Tuesday, January 24, 2012

China puts one more nail in Americas’ coffin?

Happy hour came early for me yesterday after listening to Rush. This kind of information makes me throw up my hands in horror at the topics discussed during this Presidential primary season.

Why Apple Can't Make iPhones in America

Rush Limbaugh Show
January 23, 2012
They have, at one factory, 230,000 employees. One factory: 230,000 employees. Most of them live in dormitories on the site of the factory. There's a hospital, there are kitchens.

They have 230,000 employees in one factory. They work six days a week, 12 hours a day. They earn the equivalent of 17 US dollars a day, and they are plum jobs in China.

They could fill 3,000 new jobs a day, based on applications...…(and) they were able to fill 8,700 engineer openings -- not assembly line workers, but engineering jobs -- in 15 days. It is said in the story it would take a US company, with all the legal hurdles and everything, nine months to find that many.
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Full article:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Look y’all! Dirty linen!

In my opinion, Ron Paul has been shunned by the press due to his labor intensive washing of Americas’ dirty linen in public and the good people of South Carolina voted on Saturday to put a face on our dirty linen in the personhood of Newt Gingrich.

Men and women of Southern heritage have the most amazing and subtle ways of exposing people. They know what to say, how to say it and have impeccable timing as to when to say it. And what they have to say is analogous to the old saying, “...so high you can’t jump over it, so low you can’t crawl under it and so wide you can’t get around it!” There is nothing Southerners know better than ‘po white trash’ when they see it.

Friday Jan. 21...
Lurking in the atmosphere of a heavily draped Southern living room is the un-disputed knowledge Newt is a lying, cheating scoundrel. Amid the background is the gentle plucking of a banjo as men quietly drink mint juleps and women exchange whispers behind their open fans. Ever so often they take time to smile and nod at one another thereby acknowledging their soon to be strategic influence in the re-election of Pres. Obama.

If I were a political pundit having the job to defend and promote the electability of Newt to be President of the United States of America, I would consider this a good time to take sick live or an early vacation. My mental health would be my first priority. I would neither write nor show my face anywhere for awhile.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Newt Gingrich wins South Carolina primary

By Karen Tumulty
His victory not only changes the near-term dynamic of this presidential campaign but also defies political history. South Carolina is known as a firewall for the GOP establishment in presidential contests, traditionally extinguishing the hopes of insurgent candidates such as Gingrich.
Read more at: