Saturday, May 16, 2009

Two American albatross: Lexicon and abbreviations (Update)

*Lexicon: A stock of terms used in a particular profession, subject, or style; a vocabulary: the lexicon of surrealist art.3. Linguistics The morphemes of a language considered as a group.

One of the hardest things I do as a political junkie is to get family and friends on board. With me, being a political junkie can be annoying to close friends and relatives and even to co-workers but then, as the man said, “I am what I am!”

Lexicon. I was talking to Nephew the other day splainin’ some of the problems we are having with Universal Health Care. And knowing the issue would be in the news a lot, my objective was to give him some workable knowledge including the all important code words, “Single payer”. After our conversation and feeling good about my bringing Nephew on board, I noticed words other than “Single payer” being banter around to describe the information regarding Universal Health Care.

Some feelings of defeat began to set in with my
reminiscing all the time I spent explaining to Nephew how the words “Single payer” were being used. Now it appears every pundit and commentator wants to use his/her words instead of the words, “Single payer!” We get “One Payer”, “Medicare” and a host of other words including “Socialist” and “Marxist”. Everyone wants you to use their words in describing efforts to break the stranglehold big pharmaceutical companies have on our health system.

There are times even I become frustrated at the lack of uniformity in delivering news to the general public; the non-political ones, if you will. With all the manipulating of the language and gross interpretations, one may get the impression the non-political junkie thinks more is going on with the issue than he knows with evermore complexity. Not so! But trying to hold Nephew still to further explain what is happening maybe dangerous to my health. I am the political junkie and Nephew is not, so how is he to get a basic grip on such a practice unless someone takes the time to tell him? It is frustrating to me and I can only imagine how such endeavors would keep Nephew in his comfort zone; not trying to venture out to understand some of this shit going on in the political arena.

Incidentally, Nephew is fifty two years old and who periodically reminds me of his non-political comfort zone. (Smile) After all, he did ever so politely sit through my “ranting” the first time and I do not want to push my luck. There are consequences! So I blog with energetic and baseless optimism!

Abbreviations. As a second issues, I have no way to explain to Nephew or anyone the many abbreviations thrown around these day by people considering themselves using language of the experts as if we were all in the board rooms wherein abbreviations on the subject are appropriate and perhaps encouraged. To expose that language to the general public is, in my opinion, simply bad manners. It does not impress me at all. The word “rude” comes to mind.

In all honesty, I confess to begin reading an article with abbreviations in its title hoping the writer would have the courtesy to tell me in the opening sentences of the first paragraph what the hell the abbreviations stand for. Nine times out of ten, it is not done. The author seems to be saying, “I’m smart and you’re not! You should know what those abbreviations stand for. Tut-tut. Shame on poor lit’le un-informed you!”

There have been many an article I have abandoned due to the fact I could not understand what all the beautiful writing was about due to the fact I could not start off reading the article with a clear understanding what the abbreviations stood for. Due to the subject matter there would be times I would struggle with the article, but most of the time I would end up abandoning it.

Back to lexicon. Finally, as a political junkie, I find myself up against a stone wall after investing much time watching congress discussing a bill up to voting time. While the congress is voting and C-Span is showing you a chart as to how the Republicans and Democrats are voting, the language put up on the screen in efforts to tell you what is going on is the weirdest sentence structures I have ever seen in my life. I would imagine it is “Tee-hee” times for the person responsible for the supposed enlightenment but it is truly “KMA!” time for me. I leave the program in compete disgust with justifiable feelings of having wasted my time. Lexicon is not for public consumption. In my opinion it is not appropriate. It is rude, elitist and does not say nice things about the perpetrator.

With each new law and controversy coming out of the administration, there is new lexicon. How it is handled has a direct relationship as to how many people fully know what is going on and understand the issue. There is a time and place for using “Lexicon: A stock of terms used in a particular profession”. I would support a war on inappropriate lexicon and I pray I am using the word in the correct content.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I often wonder what happened to the astute reporter Michael Ware. I have not hear much of him since his “locking horns” with Sen. McCain. He really can explain issues well.
(Update) I am ever mindful of two things; my belief in “Universal Thought” and there is always someone who can do it better than you. Always!

