Saturday, March 07, 2009

Tim Geithner: “Tar Baby” of the Obama administration?

The spot lights are clearly on the Treasury Department these days. The lights have been turned on and all the roaches have scattered into the wood-works only to be able to re- group to come out again. No insecticides nor poison bait is being used, just the infamous grinning Joker carrying a sign reading, “Come back soon!”

What person in their right mind would want to be associated with Mr. Geithner and his background? Here’s my take on it:

I would not like to neither work for nor work with a guy who has a background with associates of the tightly knit cabal that has robbed our treasury on numerous occasions. I would not like to be associated with Mr. Geithner due to the fact every crook in America knows the combination to the once well stocked vault located in the basement of the Treasury Department. In the past, said crooks have gotten away with what use to be mid-night raids on the vault but now they have made the robberies a shameless “broad day Light” event while continuing to look for scapegoats.

No thanks, I would not be one who sacrifices my reputation just to work for the Obama administration. The world would have to get use to not trusting the United State with putting their money into our vault at the Treasury Department if they had to depend on Mr. Geithner and me and he’s not going to take me to jail with him, either. No, no, no by my chinny chin chin!

Now if as a Black man I were treated like Bernanke and Paulson, a part of the cabal so to speak, I would review the situation in a heart beat and immediately start stealing as much money I could carry away each time I visited the vault and that’s no stage joke! I may even back my truck up there if I could grab a parking space as soon as the other guys and their stevedores leave.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. President Obama may do well to go seeking A3 passport visitors from Europe or India in particular to fill the positions at Treasury. The world may begin to trust us a little more. (Smile)

Geithner's Recruting Problems At Treasury
by Richard Lyon
Fri Mar 06, 2009 at 02:11:42 PM PST
Even with US unemployment topping 8% it looks like Tim Geithner is having problems finding people who want to work for him. It is being reported that two key candidates have withdrawn their names from consideration.

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s effort to staff his department and assemble deeper expertise to flesh out his financial-rescue plan received a new blow yesterday with the withdrawals of a potential deputy and undersecretary.

There is of course much room for speculation in these events and not much hard information available. However, it would appear that people are reluctant to become key players on a treasury team that is having some difficulties, to say the least, in putting together a plan.

How Paulson Used AIG To Throw Goldman A Big Old Bone
by boloboffin
Sat Mar 07, 2009 at 12:58:17 AM PST

Friday, March 06, 2009


I went to “HP Live Chat” about two weeks ago. Picking up the chat with few modifications….
Tony: I understand the monitor blinks off and on. It is not possible to view the display in the screen properly. Am I right?
BB: Yes
Tony: BB, if you have a different monitor try to connect it to this computer and check whether it works fine. This will help us to isolate this issue.
BB: No other monitor. I wish.
Tony: Okay, may I know when did this issue first occur?
BB: About a month ago. The other day the monitor went completely blank. It came on the net morning which was yesterday. Blinking on and off.
BB: I notice this problem ha been addressed in chat rooms and no one seems to have an answer to the problem.
BB: What has been your experience with addressing this problem?
Tony: Let us try with monitor self test. Please unplug the VGA cable connected to the monitor and check for the message “No input signal” or monitor going to sleep mode. Then check whether the display in the monitor screen is fine.
BB: Not in the mood for trying this or that at this time. From your experience, is the problem a monitor or computer one? I am prepared to buy one or the other at this time but not both.
Tony: I understand your concern. The monitor self test will help us to identify whether the issue is with the monitor or the video card. If the monitor display blinks on and off while the VGA cable is disconnected then the monitor is gone bad. If the display is fine then the graphics card is gone faulty.
BB: Thanks. Do not mean to be rude. Patience gone at this point. I’ll do the troubleshooting in the morning. Thanks.
Tony: You are welcome. I will also provide you a document which will help to isolate this issue.
BB: Thanks again. G’night.

