Friday, May 01, 2009

The President and the Barnum & Bailey Circus

With the pending retirement of Supreme Court Justice Souter, one can imagine the President and his family moving into the Presidential Box to watch the acts in Ring #2. The performances in Ring #1 “Was a gas!” as one observer puts it. Oddly, no one would tell which of the performers in Ring One amused them most.

Of course they agree they were all good and praise worthy but some did stand out more than others. There was the Paulson act asking Sen. Barney Frank for money. That was funny. There was the act with Bernanke and the bank bailout money. That was also a crowd pleaser. Lets not forget the entertaining acts of the good guys and the Pirates and the Pandemic’s extraordinary trapezes act, the all star finale with all the acts including many political pundits and commentators dressed as clowns coming into the ring with begging bowls as the calliope plays “Stars and Stripes Forever!” followed by a very majestic rendition of “God, bless America”. The audience roared!

The President remains amused, applauding each act and making quick quips to members of his party as they ready themselves to move on to their next box to watch the acts in Ring #2.

This is the ring wherein the announcement of the retirement of Justice Souter is made and the acts that will follow: There is the two headed talking snake, the marriage of the bearded lady, The Farting Elephants with an original breathtaking and odorless version of "Ba, Ba Black Sheep", the Pac jugglers, The White House Press monsters will do something they hope the public will like, the march of all the caucus’ and many more acts to amuse the President and his guest. The ringmaster ends his opening remarks with cautions for everybody to resist any temptations to throw objects at the performers and whatever happens, “Please, please, please stay in your seats”. The President, with folded arms, anticipates the performances with what appears to the astute observer, a gentle smile. He knows more than anybody this is his second “100 Days” in progress. “All the world's a stage” he murmurs. “What’s that, dear?” “Nothing, sweetheart. Nothing at all.”
As always,

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spain to the rescue!

Who would have thought Spain would be the Calvary coming to America’s rescue? The one “headin’em off at the pass?” The one telling the world “America speaks with folk tongue?” The one telling all who can hear, “America’s got heap big problems?” (Problems grande?)

In my opinion and relating to the diary by GOTV, the move by Spain could be two-fold: Help America from imploding from within and taking a hell of a lot of weight off the Obama Administration. If one is nuanced sensitive, one can really savor the intellectual feast presented in the diary emitting no less than gentle smiles and utterances of Kudos at the brilliant move and help coming from at least one member of the European community to date.

You can never tell when a hero will come along on the horizon. You can not even create a stereotype due to the fact heroes only come tailored made to the specific situation and I contrast that remark to a person who is adapt in conflict resolutions but their resolutions, as good as they may be, are predictable. In my opinion, the actions of a true hero can not be predicted; generalized, at best.

An insert of particular note in the diary:
[...] under applicable Spanish law, the Obama administration has the power to bring the proceedings in Spain against former Bush administration officials to a standstill. "All it has to do is launch its own criminal investigation through the Justice Department," said one lawyer working on the case, "that would immediately stop the case in Spain."
As always,

P.S. When a blogger can discuss these issues with “the man on the street” receiving feed-back, I think we can truly pat ourselves on the back. Most of us are working very hard. Going into areas and writing about things we never dreamed about just a few years back, much less thinking we would be the ones writing about them. We are still trashing the bushes observing and analyzing all the awful and horrible creatures parading out that were hiding in them. A dirty job I know but somebody has to do it. (smile)

THIS JUST IN: Spanish Judge Opens Torture Probe [Update 2]
Wed Apr 29, 2009 at 08:15:22 AM
Philippe Sands, an attorney specializing in international law, and author of The Torture Team is currently on Fresh Air explaining this investigation. According to his sources the targets of this investigation include Condoleeza Rice and Richard B. Cheney, What is likely to happen net is for the investigation to proceed, if unappealed, a court date will be set, and the targets will be advised to appear. Garzón may then issue an arrest warrant that will be valid, at least in Spain, but possibly other countries.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

With thoughts of Sen. Snow

This post is just plain and simple meddlelin’!
Sen. Snow should protect her nervous system.
In my opinion, there is nothing more important than ones efforts to protect his/her nervous system. I am sure somewhere along the way protecting one’s nervous system is a primary goal when in most, if not all, adversarial situations.

By voting with Sen. Specter and Susan Collins on the Stimulus Bill, Ms. Snow is placed in an adversarial position with the mean and nasty ol’ Republicans who have already shown her the door. With thick and murky venom dripping from their fangs, the Republicans have told Ms. Snow her campaign will be without their support come re-election time and poor Mr. Steele, if he is still around, has personally made such a careless threat; already poised and silly enough to throw shoes at her. (And to think I contributed to his campaign!)

All I can say is 20012 may seem like a long way away but not so much when you are dodging snake bites and nasty word bombs all the way up to an election.

Ms. Snow could be gracious giving us Democrats and Independents a break by letting us get off our knees begging for her to come with us. She could also save herself a ton of money. In the long run and in a short while, I think Ms. Snow would be at peace with herself and her nervous system could at last say, “Amen!”

"Ultimately we're heading to having the smallest political tent in history they way things are unfolding," Snowe said. "We should have learned from the 2006 election, which I was a party of. I happened to win with 74% of the vote in a blue collar state but no one asked me how did you do it. Seems to me that would have been the first question that would have come from the Republican party to find out so we could avoid further losses."
As always,

Happy 100 Days Pres. Obama, Et al,

I have always think of our President as President Obama, Et al (Latin et alli= and others).

When we Blacks get a Black who has been “a credit to our race” we usually associate them with our forbearers; Blacks who either started and did not finish a humanitarian cause or those whom we feel did so successfully. We have so many. The journey need not be long. The journey need not be particularly difficult for them. Rather, Just a journey perhaps as most of us would take a Sunday stroll but their strolling would take them into new neighborhoods, seeing new things, having different encounters, meeting new people, making new friends, sitting at different dinner tables thereby giving the rest of us rich vicarious experiences we could not or would not have ourselves.

We know they are having rich experiences. When they sit down to tell us their stories, we hear them. We hear each and every word. We listen carefully and we become one. We ask questions, nod our heads and at times during the recanting, we may shake their hand or, if they are close enough, a quick slap on the back. We be so happy just sitting ‘round the dining room table or clustered in the living room, listening!

When I first became aware of our President, it was during the primaries and at that time, I associated his et al., with Allan Keys and other Blacks who started out being “a credit to our race” but turning out to be quite the opposite; Just lovin’ themselves some white folk at our expense! That’s not the kind of guy I am. As a matter of fact, I do not like to be around people like that due to the fact they are so difficult to communicate with. Always trying to make me feel like I am the fool. (Smile)

I don’t know how I strayed so much with this post. This is beginning to get too personal. All I wanted to do was to wish our President a “Happy 100 Days”. We love him so much and wish him well err long.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Unbelievable Drudge garbage! It was just this morning I was wondering once again why a lot of people in the blogosphere do not like Matt Drudge. I can now see why. I am mindful of one other recent incident with the Drudge report that I did not think was so bad; just Drudge peddling his wares, I thought, but this is pretty awful stuff. The writers of the article, DAVID SEIFMAN, MURRAY WEISS and JEREMY OLSHAN are pea in the pod with the NYPD and the Pentagon. There was coordination to be sure. Coordination to support Dick Cheney and to try to embarrass the President. Just white boys having fun? Ignorant comes to mind. So in your face! I’ve got to take a drink on this one. This shit is unbelievable! How can decent people think this way and call themselves Americans?
President Obama was in Washington at the time, but the low-flying 747 circling the Statue of Liberty was one of the planes used as Air Force One, sources said.
The NYPD and the city were notified of the planned flight, but did not share that information with Mayor Bloomberg and other New Yorkers, many of whom said they were terrified.
As always,
P.S. This incident is exactly why so many believe the 9/11 incident was an inside job. When something works, people can not help repeating it. Now we know for sure how it was done. The pieces to the puzzle were all lain out today including previous warnings. A lot of what is happening today could have been avoided if Nancy Pelosi had done what she said she would while campaigning for her Senate Seat.
(Update and still disgusted!)
White House Apologizes for Air Force Flyover
By A. G. Sulzberger AND Matthew L. Wald
At 4:39 p.m. Monday, the White House issued an apology for the flyover. Louis E. Caldera, director of the White House Military Office, who served in the Clinton administration as secretary of the Army, said in a statement:
Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibility for that decision. While federal authorities took the proper steps to notify state and local authorities in New York and New Jersey, it’s clear that the mission created confusion and disruption. I apologize and take responsibility for any distress that flight caused.
The Police Department confirmed that it had been notified about the event but said it had been barred from alerting the public. “The flight of a VC-25 aircraft and F-16 fighters this morning was authorized by the F.A.A. for the vicinity of the Statue of Liberty with directives to local authorities not to disclose information about it but to direct any inquiries to the F.A.A. Air Traffic Security Coordinator,” the Police Department said in a statement.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Fox leading Sheep

