Saturday, October 02, 2010

Hammer of left bloggers and pundits beat hell out of nail head!

I was told there is always one inventor, many imitators and one culminator. I always enjoy reading post and diaries of anyone having the skills and writing discipline to culminate a political situation i.e., this diary by buhdyharma.

In my opinion, once you face a situation that has been accurately culminated, you can identify your weaknesses and strong points regarding the issue and proceed to make appropriate adjustments to satisfy your comfort zone. You can do this through research, keeping a watchful eye or by simply waiting for the next culminator like buhdyharma to happen along giving you a little hurdle-help. (Smile)

Kudos to Obama: Learning On The Job
by buhdydharma
Then the appointments of the insiders came. Then the grass roots movement that propelled him into office was essentially shut down. Then the first insider deals and pre-compromises appeared....and the soaring hope began to fade as the rhetoric of Change turned into the worn language and excuses of business as usual.

The sighs and 'I told you so's" of the Left bloggers and pundits were drowned out by the continuing zeal of the large percentage of equally inexperienced and equally naive supporters of Obama who refused to see the signs.
Read more at:

As always,

Pete Rouse, ‘father figure’ for Obama

Seeing the three of them on the White House stage yesterday -the President, blabbermouth and the gentlemens’ gentleman- I said, “Yes! Pete Rouse, he’s our man!”

In my opinion, it is only a ‘hot head’ that could not work with Mr. Rouse and take his wisdom and advice. There is talk about first impressions and from what I have read and seen, Mr. Rouse has impressed me mightily. He is the right guy to take care of my President. I wish him well in his new assignment.

The song says, “There’s a change in the weather..... there’s a change in the sea…..”
As always,

Pete Rouse, the new chief of staff, knows everyone

Suddenly, he is in the spotlight as the interim successor to Rahm Emanuel as White House chief of staff. Rouse will hold the job for the foreseeable future – certainly through the Nov. 2 elections, and perhaps until the end of the year — while the president decides on a permanent replacement.
Read more at:

Friday, October 01, 2010

(R.I.P.) Rick Sanchez touches Americas' third-rail

Rick Sanchez, the host of CNN show “Rick’s List” died suddenly last night. Although there is no official word at this time as to what really contributed to his untimely demise, there is talk about a possible suicide. This is what we know:
Rick Sanchez: Jon Stewart A 'Bigot,' Jews Run CNN & All Media
CNN's Rick Sanchez made controversial comments on a Sirius radio show Thursday, calling Jon Stewart a "bigot" and saying that CNN and the other networks are all run by Jewish people.
Read more at:

As always,

The Larry O’Donnell Show on MSNBC.

Wow-wee! This week Larry O’Donnell and his crew raised their circus tent on the Promenade in the already crowded media amusement park featuring more of Americas’ gifted and talented persons like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and other Riply ‘Believe it or not’ characters. Tuh way to go, MSNBC. You do the old Dan Abram and Tucker Carlton shows proud. I’m thrilled! ‘Breathless!’ comes to mind.
As always,
P.S. (FYI) The Rachel Maddow Show is ‘in’ these days.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ouch, Mr. Biden! That really hurt!! (Update)

With his recent remarks admonishing portions of the Democratic base, Mr. ‘Good-guy’ Biden really took the wind out of my sail.

However, when the President himself willfully disrespects his own office by insulting segments of his base as he has recently articulated, and when his own Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel and White House spokesperson, Robert Gibbs have echoed the same sentiment calling some of us ‘whiners’, I can no longer consider it poor taste or bad choice of words.

I take it very seriously when members of the Democratic Party tell me how stupid I was voting them into office instead of Republicans, making repeated and concerted efforts from down in the gravel on bended knees begging me please not to do it again, I listen. Boy, do I listen! In my opinion, Democrats are scared shitless they will be voted to remain in power; it’s that ‘too hot in the kitchen’ thing and they are crying, 'Uncle!' My, my! What'a pity.

As always,

Biden To Democratic Base: 'Stop Whining'
He said Democrats can win both races if they draw clear distinctions between themselves and their Republican opponents, and he urged Democrats to "remind our base constituency to stop whining and get out there and look at the alternatives. This president has done an incredible job. He's kept his promises."
Read more at:

(Update) A beautiful contrast....
Obama Scapegoats His Own Voters
by Cenk Uygur
There is one other explanation. They think they're going to lose and they're setting up a scapegoat. It wasn't that they ran a bad campaign or that they didn't deliver on their promises - it was their ungrateful voters and the damned professional left. Actually, Washington reporters will love this. There is nothing they enjoy more than beating up on progressive activists and the Democratic base. This strategy is tailored made for the DC elite. They're going to eat it up!

