Saturday, July 17, 2010

To Elizabeth Warren: “No help wanted!”

In my opinion, since Ms. Warren is not a neo-con and since
there are presently so many in our financial sectors from
previous administrations, her landing the position heading
the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau more than qualifies for the “Snowball in hell” metaphor.

Many of us have resigned ourselves to the fact this
administration is hearing and following a different drummer
for America and I wish them well.

The idea of a hen guarding the hen house with an AK-47
rifle flung over her shoulder is pure fantasy. (Smile)

Treasury Makes A Mistake – Claiming They Are Not Blocking
Elizabeth Warren

By Simon Johnson
Failing to appoint Elizabeth Warren would be the straw that
breaks the camel’s back. It will go down in the history
books as a turning point – downwards – for this administration.

Read more at:

Friday, July 16, 2010

The invisible government of Haiti (Update)

Last night and six months after the earthquake in Haiti, the
anonymous man was telling Anderson Cooper of 360 fame that anyone
wanting to distribute food or goods to the people of Haiti has to fill out
the appropriate papers.

That sounds easy enough. I do not know why simply filling out papers
was not more widely known. This morsel of information makes me
wonder if various charities and countries who are donating money
also have to simply fill out papers to have the money distributed? And
what about donations from individual donors?

Right after the earthquake, I saw the President of Haiti on television
one time. I never saw his wife, Minister of Defense, Minister of
Agriculture, Commissioner of Parks and Planning or other persons one
associates with a functioning government even if it has fallen on hard times. Is this by design or are they all camera shy? Is there optimism in seeing the Presidential Palace being re-built? Where are the President and his cabinet members residing?

You would think after such a disaster has befallen a country the faces
of its governing body would be as familiar to us as those of Sarah
Palin and Glenn Beck. Sad, and all this time I felt Anderson was doing
a good job. In my opinion, its time for a bit more optimism than we are getting. There is too much doom and gloom. Will the sun ever come out again in Haiti?

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for
the help,
P.S. I have been forced to use Microsoft Works 4.0. Help is on the way!

(Update) The Political Roadblocks to Haiti's Reconstruction
Immediately after the quake $10 billion in international aid was pledged. As of June 30 only 10 percent of the $2.5 promised for 2010 had been delivered. A lot of it has been held up in political wrangling. The international community – led by the US, France and Canada – demanded the Haitian parliament pass an 18-month long state of emergency law that effectively gave up government control over the reconstruction. Holding up the money was a pressure tactic designed to ensure international control of the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti, authorized to spend billions.

These maneuvers were met by protest and widespread hostility in Haiti, which forced the international community to back off a little. Initially, a majority of seats on the Commission were to represent foreign governments and international financial institutions. That’s been reduced to half of the 26-member committee, but the money is still to be managed by the World Bank and other international institutions. Former US President Bill Clinton and Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive co-chair the reconstruction commission, which met for the first time on June 17.
Read more at:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Racism, a myth! Anti-Semitism, fact!

‘Tis true when Blacks, who should know what they are
talking about cry “Racism!”, everybody and their Mama
want to take us to the woodshed telling us how crazy we are
with great emphasis on having generational delusions.

With the Jewish community, who also should know what
they are talking about when they cry “Anti-Semitism!”, it is
acknowledge as Gods’ spoken word.

In that context, it appears Rev. Jesse Jackson doesn’t know
what he is talking about but Abraham Foxman is always on

We Blacks do not argue with the Jewish community over
their generational anti-Semitism labels. We continue as the
tree, tending to the business of growing and minding our
own business.

As always,

Jesse: LeBron James Was Treated Like a 'Runaway Slave'
By Larry Elder
In post-Obama-election America, Jackson and Al Sharpton (the Robin to Jackson's
Batman) struggle with a declining market share. They are rabble-rousers in search of
rabble to rouse, race-card players in need of race cards when anti-black racism has
become an inconsequential matter. With their dark view of "race relations" in "White
America," they never saw Obama coming. They lacked the awareness to see that America
had changed and that Obama's election was possible.

Read more at:

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Obamas’ Presidency: The canary in the coal mine?

After the President uttered the last words to his oath of office granting him permission to enter Americas’ mine, most of us look in horror as he gasp, stagger and stumble.

Many of us on-lookers were aware of the toxic environment in America but did not know to what extent. Now we do..... and we pray, “God, bless America!”
As always,

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

LeBron James and poster Tim Withers

I can savor the satisfaction of Tim Withers while picking
this picture of LeBron James to compliment his recent posting on Huffington Post.

Mr. Withers is one of many posters at Huffington Post
having to confront the daunting task of picking just the
right picture of Blacks to accompany their stories.

For them, it has to be a laborious task looking through stacks
of pictures choosing just the right one that would yield
Brownie points and bring a smile to the face of their boss,
Arianna. In my opinion, this practice has gone on far to
long for her to not have noticed.

Dan Gilbert: LeBron James Letter Had
Nothing To Do With Slavery

"Shortly after James' announcement, Gilbert fired off an incendiary letter to Cavs fans, vilifying the 25-year-old and calling his decision to bolt Cleveland as "narcissistic" and "cowardly behavior." He also guaranteed his team would win an NBA title "BEFORE THE SELF-TITLED FORMER 'KING' WINS ONE."

Gilbert is attending the owners' meetings in Las Vegas, where Stern fined him $100,000
for the "inappropriate" comments about James.

Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the
unborn for the help,

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Blacks and the Electoral College

In my opinion, the Electoral College exposes how deceitful the Democratic party has been using it as a behind the scenes manipulator.

When dealing with Blacks in America, some have concluded it is of the uppermost importance to deceive for fears of a Carter G. Woodson, Martin Luther King or a Malcolm X peeping their cards.

It would be interesting to me to know the year the Electoral College was instituted and the true rationale as stated in the decree.

In my opinion, getting rid of the Electoral college would yield better Democrats who do not have to listen to and make pledges to the wish lists of the various Delegates and Super Delegates.

This practice may be the reason Pres. Obama picked Hillary Clinton, Rahm Emanuel, Tim Geither etc., due to the fact he needs their influence in the Electoral College for his re-election.

I am mindful during the ‘08 Presidential Elections how the distractions regarding Delegates and Super Delegates were voluminous and irritating. In my opinion, it was the first time many of us got a birds’ eye view as to how tricky the Democratic party is and why so many of us have fragile relationships with it. Most of the Democratic traitors are imbedded within the Super Delegate culture, demanding various favors for their votes etc.,

With the full exposure of the Electoral College, we can summarize past events of “a wink and nod” between the two parties: “I will put up a candidate to let your candidate win with hands down. What are you going to do for me?”

As always,

P.S. I note during the ‘08 elections, Rahm did not pledge support for Obama.

Superdelegates' Clout CURBED? Democrats Propose Less Influence For VIP Delegates

WASHINGTON — Democrats have taken an initial step toward limiting the influence of so-called independent superdelegates in choosing the party's presidential nominee in 2012.
Read more at: