Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tom Engelhardt, party pooper! (Update)

Don't Turn the Page on History: Facing the American World We Created
By Tom Engelhardt
Admittedly, we're a people who don't really believe in history -- so messy, so discomforting, so old. Even the recent past is regularly wiped away as the media plunge us repeatedly into various overblown crises of the moment, a 24/7 cornucopia of news, non-news, rumor, punditry, gossip, and plain old blabbing, of which each of these flaps has been but a tiny example. In turn, any sense of the larger picture surrounding each one of them is, soon enough, lessened by a media focus on a fairly limited set of questions: Was Congress adequately informed? Should the president have suppressed those photos?
The flaps, in other words, never add up to a single Imax Flap-o-rama of a spectacle. We seldom see the full scope of the legacy that we -- not just the Obama administration -- have inherited. Though we all know that terrible things happened in recent years, the fact is that, these days, they are seldom to be found in a single place, no less the same paragraph. Connecting the dots, or even simply putting everything in the same vicinity, just hasn't been part of the definitional role of the media in our era. So let me give it a little shot.

I love people who can keep things in their proper perspective. I speak of those persons who have either the innate or learned abilities or both to have such organizational skills as to force America to look at itself; “The Man in the Mirror” so to speak. Kudos and a hat-tip to Mr. Engelhardt. All of America should be proud of his valued talents. I am!
As always,
Deepak Chopra: Why US Needs To Stop Being A Superpower
July 24th, 2009, 4:35 PM EDT
Under the sway of neocon ambitions, in particular, the Bush era was marked by a failed attempt to dominate the globe militarily. Mired in Afghanistan and scarred by Iraq, those ambitions proved to be shameful and foolish. A group of misguided gunslingers led to a catastrophe. Have we come to the point where disillusionment will lead us where we need to go: the end of playing the superpower role?

Black Harvard Prof. does not trump a Cambridge Police Sgt.

The Gates Incident
Living in a Police State
Prof. Gates, who was understandably outraged at the whole situation, properly told the sergeant that he wanted his name and his badge number, because he intended to file a complaint. Whether or not the officer had done anything wrong by that point is not the issue. It was Gates’ right as a citizen to file a complaint. The officer’s alleged refusal to provide his name and badge number was improper and, if Gates’ claim is correct, was a violation of the rules that are in force in every police department in the country.
But whatever the real story is regarding the showing of identification information by Gates and the officer, police misconduct in this incident went further. Gates reportedly got understandably angry and frustrated at the officer for refusing to provide him with this identifying information and/or for refusing to accept his own identification documents, and at that point the officer abused his power by arresting Gates and charging him with disorderly conduct.

All that is said and done, there is a long American history of all that has previously been said and done under similar circumstances and we are all very grateful Prof. Gates was not murdered during the incident. There are well documented questionable conduct of the police resulting from similar circumstances.
As always,
P.S. In my opinion, the arresting police officer’s refusal to apologize is a big clue as to what he really wanted to do at the time.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lobbyist get $1.4 million a day to obfuscate?

Obfuscate (To make so confused or opaque as to be difficult to perceive or understand: "A great effort was made . . . to obscure or obfuscate the truth" )

Spending $1.4 million per day to pay lobbyist to rebuke the Healthcare Reform Bill doesn’t make sense to me. I strongly suspect “Smoke’n mirrors” or at best, a lie to intimidate.
The major health interests have spent an average of $1.4 million per day to lobby Congress so far this year and are on track to spend more than half a billion dollars by the end 2009. That comes out to about $2,600 per day per member of the House and Senate. The pharmaceutical lobby alone spent $733,000 per day in the first quarter of 2009. Since 2000, the industries have spent over $3 billion on lobbying, with the total increasing every year and rising more than 142 percent over the course of the decade. In each of the past four years health interests have been the number-one lobbying force in Washington, measured in expenditures, and have averaged over $1 million per day.

If such a deal were made with lobbyist I can not understand what they were contracted to do for that kind of money. The only evidence I can see are some new faces and posters using words like Public Options, Co-ops, Single Payer, Membership Insurance and other words preventing a consistent strain of consciousness when discussing the Healthcare Reform Bill. This maybe the results of the aged old slogan, “Counting the chickens before they hatch” as the bill they are lobbying against has yet to be written and published. I repeat, it doesn’t make sense!

