Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bill to Barack: “Kiss my ass!”

It was been my experience when issues get to the overt insulting level, there is a lot of mis-placed anger involved. It is the releasing of bottled-up anger directed towards the person whom you feel is the most vulnerable and least able to retaliate. In your mind, that person is the true target of your anger but also the weakest. This is why the “Swift Boating” of Sen. Kerry was so successful.

It is my understanding not until right after the California primaries did Mark Penn realizes it was the delegate vote that determined the primaries, not the popular vote. Bill should have been publicly angry with him as a strategist for his wife’s campaign. When Hillary ran out of money and had to loan her own campaign five million dollars, Bill should have been publicly angry with the financial manager of her campaign. When the Hillary surrogates made disparaging remarks about Barack, Bill should have made politically astute statements. Dr. Krauthammer did this subject best in one of his post. I still marvel at it. The writing and logic was a stunning analysis of Bill’s behavior and his efforts to return to the White House.

And now, with so much water having passed under the bridge, Ex-President Bill Clinton stands at the top of the bridge, a massive and daunting Haulk like figure, an angry and bitter man pissing into the waters.... crying..... beating his chest..... howling and cursing at each and every passing cloud. Sad.

In my opinion, the comment below identifies Bill as having “a non-medical condition known as hysterical pissiness” to which much could be said. When you are a public speaker or for sure a writer, you leave a little bit of yourself after each speech and writing; not unlike the carbon footprints so much discussed today. You leave a little bit of yourself and there are people who are able to collect those little tid-bits and present them to you in the form of a tapestry of yourself you would not believe.

It would be an “in-your-face” true and difficult to erase image of yourself. Efforts after frustrating effort would not allow you to make any adjustments to the now very public image. The tapestry was too carefully crafted with your own words. That’s a bitter pill to swallow. I think psychologists have the greatest fear for their safety when a patient makes that brake through or rather when the tapestry is presented to them. It is indeed a dangerous time and needs to be handled professionally. Amatures, beware! After their breakthrough, those people can become very dangerous not only to themselves but also to others. “Barack can kiss my ass!” the man blurted out.

Mr. Clinton’s alleged invitation to Sen. Obama to “kiss my ass” is consistent with my alleged theory that Ms. Clinton is an abused wife. I will not dance that dance again at this time but I continue to say Hillary is not a person wearing pants suites, she is a woman. She is an American woman subjected to all the trappings of being married to….to.. being married to a man like Bill. Remember the song from Show Boat… “My Bill?” Yes! Hillary would have made an exceptional Vice President to Sen. Obama. WOULD HAVE, mind you. Would have! No one needs an abused wife anywhere around them.
As always,
P.S. Even from his political grave Bill is reaching out, still trying to harm Barack. I think we can add “jealousy” and make some minor adjustments to that statement regarding fury.

Bill wants something that Obama won't give him.
(2+ / 0-)
Recommended by:
kitebro,Julia C
And, it isn't a Hillary Presidency or VP position on a platter.
Something is wrong with Bill, a non-medical condition known as hysterical pissiness - brought on by a need that will not get met. He's whining in public and shoving his weight around like it matters.
Obama matters. Bill is history... more so every day.
He sounds scared to me.
Used to like the guy.
But, his words smell foul and I don't trust him.
He's desparate. I wonder why...
If you dance with the devil, then you haven't got a clue; 'Cause you think you'll change the devil, but the devil changes you. - illyia

by illyia on Sat Jun 28, 2008 at 04:07:15 PM PDT
Telegraph (UK): Bill Clinton Says Obama Must 'Kiss My Ass' for Support
by turneresq

Sen. Clinton: “Thank you, no. I’ll stand.”

I thought it odd when Sen. Clinton did not sit during Sen. Obama’s speech while at the Unity celebration on Friday. I know it was a stool, a tall stool like the ones you would sit on at a bar but just the same……… well, I guess one could make associations.

It was seeing a picture of the two of them on the Drudge Report and the caption, “Yeah, right” that further my own feelings regarding the incident and the *post below. I think I also heard a commentator make reference to Ms. Clinton standing during Sen. Obama’s speech.

When people do not like you, they do all sorts of strange things to let you know just in case you did not get their message the first or second time around. They also want to re-enforce to their friends they neither like nor respect you.