Let the torture light shine: Don’t lose the debate before it starts!
by p gorden lippy!
Water torture has now become "waterboarding." Ooh, let’s go surfing!
Slamming people into walls, stripping them naked, humiliating them, and threatening them with dogs and sodomy have become "enhanced interrogation techniques."

Friday, May 15, 2009

The President and Detainees: Revise and Embrace

David Axelrod Defends Decision To Block Release Of Detainee Photos
Axelrod, who said that he himself has seen some of the photos although he declined to give his own opinion of them, explained that the president was concerned that the release would harm national security by inflaming passions in the Middle East

And Comment:
Toker I'm a Fan of Toker I'm a fan of this user permalink
Deciding not to release the photos was a good political move. It leaves it in the hands of the court. So if and when the photos come out it will be a decision made by the court. The right wingers will not be able to blame Obama for the release of the photos. But I'm sure they will anyway.

Another Comment:
WTF1956 I'm a Fan of WTF1956 I'm a fan of this user permalink
Wait till the troops are out of Afghanistan and Iraq, that shouldn't be much longer, then have your investigations. But at least get our folks out of harms way before you start making their jobs even harder than it already is. I'm sure the world community can understand that.

I am mindful of two highly profiled murders and, in my opinion, how reporters got friends and relatives saying the murderers were despondent due to the fact Pres. Obama was going to take away their rights to bare arms.

I present an equally and likely scenario were the President to release the newest torture pictures after his military advisers said releasing the pictures “….would put their troops in harms way”.

- (Through interpreter) We caught your ass just in time, Muhammad. You were going to blow up the police station.
Did you want to get back at America and Pres. Obama for releasing those photos? (Positions hand on gun)
- Yes.
- And are the rest of your cowardly terrorist friends also mad seeing the photos and at Pres. Obama for releasing them?
- Yes.
-And that’s why you want to kill us Americans now. Right? You want to kill us because you saw the pictures President Obama released? Right? (Tightens grip on gun) I said, Right?
-Yes! Right!
-OK. Sign here.
-Are you going to kill me?
-Funny you would ask. (Bang!) You all saw that, right? He tried to take my gun! You guys stay ‘round to clean up this mess. I got to go put this story on the wires. Purple Heart, here. I. come!
As always,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Possible Political Science test

Were I a teacher in the Political Sciences, I would think I was “Hot-stuff!” constructing a test for my students as follows:
The tradition of the Cabinet dates back to the beginnings of the Presidency itself. Established in Article II, Section 2, of the Constitution, the Cabinet's role is to advise the President on any subject he may require relating to the duties of each member's respective office.
The Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 executive departments — the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, State, Transportation, Treasury, and Veterans Affairs, as well as the Attorney General.
Name the Cabinet Member(s) and what he/she would have said to Pres. Obama at a cabinet meeting seeking their advice on the following. Sub-title, “No man is an island”.When and if possible, you may add comments from Robert Gibbs:
1. Repealing “Don’t ask, don’t tell”.
2. Lifting the trade embargo on Cuba.
3. Releasing the newest torture pictures.
4. Asking all Americans who can to grow a vegetable garden this summer.
5. Legalizing marijuana.
6. At this time, having a meeting with and endorsing “Single Payer” insurance advocates.
7 Confronting “We are socialist” label.
Example: Who and how many Cabinet Members may say, “Sorry, Mr. President. That decision would greatly impact my department. My department has its hands full right now. With all those extra lobbyist and reporters banging down my door, I would not be able to get anything done on the agenda I am now working on supporting you. Maybe later, OK? Not now”. Be creative in your answers.
As always,
P.S. I remember in Kindergarten or in first grade the teacher told us we no longer extended our arm out to salute the flag. I do not remember if it was the left or right arm. (I am now left-handed) She went on to tell us we were now going to place our right hand over our heart. Funny why I remember that now.

Inspiration post:
Obama and Latin America: No Light, All Tunnel

Negating all that, Obama told the 33 other leaders in Port of Spain that he would not lift the blockade (embargo) against Cuba until President Raul Castro did what he asked: release political prisoners, and so on. The ball, it was said, was now in Cuba's court because Obama had done his part by rolling back the harsh rules on family visits to Cuba set by Bush in 2004 and by allowing US telecommunications companies access to the Cuban market.

