Saturday, October 18, 2008

John Q. Public and media like taste of Black blood (Update #2)

Most of John Q. Public would blush and say we Blacks were over doing our “tales” of the various forms of racism directed towards us. Mr. Public would smile and say that we are oversensitive. And he would tell us in feigned benevolent tones that everything is not racial and ask us to grab a hold of ourselves as we are on the brink of clinical paranoia.

John Q. Public felt it was just un-intended collateral damage four little Black girls were bomb during a Sunday on the steps of their church. John figured the bombers probably only wanted to “scare” the coloreds in the community and felt justified the bombers were not bought to justice especially after the FBI gave them a wink and a nod.

John Q. Public felt he did not know enough of the story when he read and heard about the “deaths” of civil right workers *Chaney, Goodwin and Schwerner and the **“death” in Waco Texas of Jessie Washington to be too bothered. He felt the authorities would do their job if there were anything at all to the story. And since the media did not make too big a deal of it, it slipped from memory until John Q. Public and his wife attended a political rally by Gov. Sarah Palin.

Mr. And Mrs. John Q. Public, in their whiteness, felt for the first times in their lives how it feels to work up an appetite to taste Black blood on a warm afternoon in the fall of 2008. They saw how easy and effortlessly it could be done with a step-by-step public demonstration by Gov. Sarah Palin. They witnessed the emotional levels needed for such a ritual; they witnessed re-enforcement rhetoric from people standing close to them and from both in front and behind them. They too began to enjoy the emotional moments and joined in. They were hooked. Black blood it is. Sen. Obama’s black blood. Waving back and forth red, white and blue flags, smiling gentle smiles to themselves and to each other, moistening their lips for savoring their first taste of Black blood.

After the exhilarating rally they went home, a changed people, only to find on their television others who now feel as they do. Re-enforcements came at them like a brick wall. There was Sen. McCain and his wife Cindy and various pundit and commentators all articulating their thirst for Black blood, Sen. Obama’s Black blood. There were things they began to understand now they could not understand before. They could now understand why they parents did not like coloreds; why their aunts, uncles and perhaps friends in the service did not like Blacks. They now knew they were not the only white people thirsting for Black blood and that the thirstiest of all is the media. They go to bed, make love with thoughts of the sensations of humiliating and hanging a black man.

The humiliating stages could start as soon as tomorrow. (Thoughts) Also got to make a note to watch my candidates on Saturday Night Live. Never knew I could love America so much. Sad.

Many Black wives have no idea what we have to go through at work. The higher our salaries, the more the humiliation and wishful thinking of our employees and co-workers. And finally, there are areas of some Blacks that do not believe there are areas of John Q. Public who did not know the degrees of racial tensions in America. it is really beyond their comprehension. They may correctly conclude that is the reason Min. Farrakhan and Rev. Sharpton are so reviled by the media. They don’t want to see Sec. Colin Powell nor any other articulate Black. They are needed now more than ever but the future they so tried to avoid is here. In our faces. In red, white and blue. The benevolence goes to Oliver North, G. Gordon Liddy, Nancy Pelosi, Karl Rove and the likes. “Nigger, didn't I tell your black ass to sit down and shut up?”
-Shoe shine, Boss?
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
I heard the name Bateman before but did not know how vile she is. Had to turn off Matthew show. It was too much. Tinklenberg For Congress
9380 Central Ave. N.W.
Blaine, MN 55434

(Update #2) This bought on the tears. Can’t read the comments. Too upset at this time. Will only bring more tears.
And speaking of other Alaskans, that has absolutely been the best part of the last few months: meeting so many other intelligent, creative, progressive Alaskans. From the “Alaska Women Reject Palin” group, who started out as a handful of women having coffee together, and decided to let the rest of the country know that Sarah Palin does not speak for all Alaska women. I put together a few videos from the September 13 rally, and with over 110K views and 450 comments, am truly grateful to have been able to help these brave Alaska women speak their minds.

*Chaney, Goodwin and Schwerner

Friday, October 17, 2008

U.S. Supreme Court Pallbearers for GOP (Update)

Breaking: Ohio Verdict Overturned, Updated With U.S. Supreme Court Link
by StuHunter
Fri Oct 17, 2008 at 08:53:54 AM PDT
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court sided Friday with Ohio's top elections official in a dispute with the state Republican Party over voter registrations. The justices overruled a federal appeals court that had ordered Ohio's top elections official to do more to help counties verify voter eligibility.

The Supreme Court said they were granting Brunner's request because it appears that the law does not allow private entities, like the Ohio GOP, to file suit to enforce the provision of the law at issue.

I can ex-hale on that one! Feels good. One more “biggie” to go. I find it interesting “…the law does not allow private entities, like the GOP…..”. I would never have guessed the GOP was a private entity. Is this new information for Constitutional Lawyers to work with? I hope so. Sounds like a mighty powerful weapon to me.
As always,
Boy, if ever there were a case of biting the hand that feeds you......
I have yet to see the ruling on my TV stations. I strongly suspect the Republicans are busy, very busy mind you, lining up their pundits to give the most God awful and insulting spin on the ruling.

"Joe the Plumber" didn’t get the memo (Update)

I was sick of him last night, around the eighteenth reference in the debate. But now I am effing sick of him. I have never become effing sick of someone so fast, as I have become of Joe the Plumber within the past twenty four hours.

Mainstream Media can no longer create those folk heroes and herons they use to. The latest disastrous attempt was one Ms. Sarah Palin and the very unwilling Jessica Lynch. Creating those people whom they like and thrusting them upon us are gone. And then after parading them around suggesting a “true American” for awhile, they get book sales, TV shows and the likes. Those days are swiftly vanishing. Going the way of the Associated Press, (AP) and perhaps for the same reason.

Now when media tries to push one of their own out on the world stage, enter the blogosphere. The blogosphere has something for them. Mainstream Media calls it the vetting process. For that un-suspecting soul, I am mindful of Aretha Franklin’s song, “You bett’a think!” You hit that stage in today’s world and quickly find out there are people who will also sell their Mama’s soul! I wish “Joe the Plumber” well. (Tee-hee)
As always,

*Already, I am so effing sick of Joe the Plumber
by Bill Prendergast
Thu Oct 16, 2008 at 09:11:25 PM PDThref="http://">
(Update) *Comment. In my state, if an unlicensed person did shoddy work for you, you can not take them to court. You are encouraged to check in the Taxation division of the state to see if they have a valid license and are ACTIVE before hiring them.

Golly, I wonder if Al Newell (4+ / 0-)
billed for work done by Joe the Fraud at the prevailing wage for licensed plumbers versus for unlicensed laborers. Different rate. Perhaps all his customers should consider whether or not they were overcharged, and ask for refunds.
Was any of the work done by Joe the Fraud supposed to be done only by a licensed plumber? Did Mr Newell receive permits for work that must been completed only by a licensed plumber or under the direct supervision of a licensed plumber? Did Mr Fraud ever work alone on a job site? Did he perform "licensed" work?
Mr Fraud claims he "works under the license" of Al Newell. Someone should check.
Other than that, I would be happy never to hear of Joe the Dickhead Republican shill ever again.
For droogie!
by Uncle Moji on Thu Oct 16, 2008 at 11:35:50 PM PDT

Thursday, October 16, 2008

America’s ultimate symbolism: White skin

Seeing the flag pin on Sen. Obama during the last of three debates with Sen. McCain prompted me to say to myself,
“…and still he is considered a nigger.” He is still not white, not good enough, inferior, still a Muslin. I don‘t know what it will take and perhaps Sen. Clinton had the right idea, "And the heavens will open up" and to her uttermost surprise, Baby Barack tumbled down at her feet; Swartland clothes and all.

I am mindful of a study some years ago wherein participants were shown pictures of people and asked which of the supplied language applied to which picture. For example, there are five photos and one person is wearing a flag pin. The participants are asked “Which one of the five people is patriotic?” or with a group of five people, one of whom is Black, the question is, “Which one is a purse snatcher?” I believe that project is still used today or some form of it under various guises.

There is the symbolism of saluting the flag, eating watermelon, Black and white children playing together, portrait of Albert Einstein, a gathering of Wall Street Bankers or other very influential persons. These symbols run our country and greatly and unnecessarily add to its complexities. If we were to see more people of color in powerful positions, I posit Sen. Obama’s route to the White House would not be so difficult. But since we Black citizens have been deliberately purge from any scene of power or toppled down if we managed to get there, we will remain an interesting object seeking places of real power. Looking forward to the MSM telling us the Office of the President is now only a figure head and the true power and interest lie in the seat of the Vice Presidency who will be, hopefully, Sen. Biden.

I think the thrust of this post is to respond with glee major newspapers rejecting the services of the *AP Wire Services. Mainstream Media has long been the perpetrators of these Black stereotypes and little did I know a few months back when observing reporters were doing a better job of reporting that AP’s neck was on the chopping board. I remember there were a few photos that were tinged and their reporting has been under fire for years. And there were the twelve straight primary wins of Sen. Obama and not a whimper in the MSM. Those types of insults do not go un-noticed by decent people.

That’s my rant for tonight and I leave while reminding myself I am not a Social Behaviorist, I do have personal opinions as to how I, and my fellow Blacks, am treated.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. If it took my friends and me eating watermelons to bring attention to our poverty and blame in relations to the sub-prime loans and the present economic difficulties, next season I am going to have Watermelon Parties. Lots of’em! I would personally play a banjo and sing “Old Black Joe” and “Swanee” and ask my guest to wear their “slave” clothings. Just like Flip (Geraldine) Wilson said, “If you got it, flaunt it!” Tara will have nothing on us. We’ll talk and exchange stories an all. It would be a very festive and “colored-ful” day. (Smile)

*Shocker: Tribune Co. Gives Notice To Drop AP

By Joe Strupp
Published: October 16, 2008 12:40 PM ET (Thanks Drudge)

Opening paragraph:
NEW YORK Tribune Company has given a two-year notice to the Associated Press that its daily newspapers plan to drop the news service, becoming the first major newspaper chain to do so since the recent controversy over new rates began.

AM Vs. FM delivery systems (Update)

I personally enjoyed the debates tonight. To be honest, it was due to the diary Calm Down--No Matter What
by thereisnospoon

I get very high strung and agitated at times and the diary was right on time. After reading it, I could approach the debates more objectively and come to a conclusion not froth with conflicting and intertwining nervous system signals.

First and foremost, I liked the adult moderator Bill Schaeffer. He was a class act in his questions and in the tone he cast. Knowing there would be no shenanigans from the moderator, I was able to sit back, relax, put on my thinking cap and listen. The diarist thereisnospoon told me not to fight with Sen. McCain’s answers. Let Sen. McCain give Sen. McCain answers. And by the same token, he told me Sen. Obama’s positions were already clear to those who want to hear his clarity. Let Sen. Obama give Sen. Obama answers and not fight his judgments the way he wants to answer questions. I am mindful of situations wherein one can end up with ones foot in ones mouth; shoe leather, dirty socks and all, simply by talking too much.

What else can I say? One candidate delivered his message on the AM band and the other on the FM band. They both had something to say and they said it. In my opinion, there were no winners and no losers. I know what made sense to me but then, so did the other listener. As far as the debates went tonight, I will say I am a satisfied customer and respect both presentations.

And finally, I did learn a bit more of Sen. McCain’s character: He became angry with Sen. Obama because Sen. Obama would not participate in Town Hall Meetings with him coupled with his anger with the Republican Party when they would not let him chose Joe Lieberman as a running mate. These were two important issues in his Presidential Campaign.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
I watched the debates on C-Span and did not see the shaking hands sequence. It seems Cindy was not on her job in a timely fashion. Where was she?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nov 5 “Pres. Obama squeaks over finish line.”

As I see it, news cycle have to generate news compatible to the IQ’s of the commentators and pundits. In other words, the news king pins have to generate news their surrogates can understand on their various pedestrian levels and run with. No more of this Bailout America shit for them. Hell no! A whole bunch of them had to huff and puff to keep up but that news cycle which ran them ragged. Amen, yes it did! From the lot of them there was more bull shit per pound than bulls. Give them something to make mud pies with and sticks to stir shit with. Tha’s all dey need. Make’en earn their daily bread and mortage payments. Mush!!

In my opinion, the ‘news king makers’ are now going for a close race between Sens. Obama and McCain so they can say, lie really, that Sen. Obama ONLY won by say, two hundred thousand votes.

- (Reporter) How does that make you feel?
-It makes me mad as hell. I was sick that day and couldn’t get to the polls but hell, two hundred thousand votes? Damn!
-My baby sitter lady was sick so I had to stay home but if I knew he was going to win by two hundred thousand votes…
-My plane home was canceled but if I knew he was going to win by two hundred thousand votes….
-It makes me sick to think he only won by two hundred thousand votes. I didn’t vote for him. You think I’m crazy?
- I had broke my leg that day and I was in the hospital, but if I’da known…….
-If I told you I voted for Sen. Obama would you put me on TV?

And the polarizing will go on and on; “Two Americas.”
The many ways of skinning a (McCain) cat. Kudos to diarist StuHunter for exposing this gem of Republican cat skinners. Many thought of as die-hards. Ah, the beauty of witnessing a blind man getting sight and talking about it. Nothing could be finer.