My new monitor came last week and no blinking on and off to date. Problem solved.
As always,

Robert Gibbs, lead singer in Obama’s Greek Chorus

“The (Greek) chorus offers a variety of background and summary information to help the audience follow the performance. ..” and the performance is indeed the lecture series of our President. In relationship to the President, I look at a difference between a series of lectures as opposed to a lecture series. In the long run, however, it may well be the tomato/tomahto thing.

There are others in the chorus to back-up Mr. Gibbs, doing their own solos or participating in small and large group ensembles but it is Mr. Gibbs who is the lead singer.

A large portion of Mr. Gibb’s job appears to entail interpreting, clarifying and adjusting the thinking caps of the press coup as necessary to what the President or members of his administration have said. In my opinion Mr. Gibbs is doing a hell-of-va job and I find myself looking forward to making visits to his music room, so to speak. I envy Mr. Gibb’s vast knowledge, his demeanor and most of all, I envy his patience. Kudos to Mr. Gibbs. It is a pleasure watching such a gifted man.
As always,
P.S. News outlooks are looking for public support for the arrest of the President of Darfur. I never knew what the conflict was all about much less the President’s name. All I ever hear is a lot of blather and the word “Genocide” and do not ever recall hearing the who, what, when, where and why of the situation. And finally, I had fun last night watching Anderson Cooper asking Robert Bagalia everything except “Boxers or briefs”. (Smile) Mr. Bagalia is a very clever man.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Rush, the baby-sitter, recommended by…..

more therapist than any other baby-sitter for members of congress.

Definition: also n.
A person engaged to care for one or more children in the temporary absence of parents or guardians. A person who cares for or watches over someone or something that needs attention or guidance.

-Yoo-hoo. Yoo-hoo! Ms. Cantor? Oh, Miss-us Cantor?
-Yes, Ms. Gingrey. What is it?
-Ms. Cantor, Hate to bother you and all right after church and hearing such a wonderful sermon, but I need a baby-sitter for my little Phil and I was told you have been telling people you have a good one.
-Why, yes I do, Ms. Gingrey and he’s good with the little ones.
-I need someone to take care of my little one while we go to work. My husband and I both work, you know, and, well, our little one is, well, let me put it this way. Our therapist thinks that Phil could use a baby-sitter who is someone special. Do you know what I’m trying to say, Ms. Cantor?
-Of course, Ms. Gingrey. Eric is also a special needs child. Not an original thought in his head! I always have to tell him what to do, how to do it and when to do it!
-Miss-us Cantor! That’s your child you’re talking about. How could you…
-That why I know him so well, Ms. Gingrey. Now our baby-sitter, Rush Limbaugh is his name, knows just how to handle children like that. He’s good with special needs children. Eric’s therapist recommended him to us. Now listen to this, Ms. Gingrey. For part of his baby-sitting day, Rush, we call him Rush because that dear man is like a part of our family, well he pretends he has a radio program and that only nice people are listening to him. Eric loves it when he does that. He likes to think he is one of those nice people. And then Rush pretends those nice people are calling into his show and he even lets the children pretend they are calling in with questions.
-How nice!
-He answers his play phone with, “Hello, nice people, do you love Rush?”
-And that’s not the best part of his baby-sitting skills. After lunch, he lets the children pretend they are in a big, big crowded meeting place hearing him give a speech. Why he even helps them learn how to read when he does this. He puts up signs saying, “Clap” and they clap, “Laugh” and they laugh, and one day when I was visiting he put up a sign that said, “Groan”. And you should hear the children when he puts up the "Obama"sign”. Oh, my God I tell you Ms. Gingrey, you really should heard them then. He’s amazing I tell you, truly amazing! Real good with the kids and a good disciplinarian when he has to be. My husband and I don’t know what we’ll do without him.
-You’ve sold me, Ms. Cantor. Can I get his phone number from you?
-Of course you can but I must tell you another reason my husband and I like Rush so much. It’s kind of a bonus to his job. Most all of the children have Republican parents. Imagine that! Are you and your husband Republicans, Ms. Gingrey?
-You bet’cha we are. I feel so blessed today. Oh, look! Is that Ms. Steele coming over? Good afternoon, Ms. Steele.
-Good afternoon, Ms. Gingrey, Ms. Cantor. I’ll get right to the point. Do you have a good baby-sitter you would recommend?
-Why of course, Ms. Steele, we grown-ups need someone to take care of the little ones while we are at work , don’t we?
-Can’t leave the little ones alone.
-Can you imagine what the world would be like without baby-sitters?
-Not just "any" baby-sitter. Republican ones like Rush. They’re so good with the little ones.
-Especially the little ones with special needs and that would indeed be Mr. Rush Limbaugh.
-Amen to that!
- (A little dance each pretending to be Rush with the children.) Wow! (Curtain)