Could a person harbor psychological concerns sitting down in the same seat after another person? Could the concerns be heightened if the seat changes from pretty to ugly with lingering smells of cologne, Black to white or rich to poor or any of the combinations?

I am mindful first of re-gentrification and homeownership. Most of the time, the whole house has to be guttered and re-designed with iron bars put on the windows. This may not be a big thing if you have the money but it just always peaked my attention since I lived in such a neighborhood in my youth.

Secondly, my Special Ed. Teacher friend would tell me of field trips she would take her class on along with her Teacher Aid and sometimes with the school Principal. When they would go into the bathrooms, the Teacher Aid would NEVER go into the stall after her no matter how long the trip but would wait until a white lady exited a stall. She would, “fiddle around” were my mental pictures of the incidences and I would amuse myself seeing her waiting and conversing with my teacher friend until another empty stall was available.

My friend would laugh when I would tell her there was talk about putting long latrines in the women’s bathrooms at Kennedy Center to eliminate the long lines at intermission. And finally, to be a little cynical and silly this morning, I suppose if one were a serious male foot-taper, it would not matter who was in the stall before you.
As always,
P.S. Ms. Clinton could also have stood hoping Sen. Obama would be mindful of the fact and not make his speech too long and forget she was even there. (Smile)

*The neuroscience of false beliefs
by mindgeek
Fri Jun 27, 2008 at 11:02:52 AM PDT
Your brain lies to you
By Sam Wang and Sandra Aamodt
False beliefs are everywhere. Eighteen percent of Americans think the sun revolves around the earth, one poll has found. Thus it seems slightly less egregious that, according to another poll, 10 percent of us think that Senator Barack Obama, a Christian, is instead a Muslim. The Obama campaign has created a Web site to dispel misinformation. But this effort may be more difficult than it seems, thanks to the quirky way in which our brains store memories — and mislead us along the way.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pres. Mugabe says Bishop Tutu is gay? (*Floored!)

Searching for some information regarding a summary of the FISA saga today (Thursday), I looked to BBC-World.

BBC-World was concentrating on the elections in Zimbabwe and a segment was shown of Mr. Mugarbe’s speech before the elections tomorrow. Mr. Mugarbe was talking about out-side influences, Downing St., and Africans who support its agenda saying: “He’s gay. (inaudible) He supports gays.” Bishop Tutu had just yesterday made un-endearing remarks regarding Mr. Mugabe and his Presidency.

In my opinion, any leader of a company, group or country who thrashes his political opinions and decisions through the dictates of cerebral constraints as to a person’s gayness runs an awful company, group or country. Inherent in that mind set are small mental wheels spinning backwards at record speeds. A bad public relations nightmare.

I remain respectful to Mr. Mugabe. I respect his vision for his people of Zimbabwe. I respect his tenacity as an older generational leader who has lost his ability to tell time. It happens to all of us sooner or later. I do not think Mr. Mugabe is a selfish man, not just an old selfish man but rather just an old man.

The quickest way to bring a man down is to call him gay. It’s like hitting him in his knees with a baseball bat and being in the arts as I am, I hear it a lot. However, for the President of a country calling an esteemed personage a gay man is an interesting character trait. It is akin to President Bush remarks about “Axis of Evil” and “Osama wanted. Dead or Alive” and we have all seen the fruitions of that kind of rhetoric on our own country and in the conduct of our soldiers. At this point, I am trying to resist the negatives associated with the current political climate in Zimbabwe but it is becoming difficult.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

"Biggest Dick on the Planet Award"- given weekly to the worst person in the world in regards to the GLBT community. In this weeks voting we had a tie. So without further ado we present our two big dicks. Our first "winner" has waged a violent campaign against homosexuals, arguing that prior to colonisation Zimbabweans did not engage in homosexual acts. His first major public condemnation of homosexuality came during the Zimbabwe International Book Fair in August 1995. He told the audience that homosexuality:"...Degrades human dignity. It's unnatural and there is no question ever of allowing these people to behave worse than dogs and pigs. If dogs and pigs do not do it, why must human beings? We have our own culture, and we must re-dedicate ourselves to our traditional values that make us human beings... What we are being persuaded to accept is sub-animal behaviour and we will never allow it here. If you see people parading themselves as lesbians and gays, arrest them and hand them over to the police!" In September 1995, Zimbabwe's parliament introduced legislation banning homosexual acts.
WGLB TV NEWS: Breaking- Homo Nest Raided, Queen Bees Are Stinging Mad.*
by GLBT and Friends at Daily Kos
Fri Jun 27, 2008 at 08:13:39 AM PDT

Congress: Dancing “The Washington Pretzel” (W/Update)

Does anyone know what has happened to FOSA with any understanding? How could this happen? Poof, and it’s gone as if this whole thing was just my imagination? A bad dream? This is absurd!
The word FISA does not appear in any of the titles on Salon, Huffington Post, Town Hall, Truth Out nor Drudge. Drudge??? What gives?
As always,

(Update) Congress Still Corrupt and Useless
Thursday 26 June 2008
by: Marc Ash, t r u t h o u t | Perspective
While nothing that happened in Washington this past week was new or should have surprised anyone, we were nonetheless served clear notice, anew, that this is a democracy under siege.
In one week, Congress authorized one hundred and sixty two billion US taxpayer dollars to extend for another year the illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq, and rewrote federal law to specifically pardon criminal actions by the nation's largest telecommunications companies.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

FISA disappeared into thin air?

Does anyone know what has happened to FISA with any understanding? How could this happen? Poof, and it’s gone as if this whole thing was just my imagination. A bad dream. This is absurd and very curious. Now I am beginning to wonder if there is a flow of information, from whence it comes.

The word FISA does not appear in any of the titles on Salon, Huffington Post, Town Hall, Truth Out nor Drudge. Drudge??? What gives?
As always,

Sen. Obama’s continuing education

This just jumped off the pages at me. I have never seen Sen. Obama’s credentials written thus.
*“Remember, Obama was accepted to Harvard University's law school, where he graduated magna cum laude - with great honors - and was elected president of the Harvard Law Review, responsible for editing US jurisprudence's most prestigious publication.
Lastly, Barack Obama was a constitutional law professor @ the university of Chicago.”

In America, what can you do with people like this except, perhaps, to put them in line for Sainthood. Where else can the lot of them go? They can’t all run for President. (Smile) One would get the impression persons with these kind of credentials are patient with us on various levels. Rachel Maddow is another smart one! Rhodes Scholar. WOW!! From “Amdahl and the Night Visitors”, O Blessed child, may I touch you. (and Barack) The joke is many people (Ahem) graduated from college “Thank You Laude!”
As always,

Has he (James Dobson) ever claimed to be one? nt? (0+ / 0-)
by bugscuffle on Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 02:57:04 AM PDT
*Full comment:
It's not that he has claimed to be one... (0+ / 0-)
It's the media that gives the perception that he knows what he is talking about when all he really is, is a child psychologist.
How the HELL else does this guy get airtime talking about politics, religion and the constitution ?
Americans are gullible to snake-oil salesmen, especially when they come with the flag in one hand and carrying the Bible in the other.
The guy is a charlatan. He is not a theologan, not a minister, not a priest, and NOT an evangelical.
How the HELL does he get to bend the ear of the president with a phone call if he is not seen as some type of theological scholar ?
This guy speaks every year at the Southern Baptist "cesspoll" of hypocrisy called a convention, and as stated in this diary, he is cast as one on all the news networks.
Who is this guy to critque Obama's interpretation of the Bible ? Beyond that, who is he to even touch Obama on the constitution ?
Remember, Obama was accepted to Harvard University's law school, where he graduated magna cum laude - with great honours - and was elected president of the Harvard Law Review, responsible for editing US jurisprudence's most prestigious publication.
Lastly, Barack Obama was a constitutional law professor @ the university of Chicago.
James C. Dobson should "shet d phuk up" !!!
by truthtolies on Thu Jun 26, 2008 at 03:33:27 AM PDT

From Scarlatti to Mugabe sent me this distressing news regarding my request for a recording of Horowitz play Scarlatti. I wanted that recording very badly and I wanted it more than I wanted the ones I did receive; Rachmaninoff plays Rachmaninoff, Rachmaninoff plays Chopin, Arrau plays Beethoven, Horowitz in Moscow and a few others. However, it was the Scarlatti I wanted most of all. This is the album I was going to sit on my back porch listening to while watching my garden grow. Damn!

Item: Refund for Horowitz Plays Scarlatti by Horowitz,Vladimir Cdcolm
Refund: $20.49
Reason for refund: Other
Memo from seller: The cd is inexplicably missing from our inventory. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Total refund for this order: $20.49

And the Leontyne Price album “Diva” with the blue album cover has morphed into a completely different album put on a CD. Damn again!

I awakened from my nap to find out what happened in the Senate and it appears the reporter from Yahoo doesn’t know either: (You get paid for writing this kind of shit and I assume it is the opening paragraph? I hope not!)

According to yahoo news
“By an 80-15 vote, the Senate turned back a last-ditch effort to kill the bill, setting up a vote to approve the measure on Thursday. The House passed the bill last week, and the Senate was expected to send it to President Bush for his signature.” And the *diarist responded: “This just broke qbout 10 minutes ago. Does this mean they voted for cloture and only 15 dems voted against it. The article isn't big on details of how or when this was done.”
I will just say I disagree with Sen. Obama’s assessment as to what is happening in Zimbabwe and leave it at that. However, I do have some feelings about the reporting of what is going on there.

I get most of my news from BBC-World these days and since this Zimbabwe election has accelerated, there are times I question its motives. BBC is a state run television with no advertisements and the operational revenues comes from the general public fund. BBC is not allowed in Zimbabwe for reasons I now understand. Judging from the reporting from a few reporters located outside of Zimbabwe, they appear to be stroking blood baths. They convey, to me, Zimbabweans have no rights to reclaim their land from the colonial rule of England. They convey that Zimbabwean efforts are foolish and delusional. That Black feet are strangers to their own soil. They have no rights to control their own destiny. Savages all. No place on the world stage. President Robert Mugarbe and his arrogant little niggers.

As it is being reported on the news and as news, there is little or no reference to the root of the problem: One country’s efforts to thwart white ownership and exploitation of Blacks. It appears the world powers would prefer for China to have the country instead of President Mugabe. Anyone closer to representing a white power structure. Briton knows it can no longer return as a colonial power or even as a white power structure. Bygone days with fond memories and huge bank accounts. Vanishing in the warm African winds ushering in winds of the 21st century. New infrastructure. New bazaar structures stands dotted around the lands. Computers. Amen.

The newest development today is a British company coming in to mine some of their minerals. This maybe possible since Gordon Brown is out of the picture I do not know nor do I know if this is a good or bad thing. Funny how the crown, on the same day, took back from President Mugabe a prestigious (?) title.

- (Elizabeth) Give it back.
- (Robert) No.
-Give it back, I say!
-Damn you, give it (wrestle) back, I said.
-Fuck you! Fuck you and your fuckin’ title. I’ll get my own!! Ya’ hear? I’ll get my own fuckin’ title! You ain’t God, you know? I may even do like Marcus Garvy, but you don't know about him! Ignorant slut!! (Mumble) Ho!! (Mumble)
-Such uncivilized language!

Right after the elections, a man was shown with a head wound that had to have been at least a year old and presented it as a recent head wound. Obviously a lie. I feel the United Nations and other countries should be encouraging the Blacks in Zimbabwe to keep their land and help them in the efforts. At this point, it seems the common knowledge is you can not do anything unless you allow whites to own your land, continue exploiting it and now boy, you just shut up and sit down. To me, the techniques used by President Mugabe to keep his Black, God given land are no different than those used by Golda Meir and her thugs to carve out the state of Israel.

I must note efforts of CNN and segments of BCC-World to be objective regarding the situation in Zimbabwe and I do applaud their efforts with whatever constraints they have to work around. Nobody want to see those Brothers killing each other and no one wants to see Zimbabwe go through a long Apartheid era either. To me, this is not a “rock and a hard place” issues. The land is Black. It belongs to Zimbabwe. Whites want to steal it. President Mugabe says, “No, no, no not by my chiny chin chin!” Developing…
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*Breaking: Senate to vote on FISA Bill Tomorrow
by Tanya
Wed Jun 25, 2008 at 09:51:31 PM PDT

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sen. Obama & Republican 527 ads

In reference to the Republican 527 ads directed towards Sen. Obama, the inordinate amounts of money the surrogates would spend inspires me to wonder what else they could do with their money. It is my understanding the 527 ads are in the pipeline and are of the “Oh, my God!” emotional venue and I therefore would strongly suspect visual “Shock and awe!” presentations. The groundwork has been lain and I comment on its effectiveness as it has effected me personally.

The Obama Campaign has vowed to respond to the ads both promptly and decisively. They have vowed to not let history repeat itself i.e., the “Swift Boating” of Sen. Kerry and Gore. They have fortified themselves in their resolve to defend themselves and the honor and integrity of our candidate, Sen. Obama.

I am mindful of the Russians during the Cold War saying, “America, we will bury you.” I was in high school at the time and later with a vivid memory of a ROTC teacher in college telling us what the statement meant. He said the Russians meant collapsing our economic structure by forcing us to spend lots of money building and rebuilding our military. The idea was to bankrupt our economy by teasing us into trying to out-spend them militarily. The spokesperson for the Russians at the time was, of course, President Nikita Khrushchev whom I was surprised to learn is still alive.

Now, it the Republicans 527 groups were the Russians and the Americans were represented by the Obama Campaign, the metaphor prompts my concerns for Obama’s money for the DNC’s 50 State Strategy having to be compromised to make rebuttal ads. This would make sense for the Mainstream Media to anti up the “Big, Bad Republican’s 527 Wolf” huffin’n puffin’ trying to blow Obama’s house down. A house made neither of wood nor straw nor even old fashioned brick but rather the latest in industrial -people- new age “Yes we can” mental materials and strength. Once again, we witness the environment and mentalities of yesterday’s dust and tumbleweed laden political “strategist” and continue to laugh and impolitely point and jeer at their attire of high buttoned shoes and hop-skirts. Their persistent efforts to thwart civilization is pitiful and without shame. (Dey ough’ta stop)

I am curious as to how the Republican 527 groups would respond to this hypothetical plea sent to them due to the fact they are spending -wasting (?)- so much money trying to trash Sen. Obama:

“Dear sir, I represent the Homeless Shelter for Iraqi soldiers here in (X) County in the state of (X) and I would like to ask for a modest donation for my shelter. We do a good job of helping to put our Iraqi soldiers back on their feet. Through counseling, shoring up the family budget and other financial and emotional help as needed, we feel we are doing a good job. And with a little “Hurdle-help” from your organization to maintain our present program and with modest structural modifications, we feel we could set an American model example for the world and other Homeless Shelters so inclined. Would you please join us? Help us? Please???

“If you would just give me $500.00 to re-open my case on the charges of Driving while Black, even the judge said the evidence of the officers was suspicious.”

“Our little community was devastated by hurricane Katrina and some of us want to go back home but……..”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Simon says, “Freeze and destroy civility!”

“Simon says..” and as far as I know, is an American children’s game. There is a leader, usually the one who says, “Let’s play Simon says”. He gets out in the middle of the street, as it was in my youth, facing his small cadre of friends all itching and fidgeting, nervously awaiting the first order from the forced “Grown up” authoritarian sounding voice of our little Simon.

No one questioned why the name was Simon. We did not know a Simon, but apparently it did not make any difference. Simon would start, “Barbara?” “Yes?” “Simon says for you to hold up your right hand and wave.” “Yes, Sir.” Occasionally, there would be a request to repeat the order: “Would you repeat that, please?” Barbara would have to wave with her right hand until Simon comes back to her due to the fact he has to give commands to the other players. When he comes back around to her, “Barbara.” “Yes?” “You can stop waving, now.” “Thank Youuu. I was getting tired.”

Simon is no longer the little boy or girl standing in the middle of the street giving benign orders to his small band of friends, shoring up good social values, testing the collective abhorrence for negative ones and just living and growing up in America. No commands were made to humiliate oneself, constitute put-downs or commands to put one in harms way. The commands were socially acceptable and we accepted them. That was then……that was circa 1940 America…..before the real Simon came and push our little command caller out of the way and started asking us to do things to which we at first snickered, than laughed at and finally deciding it was fun to do. Deciding what the new Simon commanded us to do slowly but surely morph into us having new norms. Brand new social values. His commands have become our new norm and Simon is now our Mainstream Media (MSM).

Our new Simon - MSM - is going to issues Republican 527 commands, a series of commands designed to keep his as the leader and making sure no one else challenges him. Now, and while Barbara is waving, he will command another player to pull her panties down, and another to cut her throat and still another to urinate on her. He will tell another to go up to a Black boy, spit in his face, take off his shoe and violently beat him in his head until he falls dead on the ground. Simon tells a few of the participants to “Freeze! Stand still like mummies.” *“James?” “Yes?” “I need you to help me. I need you to write.” “Yes, Sir!” Simon tells one participant “Go and have a debate with your friends” and when the participant begins to move toward his friends, Simon says, “You are un-invited. Go back to where you were and freeze.”

