Saturday, January 10, 2009

Curious AA’s in Illinois (Update)

1. With me, it started with this web site….
Blago Impeached; Tide Turning (Again) on Burris?
Item. Rod Blagojevich impeached by nearly unanimous vote in Illinois House. Impeachment trial to be held by Illinois Senate next week.
Item. New poll from Glengariff Group says that Illinoisans opposed to seating Burris by 53-32 margin. More Illinoisans strongly opposed to seating Burris than in favor. More support for either a Pat Quinn appointment and a special election.

2. That took me to Huffington Post as follows:
Poll: 52 Percent Of Illinois Voters Oppose Burris Appointment
“Roland Burris is paying the price for an appointment that is tarnished and tainted by the cloud of corruption and scandal that hovers menacingly over the head of Gov. Rod Blagojevich, according to a new poll by the Glengariff Group. The poll indicates that 52 percent of Illinois voters oppose the appointment.

There were several ways of approaching the questions I placed upon myself this morning; Are the people of Illinois missing it again with Roland Burris? Are they missing another brilliant candidate who can “walk on water”? Another candidate who is scandal free? If so, why?

There are many feeling it was Iowa setting Sen. Obama’s sail in the direction of the White House but it was also Sen. Obama’s opponent’s ex-wife Jeri Ryan who was the genesis of his historic saga; a woman’s scorn.

CHICAGO — Republican Jack Ryan (search) dropped out of the Illinois Senate race Friday, saying he wanted to avoid a "brutal, scorched-earth campaign" that was likely to follow the recently-revealed disclosure of sex club allegations made in his divorce records.
Ryan's 1999 divorce from "Boston Public" actress Jeri Ryan (search) made news four days ago when unsealed court papers showed she alleged that he asked her to have sex with him in nightclubs while others watched.,2933,123716,00.html

Here is what I do not understand. I do not understand with the community work Barack was doing and his ties to one of the most prestigious churches in the community why he was not immediately the front runner in his Senate race. I do not understand why his light was not shining bright enough even then for all to see from the off-set. I do not understand why it had to take a scandal, a sex scandal of his opponent, for him to pull ahead in the race to become, literally, the unchallenged contender. No one could touch him. Why did his walking on water take so long to be noticed? So it is, we have not yet seen Sen. Elect Burris take long strides during his water walking episodes, but from limited exposure efforts, we have seen his capabilities. We witnessed on yesterday not only Gov. Blagojevich walking on water but we also saw some bare-feet water skiing with one and then two hands waving at the aghast assembled; some alternating feet antics including more than a few mid-air somersaults and spins. It was brilliant! Is it the water or the air in Illinois Blagojevich, Barack and Roland Burris are so brilliant? (Smile)

And then there was Ms. Carol Mosley-Braun from Illinois. I do not know her perils in securing her seat but I do remember her impeccable character. Was she also missed a few times around before her Senate seat?

I am tempted to think it is the local polling responsible for funny things happening in the political arena in Illinois. I am mindful of what I considered at the time nefarious behavior of poll masters in relations to both the recent primary races and the general election race. Many times in my opinion the polling results defied the most extreme of reasoning. The word lies readily comes to mind. And thus my suspicions of the polling apparatus “Glengariff Group” as identified in the Huffington Post. I never heard of them before and if they are one of the polling machinery of Illinois, I can understand my concerns reading, “52 Percent Of Illinois Voters Oppose Burris Appointment”. It just sounds fishy to me. I’ll just leave it at that.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. If you are wondering why the pundits and commentators are so hard on Blagojevich? With his appointment of Roland Burris, he is considered a “Nigger lover”. They will do the same to any white who promotes a Black in the organization. Apparently, Harry Reid is running fast from that label. For whatever reason, that’s one he definitely does not want. Between the two choices, he will gladly accept the “Racist” label going about his merry way considering himself lucky thanking Jesus. "I am who I am" he proudly mutters to himself.
(Update) "Blago! (The Musical)"
I laughed my “flying buttress” off at this post. I think Oscar nominees Mssrs. Penn and Van Sant should take note and media critic Tom Watson should take a bow for having such a fertile and creative mind. Kudos! I strongly suggest Mr. Watson write his idea into a business plan and present it to an agent.

Blago! (The Musical) would certainly include Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's political death scene, perhaps a fumbling Mercutio's lament after the self-inflicted wound of barring Roland Burris at the schoolhouse, er, congressional doors for lack of a permission slip from the Illinois Secretary of State.

The incoming President (who has a Swiss watch of a political instinct compared to Reid's primitive sundial) can hardly be happy about the potential for long Blago defense in the well of the Illinois State Senate.
Tom Watson
Author of CauseWired, consultant, journalist and media critic.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Questions: Roland Burris, Eric Holder and now Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Update)

Who’s next? Dr. Susan Rice? We witnessed the “we don’t want you here” of Roland Burris and Eric Holder. All with the most feeble of issues. Below is the shout-out to *Dr. Gupta. Can you picture John “Old Sleepy” Conyers all stringed up on the puppet stage making this public announcement to Dr. Cupta? And taking close to a half hour to do so in front of a yawning audience? I can.

-Mah, I wanna go home.
-Hush child, that’s Congressman Conyers talking.
-He kain't talk! I’m sleepy.
-Hush your face, boy!
-But Mah…….
-Did you hear what I just said?

I quote from one of my earlier posts: “The negroes are listening. They know what’s up. We will smear you with feces, get your blood pressure up and make you fear for your life.” Additionally, “We will ‘taint’ you aspiring for higher positions in life. Go back to Africa, Nigger! This country does not belong to you! Read my lips: Just. Go. A. Way!”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Senate hearings on disgraced (white) Tom Daschle went un-noticed today.
* “Rep. John Conyers has written a letter to Democratic colleagues urging them to join him in publicly opposing the nomination of Dr. Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General.”
Conyers: Obama Should Not Nominate Sanjay Gupta

(Does) It makes sense to you (0+ / 0-)
that the most important issue to the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee is who the Senate is going to confirm as Surgeon General?
Don't get me wrong; it should be important to Conyers, but there are a lot more important things he could be blogging about, if he's going to spend his time blogging.
"I never asked for anything more than a Diet Dr. Pepper every once in a while." - Sarah Palin
by JeremyA on Fri Jan 09, 2009 at 06:39:05 AM PST
Is Sanjay Gupta the right choice for Surgeon General?
by Congressman John Conyers
Fri Jan 09, 2009 at 04:55:01 AM PST

The above comment prompted me to Google Rep. Conyer’s committee to see his other concerns. They are as follows and there are nine more. Here is the web site:

1. The judiciary and judicial proceedings, civil and criminal.
2. Administrative practice and procedure.
3. Apportionment of Representatives.
4. Bankruptcy, mutiny, espionage, and counterfeiting.
5. Civil liberties.
6. Constitutional amendments.
7. Criminal law enforcement.
8. Federal courts and judges, and local courts in the Territories and possessions.
9. Immigration policy and non-border enforcement.
10.Interstate compacts generally.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Blagojevich: An American Folk Hero (Update)

Just like John Henry, Paul Bunyon and Abraham Lincoln, in my opinion, Milorad “Rod” Blagojevich, will grace history books as the “bigger than life” man who coming out of the state of Illinois testing our Constitution in relation to Black citizenry to its very limits. A man who squeezed our Constitution so tightly it cried for mercy. A man who with just a stroke of his pen sent Constitutional figureheads running for cover being exposed as the hack many of the are. Pompous asses! Mr. Blogojevich is a man who single handedly put the Democratic Party in the worst peril of its existence and all of this with a stroke of his pen. And, alas, a man who really knows the Constitution.

There are some who would call our new “folk hero” a crook though a mild mannered man. A mis-guided man. A person who would sell anything within his power to advance the stabilities of his family structure. A Chicago Mafia Man. This may be said and indeed it maybe true but there is one thing I know and know very well: There is nobody who knows the law better than a crook. And if it is true Illinois is a crooked state run by crooks and has been for decades, then Mr. Blagojevich has to be the best of the crooks. He is Governor of the state. When you are the best of anything, it speaks for itself: You are the best! Head Honcho! De man!

I note it was during the night after Mr. Blagojevich said he was going to ask the state of Illinois to stop dealing with "Bank of America" until it fulfills some of its financial obligations to its customers, he was arrested. I thought that odd. I still think there was a relationship between what he said and the acceleration (?) of his arrest. And even more so that the charges against Mr. Blagojevich were not formal nor criminal. And now with this ninety day delay and all, it sounds fishy to me. I repeat: If Mr. Blagojevich is a crook, he sure does know the laws of his state and of the U.S. Constitution and for that, I salute him.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. In relationship to Mr. Blagojevich, the saying goes, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” Also Kudos to Michelle Bernard and Pat Buchanan.

“It is not complex. Blagojevich has a criminal complaint against him. He has not been formally charged with a particular crime or crimes. No jury has been seated. No trial has taken place. No jury has convicted him and no judge has sentenced him. Until a jury decides differently, Blagojevich enjoys the presumption of innocence.
Being charged, arrested, having a bond hearing, going to trial and being freed or convicted is due process.The presumption of innocence and due process are basic human and civil rights. Those rights should be protected for everybody.
Blagojevich resigning or not carrying out the duties of his job could ring as an admission of guilt of sorts and thus violating of his 5th Amendment rights.”
And Give Blago His Rights
Give Burris His Seat

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

“Harry Reid is nothing but a useless, milquetoast,…” (Update)

*Harry Reid is nothing but a useless, milquetoast, closeted Republican. With Reid, none of Obama's agenda will get passed. Yes, it will get filibustered with McConnell's 41 vote minority, because Reid is THAT useless. Expect Employee Free Choice act to down. Too bad. If you think I'm wrong, look at the last 2 years. Reid accomplished NOTHING! It was as if the 2006 elections didn't even happen, and we were still in the minority.

I thoroughly agree with diarist articshadow in the fact Harry Reid must go. His potential backers should know as soon as possible there is mal-content with his leadership so they would not be putting their money down or better yet, begin to withdraw their financial support. They are betting on a losing horse. I would hope backers of political campaigns, and especially the political campaign of Harry Reid, are just as fugal in guarding how they budget and spend their money as I am.

Further, I would surmise campaign funding and commitments are started years in advance and therefore hope appropriate donors are aware of the total ass their hopeful has made of himself these past few weeks plus threatening the election cycles of other Democratic candidates.

I do not see how Harry Reid can win an election especially if there are enough Blacks and progressives in the state of Nevada. I personally plan on supporting his opponent if necessary and this is no BS. Those are my plans. As stated in the diary, the man is useless with highly questionable and downright crazy priorities! Song: “You better think” by Aretha Franklin.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
*The Democratic Party's future depends on Harry Reid
by arcticshadow
Wed Jan 07, 2009 at 06:56:01 PM PST

A seventy-one year old dude who hasn't held office for 14 years, appointed by a crook, takes the Senate Majority Leader to the cleaners.
Reid is a red state senator, up for re-election in 2010 and under pressure from the right, who is already making noise about appeasing Republicans who aren't going to be appeased. He's a hazard to Obama's agenda, which is why leading Senate Democrats tried to ease him out as Majority Leader last year.
See: Daschle, Tom.
Jane Hamsher
Posted January 7, 2009

