Saturday, April 04, 2009

"America’s mentality must not grow" they decree.

I wonder how many Hannity’s, Limbaugh’s, Glen Beck’s, Savage‘s, Coulter’s et.el., there are in England and France?

In my opinion, there are reasons those personalities are rooted into our American society. The paramount reason, again in my opinion, is to keep us dumbed-down. To keep us pondering, dissecting and discussing their issues using the same circular thinking processes they use. How can we break out of those non-productive thinking modes producing meaningful growth independent of their dated and ineffectual mind sets?

With the Hannity’s et. el, crew, there is a lot of money committed to those people with efforts to keep us in an infantile mentality with no escape hatches. Take for example the salaries of those people. The salaries are constantly going up as their contracts are re-newed time and time again. That is the time the oligarchy tells us to kiss their asses; They know what is best for us. Just shut up and sit down! Signing those new contracts is usually a big deal for the both of them with lots of fan-fare, inferences of “free speech!” and “Three cheers for Ol’ Glory”.

I have noticed of late what appear to me concerted efforts on blogs and TV to keep their images and mentalities fresh in the news and hopefully, on our minds. There is the fallacious mime “We got to know what our enemies are thinking and talking about”. No we don’t! Not if our enemy is a proven fool and a traitor to the values of our country. Not it the so called “enemy” is an ordinary bum with a big mouth. Not if that so called “enemy” were to lose his or her job, there would be nothing meaningful they could contribute to the progress of our society. As I said before, a bum! A glorified bum! I have never heard a kid say they want to grow up to be just like Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter or any one of them and if any parent had a child who did, I would advocate having their parents arrested for child abuse.

The people in England and France would run that motley crew out of town on a rail! They would not take the shit from those kinds of people like we do which would suggest they have a better mentally healthy citizenry.

But America has changed. The pace has quickened. In my opinion, it started when we learned about “Delegates” and “Super Delegates” but that is another can of worms. As I was saying, I think our President Obama has shown us the way to continue our change. He has told us, in effect, it you want a better world like I do for my grandchildren, you and I should hook up and we have to start hooking up now. What I have going for me is a photographic memory, a good education and above average human instincts passed on to me by my Mother, Ann Dunham and my Father, Barack Sr. I can help. It is not going to be easy but I am the best you’ve got right now. Use me! Trust me.

The parents of the G-20 group have told their children -the participants - Don’t play with Americans any more and please don’t bring any of them home. But since Barack is your friend, you can bring him home. He’s OK, but the lot of you have to stay outside. If his other American friends start coming around, you come right into this house, do you hear me? Those people are crazy! ~First They start a war and then go crazy with their money and want us to help them! (Humph!) My fanny is me own!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Republicans complain about spending budgets. How in the world can we sustain pre-globalization budgets? Silly to even entertain the thought. Yet one more example how out of touch they are. In today's world you have to pay and pay dearly to play.

Friday, April 03, 2009

Must Obama bear the cross alone?

*Watching Pres. Obama delivering his Town Hall speech today in Strasburg, France raise images of him on his knees singing, “Please, baby, baby please. Puh-puh-puhlease baby help me. Help me somebody, anybody! Please, baby, baby puh-lease, I need you so!”

In a way, one can say I did not understand the gravity of some of America’s situations as articulated by our President in France. I was not able to raise those issues to the levels of his understanding and I am quick to note neither has anybody else.

Why can’t Dick Cheney open his trap to the G-20 group et el., as openly as he criticizes the President? Why can’t he tell them he knows he fucked up and is sorry and will do everything in his power by throwing his weight behind the President to make amends? Telling them how important he thinks it is for them to help us fight in Afghanistan? Solve our financial woes? Telling the G-20 et al., he has the endorsements of former Pres. Bush and Karl Rove, Sec. Rice and Powell who also will be taking air time to plead on behalf of America and Pres. Obama? How they will use their influential neo-con cabal machinery to save America’s prestige around the world? And…

- (K-POW!) Wake up, nigger!
- (AWE!) Why you smack me upside my head like dat fer?
- ‘Cause you sleep and talkin’ crazy again, dat’s what's fer!
As always,
*“Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone?”