Looking forward to Rush becoming a distant memory as broadband sweeps across the country.
As always,

Related reading:
Deja Vu, All Over Again
by jesmith2
Tue Mar 03, 2009 at 06:34:28 PM PST
The GOP has systematically reduced itself to the gimmicks of hostility solely for the sake of opposition. Only a party in total disarray would kowtow to a reactionary such as Limbaugh. They have no plan, no vision, nor a humane identity.
It’s déjà vu all over again. Once more, Rush Limbaugh is hand delivering something to the Democratic Party. Only this time it’s not an election; it’s the future.

Dkos lays another Golden Egg

I read the entire diary twice. A nice microscopic segment of our most recent political history. I see a powerful lesson plan or outline for a course of study.

-Look, Ma. No parenthesis. Wow!!
-Yes, it does have nice punctuation, doesn’t it? Just that one set of parenthesis in the title and two in the body.
-Aw, Ma!
- ….but they are well done. Sometimes you see whole paragraphs in parenthesis. Finish up now, son, we have to go.
- You bet’cha!
-What did you just say!?
-Yes, ma’am?
-That’s better. You got that from your Father. Let’s go.

RIP: Republican Party (Thanks, Rush!)
by Justashotaway
Mon Mar 02, 2009 at 06:35:44 PM PST

The greatest irony of modern political history: The Republican Party will be destroyed by Rush Limbaugh and his giant ego.

In his speech at CPAC, Limbaugh said that it wasn't about ideas. That it was about philosophy. That this moment in America's political history is the site of a great battle between good and evil; between Republicans and Democrats; between God and the false Messiah; between the government and the people.
That's all fluff. A bunch of hot air. Limbaugh says it isn't about ideas because the Republicans have none--- at least none that work. You want some Republican ideas? Here, I'll give you some:
As always,

Monday, March 02, 2009

Mr. Steele goes (crawls) to Limbaugh

My grin is way too big right now. Let me end on this thought from Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo;
Dems gloat after Rush awards himself sole custody of Steele's testicles. (Thanks ghostlawns )

Dear Mr. Steele,
I contributed to your campaign and voted for you so writing to you this way is not easy.
Most of us who were not SOB’s before “Bush 43” found a need to cultivate one within ourselves. White boys call it 'Growin’ balls’. You are no longer a seventeen year old registering as a Republican. You are a grown man now and your feelings to apologize to Rush for what you believe does not say nice things about your maturity and I’ll just leave it at that. Grow up, man! The world has changed! Read Dr. Woodson’s thesis, “The Mis-Education of the Negro” and this time, if you can find it, read it with your thinking cap on. You may well have left it somewhere in your college dorm locker. Wherever it is, I suggest you find it and put it on! You may need it now more than ever. You are now on the World Stage and the curtains have opened. Good luck! I wish you well. Honestly.
As always,
Ol‘ man going down the road, arms flailing in the air, kicking up dust, shaking his head and mumbling to himself.
P.S. It is sad whomever wants to emerge as a Republican leader has to be careful not to offend Rush and, if they do, have the mental construction to apologize to him. R.I.P. GOP! This is a big time pocketful of dudu.

Rush: Minstrel Player, coon, monkey, white nigger?

In my opinion, there is a distinct relationship between what Rick Santelli did on the stock exchange floor the other week and what Rush Limbaugh did the other night as a speaker at the Conservative Political Action Committee (CPAC) convention. For sure, there were acting skills involved in both instances but of all the articles I have read regarding the Santelli performance, author *Paul Rosenberg hit the nail on the head. Many a teacher and parent have seen that Santelli kind of performance before by simply asking the question, “Who hit who first?” Rush is a different can of worms eventhough I posit there is a relationship.

Rush calls himself an entertainer. If he truly believes he is an entertainer, he is the strangest entertainer I have seen. To me Rush comes under the rubric, “I don’t know how to describe an entertainer but I know one when I see one”. What I saw the other night was a Minstrel Show and Rush was the nigger, the coon, the monkey, and yes, the ape, so to speak. To me there were all the characteristics of a person performing in the most idiotic manner for laughs from the audience and Rush’s ultimate audience is his Neo-con contract holders. It was obvious Rush was under pressure to deliver and, to be honest, deliver he did. He delivered according to his station in life. His station to do and say things to please his master once he knows his master’s desires with slave-like obedience. Rush has to remember they OWN him, lock, stock, barrel and medication.

Rush is your typical garden variety "po’ white trash". I don’t see any real depth of thoughts there and it appears his masters are also grooming Joe The Plumber to follow in his footsteps. Joe The Plumber is not kept on the scene for no reason. There is a plan for him.

If the good Mr. Limbaugh fancies himself such an entertainer already, let’s hear him come with the jokes why he can not buy a home in Israel perhaps next to the Wolff Blitzer estate. The joke would be even funnier were he to bring with him Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin and the Dr. Allan Keys looking for investment properties or some place to live. I would laugh my ass off at that joke!

Ladies and gentlemen; your jobs are to destroy America so “Tote that bar, lift that bale but dammit, hell no, you can’t move to Israel!” How do you like that freedom? Want to try Paraguay now? Hey Rush, you still want Pres. Obama to fail? He’s trying to make it that no one has to move! Bush ain’t even gone yet! Noticed something? I just gave you another joke, man!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Supplemental reading:
Rush's Ramblings at CPAC
But one moment was utterly stunning. It was when Rush and the entire CPAC audience took the time and effort to malign John Kerry's service to this country, even laughing at the mention of Vietnam. Rush's disrespect for the military dripped off the very mention of Kerry's name. It was disgraceful. For a crew who professes to respect the military, at every turn Republicans reveal their disdain for our troops, especially if they're Democrats. It's the same with Republican military policy, which has strung our forces out and depleted our reserves.

*This excerpt from Playboy: Santelli's Rant A Rightwing Plant
by: Paul Rosenberg
Sun Mar 01, 2009 at 17:04
There is clearly much, much more to this story, which itself should serve as a reminder of how little we really know about all the many scandals of the Bush era.
Ritholtz claims no further knowledge about any of this, but opines that if true, "Santelli may have to fall on his sword, and CNBC may owe the public an apology."
We shall see. Ordinarily one would not think so. This is just how the right wing rolls. But in case you hadn't noticed, "ordinary" is changing. After all, ordinarily someone like Ritholtz wouldn't even be writing about something like this.

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Cell Phone Provider tries hand at fleecing

It was about a month ago I read a moving diary from a mother whose son worked for the state and was going through a devoice. He had $400.00 taken out of his pay-check by his cell phone provider. I did not keep up with the diary.

Long story short, it has been my experience with the one cell phone I had that the provider plays games with you. When your contract is up, they play dumb when you tell them you want to discontinue the service. Knowing you pay $42.00 a month for the service IN ADVANCE, they take that advance payment and considers it a payment due on your bill and in time, they refer you to a collection agency. You tell them you notified the provider to discontinue services and they say you did not.