-I’m de Fox!
- Yes, Boss, you de Fox.
-And when I say “Jump” you say…
-We say, “How high?” Boss.
-That’s right, ‘cause I’m de Fox. See that fence over there?
-Yes, Boss.
- Now I want you all to go jump over that fence.
-But Boss, dat fence right at the edge of the cliff! When we jump over dat fence, we gonna be jumping off the edge of the cliff. We could hurt ourselves!
-Are you talkin’ back to me??
-No sir, Boss. Com’on ya’ll. Let’s do what he say.
- (Voice 1) I ain’t jumpin’ over no fence and getting my fleece all dirty and stuff!
-It’s either jumpin’ over dat fence or having a hunting accident. He duh Fox, man, you know? He can do anything in dis world and everybody listen to him and do what he say do. He can take all our money and make us have a pandemic and everything. He can even make us hate our President!
-I know I ain’t jumpin’ over no fence for him…
- (Bang!) Told ya’! ~ Com’on, ya’ll. Show’s over. Line up! Let’s go! (Song: Here we go a jumpin' duh fence, jumpin' duh fence, jumpin' duh fence. He we go a jumpin' duh fence, one, two, three.)
As always,

Fox Won't Air Obama Press Conference
by BarbinMD
Mon Apr 27, 2009 at 06:20:04 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Meet The Press: The Gold Egg award

It was “Top drawer” during the entire hour. The ease of the logic and the conclusions that were left for us to savvy was incredible. If Madeline Albright were on the show, I know for sure I would have literally pissed on myself. As it were, there was:
Meet the Press: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs; Jordan's King Abdullah II; Roundtable: Presidential Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meachem (Newsweek).

It is due to listening to and hearing people of that caliber I learn and thrust forward. On a C-Span book review one evening I heard an author responding to a question asked by the moderator, (Paraphrased) “When I read and hear new information on a subject, I can change my mind. What do you do, Sir?” I wrote a post on the gentlemen who made those remarks and his name escapes me now due to the fact I am terrible on names.

Nonetheless, the thrust of this post is to say there are lots of people, mostly Republicans, who would have burned the author at the stake for disturbing their conscience so emotionally close to human nature. “Fee Fi Foo Fum” they would have roared! “Not fit to live amongst our people!” they would have growled. “Crucify him!” would have been the last words he heard in the little kingdom of “No”. Can you imagine this scenario: “Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the President and Ambassador from the kingdom of “NO”.

Five years from now, when Peggy Noonan looks at the tape she made today on the Fareed Zakeria Show, I would hope she will have matured enough to agree with the fact she was an embarrassment. I would hope she will have then realized that beauty and charm have age limits in any profession. Further, I would hope by then she will have realized that focuses on beauty and charm gradually morphs into things you say, and upon final reflection, I would hope Ms. Noonan would admit that Norma Desmond was a fictional character and a good one! One who was very believable on the silver screen.
As always,