GOP Rats Deserting the USS McCain in Titanic Proportions

by StuHunter
Tue Oct 14, 2008 at 09:01:43 PM PDT

Opening paragraph followed by a plethora (Smile) of quotes:
The rats are all jumping the ship. The USS McCain/Titanic is in full sink mode and all the traditional republicans are running away as fast as they can. Below the fold, the smart(er) rats are profiled. Thanks to the incomparable Jed Lewison for the hard work. The youtube video is a compilation of all the traditional media republican pundits pointing fingers at McCain/Palin...
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the
unborn for the help,
Church Bulletin
Wed. October 15
9:00 PM
Eucharist (Last Rites)
John Sidney McCain
Administered by Barack Hussein Obama
Ms. Hattie Monroe “Take Me Home Jubilee Gospel Singers”
Guest star Patrick Dunn on Bagpipes, with Willie Lincoln Washington Jones on organ and “Slim” Preston on drums.
Says Ms. Monroe, “We got somethin' for him.”
Kudos to Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling. They know it is never how much money you have but how you work with the money you have that gets you through. Quite the opposite of thinking greed. Don't hook up with America until you are sure what you are doing. Continue to get your own house in order. You do not need greedy hands reaching into your till everytime you open up your cash register drawers. You should know them by now. You should only take pause when an ethnic mixture approaches you. America did not see a need to put a hen in the hen house when trying to solve the bailout saga and no 'heads will roll'. Two big, huge mistakes!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

PM Gordon Brown did not receive memo from AIPAC

In my opinion, when Gordon Brown first heard of the world’s financial crisis, in a flash he knew what he had to do to protect the assets of the UK. This was his first and foremost instinct; country and citizens first. He immediately sort out and hitched up with Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, and the rest is World Monetary Bailout history.

From their joint news interview today, the two of them appeared welded together as love and marriage; horse and buggy; peaches and cream.

As a team, they answered all of the questions from the reporters and not once did I hear, “I’ll check that out and get back to you”. Or “You must understand this is complicated and we need time to work it out”. The two of them were in total control of both what they were saying and where they are taking the newly created financial structures of the UK.

Mr. Brown peppered his remarks time and again, “We’ll do whatever it takes” and that while preparing for the here and now, we are also prepared for dealing with monetary reforms of the yet unknown. (The audacity of class!) You have to really know what you are talking about to make or imply such statements. The word “focused” comes to mind.

It was such a pleasure hearing someone speak who know their discipline inside and out and having a plan they can articulate. I have always heard “…the good thing about having a plan is that you can always change it”. I look forward to a National Education Plan for America.

This morning, we heard Assistant Secretary of Treasury Neel Kashkari deliver a plan in response to his AIPAC memo in relation to Bailout America. With seven hundred billion dollars under his belt, Mr. Kashkari speaks and writes well but then, don’t most American water boys who read and respond to AIPAC memos?
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestor,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unknown for the help,
P.S. Are we looking at future Knighthoods for Messers Brown and Darling? (Smile)

Monday, October 13, 2008

There's this thing about having a hard head...

I know as much about world economics as I do about birthin’ babies which is nothing! However, I do know what makes sense to me and the following quote makes sense to me. I suspect it is part of the package PM Gordon Brown of the UK presented to the good Sec. Paulson:
*“Any shares taken by the Government will be placed in a newly created bank reconstruction fund that would hold the stock until market conditions improve. Ordinary shares give ministers voting rights and senior figures representing the Government will go on the boards.”

This quote is reminiscent to me of the millions upon millions of people protesting around the world against Pres. Bush abandoning the war in Afghanistan to start one in Iraq. There were only fragmented segments of the various marches and protests in our Mainstream Media but the astute observer knew our press was censoring the world wide dissidents. We were ceremoniously given the finger flag salute and told to “Shut up and sit down” which our Congress did.

Our borders were opened up for a flood of cheap labor straining our already ailing economy and when we complained, we were once again given the finger salute and told to “Shut up and sit down” which our Congress did.

The masses begged and pleaded for someone, anyone to take a sober look at how the race issues was festering in the Presidential primaries that has bought us to this pale of watching lynch mob rallies with our children and grandchildren.

Then too there were some of the most brilliant economic minds in our country pushing strong and structured inputs into the Bailout America havoc. Now the UK has the ball and is running with it. Is America going to be tucking away some of our seven hundred billion into a few of their banks now?

