Friday, December 19, 2008

Genetically engineered foods not pancreas friendly?

“Insulin helps release the sugar through the pancreas” she said. “She” was the visiting nurse who came this morning to show me how to use the medicine for my diabetes. She was answering my question, “What does insulin do?” I do not know anything about the pancreas except they say you should not get shot in the pancreas. Other than that, my pancreas minded its own business and I minded mine but now it has been pulled on stage, front and center and I have to deal with it.

After “She” left, I mused about getting old and needing other things to help move things though my body. I can accept that. People are not living longer without the help of the medical field but I said to myself, if my body is getting older and can not process the sugar, why do young people with young bodies also have this problem? What do we have in common? Food, glorious food!

For years I have complained that a lot of foods taste the same to me. Especially fruits. For example, the banana has the texture of a banana but taste little differently than a slice of watermelon or apple. It was last year I heard on television a man talking in depth about genetically engineered foods. It was very insightful and although I do not recall his name, he has a published book with the picture of a bunch of asparagus on the cover. I thought he was good and inspiring talking about genetic foods.

Now I am reading Monsanto Seed Company is suing farmers in some parts of the U.S. for not using their engineered seeds. The story I read was depressing and Monsanto is winning the battle. I understand this has been going on for years. I do not know why there has not been a Supreme Court decision on the company monopolizing on Mother Nature and putting our food chain in hostage.

In any case and for the time being, I am associating their genetically modified foods with my pancreas’ reduced functions. Also at this time, this is my opinion and my theory. Funny I have not at least heard the theory before. To me, the associations seem so logical. Our bodies were designed to work hand in hand with food. Real food. Glorious food!
As always,

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Black Homosexuality and California Prop. 8

I will try to say it my way and in my opinion. I know next to nothing regarding the inter-workings of Prop. 8 other than the fact Blacks were blamed for something about it not passing. Other than that, I repeat, I know nothing. Oh, yes! And it’s about gay people.

In my neighborhood, the young boys learning about homosexuality, (we did not use the word due to the fact we did not know what it was) from the older boys working at the corner Jewish store. They told us one of the sons of the owner liked to do something to their private. There were no lurid stories or in-depth narratives; the sons just wanted to do something to their private. We all knew what they meant. The young guys still worked there, one after another and still had our respect as the older guys who did what older guys do in a poor, Black neighborhood in Washington, D.C.

I do not know if our parents knew. They just knew we had our first jobs and were happy seeing us growing up with another responsibility instead of taking care of our dogs and making skate boards. One after another, the young Black boys took jobs as errand boys at the corner grocery store. I guess it first dawned on me when the owner of one of the various Jewish owned stores sold his business to another Jew. I strongly remember hearing my father saying “He did not offer to sell his store to any of the (Black) people in our community”. I was about twelve or thirteen then and I am now seventy one. I am mindful Pres. Mugabe saying the British colonizers bought homosexuality to Africa as I am sure it was bought to American slavery.

I learned you can own a store, have your son do things to Black boys, nobody talks about it and you sell your store to another Jew. The victimized Black youth is left behind. Stuck on the same social ladder and his parents are looking for him to move out of the house, get married and bring to them grand-children so they can talk about it to their church members and friends. “Don’t bring me no bad news” was the unwritten law of the day. If you are gay, keep it to yourself. If you liked what that Jewish body did to you, keep that to yourself, too! There is nothing out here for a gay Black boy. Nothing.

