Saturday, August 21, 2010

Spare the rod, spoil a nation

“Rashamon” is a Japanese movie made in 1950 with the unique theme of having four witnesses delivering four different and extremely believable accounts of the rape of a woman and the murder of her husband.

I join the Rashamon throng telling what we think has happened to America.

The populace has discovered there is no longer a disciplinarian holding our society accountable. We are uncomfortable having our government run by known and proven murderers, torturers, liars of all stars and stripes and shameless thieves. This fact has permeated a dangerous restlessness in the air. There could not be a more un-healthy environment to raise children.

As always,

The Ultimate Corporation: A Tale of Blood
by LaFeminista
But by paying fines rather than facing criminal charges on the export violations, Blackwater will be able to continue to obtain government contracts.

They are still liable to be prosecuted for their crimes in theory, but to those that remember the slaughter in Baghdad when they showed their true colors will doubt that will ever happen. With a little PR and a name change; they managed to just walk away from murder.
Read more at:

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dems to me: “You’re delusional!”

With all hell breaking out in our political arena regarding the building of a Muslin Mosque in New York City and with many of our venerated Democrats heading for the exit signs while running out of the arena en-mass and with all the confusion and screaming and yelling, it was dis-quieting hearing above the pandemonium the shrill voices of Gov. Patterson, Howard Dean and House Speaker Harry Reid telling me I have been delusional thinking Democrats really wanted to or could run this country.

When the lions were released and before Patterson, Dean and Reid threw down their arms to hull-ass for the exits gates, Patterson noted to Dean how hungry the lions were smelling and Dean nervously noted he had not realized lions were so big especially after not having eaten in almost a month and Reid, holding up his badly soiled pants, was yelling for all of them to just get the hell out of there!

And there I was….. alone in the middle of the arena…. shivering in my wheelchair.... with cheering crowds in the stands and hungry lions approaching.... I could swear with each advancing paw of the lions hitting the ground, I head the words, “You're delusional!”
As always,

Gov. Paterson, The Mosque... And Those Pesky Reporters »
By Celeste Katz
Paterson called Ground Zero “hallowed ground” and said he does not support efforts to oppose mosques in other areas, including Staten Island.
Read more at:

Heroes, villains and cowards of the so-called "ground zero mosque"
By Alex Pareene

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Freedom of Speech and other countries

It is a wonderful feeling believing no other civilized country except America would have persons with the mental aptitudes of a Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin articulating utter nonsense driving its political news cycles.
And since I have that belief, the American “freedom of speech” issue comes up.

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution protects the right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression from government interference.

The right to freedom of speech is recognized as a human right under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted in 1948

I find it hard to believe framers of the Constitution had people like Limbaugh, Beck and Palin in mind when said people had freedom of speech. I would like to believe they were talking about rational speech from gentlemen. I think at the time they were speaking of rich, white landowners until the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Even in 1948 I believe they were talking about rational speech but this time, it would be for everybody.

In my opinion, a country has meaningful growth with the accepted wisdom of its most vocal and respected citizenry. Wisdom is to a healthy citizenry as water is to a tree.

Lesson should have been learned long ago by Mainstream Media including television producers and blog managers that a country can not prosper and grow on a steady diet of trifles. I suspect they feel we should feel what Limbaugh, Beck and Palin are saying is as important to us as it is to them.

If we continue along this path, Sarah Palin will indeed be on the Presidential ticket for 2012 and we will all vote for her out of fears of being called a Nazi.

As always,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is it now Israels’ move in Iraq?

During the build-up to the Iraqi war, I am mindful reading from some anti-war postings that Israel wants the U.S. to invade three countries: *Iraq, Syria and Iran.

Tonight there was good and bad news that the U.S. has “ended” the war in Iraq which could be a wish fulfilled for Israel with acts two and three to follow.

It has been my subliminal understanding Israel wanted us, America, to invade and de-stabilize these countries with or without a clear rationale enabling them to come in reaping a multitude of benefits under the radar screen. Their stated reason, however, was removing future threats to Israel and “Protecting Israels’ right to exist”.

The Bush/Cheney Administration took heed to Israels’ clarion call for protection by successful invading and de-stabling Iraq, putting Syria and Iran on back burners.
To be continued….

As always,
P.S. I am disappointed Michael Ware was not right there with Rachel Maddow reporting the end of “Iraqi Freedom”. In my opinion, Mr. Ware is to Iraq as Anderson Cooper and Dr. SanJay Cupta are to Haiti. Michael was never allowed to recover from his difference of opinion with Sen. John McCain.

by Granny Doc
In an exclusive, Richard Engle is riding a Stryker 15 minutes from the border with the last combat brigade to leave Iraq!! Iraqi Freedom is over.
Two weeks early!!