The new Simon, who was first snickered at, than laughed at is in full throttle and the fact we now know Simon is a common Neo-con name is of no consequences. He has been joined by Josh and Abram. The name Simon has been around too long now to change. It is, as it has been, Simon, fully integrated into our culture and the game is the same, “Simon says…”.

It was so easy to replace the Simon of yesteryear. So easy. Too easy, some would demure. (Sigh)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
Inspiration: Thanks JLFinch. Good diary.
*James Dobson and showering with boys
by JLFinch
Mon Jun 23, 2008 at 10:49:41 PM PDT
Crap! This guy is seriously sick. (0+ / 0-)
I did not previously know that about the "great Talevangelist leader", Dr. Dobson. That man seemes filled with vile hate and repressed emotional "issues".
"In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." --Thomas Jefferson

by frisco on Mon Jun 23, 2008 at 11:01:22 PM
And from article:
I will never on any day be listening to anything James Dobson has to say about the Bible or any other subject. Why the media gives his man any credence whatsoever is one of the great mysteries of life that will never be adequately explained.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Political Web Weavers

*This is what I understand. There is a structure called the Democratic Party that has several appendages. Each appendage is a world unto itself. The stated head of the Democratic Party is the DNC which has no relationship whatsoever to its appendages. (There’s a good joke here somewhere) Each appendage has its head honcho, assistant honcho and the honchos follow the honcho ladders of any corporation including a financial honcho. Each appendage does its own fundraising, vetting possible candidates to run, supporting their own “down ticket races”, leak to their own reporters and pundits, listening to their own corporate Mr. Warbucks. DNC means Democratic National Committee.

It is further my understanding these appendages - parasites (?)- siphon off money from the treasury of the Democratic Party, the DNC headed by Dr. Howard Dean and constitute a dire financial liability. The appendages have effectively performed negative heart by-pass surgery. Instead of blood -money if you will - going to help the heart, it is by-passed to go elsewhere, leaving the heart to beat the best way it can with whatever energies it can muster whenever, wherever and however.

These appendages are the reason there was the sanctioned fighting between Sen. Obama and Sen. Clinton. One candidate was representing one appendage and the other candidate another appendage. This is a political party, mind you: The Democratic party.

Now there are two very popular appendages and they are the DCCC and the DSCC.

The DCCC appendage, partial to electing Congresspersons and for the sake of clarity, has its head honcho, assistant honcho and the honchos follow the honcho ladders of any corporation including a financial honcho. Each appendage does its own fundraising, vetting possible candidates to run, supporting their own “down ticket races”, leak to their own reporters and pundits, listening to their own corporate Mr. Warbucks. DCCC means Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. And..

The DSCC appendage, partial to electing Senators and for the sake of clarity, ready?, has its head honcho, assistant honcho and the honchos follow the honcho ladders of any corporation including a financial honcho. Each appendage does its own fundraising, vetting possible candidates to run, supporting their own “down ticket races”, leak to their own reporters and pundits and listening to their own corporate Mr. Warbucks. DSCC means Democratic Senatorial Congressional Committee. This issue is breaking open as did the one regarding delegates and Superdelegates.

-Knock, knock. Brother John? Brother John, are you there? Are you still sleeping?
-(Buckwheat sings) “Wake up, ebbybody!”

I never heard of ActBlue until yesterday and **The Progressive Electorate until today. Seems they have awakened and already seen the handwritings on the wall and I would logically surmise they too also have, altogether now; a head honcho, assistant honcho and the honchos follow the honcho ladders of any corporation including a financial honcho. Each appendage does its own….does its own (fundraising) Yes, does its own fundraising, wetting, (vetting) vetting possible candidates to run, supporting their own “down ticket races”, licking on (linking to) linking to their own reporters and pus.. (Stop it! Pundits!) pundits, listening to their own corporate shithead (try again) listening to their own shitheads (listening to their own corporate..) corporate Mr. Warbucks BUT not affiliated with the Democratic Party, WE’RE TIRED! (Won’t be long, now)

In any case, were I a reporter I would love to have lunch with the financial honcho of each of these groups hoping and praying, casting spells if necessary, that they drink a lot and my boss would accept my expense account.