As I grew older, I found there were other white employers taking advantage of their mostly un-educated Black male employees without helping them to elevate their social and financial conditions. Later, the guys my age did hear the word “Homosexuality” and knew what it meant. We heard homosexuality occurred a lot in the prisons where a lot of us Blacks were. When we would read about or know a Black person who had come out of prison, we had our private thoughts but the man would re-integrate into the community, had a family and gave his parents grand-children. No bad news! The Black community is so socially fragile and the last thing we want is to have a large Black gay community coming out for our children to identify with. Our community could not sustain a Ellen DeGeneres, Rachel Maddow, Rosie O’Donnell or Suze Orman. We could not sustain a Boy George, Liberache, Gary “North by Northwest” Grant, Milton Berle, Barney Frank or being a cross-dresser as the Ex. Mayor of New York City, Rudolph Guliani and I am sure there are more male public homosexuals on the contemporary scene. I speak from my era. I guess what I am really saying is there is no advantage whatsoever for a Black to expose his homosexuality. If there is an advantage, I do not see it. I know it is said all behavior is purposeful. No bad news, please!!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Karl Rove, world’s greediest ghoul (Update)

Of course it’s dark! Eerie too. It would be dark and eerie when the clock is just three strokes from mid-night and you see him stumbling through the grave yard. It’s foggy, moist and chilly but that does not stop him. The moon is full and he moves on through the dense fog tightly gripping and re-positioning bony fingers on his shovel that is going to be his knife, fork and spoon. His endless salivating goes un-noticed. “I’ve been to the mountaintop” he muses, “And I, Karl Rove, do solemnly swear to protect America from all enemies both foreign and domestic”.

Karl Rove came to this pale due to the fact he had a “Bernadette of Louvre” like apparition and/or Hamlet’s father speaking to him from the grave experience wherein he learned Eric Holder has been tagged Attorney General of the United States of America by Pres. Elect Obama ".....with all rights and privileges of the office”.

Karl Rove smiles:
“Time for a good old fashioned feast!
Black meat, too.
Fee, fie, fo, foo,
When nature calls, what to do?”

When Karl Rove sneaked into the grave yard, he had already firmly committed himself to gastronomic satisfactions starting first with the Elian Gonzales saga; next digging up and satisfying himself on the sagacorps of Monica Lewinsky, saving just enough appetite for the grave of the equally long buried Marc Rich debacle. Karl Rove is a very hungry and greedy man and it is quite possibly hereditary or ethnic. Ghoulism or having ghoulish taste is not acquired. At least I hope not.

The smells of his grave openings, starting with the grave of little Elian Gongales, attracted others who gathered wanting to partake of the feast. He was not un-prepared: Tucked in his rear pocket for all to see was a sign reading, “Filibuster” (Republican Kryptonite) which he had to use periodically through the early morning hours to stay Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and a handful of other hungry Democrats who assembled resting on tombstones, leaning up against trees, milling around eager to help. Pounce comes to mind. Karl knew others were coming due to the fact he could hear the squeaking gates to the cemetery opening and closing. No other sounds. Just those of the squeaking gates. Foggy.

Karl Rove finishes his dastardly deeds. He looks up. The fog is lifting. He smiles. The sun is only minutes away. The confirmation hearings for Eric Holder are on the horizon. He looks up again, smiles, “And I, Karl Rove, do solemnly swear….”. He emits a long burp as he lay down his shovel, wipes his mouth and begin heading himself towards the entrance to the grave yard, pissing along the way.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Spans and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Here I am trying to defend Mr. Holder and I am no longer a registered Democrat. Ouch!

Opening paragraphs:
The Republican Party is terrified by the idea of Eric Holder as Attorney General. Of all of the appointments to Obama’s Cabinet, this is the one that fills the Right with horror and dread. They have been working overtime to block this appointment. Since Holder was nominated, they have been defining him in the press and framing the issues in ways that they think they could use to take him out.
It started with his ties to the Clinton White House and that Marc Rich pardon and now they are working to bring up everything from Elian Gonzalez to Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky and any other nonsense they can throw into the air in the hopes of killing this appointment

Why the GOP Fears Eric Holder
by dengre
Tue Dec 16, 2008 at 10:25:43 PM PST

Monday, December 15, 2008

*Karl Rove coming to a hearing near you

In 2001 Mr. Eric Holder has already said he was sorry he ok’ed the pardon for Marc Rich. “A big mistake!” I recall him saying. If the statement “A big mistake!” were a hat, Karl Rove, adorned in black cape, top hat and waving a wand, will find many rabbits in it and the media will “Ooo and Ahhh” at each and every one he pulls out of it.