Read more at:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Replacing Rahm and the Presidents’ wisdom

In my opinion and at this time, it would be wise for the President to consider the often quoted wisdom of Albert Einstein:
“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

When replacing Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, the President would be wise to select a person whom we, his base, can defend. Even if his choice is a person he himself does not particularly like but a person we like and can defend, all would be well.

The President should be wise enough to know as a given there will be ill-winds and black storm clouds directed towards his new White House Chief of Staff by his foes but if his friends are also directing ill-winds and black storm clouds towards his choice, he will have proven Einstein right. Many of us would not like to see that happen. Many of us would prefer a continued winning streak ala Elizabeth Warren.

One of Aretha Franklins’ greatest hit songs was, “You better think!”

AS always,

BREAKING: Rahm Emanuel "Likely" to leave White House THIS WEEK!

by YoungChicagoDemocrat
Who's Replacing Rahm Emanuel?
Now the question arises who will replace Rahm Emanuel. If the White House was smart, a bold progressive would be the smartest thing they can do right now considering the enthusiasm gap between Dems Vs. Repubs.

Names that are buzzing right now are:
>Vice President Biden's chief of staff Ron Klain
>Deputy National Security Advisor Tom Donilon
>White House deputy chief of staff Jim Messina
>Former Senator Majority Leader Tom Daschle
>David Plouffe
>Valarie Jarette

Read more at:!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Golden Egg award to diarist RhodaA…

for clarity of form and ding-dong clarity regarding information of concern to all citizens. In my opinion, this information, as presented, could be easily understood by Joe Six Pack, Maria and her husband, Pookie and his wife and many other busy but concerned working people.

There Will Be War Tonight: Against the Republicans
by RhodaA
The Creating American Jobs and Ending Offshoring Act (S. 3816)
Sponsors: Introduced by Sen. Dick Durbin, and Co-Sponsored by Sens. Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Byron Dorgan, Harry Reid, Patrick Leahy, Sheldon Whitehouse and Charles Schumer.
THE BILL creates a payroll tax break for companies that hire U.S. workers in place of foreign workers. It would also raise taxes for companies that move jobs and plants overseas.
This issue distinguishes, with precision, differences between Democrats' and Republicans' economic goals and beliefs. What more of a wedge issue could be divined? As well, outsourcing is an hugely populist issue.

Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A need for two Teacher Unions?

I watched parts of “Education Nation” with Brian Williams today on MSNBC.

A suggestion….
A Student Teacher, in his/her senior year at a teachers' college, is usually assigned to a public school to have supervised teaching experiences under the guidance of a fully certified and experienced teacher.

The student teacher would be assigned one or more classes to teach for a specified period of time. His/her lessons plans will have been pre-approved by his college professor and evaluated each day a lesson from the plan has been executed.

However, a teacher who is teaching in a school without having gone through the practice teaching program may be a large part of problems facing the National Education Association (NEA), school principals and parents around the nation.

If that is the case, could a need be created for a Junior National Education Association for teachers not equipped with student teaching experiences in their background? Said teacher would not be eligible for membership into the NEA until certain requirements have been mastered.

A metaphor….
You need brain surgery and the neurologist graduated from medical school armed only with book theories and heart-felt burning desires to practice his craft and help patients.

As always,
P.S. There is an American Federation of Teachers (AFT) which is also a teacher union.

O’Donnell, Angle and Greene

(Voice) Christine O’Donnell, Sharron Angle and Alvin Greene, your time has come. Please step forward to take your seats in the U.S. Senate.

It may have been wonderful having taught all Gifted and Talented students during my forty year teaching career. To have taught students teachers and administrators identified as bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and smart would have been a dream job but that did not happen. Not to me. Not as a Music Teacher in predominately middle-schools.

Instead, in my music classes, I had average students to whom I would give each and every one a chance to be bright-eyed, bushy-tailed and smart. A chance to be a soloist or a performer in a musical, if you will.

I saw many a student morph from ugly duckling to beautiful Black or white swan when given the opportunity. Of course there were disappointments along the way for one reason or other but I was proud, along with the rest of the class, having given all student the chance to strut their stuff and especially after having demonstrated a desire.

From my background, I see the names O’Donnell, Angle and Greene not as the name of a law firm but rather as potential and individual swans, beautiful swans. Call it a teachers’ intuition or whatever you will. In any case, I wish them well. Their presence in the U.S. Senate would indeed be ‘a change!’
As always,