However, what does make sense to me is $1.4 million a day to finance a political coup here in America as witnessed by the remarks of *Sen. Dimint, “The senator said healthcare would be Obama's 'Waterloo'”. I have become fully aware of late the money, time and energy America spends in destabilizing other countries and I now feel those efforts are directed towards America from within and for a Myriad
(1. Constituting a very large, indefinite number; innumerable: the myriad fish in the ocean.2. Composed of numerous diverse elements or facets: the myriad life of the metropolis.)
of reasons. And for some strange reason and in my opinion, this shoe fit’s the major health industries spending a phantom $1.4 million a day for lobbyist. In making effort to de-stabilize a country, you have to start somewhere. Also adhering to my position are the recent actions and nebulous marching orders of one Sarah Palin, a supporter of a secessionist movement. Kosovo, the country of Georgia and the state of Israel readily comes to mind. America is still a young country and destined to go through many changes. Perhaps the time is neigh to convene a Continental Congress to take a look at a new Constitution for our protection. The man said “The times they are a’changin’”.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
*News results for Sen. Demint+Waterloo

Honduran Coup Reveals Crisis of Democracy in the United States as Well
Three weeks have passed since the military coup d'état in Honduras, yet the United States has failed to join the international community in issuing a clear denunciation of the illegal overthrow of the government of Honduras. Despite a statement by President Obama calling the coup illegal and recognizing Zelaya as the legitimate president, the US State Department refuses to classify what occurred as a coup or to take decisive steps required by law, including cutting off aid to the Micheletti government. The crisis of democracy in Honduras has unmasked a crisis in the United States as well.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Where oh where are the Blue Dog pollsters? (Update)

In my opinion, something is not right with the media in relationship to the Healthcare Reform bill that is sucking the oxygen out of America.

Long story short, I am hearing the *Blue Dog Democrats are the bad guys, the obstructionist of the bill if you will, and they have been named and identified. Well and good but what I am not hearing or seeing are poll results from their individual states. I am not hearing the poll percentage of how many citizens of the obstructionist’s state favor Pres. Obama or how many are on welfare with no medical insurance or how many have died with no insurance or even how many of them do or do not agree with the decision of their Blue Dog Congressman to not vote for the Healthcare Bill, etc. Nothing! Nothing regarding the mood of the identified obstructionist’s individual strengths nor weaknesses amongst his constituents regarding his stance on the Healthcare Reform bill. Where oh where are the pollsters??

I can not be clearer as to what I am not hearing. I want to hear what the Blue Dog’s constituents are hearing. It can not be the same thing I am hearing. What are the editorials and Op-ed pieces written in their local newspapers reporting? If this information were available, I may agree with the Blue Dog obstructionist the bill should not be supported but I can not make that decision without hearing the other side from the villagers themselves of that Blue Dog‘s state via a comprehensive and reliable poll. Do they have their lanterns and pitchforks out? If so, for whom? Do they know what their representative is doing? Do they care?? I wonder as I wander.

- (Blue Dog #1) Sid?
-This is Blue Dog #1 and I want to tell you that you have asked me to make a hell of a sacrifice. My career is on the line.
-What do you mean (You pitiful little bastard)?
- What do I mean? I mean you have asked me not to vote for the Healthcare Bill and my people are getting very angry with me, I tell you!
-Well, what can they do about it?
-They can not re-elect me, that’s what they can do about it!
-Is that all that’s bothering you (You crazy ass)?
-How will I manage without a job?
-How no fear, Blue Dog #1 because we are making plans to have all of you Blue Dogs go to either Alaska or South Carolina to be in the local and state politics there. We take care of our own. You can argue amongst yourselves which state you want to go to.
-What about Texas?
-Sure! We can put Texas in the mix.
-Then what about Washington, D.C.?
-Washington, D.C. is out. (Don’t push your luck, you dipstick! If you clowns come back here to Washington we may see the first lynching of a white man in the history of the city!)
-As long as you are aware of the risk we are taking, that’s find. I gotta go now to call Blue Dog #2 to tell him the good news.
-Tell him and the rest of the Blue Dogs we got their backs (You miserable scumbag)! Bye. (Just talking to you makes me want to vomit!)
As always,

P.S. While writing this blog I saw the Rachel Maddow Show wherein she corrected some “mis-speaks” uttered by Pat Buchanan on an earlier show.
- (Pat Buchanan on his dying bed and the last words he snals in his dying breath….) I hate you Rachel Maddow!