Read more at:!!Turn-on-MSNBC-RIGHT-NOW!!

The baseball game

Obama pitches the ball to us. He has told us to hold him accountable and, by implication, to hit a home run when he pitches the ball to us. Time after time one of us from his well wishing constituency have battered up at the plate only to find the President does not know how to pitch. Plain and simple. The ball our President pitches to us always has funny things happening to it once it leaves his hand. There have been good left-handed pitchers in the past but really…..

Our Team
1st base - Nancy Pelosi
2nd - Harry Reid
3rd - Rahm Emanuel
Catcher - David Axelrod
Empire - Charlie Gibbs
Pitcher - Pres. Obama
Out field - Whomever cabinet member feels like wondering onto the field on a given day.
Batter line up - The one, the only, the infamous (drum roll) Professional Lefts.

Ah, were I a baseball fan….. (Sigh)

As always,
Further enlightenment:
Duke Ellington “It don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing”

"Team" from "You're a good man, Charlie Brown"

Monday, August 16, 2010

U.S. Constitution offends some people

Joan Walsh, Senior Editor of put it in context for me. I speak of the hue and cry regarding an Islamic Mosque being built close to the 9/11 Twin Towers site. The one called Ground Zero.

This evening on the Ed Schultz Show, Ms. Walsh related the elation of her parents when Irish Catholic John Kennedy was elected 35th President of the United States of America on January 20, 1961.

I immediately recalled long forgotten memories how the American Pots and Pan Brigades polarized the country regarding propaganda of the Pope dictating American policies through Pres. Kennedy and the fact a Catholic had never before been a President of the U.S. It was all doom and gloom and it was ugly!

And now the same conspicuously older clunking and banging Pots and Pan Brigades, along with a few younger converts, are telling us how offended they are with the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution allowing freedom of religions in America.

The U.S. Constitution speaks:
How shall I offend thee? Let me count the ways. I will allow John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Barack Hussein Obama to become President of the United States of America. I will allow the abolishment of slavery and allow Black and white children to be educated in the same building. I will allow Blacks to vote and bestow unto them freedoms to marry out of their race and live wherever their desires lead them. I will offend thee. Let me count the ways. I cannot and will not apologize for offending you for the very reasons that you are so offended, you will never, ever understand my realities. With that said, I’ll let you onto a little secret about me, myself, being offended: What is offensive to me is the fact that close to ten years after the 9/11 incident, your venerated Twin Towers “sacred Grounds Zero” site is still a mere hole in the ground and chances are the disputed Mosque will be built and fully functional before the new Twin Towers get out of its hole in the ground. I remind you, the new Twin Towers has been under construction for the past ten years. Let’s talk about offenses, shall we, and just for fun, let’s hurl “priorities” into the mix and, oh, let us not forget throwing in the venerated “mis-placed anger!”

As always,
P.S. The ADL may not realize with its position on the Mosque being built in New York City near Ground Zero, they have re-kindled feelings regarding accurate and sober accounts of the Holocaust.

Were we better off with the draft?

It is my understanding that 1% of our population joins the volunteer military and I do not know what percentage of the population was in the military when there was a draft.

However, my contentions remain the same regardless of the number of troops we have; more than ever, America wants to be policeman for the world.

And as the worlds' police station, America has its code of conduct which is its constitution, faithfully followed to the letter by the Military Industrial Complex. The basic tenants of the constitution is wealth by any means necessary but first and foremost, the police station must have manpower and that takes on a life of its own; needs and goals have to be created for a volunteer army:
Most influential is the Needs (content) Theory
The underlying concept is the belief that an unsatisfied need creates tension and a state of disequilibrium. To restore balance, a goal is identified that will satisfy the need and a behavior pathway to this goal is selected.

To this very day we are witnessing the process of satisfying the needs of the military. There is in existence a weakening of our educational system, embarrassing un-employment numbers and patriotic efforts to completely dehumanize other populations of the world.

Extra enticements for recruitment are the lowering of standards for -amongst other things- high school diplomas, tattoos, age and criminal records.

We can all, hallelujah, become “Duh police!” That would be our biggest contribution as a country and appears to be the perpetual wet dream of our American oligarchy.

I am mindful of something I heard long ago. It seems there was a time when people in other countries would fondly say, “The Americans are coming” but are now saying, “Yikes! The Americans are coming!”

As always,
P.S. Funny how fast Dr. Laura left the news scene as soon as there was serious talk about boycotting her sponsors. Bet’cha her sponsors took the threats very seriously and had a talk with “The good ol’ boys” in the control rooms.