I do not know what is wrong with America that it will not think. It does not listen. It does not appropriately process what it has heard. What is the fallacy? Where is the fallacy? Is the constant our Mainstream Media and Fox News alone? Who’s watching the store? I wonder as I wander.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
* Source

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dear Mr. Paulson,

Sky not fall. Friends and relatives all go home now. Please return money. You do big bull shit.
As always,

"The Last Lynching" Mon. Oct. 13 (Update)

A documentary by Ted Koppel on History Channel. Just heard it on Meet The Press
While watching ‘Meet The Press’ formulating my ideas for a post, the very last item on the agenda was the introduction of Ted Koppel’s latest opus, “The Last Lynching”. The whole show up to that point had identified the important issues facing us now is the economy. They showed a very short clip but I was busy writing down information. Not much was offered.

Is it any wonder members of the G-7 left town with nothing being done? They took one look around to see what looked like Black and white children shouting at one another on the school playground. They may have felt they could come back to talk with a new, more mature administration next year. They may have just decided to let America stew in its own juice! In the meanwhile and as it now stands, the UK plan is walking the board and the UK may well be our next financial center.
As always,

Introducing MSM to Joe Vogler, a person of interest.

Joe Vogler: "I won't be buried under their damned flag...when Alaska is an independent nation they can bring my bones home."

Words uttered by a Caucasian? Not hardly. Words uttered by a Black? Give me a break! Here’s a hint: This man was the founder of the Alaska Independent Party, still in existence and still desirous of secession from the U.S. and has a serious relationship -association- with the Palin’s of Alaska.

I deduce Joe Vogler was a Neo-con. To me he appears to have the protection only afforded a Neo-con in this country eventhough he is now dead. You know, was the kind of Neo-con that if you called him a Jew, storm troopers would jump from behind curtains, arms drawn yelling for you to hit the floor calling you Anti-Semitic? That kind of Neo-con. That kind of “fully protected from public scrutiny” Neo-con.

In my opinion, there was a “Joe Vogler” in Bosnia, Kosovo and more recently, in Georgia and God only knows where else. The mean spirited Jew. The one who wants a Jewish state in every country in the world and ethnic cleanings is no big thing. The one who honestly believes “The end always justifies the means”. The wolf hell bent on blowing down all of the houses of the little pigs. I do not know in closed circles if they are the ones called Zionist. In any case, the Palins of Alaska are associated with these people. Closely associated!

And then there are the “decent” Neo-cons, if you will. The ones who are repudiating the Gov. Palin and Sen. McCain campaign tactics. The ones privately writing articles and publicly condemning them consistent to articles and articulations of the past; no jumping ship and being a Johnny come lately. Just sincere and honest people. Most of us know who they are and tell them so. Enough said.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

ATTENTION: Jewish 'modesty patrols' attacking women in Israel's Orthodox community
by csquared
Sat Oct 11, 2008 at 06:15:24 PM PDT
JERUSALEM - In Israel's ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, where the rule of law sometimes takes a back seat to the rule of God, zealots are on a campaign to stamp out behavior they consider unchaste. They hurl stones at women for such "sins" as wearing a red blouse, and attack stores selling devices that can access the Internet.

Alaskan Independence Party: The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel
But if McCarthy-era guilt-by-association is once again a valid political consideration, Palin, it would seem, has more to lose than Obama. Palin, it could be argued, following her own logic, thinks so little of America's perfection that she continues to "pal around" with a man--her husband, actually--who only recently terminated his seven-year membership in the Alaskan Independence Party. Putting plunder above patriotism, the members of this treasonous cabal aim to break our country into pieces and walk away with Alaska's rich federal oil fields and one-fifth of America's land base--an area three-fourths the size of the Civil War Confederacy.

Maureen Dowd, the Latinenglishologist!

Pronounced: La-ti-nen-glesh-olo-gist. Now, how do you say "Priceless?"

*Cum Quirites Americani ad rallias Republicanas audiunt nomen Baraci Husseini Obamae, clamant “Mortem!” “Amator terroris!” “Socialiste!” “Bomba Obamam!” “Obama est Arabus!” “Caput excidi!” tempus sit rabble-rouseribus desistere “Smear Talk Express,” ut Stephanus Colbertus dixit. Obama demonatus est tamquam Musulmanus-Manchurianus candidatus — civis “collo-cerviciliaris” ad ralliam Floridianam Palinae exhabet mascum Obamae ut Luciferis.

As always, BB
*Are We In Rome? Tu Betchus!
By Maureen Dowd