Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rev. Terry Jones to become face of Park 51? (Update)

Wow whee, how clever was that, I ask you? Rev. Jones raised to folk hero statue in nanoseconds! Makes your head spin.

In my opinion, right from the beginning, the Oligarchy decided Rev. Jones from Gainesville, Florida was the man whom they were going to groom and present to the public opposing the building of the Mosque two blocks from Ground Zero. I don’t think the good Reverend knew it himself that he was on his way to fame and fortune. Truly a chosen one.

Up to a few days ago, the well articulated and stated objective of Rev. Jones in burning a stack of Korans on the 9th anniversary of 9/11 was to let ‘Muslim terrorist’ around the world know we Americans have objections to their practices. He was cooed, coddled and cajoled throughout that situation by media and governmental officials at the highest levels before deciding, 'Ah, shuts!', not to have the barn fire.

However, after two visits from one mysterious Muslin Imam and in my opinion, a visit akin to the one Dr. Faustus had on one of his more memorable evenings and Walla! the good Rev. Jones had a new objective! An epiphany, if you will.

It seems all the time he just wanted the Muslins in New York to change their minds building their Mosque two blocks from Ground Zero and wondered why we didn’t know that was his objective all along. And after his announcement, Alakazam! Rev. Jones received free round trip tickets to go to New York City -compliments of his visitor and newly found benefactor- destined to meet the head man in charge of building the Mosque and the rest will be the predictable American rags to riches story Re: Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin. The Oligarchy has decided our country also needs Rev. Terry Jones.

Tomorrow, on the 9th anniversary of 9/11, Rev. Terry Jones will become the official face of the opposition group for building the Mosque. Rev. Jones is going to be in New York City for quite a spell, a very long time.

As the man on radio use to say, “That’s my story and I am sticking to it.”
As always,

P.S. I note the absence of interviews with members of the congregation, neighbors or with people who gave him his papers to preach. Surely there has to be one soul in the bunch waiting for a reporter to contact them.

City Disavows Pastor’s Talk of Burning Koran

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tell me it ain’t so!

How I was taught to write a sentence.
“You always start a sentence with a capital letter” said Miss Butler, my third grade teacher, “..and you always end with a period” she concluded. So it is, I find reading headlines with every word beginning with a capital letter hard to read. I deem the practice a sign of illiteracy or deliberate provocation. It has to be one of the two. If one would posit such writing is fashionable I would say, “Bah! Humbug!”

Baltimore Sun's Use Of English Language Confuses Readership

If you are crazy…
America should be your country of choice. Mass murderer, pathological liar, serial rapist, racist, child molester or just a person who would see pink pigs flying at sunsets, America will justify your behavior. If you are considered ’white’ and you are creative in your deviations, you can rest assured of getting the ‘Red Carpet’ treatment from the media and you may become rich during or after the process!

It is said if you tilt America, all the crazy people will slide southerly with many ending up in Florida.

Most American teen-agers are told you are lucky to have one good friend in life. If you have two good friends, they say you are blessed and if you say you have three good friends, you are lying. It is due to the fact every third person in America is crazy; friends and relatives alike.

Founding fathers envisioned a perpetual plantation
At best, they saw some parts of the English frugal system beneficial to their cause here in America just as the Obama administration has preserved various positions of the Bush administration i.e., permanent detainees in Guantanamo Bay, wire tapping etc..

Do pollster owners have favorite charities?
There is so much talk about which candidate has the most money in his/her campaign chest makes you wonder if some of the money is ‘donated’ to various charities favored by the pollsters. Help makes the candidate feel good. (Smile)
NY Times: Lisa Murkowski "could" reenter Alaska's Senate Race next week

As always,

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Rev. Terry Jones, an American suicide bomber?

Word is *Rev. Jones is defying death threats and public condemnation to do what he feels he has to do for the love of his country. It is a mind-set few would understand.

It was the mind-set of the Japanese kamikaze suicide bombers during WW11, early settlers of Israel with the English and currently the mental attitudes of those in Eastern portions of the world.

For sure it is suicide but suicide of a special nature. It is patriotic suicide, if you will, and in my opinion, such people are saying, “Look at me. I have no real power so true love of my country is the only power I have and it has forced me into this position. Good-bye, cruel world!”
As always,

*KORAN BURNING: Do You Think Pastor Terry Jones Will Go Through With His Plan?

From Rahm Emanuel to Anthony Weiner and that other guy

My wish list for White House Chief of Staff…
In my opinion, *Rep. Weiner, like Vice Pres. Biden, is as faithful and dependable as an ol’ yard dog. True he is not of the Presidents’ temperament but I think he shares the Presidents’ love of the democratic process and for the Democratic Party. As White House Chief of Staff, he would do the President proud or die trying. They do not come more patriotic than Rep. Anthony Weiner.

‘That other guy’ is on Vice Pres. Bidens’ team and I can not find his name on Google. I speak of the guy who I see speaking for VP Biden on news interviews. I have not seen him on Sunday talk shows. He is very charismatic, very low key, presents well, speaks well and can add up a ‘two plus two’ situation quicker than a Jack Rabbit can jump into his rabbit hole. I had students like him and they are as smart as hell!

‘That other guy’ is a smart one and I personally feel, with his political potentials, we would be only seeing the tip of the iceberg were he to become the White House Chief of Staff. I hope Pres. Obama doesn’t mess up again putting his credibility in the hands of yet another jerk! The President must learn to trust his own instincts.

I say ‘No!’ to the appointment of Valerie Jarrett for that position. Due to the fact a female counterpart to Anthony Weiner and ‘that other guy’ would have to be a b---- and Ms. Jarrett is not, never has been nor will she ever be a b----! Not even if she lives to be a hundred.

Yesterday, someone on a talk show mentioned the name Ed Rendell for the position. The only vibes I get from Mr. Rendell is ‘Establishment’.
As always,


Wednesday, September 08, 2010

If Rahm would (PLEASE!) leave the W.H....

There are those of us who had taken the position White House adviser Rahm Emanuel should never have been hired and we lament what we consider catastrophic consequences.

I personally have no arguments with a person seeking better economic conditions and prestige. If Rahm were to leave the White House to campaign in Illinois and win *Mayor Daleys’ seat, I would drink a toast to his success.

In my opinion, regardless the outcomes of the November 2010 elections, then would be a good time for Rahm to make his move building his own political machinery and putting it in gear.

But on the other hand, maybe now would be a better time for him to leave the White House. Since Mayor Daley just yesterday made the announcement to not run again, for Rahm it would be that “Strike while the iron is hot!” thing. To dither would be a huge mistake. It would make Illinois voters nervous and seriously influence midterm elections in every state. In politics, timing is everything. I wish him well.
As always,

*Daley not running. Run, f*cking Rahm, run!
Perhaps those of us who think President Obama has not been served very well by his advisors will finally get our wish.

I don't think anyone can argue that the president has been served adequately. I am not saying Emanuel and Co., intentionally tripped up our president and I am not saying this White House has not had some major successes. But, I think what ever successes they've had have been watered down. I think the president's advisors are entirely too cautious and centrist to help President Obama bring about the change the country needs in these very desperate times.
Read more at:,-f*cking-Rahm,-run!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

The President: I did it my way.

The President should now be able to see how ‘his way’ prepared the dilemma it is said Democrats will face in the November 2010 midterm elections.

In my opinion, the President wanted me to assume he knew what he was doing and I did. For a little while. When I ignored the busting of Samantha Power and when he voted against the wire tapping thing during the primaries, both times I gave him the benefit of the doubt, thinking he and his team knew what they were doing.

Alas, my flood gates of suspicion flung open wide when he hired Hillary Clinton and, good Lord, Rahm Emanuel! Then came Geither, Bernanke, Summers and many other characters no one could tell him was bad for him and the country. From then up to the present time, there has been a plethora of questionable issues (Afghanistan) and appointments (Alan Simpson) too numerous to mention.

From the Samantha Power incident to the present time, the President continues on his merry way, eagerly tending diurnal duties and humming his happy tune, “I did it my way”.

(Psst: I think he still thinks I am assuming he knows what he is doing. I won’t woke him. I won’t tell him that I too enjoy doing things my way especially when it comes to voting.)
As always,

Monday, September 06, 2010

Fascinating concept

Some ideas are so succinct you do not need to expand them into full scale dissertations nor do you have to blather on and on regarding their relevancy.

Diarist *Professor Smartass has pushed my “re-set” button regarding the midterm elections. Now I have been forced into the realization that come November, when voting for a Democratic candidate, I would be voting for that candidate who will in turn vote for the Republican candidate of his/her choice thereby providing a win-win situation for both parties. Nice reality food for thought.

Or, as suggested by Professor Smartass, I could donate to, campaign for and then split my ticket voting for some Democrats and some Republicans. Also nice with the two extra additions.
As always,

*Should Democratic base VOTE bipartisan like Dem leaders?
by Professor Smartass
Seriously, since Obama continued the Wall Street Bailout, based half the stimulus on GOP ideas, asked Republicans for advice on health care reform and passed a version strikingly similar to Republican Mitt Romney's in Massachusetts, and now are making noises about the need to cut the budget, especially social security with his catfood commission headed by right wing crank Alan Simpson, wouldn't he be pleased if we donated to, campaigned, and voted for SOME Democrats and SOME Republicans?
Read more at:

Sunday, September 05, 2010

The President and his non-church decision

The decision for the President and his family to forgo attending a church of their personal choice in Washington, D.C. could very well have been a difficult one.

I can only relate how my parents would feel when making the decision not to attend church on a particular Sunday. Most of the time it was due to the fact they were going to take the sixty minute drive “down the country”; down the country being either to my fathers’ or mothers’ home in Virginia to see their parents and other relatives. They felt one churchless Sunday was not an act condemning their souls to the eternal fires of hell. After all, they read portions of the Bible every Sunday at dinner and going to the country was not going to make a difference.

However, when my parents did attend church, there was not a media pool camped outside and church members did not have to run past a gauntlet of reporters to get inside only to find, Sunday after Sunday, perfect strangers sitting in their favorite seats and most of them white!

In newspapers before a given Sunday, my parents did not have to read an article questioning portions of the Ministers’ sermon delivered the Sunday before or the musical background of the organist. Nor did they have to see on television a “just obtained” copy of the next Sunday church program and listen to somebodys' Biblical analysis of the sermon to be preached.

Further, they would have been embarrassed to learn the church was behind one month in its mortgage payment and the minister and his wife drove automobiles not yet paid for and how much they cost and where the ministers’ wife shopped for her clothes and the little morsel that one of the Church Deacons use to be a numbers runner back in the day and had been twice arrested.

I so glad that when my parents decided to take us "down the country” it was not due to fears and embarrassments of attending church and receiving “Child, did’ya hear…” phone calls from other members of the congregation. If the Obamas made the intelligent but heart-wrenching decision to let sleeping dogs lie, I could not agree with them more. Sad.

As always,
P.S. I know a lot of ministers were shaking in their boots when the Obamas moved into town. "Oh, no Lord! Please, please, PUL---LEEASE!!"