What's Wrong with the Media?
By Cenk Uygyr
* Here are the current members of the Blue Dog Coalition (from House.Gov):
Hat Tip to diarist Verbalpaintball,-well-brand-you-permanently.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Obama and Jackson megaphones

It was more in the past than in the present did I note Rev. Jesse Jackson with his fame and accomplishments in the areas of Civil Rights had to also be his own press corp.

He was effective! I would imagine he pondered early in his career why the media registered amnesia when he ever did or said anything. In other words, as the media had it, he was just grabbing the microphone as “a flash in the pan.” It was during this time I noted Rev. Jackson spending more of his media time bringing the public up to speed not only of what he was currently doing but also presenting his past credentials for doing it.

The media grew weary by saying things like, “Rev. Jackson never saw a microphone he didn’t like”, but what was it to do; after all this was THE Rev. Jackson speaking. For reasons which I am still very grateful but remain baffled, the media never turned against him. Of course there were isolated instances but never a massive media effort to discredit anything he did or said.

I am taking note Pres. Obama following in the foot-steps of Rev. Jackson by repeating the accomplishments of his administration every chance he can in coherent and concise manners. I often see on Dkos succinct diaries of his accomplishments to date but not in mainstream media nor articulated by political pundits. In my opinion, everything Pres. Obama and his administration does in the eye of the media is treated as “Soup of the day” issues. They cover their laziness with BS by saying how short the memory of the public is and get away with it. The enclosed *diary by scamperdo is one of many in defiance of their claims as to our short memories. BTW, it is my opinion the ungracious and perhaps diabolical lack of the media’s long memory that is greatly contributing to its rapid demise.

However, I remain mindful of criticism stating Pres. Obama is doing too much which in translation means, “To Sir, with love, we can not keep up with the class!” and those claims are coming from graduates of such institutions as the Columbia School of Journalism but oh, how they can keep up with Sarah Palin. It must be the water at Columbia. (Smile)
As always,
P.S. Zell Miller does not realize Pres. Obama and his administration have been using Gorilla Glue since January trying to hold this country together in spite of creeps like him. Gorilla Glue may well be neo-con and Zionist antiseptic keeping this country from going the chaotic way of the Gaza strip. The good Mr. Miller is so observant! Let’s all give to him a hearty three cheers and a frosty glass of Hemlock wishing him well in paying off his IOU debts to Lucifer!

Political Dinner Theatre
-Zell, Zell, Zell! What do you think I was doing when I was granting you all those mean spirited wishes? Did you think they were for free? You mean to tell me you had no idea you were talking to me instead of to my nemesis, God? Is that what you thought?? (LOLROF) To hell with you, (More laughter) and that’s no pun! (Hysterical)

*Obama pivoting, NO August recess until health care reform!?
by scamperdo
Obama stated 3 principals he campaigned heavily on and have most public support and left it up to Congress to come up with a plan/bill. Unlike Clinton, Obama made Congress OWN the bill. Meanwhile, he went ahead and confronted AMA and other special interests and basically twisted their arms to get onboard so yeah they could fight off any hints of their great fear, single payer.
If Health reform goes down, Obama will pivot like the ruthless street fighter he can be, and shove the failure down GOP and Congress throat.
He's already fucking preparing that defense in his latest STRONG statements, demanding Congress get it DONE. He's set himself up on the SIDE OF THE PEOPLE clamoring for real life CHANGE but being blocked by CONGRESS and special interests.

And why is it still Democrats vs Republicans when (11+ / 0-)
there are no more reasonable Republicans left and there are as many INDEPENDENTS in the public as there are Democrats or Republicans?
Where in the hell are the array of "independent" voices on these political talk shows? Why do Republicans get such a disproportionate amount of air time when they are royal fuck ups and hardly any rational person even identifies as a Republican anymore?
This bullshit is silencing the "sensible middle" which could be a very helpful perspective in all this so we can make PROGRESS......
Texas: Molly Ivins, Ann Richards, Walter Cronkite, Bill Moyers, Barbara Jordan, Lloyd Bentsen, Jim Hightower, Dan Rather, Ron Paul, Willie Nelson, LBJ
by TX Unmuzzled on Sat Jul 18, 2009 at 04:30:00 PM PDT,-NO-August-recess-until-health-care-reform!