Saturday, November 14, 2009

The book..

I do not read very much. Not nearly as much as I would like. I use to like Walter Mosley until the writing style changed. I subscribed to a book review magazine that had an “interesting” billing pattern. Every quarter when they would send me the magazine, in the next day or so, I would get an offer to renew my subscription. We danced around for a few quarters with phone calls to New York until I said “Fi!” What a way to run a business!

And there was the closing of my favorite book store at the mall. That really bothered me. Early one morning I had gone there to browse around and purchase some books and when I came to the place were memory told me was the book store, there was another shop. I FREAKED OUT! I asked a person in a nearby Kios what happened and he told me the book store owner just up and moved. Just like that, mind you, “Just up and moved” and just as aggravating to me was the fact I now had two hours to wait for my special needs bus to come pick me up. At the time, I did not even have a book in my book bag to read. Needless to say, the experience was not a pleasant one.

So it was on Dkos I read about a book, “After America” by Paul Starobin, that interested me. It did not take long for it to arrive from Amazon and I started reading almost immediately. Not my kind of reading material but the book review was so well done. The word ‘exceptional’ comes to mind. This was about the time I ordered some Dominico Scarlatti Sonatas played by Vladimir Horowitz with visions of reading my newly purchased book on my back porch listening to Scarlatti. Didn’t happen.

I found out from Amazon the recording had been discontinued along with the original album “Diva” by Leontyne Price. With “Diva” they had taken most of the songs from the album and distributed them into other albums. Also true of Horowitz playing Scarlatti: You can get different albums with one or two Scarlatti Sonatas on them but not the concentration I wanted. Color me unhappy!

So, here I am still reading “The book..” and enjoying it. After reading several chapters identifying America as an accidental empire, I read something the other day that really made me sit up and read. (Smile)
To me I was like a child learning his colors or a youngster learning the appropriate silverware to use if by chance he became lucky enough having dinner in a plush “Ooo la la” formal setting.

On page 137, Mr. Starobin records words from an Egyptian educator, Sayyid Qutb, “In everything that requires brains and brawn, American genius is foremost. As it requires soul and feelings, America is primitivism personified.” Mr. Qutb wrote those words in 1949 during his travels through America. Eventhough I have gone past page 137, that passage still haunts me. I do not know why. I’m almost wishing I had not read it. Therein lie much pain; America’s and my own!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Friday, November 13, 2009

Drugs: Our mission in Afghanistan

Since our administrations past and present have never adequately articulated to my satisfaction why we are in Afghanistan, I fell alternative articulations are open and varied; a “free for all” if you will.

In my opinion, the problems the dominating articulators are experiencing is due to the fact their articulations, aka theories, aka propaganda, do not hold up to my realities. There is a saying “Man seeks pleasure , not pain” and pain it is when I constantly hear the word “terrorist” used as a justification for everything we are doing in Afghanistan. The word terrorist does not fit. I am of the Attorney Johnny Cochran school of thought which says, “If it doesn’t fit, you must acquit”.

As a jury member, I am acquitting Afghanistan due to the fact the label “terrorist” is an inappropriate word to bestow upon the country and its Villagers. The evidence is not there. The evidence does not support the label. As the Defense presented its case, this is what I hear:

1. Multiple enactments of *The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre in various areas of the country.
2. Dialog from scene after scene from the movie, “Godfather”.
3. The CIA actively participating in bed with acknowledged drug lord Ahmed Wali Karzai, brother of Pres. Hamid Karzai.
4. Loud whispers brother Ahmed Karzai has partnered with CIA to wipe out rival drug lords via the use of drones etc.,
5. CIA paying drug lords for safe passage of military trucks (cocaine?) through their areas of control in order to get to the air port.
6. UN and NATO forces clearing land teaching Villagers how to plant crops other then poppies. Crops designed to yield as much or more money as poppies and selling them to the locals. I have not heard of plans for world-wide distribution of these alternative crops. (Smile)
7. A helicopter shot down killing two American drug enforcer agents who were aboard. Not soldiers, mind you.
8. Two agents jumping into water to retrieve a helicopter “drop”! That is, “something” dropped from a helicopter important enough to jump into the water to end up dieing for.
9. Pentagon leaks with appearances of forcing Pres. Obama to send more troops to Afghanistan to fight an undefined, unidentified war with an undisclosed “Not ready for prime time” mission.

-Has the jury reached its verdict?
-We have, your Honor.
-Foreman will read the verdict.
-The jury is locked, your Honor, eleven to one and I know this is not appropriate, your Honor, but that lone jury wrote a note saying, “Stop this bad ass neo-Con war and bring the MF soldiers home." It was my decision to use the initials 'MF' your Honor.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Hat tip:
Reveries of the Solitary Walker

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Lou Dobbs takes ball and goes home

Either “Bum’s rush” or “By mutual agreement” the news from CNN is still worthy of a toast or two.

