechanism that allows the minority party to hold up legislation, predicted "fireworks" on Jan. 5, 2011 -- the day on which the Senate can, he argued, revamp its rules by a simple majority vote.

"There could be some fireworks. There could be some fireworks on January fifth," Harkin said at a pro-reform event sponsored by several like-minded organizations. "I'm going to be there. I'm armed. I'm armed with a lot of history, and I know the rules, and I know the procedures too, so we will see what happens on the fifth."
Read more at:

Progressives in U.S. House and racial issues

I’ll not be arrogant nor bumptious enough thinking I could do any more than write a rant regarding my take on why the U.S. House is so dysfunctional.

In a word, it’s racism and using other words, it’s the racist agenda: you shall have nothing. You shall have no defining moments to garner respect nor grand-stand on any issue regarding how America is to be governed. You are and will be permanently relegated to the status of irrelevancy and, ha-ha-ha, you dumb Blacks(Sp) will continue voting for us, now put that in your pipe and smoke it! I think this resolve was adapted right after passage of the 1965 Civil Rights Bill.

In my opinion, it is the U.S. House that is maintaining the racial up-roars in our country. It is where it starts and spreads its tentacles throughout America and the world.

Further, this Rangel issue is what really caught my attention. If one were to look at the censuring of Rep. Charlie Rangel and I note the House was not voting on a bill, an amendment nor a call for closure on anything but rather voting for the dignity of a Black man, a Black man serving in the House for over forty years, one can only imagine how every bill coming before them is a Black and White issue approached with subliminal and nefarious postures to, first and foremost, keep Blacks in their place.

This is the group who, in all seriousness and with the power, want the President to fail. I shall not be moved on this one!

To be a Black Congressperson has to be a miserable job. I can but imagine the smoldering feelings when they have to get together to do anything and it’s a wonder no one has gone ‘postal’ on them. The ignorance and inaptness they have displayed during this Presidency alone is stifling!

I note Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid did not register a vote censuring Mr. Rangel, for whatever reason. I find that curious. Aren't the two of them the Presidents’ point persons? Are they not the highest and most visible icons of the Democratic Party and what it stands for?

I would love to see a comparison between members of the House educational and religious backgrounds as compared to those of Senate Republicans. Ill bet’cha the difference is remarkable!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

My state MARYLAND vote for censure of Mr. Rangel
Democrats — Cummings, N; Edwards, N; Hoyer, Y; Kratovil, Y; Ruppersberger, Y; Sarbanes, Y; Van Hollen, Y. (Cummings and Edwards are Black)
Race and the Vote to Censure Charlie Rangel
Last night the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to censure Representative Charlie Rangel (D-NY), 333-79. Only two Republicans (Peter King of New York and Don Young of Alaska) voted against the censure resolution, but Democrats were more evenly divided, with 170 supporting the resolution and 77 opposed. Interestingly, the divide among Democrats appears to be related to race.

Once again, we see a pretty strong relationship. Districts where there are fewer African-Americans .... make up the bulk of the censure votes here, while districts with larger proportions of African-Americans make up the bulk of votes against censure.
Read more at:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rep. John Boehner and Freedom Tears

The fact is soon to be Speaker of the House John Boehner cries a lot. In a recent interview with NBC correspondent Diane Sawyers, Mr. Boehner, accompanied by his wife, evidenced some personal and emotional moments to us villagers and to the world. It is my understanding it has happened before.

In my opinion, anyone crying anywhere and for whatever reason has my attention and respect for allowing a normal bodily function to manifest itself. While motivations maybe of concern to some, my primary concerns would be centered around listening for opportunities to help ease the pain, if at all possible. That’s the kind of guy I am.

And so it is, I envision one of the most intriguing political scenarios of modern times occurring with complex conversations going on between a Black President and a (no harm intended) crybaby who also has (seriously, no harm intended) an orange identity crisis.

As always,
P.S. Rep. Boehner, as Speaker of the House, would be second in succession to the Presidency.

Why Republicans Get to Cry
By Kathleen Reardon
Read more at:

Monday, December 13, 2010

With some Democratic friends, who need Republicans

On Thursday, Dec. 2, 2010, Congressman Charlie Rangel got a good feeling how his pre-successor, Adam Clayton Powell must have felt some forty odd years ago when he was expelled from Congress.

Unlike Mr. Rangel, however, Mr. Powell was a Senator and he was expelled, but as the saying goes, “A rose by any other name…”.

Somewhere along the way or at the time of censuring, a realization had to surface in the conscious of Mr. Rangel as to why the President feels he has a better chance of getting bills passed by dealing with Republicans, regardless the scorn from his own base.

And along those lines, it should have come as no surprise to Mr. Rangel the President does not want to waste precious time fooling with fickle, selfish and egotistical Democrats the likes of a Blanche Lincoln, Max Baucus and/or a Mary Landreau regarding passage of the Bush Tax Cuts bill. The bill is to come up for some kind of a vote today. The President feels it has already been delayed too long against his wishes, thanks in part to Rush Feingold and Nancy Tee-hee.

Finally, Mr. Rangel has to confront his realities that out of 255 Democratic votes, 170 of his colleagues voted for his censure. He has to know his leader, Nancy (Tee-hee) Pelosi, did not respect him enough to vote at all. She considered him a nobody, a worthless piece of trash not deserving of her time. This he has to know. This is his new reality. Forty years down the drain. (Ouch!)

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

House censures a defiant Charles Rangel by overwhelming vote

Rangel’s allies had earlier attempted to downgrade the punishment to a reprimand, meaning a resolution condemning him would be read into the Congressional Record, but that motion – offered by Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) – was defeated by a 267-146 margin.

Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) and Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) voted for Butterfield motion, but Pelosi didn’t vote and most of her Democratic allies rejected it. In the end, more than 105 Democrats voted against the Butterfield motion.
Read more:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

I’m reviewing the situation…

It really struck me hard seeing how many Democrats voted to censure Rep. Charlie Rangel. The first vote involved the question to reprimand or censure him and the second vote was for the censuring itself. More than half of the Democrats voted against him both times.

If what I am saying is not clear, the House was not voting on a bill, an amendment nor for closure on anything.

This was a vote to censure a man who has spent over forty years in Congress and was not accused of making efforts to enrich himself and yet, his fellow Democrats told him to literally go to hell! Go jump in a lake! What a shameful, heartless way to treat a colleague. In my opinion, both votes were indeed racist, not unusual for the party i.e., the Cocaine Laws, 1965 Civil Rights Laws (Republican votes get it passed) etc., Rev. King was pissed with the Jewish community! He felt they stabbed him in the back.

Now I can really see why Harry Reid and the President had to make decisions that irritated the hell out of me. Members of their own party are fickle, un-predictable and most of all, un-reliable bums. How in hell can you get anything done with a group like that?

I now recall it was always a handful of those bums holding up a bill or amendment for whatever reason and the sagas of one Blanche Lincoln and Mary Landrieu readily comes to mind.

When I heard this morning that the President did not even include Democrats in the room as he made a deal with Republicans regarding the Bush Tax Cut bill, I smiled. I smiled due to the fact the President has known all along he is dealing with a bunch of Democratic AHs and I am just catching on.

As of January 4th, many of the Democrats in the House will be gone and I say, “Good riddance”. It should be more of them worthless scoundrels hitting the road! I hope nobody gives them a Going-away party and most of all, not using any monies from Democratic funds. I say with no shame like the votes against Mr. Rangel, God bless the TeaParty! Looking forward to them cleaning out the scumbags in the Senate in 2012. (Blood boiling!)
As always,

Reviewing the situation from “Oliver”