The summit's final declaration dutifully went along with the pretence that the summit was about "Securing Our Citizens' Future by Promoting Human Prosperity, Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability," when it was really about Cuba and US interventionism, particularly the economic blockade of Cuba and the refusal to seat Raul Castro at the summit table. Chavez remarked that the final declaration was "totally lost in time and space as if time had not passed."[4]

And well written diary:
The War on Marijuana
by valfaro

Quick to despair, I am afraid!
by fearaserin,-I-am-afraid!

Monday, May 11, 2009

State of the Union? (Update)

“Political collapse!” Those two words made me shutter. I was reading my newest book waiting for the bus to pick me up to take me home from grocery shopping. For me, waiting for the bus is good reading time but little did I suspect my reading would hook up with my constant and meandering thoughts as to why our country is in such dire straits just as Sen. Obama becomes President Obama.

I was only on page 53 of Randall Robinson’s latest book, “An Unbroken Agony” and already had flash backs to the few pages already read, constantly becoming very agitated and remain so many hours later.

The paragraph on page 53, however, reads:
Washington D.C. 2003. Over the course of 2003, the Bush administration broadened its assault on Haiti into a crippling, multipronged campaign. In addition to arming the Duvalierist insurgents and organizing Haiti’s tiny, splintered political opposition, the administration moved apace to strangle Haiti, the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, into a state of economic, social, and political collapse.
I was mindful of Rush Limbaugh saying he wants the President to fail; the contortion of things the President and members of his cabinet say; the near total collapse of our monetary system; the perils of the auto industry; China not loaning any more money; the appearance of glorifying members of the previous Bush administration.

When the bus arrived to take me home, I was a basket case. The bus driver spoke with an accent. In order to engage her into a conversation, out of complete capriciousness and a desire to talk someone, anyone about what I had just read, I asked her, “Are you Haitian?” “Yes” she replied. “How did you know?” “That’s how my life has been going lately” I managed to reply.

Our conversation was deep. She told me she came here to study Political Science but got so frustrated with the conditions in her country she switched to nursing. When I told her it is the Political Science students who are going to make a difference in her country, I do not recall her comment. However, she told me Reagan and Clinton did try to help them but it was the Bush administrations that did them in; Bush #1 and Bush #2.

Leaving early this morning to go grocery shopping, I missed nearly all of the Sunday talk shows only to read a few postings later in the day raising my blood pressure and feeding evermore voraciously into my personal conspiratorial theories.
Could it be true there are people in this country who want to produce a “…political collapse?” i.e., efforts made in Cuba and Venezuela? I am in panic mode! The bus driver said those two countries are the kindest to them and she was going to get the book I was reading. She knew of Randall Robinson. BTW, while outside of the store reading and waiting for my bus, a fellow came up to me, “What would you give me to make me go away?” I had a lousy day!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Comment I read this afternoon:
I thought the article was about Sue! Why has it suddenly centred on Obama. Well, i guess there are people who steal cant deal with the fact that a BLACK man is the most power man in the world today.
Americans are not stupid people. They made a choice which we must respect. So i guess the best thing for y'all is to DEAL with it.
By Pompi. Posted May 10 2009 at 9:25 AM.
Boyle would rather be in Blackburn than with Barack

And opening paragraph:
On CBS show "Face the Nation" a former Vice President who actually shot a man in the "face" and a lawyer no less, actually had the nerve to proclaim that he preferred Rush Limbaugh a drug addict and a man who carries around illegal Viagra over a former Secretary of State and a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell.
Poll & Worst VP in History endorses Rush the drug addict over former Chair of the JCS
by testvet6778

(Update: Hard to imagine Cheney not gaining anything from embracing a weak country like Haiti)
Dick Cheney: A Life Pattern of Sabotaging the Security of the United States
Paul Abrams

#3. Outing Valerie Plame. We know from the Libby trial that Cheney was the instigator. He may very well have been the person who conveyed Plame's name and position to Libby.
Valerie Plame was conducting an undercover operation for the CIA.
Again, Dick Cheney sabotaged the interests of the United States for his own gain.