Lou’s ball was already becoming useless; full of patches, unsightly scars and scratches and deep fissures oozing funny looking smelly stuff. It was becoming downright unhealthy trying to play ball with him.

- (Players shout) Come back when you get a new ball, Lou, especially if the team across town don’t want to play with you either. Bye!

I note, as far as I know, Lou’s abrupt departure was not due to advertisers leaving. Can we viewers expect a trend? Interesting…
As always,

Lou Dobbs to leave CNN

Lou Dobbs, longtime host of “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on CNN, announced Wednesday that he will be leaving the network immediately. While he is considering other options, CNN has released him from his contract which was supposed to run through 2011.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Drew Griffin and AC 360

I do not recall ever seeing Mr. Griffin before last night on the Anderson Cooper 360 Show and I was able only to write down his name.
I tuned on the show as Mr. Griffin had already begun reporting a surprisingly positive segment on Maj. Dr. Malik Hasan of Fort Hood notoriety. I was late tuning in and after a short while when I saw a shot of Mr. Griffin, there was an aura about him whispering:

I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I was getting pleaser and pleaser with him not negatively coloring the face of “truth and fact” and for not turning logic on its head. After catching my breath and seeing him sign off from his segment, lo and behold yet another whisper:

On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my Country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.

In my opinion, with strident media controls as they are, last evening Mr. Griffin was more than a good reporter. American patriots like him just keep on’a commin’ and I be so happy and proud!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. The TV segment distinguished the difference between a “terrorist” and “mass murderer!”

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Iraq WMD, Pres. Obama and Maj. Dr. Malik Hasan

While watching Anderson Cooper 360 tonight, it has occurred to me America’s oligarchy has a unique way of staying in power and destroying whomever it considers the enemy.

In my opinion, the oligarchy produces a brew consisting of a lethal collection of guilt by association added to portions of strong innuendos with carefully crafted lies and massive dosages of subliminal suggestions. Mix well and serve.

I saw the oligarchy mix this brew on the Anderson 360 segment tonight targeting Maj. Dr. Malik Hasan. A lot of true blame for the woes of our country can thereby be deflected from them by constantly forcing us Villagers to ingest this brew.

I note there is always a new or obscure person introducing this brew on television and the older familiar characters picking it up. This brew is not new for Americans. It’s just the fact it’s content is now able to be collectively analyzed and found to be stronger and more lethal than mere propaganda of yesteryear due to the combined ingredients and flexible proportions.

I honestly believe if it were not for the blogosphere, this country would have been down the tubes long ago. The blogosphere has become a burr in the saddle of the oligarchy. (And Lady MacBeth thought she had a problem with a spot on her hand……)
As always,

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sleepless nights

It’s hard to imagine what the thirty nine Democrats who voted against the House HealthCare Bill are now going through.

If I were one of them, I suspect I would be telling family and friends to kiss my ass if they thought I voted against the bill due to some external pressures. Even if I were lying, they do not have to know it. And they would be totally wrong thinking I felt I needed time to talk to my campaign backers to try to change my vote to “Aye” after the bill comes out of conference. They are wrong if they think that is what I want to do. If I play my cards right, I may even beat Byrd’s record in the Senate. And “No!” I do not believe some people on my wife’s job have stopped having lunch with her because of my stance on the bill. I just don’t believe it. They probably weren’t her friends anyway.

Of course I want to get re-elected. Re-elected as many times I can. It’s a good job being a Congressman. The perks are good too. If I don’t get re-elected we would probably have to move out of this house and I spent too much time and money on this house to leave now. Nice neighborhood. Rev. Polk thought he was cute today preaching about helping the least of us. He can be a real shit-head sometimes. I know what I am doing. A man does what a man has to do.

-Good night, wife.
- Honey? Honey?
- Huh? Huh? What is it???
-Good night.

Democrats Who Voted “No” On Health Care
These 39 Democrats are the most vulnerable House members. Let’s hope this vote make them more vulnerable.
Read more at:
Hat Tip to:
As always,

Maj. Dr. Malik Hasan to do what in Afghanistan?

Every time I hear and read accounts of Maj. Hasan’s deployment to Afghanistan, I beg the question as to what was going to be his assigned duty.

While watching Gen. George Casey this morning on State Of The Union, more questions surfaced when he said there were 400 psychiatrist in the armed services and lots of other mental help workers.

It seems to me a full fledged psychiatrist would be more useful here in the states at Foot Hood with all its facilities ready to receive patients from Afghanistan who need highly structured levels of attention. In my opinion, other mental health workers in Afghanistan could apply Band-Aids until the soldier is shipped out. I wonder how many full fledged psychiatrist are already in Afghanistan? Are they in hospitals? In what kind of facilities do they practice? I truly wonder as I wander with this one…..
As always,