Burris: Smear with feces and get blood pressure up

…and make him fear for his life. We want him to know on no uncertain terms we do not want him to work here. Not his kind. Guilt by association, the brain child of Hilary Clinton almost worked with Obama and Rev. Wright but that does not stop us from trying to do it again. We got something for them. Sure do. Plain and simple. Sure the law is on his side. Who gives a shit? We may also not win this one but at least we’ll have a stinking n…… walking around thinking he is somebody. When we look at him it will be with utter distain. Right now we are giving our like minded political pundits issues to talk about for years. We want this to go into the history books. We did it with Rep. Adam Clayton Powell and we are doing it again. The Negro must continue to know his place no matter what it takes even if we have to do it through collective guilt. It has to be done. Plain and simple. We are surprised more of the public is not joining in with us in teaching a lesson to Burris and his kind but that doesn’t matter now. We are going to see this thing through. The negroes are listening. They know what’s up. They know what the deal is and that’s all we want. Plain and simple. Now let’s see another one of'em jumping out here wanting to be President or Senator again. Going into Congress is not so bad. We don’t want them there either but we usually can get them under control there. Idiot’s delight. Frightened weasels! You saw how fast we got rid of that McKinney woman didn’t you? Now that was a true n…..! Talked too much! Uppidy as hell! There was no help for her no matter what we did. (Sings) "Freedom isn’t free, dum de-dum dum, Freedom isn’t free.” And it isn’t! Not for them! But let me tell you something; when one of them want to be President of these United States or a Senator, we got something for them. Mission accomplished. Also I want to add we’re so glad to have the support of Barack on this matter. A real plus. Yes sir, a real plus. (Sings leaving stage) Barack, the magic negro…….
(I saw the frightened look on the face of Mr. Burris as he was ushered around yesterday. Nobody should have to go through that kind of experienced. No one should. I am awaiting the Nobel Prize photo of the incident just as the long ago photo of Gov. Wallace standing at the door of the school house barring Black students from going in. It’s out there somewhere. Sad. What did you say the names of Sen. Coleman’s children were? Any named after him? And what about his burial site? Has he chosen one yet? What about his wife’s maiden name and her family? Is he….(ahem) Presbyterian?)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Diabetics, no matter what we do…. is still the Monsanto Seed Company and genetically engineered and grown foods. Neither organic foods nor pasture grown cows can help us. Trapped! I am mindful of Monsanto Seeds Company going around buying up smaller seed companies and putting copyrights on plants. I first became aware of this practice when they started putting copyrights on the plants in Africa the Herbologist here in America wanted. I went shopping today and took a good look at my grocery bag after getting home. Ahg!!
As always,

Democratic Party Implodes!

Sen. Roland Burris was denied his rightfully and legally earned Senate Seat. In my opinion, Pres. Elect Obama should have kept his mouth closed. Now he is a part of the lynching mob. Lately it seems Pres. Elect Obama has been getting some wrong advice. Who could be giving it to him? A bad precedence for the Black community in particular. I continue to search for the positive.

*“Some of Burris' supporters have bemoaned the fact that Democrats would stand in the way of the Senate gaining its only black member. Burris himself downplayed the issue of race, telling reporters: "I cannot control my supporters. I have never in my life, in all my years of being elected to office, thought anything about race."
Earlier Tuesday, Burris had tense negotiations with Terrence Gainer, the Senate's sergeant at arms.
"I'm presenting myself as the legally appointed senator from the state of Illinois. It is my hope and prayer that they recognize that the appointment is legal," he said earlier in a nationally broadcast interview.”
As always,
P.S. There's an old saying, "If you start off wrong, you end up wrong." Whether a failed job interview or choosing a wedding date, I have personally never seen it fail to happen. The negatives can be turned around but it takes incredibly amounts of energy and faith and if a person is not willing to do or have either, the issues remain.
* Burris denied seat in US Senate to succeed Obama

Sen. Diane Feinstein’s flawed and defective “Thinking Cap”

I was wondering what it was Ms. Feinstein said casting her deciding vote at the confirmation hearings of Judge Mukasey that made me question how she filters information and “lo and behold,” the comment below from dweb8231 in a diary by ryeland rekindled my memory. However, I did not know about the confirming remarks she made for Porter Goss. It is nice to know my questioning Ms. Feinstein’s abilities to sort out information was spot on. It’s so nice to be right once in a while. (Smile)
*Los Angeles Times Op-Ed
Nov. 3, 2007
Sen. Diane Feinstein “Judge Mukasey's answers to hundreds of questions were crisp and to the point, and reflected an independent mind. That's why I intend to vote to confirm him to be our next attorney general. I truly believe he will be a strong advocate for the American people. (snip) I believe that Judge Mukasey is the best nominee we are going to get from this administration (snip) The bottom line is this: I hope that Judge Mukasey will fairly and evenhandedly represent the American people and direct the Justice Department wherever the facts and the law lead, not where the White House dictates. Our nation needs a strong and independent attorney general, and I believe that Judge Mukasey will rise to the challenge.”

