Friday, May 18, 2012

Constructing an assassin 101

In my opinion, some leading members of the media and other entities are methodically building the  mind of a person whom they hope would assassinate  Pres. Obama.

They do not know who their would-be assassin is nor do  they care. They do know, however, the political and emotional demographics in which he resides so they are vigorously  seeking  him out in those arenas. Time is of the essence to them with the up coming November elections getting closer and closer as their desperation glows brighter by the news hour. 

They are positioning the mind of their would-be assassin to the point he feels the President is his mortal enemy as well as the enemy of other decent people and as an American citizen, he is duty bound to save his country from such a person.

 This would-be assassin of President Obama  is so cornered and squeezed by the media that he feels he has no choice but to exercise what he considers his patriotic duty. John Wilkes Booth (Abraham Lincoln)  felt this way as did Lee Harvey Oswald (John F. Kennedy) and James Earl Ray (Dr. Martin Luther King). They were all successful monsters gleefully created by our US media and,  to my knowledge, were not paid assassins. Sad.

As always,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A thousand words cartoon

Pollsters are running around saying (lying) there is a dead heat tie in the Presidential race between Obama and Romney. LOLROF!
As always,

Time presents a dilemma (A ballet)

Time has passed him by. It does not have to be your fifty three year old family member. It could be anyone you know and love. The question would read: “What do you do with a relative or friend that time has passed them by, left them behind and kept moving on?”

Whom do you confront? Where do you direct your distress? Would it help begging that elusive thing called time to slow down and wait awhile for your loved one to catch up?

Time continues looking ahead, trudging forward and replies once again as he has throughout the ages:
- I wait for no one.
…..and the tragedy is gently placed back into your lap. What to do?

Love always,