Saturday, June 09, 2012

Not the racism, just the facts

The citizens of Wisconsin have spoken that it is the trade unions they do not like and not the President.

In my opinion, the Republicans are doing themselves a great disservice with their racist diatribes directed towards Pres. Obama and not to the entities  identified as the true culprits in our society.  They must now know we love Pres. Obama and linking him exclusively with situations under which he may not have  control could well be their un-raveling in November. The GOP should know their messages are so clouded with racism that many of us are missing the  bigger issues regarding the influences of trade unions.

If the GOP would give us the real deal on how trade unions are operating in  our country, I would suggest that Pres. Obama would  still  be re-elected in November but the composition of the House and Senate will be their best wet  dream come true. (Smile)

As always,

Friday, June 08, 2012

Eric Holder, teacher, Darrell Issa, student

Republicans are holding hearings on “Fast and Furious”  to find out who was responsible for smuggling guns to Mexico. The exchange between Sen. Issa and Sec. Holder is amusing. In very subtle ways, it appears Holder is grooming  Issa into the tricky area of how to ask questions in which you want answers. Holder is patient. It appears Issa, the student, only wants to show off in class trying to make teacher look stupid and incompetent. I repeat, it is amusing!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Fast & Furious
"You are not a good witness," Issa said in frustration, after Holder essentially repeated his questions.
Read more:

Thursday, June 07, 2012

Gov. Scott Walker and manumission

I feel there could be  legendary if not historical relationships that could be made between Gov. Scott Walker and Pres.  Abraham Lincoln.

First and foremost, both are sons of the Republican Party and both of them felt a person should be paid in full for his labor. Both of them signed into law documents halting involuntary servitude and other questionable American institutions came tumbling down. In the case of Gov. Walker, it could well be the Democratic Party and its influences as we know it.

It is my opinion, Gov. Walker would not be the man he has become if it were not for Democrats in Wisconsin having a “hissy fit” and walking out of the congressional chambers at one of the most  critical points  in the states’ history.  Non-stop news accounts were explosive and it was reported more than a few of the disgruntled congressional members  went into hiding to keep from doing what they were paid to do. It was a major embarrassment to anyone believing in democracy and especially if they had to fight and die for it.  Historians will tell the story much better than my feeble attempts.

-Mr. Harris, I like the job here and all but you should see my paycheck. It is hard to make ends meet.

-Listen here, young man, you should have seen our  paychecks when the union was taking dues out. And many of us had families. And all you got is yourself.
  Count your blessings, Mister. 

As always,

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Some dirty dishes in my little kitchen sink

It really caught my attention when U.N Secretary Dr. Susan Rice walked out on a speech given by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Prime minister of Iran. I thought it was non-productive and silly. This happened a few years back but my emotions re-occurred last year when Wisconsin Democrats walked out of the chambers and went into hiding in efforts to avoid many of the realities of the world. Their ostrich and arrogant childish behavior spoke volumes as to their capabilities to handle the higher echelons of diplomatic negotiations.
To read more, Google “Democrats walking out”.
In further reference to the Wisconsin elections, I learned the unions were taking monies out of the pay checks of workers each and every payday. This was mandatory in order to work at the work site. The unions  bundled the  monies to make political contributions and to purchase members of Congress. Gov. Walker gave union members a choice to pay union dues as they desire and not as a mandate to keeping their job.
Memories sprang up how my Black ancestors were/are not allowed to join unions and how much generational wealth and influences was thereby  denied.

Everytime I see the series “Lockup” on television, I think of  Democrats and how they passed laws enabling so many  Blacks to go rot in jail. I am mindful of  the building of the Prison Industrial Complex and the Three Strikes You’re Out laws.
The Rachel Maddow Show has begun to make me nervous. I strongly suspect some subliminal negative propaganda. I hope I am wrong but I repeat: her show has begun to make me nervous.
One final issue regarding Wisconsin: Democrats in Wisconsin wanted Pres. Obama to visit to stump for the Democratic  contender Mayor Tom Barrett. I think the President has learned the wisdom of not trying to influence local politics. It is very risky!

As always,