September 21, 2004
"After much thought and a careful review of the record, I voted today to confirm the nomination of Representative Porter Goss to be Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (DCI). But I do have some serious concerns - especially about the impact of this nomination on intelligence reform and his record of partisanship in Congress.
I believe the President should have the prerogative to appoint who he wants to be the DCI, or for any other senior position, subject only to the requirement that the person be qualified for the job. As a former CIA officer, a former Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, and a former Army intelligence officer, I think he is certainly qualified. If he is confirmed, I would hope that he demonstrates the necessary independence required of the DCI. But there are still some open questions, which gave me some hesitancy in supporting the nomination.
Will the Porter Goss who takes the helm of the CIA be the fair, reasoned, knowledgeable chairman I watched lead a joint Congressional investigation into the 9/11 attacks? Or will he be the partisan who has been making highly charged comments and attacking Senator John Kerry on behalf of the Bush administration?
It is imperative that the new DCI provide the President and the Congress with non-partisan, unbiased intelligence and it is also critical that this nominee not be an impediment to the overall intelligence reform effort.

I have decided to tuck away five dollars a week to help the strongest primary opponent of Diane Feinstein, whichever party. All I want is someone of sound mind who will do their Constitutional job and I does not care who or what it am. Also, I have decided to tuck away five dollars a week to help Roland Burris and Cindy Sheehan in their primary bids to an elected office. It could possibly be more if Pres. Obama reduces the tax on my Social Security check giving me a little more disposable income. My Social Security check is presently taxed at forty percent. If not, I’ll just stick to my five dollars a week commitment. I feel confident the people of Nevada will take care of Harry Reid and it will be done on the cheap. However, I will be eagerly watching. I’ve been bitten by the “Democracy at work” bug and it started with little Mr. Barack Obama. I am so happy and proud of him.

As always,
*Bush-Enablers Feinstein and Rockefeller are running scared (UPDATED)
by ryeland
Mon Jan 05, 2009 at 10:06:55 PM PST

Monday, January 05, 2009

Sidwell Friends and the Obama girls

It is hard to imagine Malia and Sasha being the only students at Sidwell Friends with bodyguards. Due to the historical prestige of the school, I would imagine there are other parents who have the help of the Secret Service and bodyguards.

Considering the school’s prestige, you may safely assume there are students whose parents have foes in other countries and there is the downright American invention of the kidnap. There will be children of parents who have an income that far exceeds the annual salary of Sasha and Malia’s parent. Sasha and Malia will be meeting people and other students who will grow up helping to shape the world. Sidwell Friends is one of THE schools in Washington, D.C.
- Hi, Sasha. Hi, Malia. Remember me?
- Malia! It’s Richard! We were in Ms. Goldberg’s class together.
-That’s right. Look at me now. Ambassador to Poland.
-Oh, my god!
-And your brother was in my class.
-That’s right, Malia. He’s now President of Poland.
-Gee! Remember that assembly when……..
-Yeah! And remember when Kirk Simpson went out and got into the wrong limousine because his bodyguard was busy flirting with one of the secretaries……
As always,

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Sen. Harry Reid: An American embarrassment

Sen. Reid is scheduled to be on “Meet The Press” this Sunday morning and I am eagerly awaiting the interview.

In my opinion, it is not what has been reported the good Senator has said but rather it is the way he has said it. Too many of us, we know there are many ways to skin a cat and the higher the intellect the more creative the procedure. We have indeed seen some doozies coming out from both the criminal world and the U.S. Congress and the latest from the Congress being the convoluted efforts of Sen. Reid not seating a legitimately and legally appointed Sen. Roland Burris to a Senate seat.

The Constitution does not say you can not be a Senator under the circumstances surrounding a person’s appointment if he is “tainted” for whatever reason, bear “bad associations”, is “uppity” or “arrogant”. Those are labels from the pedestrian quarters of a mentally disabled citizenship. A segment of a society accepting and positively re-acting to “Anti-Semitic” labels from those who feel it appropriate and not “Racism” from those who know it when they see it. Looking forward to seeing Sen. Reid “skinning” his cat on “Meet the Press” at ten thirty this morning. As they say, “It’s not what you say but how you say it.”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,