During this time, you receive in the mail a bill for almost $400.00 with the gracious offer if you pay 80% of the bill, your debt to them would be considered paid in full. You send them a letter:

Dear Sir,
Before I take this case to court, you could make it easier on both of us by furnishing me copies of my signed or verbal contract with Sxxxxx Cell Phone justifying the bill in question.
As always,
P.S. BTW, I understand my health insurance company will automatically and with regularity send me blood strips for testing my sugar and charge my credit card whether I need the supply or not. I would imagine if I told them I do not need the strips for that particular month, I would have to start the process over from the beginning involving a fax from my doctor etc. If I don’t get this treatment for any of my medicines ordered through my insurance company, why only for the blood strips? Lord, I tell ya. If it’s not my sheep, it’s my cow!

Can’t earn a living without racist jokes

Add to that some commentators and political pundits.

(Clint Eastwood) ......we live in a wrongly political correct society becuase...wait for it...we no longer can tell "jokes about different races" without being called racist.

I just cannot get over how much conservatives are exposing their racism, seemingly more than in the previous 3 decades, at the dawn of the 21st century. Obama's election has pushed them over the edge, they just can't hold back anymore.

Do some comedians need a “Stimulus Package?” Some people do not need a lot of writing space to make poient points. It appears diarist DCCylone is one of them. Kudos for sharing.

*Not The Onion: Clint Eastwood condemns claim that racist jokes are racist
by DCCyclone
Sun Mar 01, 2009 at 05:20:18 AM PST

The President, the troops and the new GI Bill

Obama Says Troops are Coming Home: Are we Ready to Welcome Them?
Paul Rieckhoff,

"Still, it's good to see the government beginning to do its part. But it will take more than just the politicians to support our veterans; every American has a responsibility to support those who've served. IAVA has done its part by launching a historic outreach campaign anchored by the groundbreaking website At this site, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans can connect with one another and find critical mental health, education and employment resources to help with the transition home. If you want to help your community welcome home our troops, join us at"

I was glad to hear the President say there was a new GI Bill available for the troops. It is my understanding the new bill would be one more way of thanking them for their support. My mind went on a shopping spree for ideas:

1. Moms, dads, other close relatives and friends can send the **advertisement to their relatives who are serving before they come home. Let them know it is alright to think about college now and you will support them.

2. If they have not completed college, have the dean of their school write them a letter informing them how the new GI Bill will help them complete their education and what he/she will do to help walk them through the system. The man said, "Keep hope alive."

3. Seek letters from veterans in the soldier’s hometown writing him/her letters talking about their own experiences at the local Jr. College, college or university. Invite them to lunch when they return home; just the two of you and if possible, give him/her a few bucks in a “Thank You” card.

4. If your son or daughter still trust you, just like you took them to the recruiting office to sign up for the armed service, you can yourself enroll them into school. If they have not finished high-school, give them some expectations.

5. The local institutions of higher learning could hire people recruiting students from the Veteran Hospitals and clinics. Registration could start there and perhaps a few introductory credit classes from some of the departments.

6. Institutes of higher learning should start anticipating an increased enrollment within the next few years making known what they can now offer and anticipate offering in the near future.

Not only will one or more of these procedures say “We love you” but it will also say to the soldiers we have to move on. What a nice way to build back up our middle-class, especially in our Black communities. These ideas are only templates for creating a plan and one good thing about having a plan is the fact you can always change it. (Smile)
As always,
P.S. It is very important to remember the oligarchy in America does not want an educated society. It has been proven again and again. I repeat: The oligarchy in America does not want an educated society, Re: The "Thought police" getting college and university professors fired. (Can't think of his name right now.) Take note!
* Obama Says Troops are Coming Home: Are we Ready to Welcome Them?

** use your GI Bill