Friday, July 02, 2010

Michael Steele disappoints RNC! (Sigh)

The Republican National Committee (RNC) has hopefully learned through hiring Chairman Michael Steele there is a difference between a thoughtful Black hot head and an incorrigibly Black stupid.

In my opinion, the RNC wanted a Black counterbalance to Pres. Obama to constantly entertain them with political “Black on Black crimes”.

And so it was they gleefully envisioned carefully choreographed agitations between Mr. Steele and the President as they voted for their darling Michael Steele to become their Chairman on that January night in 2009.

It was then the RNC voters also projected their desires to see the hilarity of a “Thriller in Manila!” a “Call on the mall!” a “White House Blackout!” In other words, they wanted an Alan Keyes but alas, they got a man-up Michael Steele thereby dispelling yet another myth assuming since we Blacks all look alike to them, we must also think alike.

Hang in there, Michael! Rah! Rah! Rah! We all have to swim through this shit! Just be thankful you have not fallen into the claws of Nancy Grace and Gloria Allred. They have wild, voracious feasts on Black mens' reputations using his un-laundered underwear as plate mats.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Michael Steele Officially Dumbest Person in the GOP
by Britethorn
Well, apparently Michael Steele, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee never got the memo alerting him to the fact that he’s now living in the 21st Century and should always assume that he’s being recorded, because all it takes to bring a politician down now is a live mic and a really stupid statement – which in this case Michale Steele provided at an RNC event where, when speaking about the war in Afghanistan, he said: "Keep in mind again, federal candidates, this was a war of Obama's choosing.

Just think about it.  Every time Palin, Bachman or any of the other goofballs say anything stupid, the party extremists turn what they said into a fund-raising drive.  Its pretty hard to see anyone but Democrats picking up any contributions from the stupidity that is Michael Steele!
Read more at:

Can a coincidence be manufactured?

·in·ci·dence play_w2("C0465800") (k-ns-dns, -dns)n.1. The state or fact of occupying the same relative position or area in space.2. A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.

My collective concern centers around three people who moved into political spaces guaranteeing “Business as usual in America”. And all three of them, Sarah Palin, Alvin Green and Sharron Angle, give the appearance of being challenged in one form or another. I do not recall such coincidences’ occurring when we had paper ballots to count.

I speak of Sarah Palin who allowed John McCain to remain in the Senate, Alvin Greene who will possibly enable Jim DeMint to keep his job and Sharron Angle who will, in all likelihood, be defeated by Harry Reid. This is strange to me.

In my opinion, I am siding with Markos Vs. Research 2000 in concluding there’s a fly in the milk somewhere with our polling and voting instruments.

It appears the oligarchy has the U.S. Supreme Court in its back pocket and all attention can now be concentrated on the total seizure of our Congress by any means necessary!
As always,

Thursday, July 01, 2010

On reading my latest novel....

The decision to order my latest novel from was not a difficult one. I usually look for five star novels and after reading one or two random pages and a few comments, I make my decision.

I was looking for new reading materials after a very satisfying reading of “The Cartel” by Ashley & JaQuavis and wanted to read another good book quick and in a hurry!

So it was this five star book, “Murder on the Gold Coast” by Barbara Fleming, did I read these three curtain opening sentences:
“Answer me! Who’s out there?” The silence was both ominous and confusing because he knew someone had entered the house.

Once upon a time, I read a reader divulging if he does not hear the authors’ voice in the first three pages of a book, he does not invest further reading time. For me, it took three sentences! That was enough for me! I immediately ordered the book and it arrived a few days later, further grabbing my attention and presently turning me every which way but lose!

At first, I was intimidated by the multiple characters at the beginning of the story but the skillful writing of the author, by constantly identifying them by both first and last names, made reading easier. Also, most people who write know in spite of everything humanly possible, grammatical errors occur.

Somehow, the occasional grammatical errors in this novel by Barbara Fleming do not bother me. Ms. Fleming has something to say and is saying it well. I would always tell students in my music classes you do not need the biggest and most expensive stereo equipment to recognize a good performance when you hear one and then I would go on telling them of my enjoyable music experiences listening to music on my crystal radio and on 78 records.

As always,
P.S. I was never a fast reader of books. But of late, my speed is increasing and I do not know if it is a blessing or a curse. (Smile)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Will “Chicken Little” be at Gen. Petraeus’ confirmation hearings?

Nursery rhymes are such handy tools and so much fun to read. You can find one for almost all of lifes’ situation. Their aged old endless cornucopia of wisdom never cease to both amaze and amuse me.

This morning, I found a "Chicken Little" scenario in the following passage written by *Robert Greenwald for the Huffington Post:
"Next week, during General Petraeus' confirmation hearing, you'll see politicians calling for delaying American withdrawal from Afghanistan. You'll hear cold-blooded armchair generals decrying protections for civilians in the war zone. But these vicious chest-thumpers are dangerously misreading the public mood about the war. You can prove them wrong and prove McChrystal inner circle wrong by joining the 35,000 of us organizing against the war on Rethink Afghanistan's Facebook page."

Here is the nursery rhyme….

Chicken Little was in the woods,
A seed fell on his tail.
He met Henny Penny and said,

"The sky is falling.
  I saw it with my eyes.
  I heard it with my ears.
  Some of it fell on my tail."

He met Turkey Lurkey, Ducky Lucky,
and Goosey Loosey.
They ran to tell the king.

They met Foxy Loxy.
They ran into his den,
And they did not come out again.

And here is my interest….

Come this Tuesday, I will be sitting in my living room, eating popcorn, glued to my television set, breathlessly waiting to see which one of our good Senators will be Chicken Little. I’m gonna have so much fun! Then I will focus on locating Henny Penny, the first one showing great interest and thereby, in my opinion, advancing the clarion call for delaying troop withdrawals from Afghanistan.

And then I will sit back, pop more popcorn as needed and begin watching the rest of the barn yard cheerleaders do their festive and colorful half-time “Sky Is Falling” thingy.

Yessireree, this Tuesday I’m gonna have a ball! Who says politics is boring and ain’t no fun? Tuesday is becoming one of my favorite days of the week. (Smile)
As always,