Glenn Greenwald on C-Span; a brilliant presentation

Truth to power has not been more artfully articulated. Catch C-Span re-run or go to to read some of his articles. If so moved, send some to Grandma if she does not have a computer and likes to read. (Smile)
MLK Memorial Fund and “Post card” thank you
In my opinion, there are times when *egregious conduct - I hope that is the right word - grabs you with a “Hear ye, hear ye” in total bewilderment from whence some people get their inspirations. Note:

The…..Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc. would like to express our sincere appreciation for your donation of $000.00.……To ensure that the majority of your donation goes toward honoring Dr. King’s legacy, we have opted to acknowledge your gift by postcard.

Opted” they said. Boo! Some people make anonymous contributions to foundations and could possibly have donated more money to the foundation than they gave the postman for Christmas. The thought of having someone else for whatever reason reading about your personal financial contributions is not the way to go; consider for example a neighbor picking up your mail for you and the like.

There has to be people in the foundation who objected to sending postcards. Why didn’t they prevail? I will have to consider further donations with that type of exposure. There is always that one in an organization who can put a wrench in anything positive the group wants to do. Imagine in the Sunday Bulletin at Dr. King’s church someone posting the names and amount of contributions of church members from the previous week or having the church clerk call the roll!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
*Social graces are skills used to interact politely in social situations. They include manners, etiquette, deportment and fashion. Traditionally, these skills were taught primarily to young women at a finishing school or charm school. The popularity of social graces has waned over the last century, but has recently experienced a resurgence with an emphasis on business etiquette and international protocol.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

The magic Negro strikes again!

Eat your heart out, Rush! You’re irrelevancy, what was left of it, has just gotten shittier!

We all know the brilliance of the President’s mind. Many times I toy with different answers he may give to the press in response to one of their questions when I am floored, floored mind you, at the answers he comes up with. The answers embarrasses me everytime. “Why didn’t I think of that” I ask my dumb self?

What’cha wanna bet Sarkosy and China’s President Jintao will be calling our President on a regular basis soliciting his viewpoint on any issue they want to further explore. Both with their best interpreters on the other line so they won’t miss a thing.

If at the G-20 summit the President’s insight into the problem France and China were experiencing was anything like how he grasps questions and issues from the press here in America, both Pres. Sarkosy and Jintao were blown away! You bet’cha! It is normal for the other countries to have thought Pres. Obama is just as dumb as Bush, as ignorant as Cheney and is 100% controlled by the entire neo-con cabal of the previous administration. Now they know for sure they were wrong. Song: “Ding, dong ol’ Rush is dead..” and as James Brown said, "I feel good!"
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Seems Nora O’Donald wants everyone to start calling Michele Obama "Mighty Michele". I Did not know Nora was such a tacky woman. Looks can be deceiving, can’t they? She is getting physically uglier by the day right before our very eyes. Looking so hard and everything. She use to be such a charming and attractive lady. That maybe due to the fact she was younger. Sad!
Obama Saves G20; Does America Proud
by Herticalt;-Does-America-Proud
News clip:
According to sources inside the room, President Obama just played peacemaker in a spat between French President Nicolas Sarkozy and Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China.
In the finaly plenary session among the G-20 leaders, Sarkozy and Hu were having a heated disagreement about tax havens.
"President Obama really found the consensus," Sarkozy told reporters after the meeting. "He didn't focus exclusively on stimulus ... In fact it was he who managed to help me persuade [Chinese] President Hu Jintao to agree to the reference to the ... publication of a list of tax havens, and I wish to thank him for that."

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

NY-20 and other Media BS

We’ve been down this “Too close to call” road one time to many. It is becoming tiring and highly suspicious.

It goes like this; the absentee ballots story will be bantered about for a few days, there will be some newly “discovered” votes that have to be counted, there will be talks about a re-election, lots of he said/she said and the BS goes on and on. As I said, we‘ve seen this movie one time too many.

Personally, I figure Mr. Murphy has already won and can stick his chest out. If there are 74,000 registered Republicans and the count to date is Dem. 77,344 and Rep. 77,279, statically how much more of a win could a person possibly have?