Behold the web. Behold the weavers. Behold the Bloggers task! Right after the delegate and Superdelegate web and weavers. WE’RE TIR-ED, Mr. BB!!!! (Ok. I’m finished) My Lord, what a mornin’. Literally.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*Granny Doc discusses the difference between DNC, DCCCC, DSCC ETC.

**The Progressive Electorate - Choose the Next Candidate
by alpolitics
Sun Jun 22, 2008 at 07:47:11 AM PDT
I'm trying to figure out which race I should focus on next in terms of drawing attention as well as "attempting to raise money". The winner of this vote will be added to The Progressive Electorate blog (my new Blog and hopefully large fundraising tool) I will committ to donating or raising (hopefully raising) at least $1000 for the race chosen. For the runner up I will committ $500.

I'm not in any way trying to compete with Daily Kos. I still plan on posting diaries here often (maybe not every day). I am simply opening up a place to just talk about some of the contested races and those seats which we need to focus on. The concept is growing. Please feel free to cross post at my site and cross post my diaries if they are any good.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sen. Obama and MSM’s demolition team. (Update)

In my opinion, there are small pockets of teams whose only job is to lay land mines for Sen. Obama. They do this with a phrase or two or a series of what he should do or should be doing. They first want him to implode and then see him explode.

Via printed articles and/or vocal pundits they create a scenario upon which demolition teams could lay a mine and do a “Got’cha” kind of interview or the likes. They will try their best to hound him into stepping onto that land mine or delight in seeing him dance around it thereby generating news cycles or traffic to their web sites. They make sustained efforts to encircle him in a no-win situation. Their glee is akin to a mob putting a noose around your neck and seeing you talk your way out of being hanged. Real nasty. I can not put my finger on it exactly but I have feelings I am in the right ball park. Their surrogates are EVERYWHERE. So this is politics, eh? I repeat with emphasis, reee-al nasty!
As always,
(Update) I am always suspicious of someone introducing new materials into a debate. I am mindful of the poem “The Trout” wherein the fisherman’s obsession to catch the trout motivates him to cheat on honorable fishing practices. He simply muddies up the water to confuse the trout. There are a lot of un-sportsmen like trout fishermen out here. In our present debate regarding Sen. Obama and the FISA issue, again and in my opinion, Ralph Nader’s name is used by the fisherman to “muddy the waters”. Some people can not handle the issues at hand rather than pulling in another entity into the conversation. If Ralph Nader's name is used symbolically, it’s distracting to me and off kilter. “I ain’t talking ‘bout your Mama, I’mma talking ‘bout you.” (Smile)

Rahm Emanuel: “A spoonful of sugar…”

At this time, my only interest in this post and its link is the involvement of Rep. Rahm Emanuel in vetting potential Democratic candidates to run for congress. I will ‘splain my understanding of the situation as best I can.

The Democratic Campaign has told us part of our financial contributions will go to support “down ticket races”. Rep. Emanuel is in charge of vetting the new “Down race candidates” and making recommendations to the campaign. Aside from the fact I have said, perhaps publicly, that I think Rep. Emanuel chooses Black candidates with certain physical and rhetorical characteristic and his lack of Black choices for Senate nominees is curious. Skimping on money also comes to mind.

If memory serves me correctly, prior to the ‘06 elections, there was some mumbling regarding Rahm’s choosing nominees who were clearly pro-war and in particular, not choosing a female quadriplegic candidate. That may have been “sour grapes” rhetoric from the quadriplegic’s campaign. I do not know if it was or not but the information was out there she was not pro-war. There was a personal identification I had with her eventhough I did not hear her make a speech.

I understand Mr. Emanuel has a duel citizenship with Israel which means a connection with the powerful lobby APAC which may in turn influence his vetting processes. I did not read the entire article “N Case you are tired of hearing….” but Rhan Emanuel’s name was mentioned kind of sarcastically so I just thought I would get these little black feet o’ mine a’runnin and tellin’ what I ‘member ‘bout him.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

DCCC and False Rumors
by concernednyer2005
Sun Jun 22, 2008 at 01:47:44 AM PDT

And links to:
Yesterday the DCCC released the third round of their Red to Blue candidates and there were some really excellent choices like Joe Garcia (FL-25), Martin Heinrich (NM-01), Bob Lord (AZ-03), and Glenn Nye (VA-02). There were also some natural choices, people who have finished their primaries and are now candidates who have met the ever-shifting and mysterious, ill-defined DCCC benchmarks. But then there are also some extremely bad-faith decisions.