My problems would not be with the infantile and amateurish conduct of Karl Rove but that the Democrats will allow him to do it and get away with it.

However, one would also view at the confirmation hearings on Mr. Holder as Attorney General of the United States a feast on the now badly de-composed and diseased caucus of the Marc Rich story. Karl Rove has worked up a ferrous appetite. In either case, Democrats are going to stand deftly by hiding under their desk, in their office closets or safely tucked away at home in their basement chanting over and over to themselves, “I don’t know nuffin’ ’bout birthing no babies, Miss Scarlet!” A pitiful lot!
As always,

P.S. I could swear either before or after the shoe incident, Pres. Bush was extending his hand to the dignitaries and nobody would shake it. Could be wrong.

* Rove Will "Help Lead" GOP Fight Against Holder: WaPo
stumble digg reddit news trust huffington_post:
December 14, 2008 11:40 AM
Opening sentence:
Republican opposition towards the nomination of Eric Holder as Attorney General is being driven, it seems, by Karl Rove himself.

Certainly, the accusation that the former Bush strategist is engineering GOP opposition to the Holder nomination, while conspiratorial, is not without merit. Rove has long viewed tactical victories as a way towards building political momentum.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Yen & Yang: 9/11 and Nov 4th

In my opinion, the universe can not survive without The Universal Thought and Yen & Yang. (Smile)

I note to myself the power of the November elections that either balances or completely obliterates the tragedies of 9/11. Unfortunately, 9/11 will, like the Holocaust, remain a stoic relic in the annals of history; a grim reminder of civilization at a stand-still perpetrated by those who feel a need to do so. This diary by twenty five year old LaAbogda reflects the complete opposite of the toil 9/11 took on our society. The energies and thrust forward of the diary far outweighs the lingering aftermaths of 9/11 for several reasons.

The youth involved in Nov. 4th are young and destined to live a long time. Each one of them, as does LaAboda, has a story to tell leading up to Nov. 4th and beyond. Their recordings will help keep the positives of Nov. 4th alive and vibrant for generations to come via text books, lectures and word of mouth of personal accounts. Some of my most exhilarating moments were reading the accounts of the Obama supporters during the primaries leading up to Nov. 4th. That was a hell of a trip. I am still exhausted.

The youthful perspective and insider connections of the older supporters are something I will miss. I am so glad they are going to stay together and continue the positives on the road they themselves built and paved. I have nothing but the highest respect for them. We are slowly but surely taking back our country and as we all know, Mainstream Media was the first entity that just had to go. Some people may not realize what a good thing this is for our country. There is this thing about the moving finger. I note an entry on *The Drudge Report. Did I stray? Didn’t mean to. Sorry.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
Yes We Can Continue. 400 in Los Angeles. (with pictures)
by LaAbogada
Sat Dec 13, 2008 at 07:45:33 PM PST
What made me feel most inspired was that I, a 25 year old, was the youngest person at my table. For two years we've heard about how Obama has inspired the young and hopeful, but this morning I witnessed people who have seen far more in their lifetimes who possibly feel the historic context of this election to a greater extent than I possibly can. It gave me the promise of inter-generational coalition building, that progressive no-longer means college-age liberal, but progressive means: I see a wrong, and I want to make it right, no matter what my background.

Quite possibly the most important part of the day, albeit cut short due to time constraints, was the introduction to our neigbhors. Meeting, other individuals, who even if not like-minded, like-age, like-socio-economic status, like-gender, like-race, like-religion felt compelled to wake up, far too early on a rainy Saturday morning, to go meet and hear from others who feel that November 4th was the first victory of a movement that for years will follow.

* WUSA Moves to One-Person News Crews
The march of technology and the shrinking economy are beginning to take a toll on the traditional means of television news-gathering: the TV news crew.
Under a new agreement reached this week with its labor unions, WUSA, Channel 9, will become the first station in Washington to replace its crews with one-person "multimedia journalists" who will shoot and edit news stories single-handedly.