When I saw a campaign commercial put out be the Murphy election committee, I said to myself, “With that commercial alone his opponent does not stand a chance in hell!” and adding to that the fact some people got their stimulus money today? Even if Mr. Murphy loses, in my opinion he has won and has won big time as we witness Just one more example of the media playing cat'n mouse with the undertaker.
As always,

HOLY CRAP -------- We Just WON NY-20!!! (UPDATED)
by Al Rodgers
Tue Mar 31, 2009 at 07:35:59 PM PDT!!!-(UPDATED)
Scott Murphy just won the heavily Republican 20th Congressional district in New York!!!
With all precincts reporting, brother Murphy wins by 65 votes!!!
This is a district where the GOP held a registration advantage of 74,000.
And Comment:
Uh (88+ / 0-)
Don't jump the shark, now. There's still absentees.
Don't donate to the DSCC in 2010 - they'll give your money to Harry Reid. Donate to the candidates instead!
by arcticshadow on Tue Mar 31, 2009 at 07:36:51 PM PDT
Not in NY. (6+ / 0-)
Recommended by:
cosette, Rick Winrod, Lujane, JesseCW, csquared, KDuffy
They wait to see if it's even necessary to count 'em.
Coming Soon -- to an Internet connection near you:
by FischFry on Tue Mar 31, 2009 at 07:41:45 PM PDT

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Double standards? Banks Vs. Automobiles

Some people seem all a-twitter regarding the firing of GM CEO Rick Wagoner and no firings to date of any of the Wall Street Banking cabal.

The students in the Gifted and Talented program have been caught cheating on one of their final exams. There is no question most of them cheated. The school and many community members are in an uproar. From teachers to cafeteria workers to building maintenance personnel, there is much a-do.

Many of the parents of the students in the Gifted and Talented program change the bulletin boards monthly in the lobby of the school. If you tell them what units you are going to be on, they will develop and create a bulletin board for your room. They treat all the teachers to lunch on the first day of school, just before Spring Brake and come to all the PTA Meetings. They volunteer to go on field trips with your class, one parent plays the piano and is your accompanist and they will pool their money and buy the extra calculators you need for your science or math class and one of them is always in the building doing something if no more than gossiping with the secretaries.

At the apex of the uproar and at the emergency meeting that has been called, the parents agree to deal with their child in the Gifted and Talented program on a one-on-one basis. No need to further admonish and traumatize them with talks about suspensions. Your school principal also lives in the community and used to be a teacher in the school before getting his PH.D in education.

Run that by me again what you were saying about Pres. Obama being partial to the bankers? I’m all ears!
As always,

Workers say Obama treated autos worse than Wall St
"It's the age-old Wall Street vs. Main Street smack down again," said Brian Fredline, president of UAW Local 602 at a plant near Lansing. "You have all kinds of funding available to banks that are apparently too big to fail, but they're also too big to be responsible."
"But when it comes to auto manufacturing and middle-class jobs and people that don't matter on Wall Street, there are certainly different standards that we have to meet -- higher standards -- than the financials. That is a double standard that exists and it's unfair," Fredline said.

No Israel in England

I just saw Sec. Clinton in England saying the threats from Iran is a concern but yet, to my knowledge, there is no Israeli coalition in England attending the G-20 Summit Meetings.

I understand the countries are also going to talk about al Queda and other so called terrorist groups. This I do not understand. There was talk all the neighboring countries in the Middle East (?) gathering to talk and yet no word and no mention of Israel. I would think Israel has something to say at the summit meetings and we can not get a full picture of what’s going on with the absent of her voice.

What gives? Can any talks regarding the Middle East (?) produce reliable and reasonable substance if a muzzle has been put on Israel? Was Israel invited? If not, why not! Color me puzzled. There's a fly in the milk somewhere.
As always,
P.S. The difference between the KO Show and Rachel Maddow’s show? Keith spends his evenings looking at O’Riley to tell us all about what he is doing and Rachel spends her time preparing for her show. (Smile)