Saturday, November 21, 2009

GITMO and needles in a hay stake

In my opinion, the Obama administration and Sec. Eric Holder in particular found themselves entangled in a legal spider web in reference with what to do with prisoners at Guantanimo Bay Cuba. After the laborious job of clearing away the maze of spider webs they encountered, they were confronted with a hay stake full of needles.

I do not fully understand this Military Tribunal vs. Civilian Court due to the fact there are so many interpretations but I fell confident the decision made by the administration is due to “top of the line” deductions. This leaves me once again an average citizen in awe of their (sometimes) competence.

The administration has now gotten its ship fully afloat and I, along with many others, was at the christening wishing them well and continue to do so.
The Long Climb Back
by danps
The damage done by the Bush administration to the rule of law occurred over a few years - relatively quickly in legal terms.  Repairing it will be a much longer task, as repairing always is.

In addition to system shopping, where government decides which proceeding to use based on the maximum legitimacy conferred while still largely guaranteeing a conviction, Jonathan Hafetz pointed out (via) that there is also the much larger "indefinite detention" system.  Since we have held many of these people for years and years now, with no demonstrated intention to attempt anything like a final disposition of their cases, it seems fairly obvious that the president's intent to implement indefinite detention is already in place.

These are huge problems and they will not go away on their own.  It's good to see organizations like the ACLU and the Center for Constitutional Rights filing lawsuits to establish human rights for them, force disclosure of sordid details and otherwise pressure the government to own up to its past with the goal of changing its behavior going forward.  Their efforts are a great and necessary service.
Read more at:

As always,
P.S. Liz Cheney has the classic “rich off-spring” inheritance dilemma. How would you like to be cut out of such a lucrative will? Too what lengths would you go? To Ms. Liz Cheney I say, “Hustle on, baby! Work for your money! You go, girl!" (and try to take a look-see at your father's will so you do not continue making a fool of yourself!) In regards to another person's will, you do not make assumptions.
Small Town To Liz Cheney: We Want Gitmo Detainees, Not Your Fearmongering
Read more at:

Friday, November 20, 2009

Soul for sale! Soul for sale!…..

Who wants to buy a dedicated and pliable Christian soul today?

Killing two birds with one stone, if you will: Monetary remunerations for your soul and gallery exposure for your narcissism. Not a bad deal!

The answer yet to be revealed is will these amusement park dare-devils retrieve their souls before the powerful and mighty gates of Purgatory shut “Closed!” on them?

To wit:
Mary Landrieu D-Lou
Ben Nelson D-Neb.
Joe Lieberman I-Conn
Blanche Lincoln D-Ark

Only four frickin' "Democratic" Senators stand in the way of health care reform
by: Chris Bowers
What's worse, these four don't really give a rat's a$$ what you think, even though their vote affects you.  Unless you are a resident of Arkansas, Connecticut, Louisiana or Nebraska, as far as they are concerned, you might as well live on Pluto.
Read more at:

As always,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Afghanistan: Take your time, Mr. President

I am the kind of guy who believes when you dead you be dead a long time.

Mr. President, if I had a family member in the service, I would want you to take as long as you want regarding sending more troops to Afghanistan.

Instead of E-mailing something to people regarding your on-going decision on the issue, I would like for you to carry it over to them by hand. (Takes longer.) You should eat all three meals a day with great fan fare (To keep your strength up) and perhaps a snack or two with a few friends (To keep your mind active) and you should do a whole bunch of reading and perhaps go visiting museums and go out side of the White House to theaters and concerts (To keep your morale up) and working up a few rounds of golf and before you know it, along with learning a few phrases in Madarin Chinese, it would be time to hit the campaign trail again for both yourself and your down ticket buddies.

Yes sir, Mr. President, you just take your own sweet time making that decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. I does not mind at all! You can call this “The BB method for making difficult decisions to go to war: A step by step approach!”

I proud I could help you out, Sir. Anytime.
As always,
P.S. I don’t mean no harm, Mr. President, but perhaps the troops already in Afghanistan could form some sort of theatrical group or football team or something to entertain the Afghanistans ‘till a decision is made. At least the Afghanistans will know we don’t want to kill them no more.

Obama: Still Weeks to Go Before Decision on Afghanistan
Wednesday 18 November 2009
He also spoke about the toll of weighing life and death decisions.

"You just don't have a comparable set of circumstances -- with two wars, a financial crisis as bad as anything since 1933, a host of regional issues that have to be dealt with, a pandemic; you have a convergence of factors that have made this a difficult year, not so much for me, but for the American people. And so, absolutely that weighs on me, because whenever I visit Walter Reed or other military hospitals, I see the sacrifice young people are making. That is a heavy weight. But it's an extraordinary privilege, as well, and I wouldn't trade my job for anything."
Read more at:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Finally, “Obama’s gotta go!” (Update)

The neo-Cons feel they will lose their grip on America if a Black approaches what they consider their monopoly on brilliance. It is a form of jealousy plaguing this country for generations and yes, they would rather see this country literally destroyed then have a Black or Blacks raise one iota above the bar of mediocrity.

Any and all of the slightest glimmer of an intelligent Black has to be dealt with in the harshest of manner from Kindergarten to the White House. “Thy neo-Con's will be done!” and, in my opinion, if you want to know where we as a country are headed, have you looked at our sacred cow Israel of late? The same people who run it are also now running America in the persons of career public servants in the Pentagon etc.,

In regards to Pres. Obama, there is the subliminal perpetration of “acting white,” the underlining “uppity” *meme so prominent during the primaries and the longest standing one of all, “staying in your place!” And now the very latest and the one designed to trust home, there is “Psalm 109:8”. This one, thanks to our good neo-con conservative friends, is their culminator and they do not care who knows it, domestically or foreign. On this particular issue, they have the bully pulpit.

The classy speeches, the stunning statesmanship, the diplomatic accomplishments and the way people reacted to Pres. Obama during his Asian tour is just too much for them to bare and live with. It is against everything they have been taught regarding the conduct of a Black. If there is one distinguishing characteristic regarding jealousy and lust for power it is the fact there is no shame. None!
"Trawling for assassins": Evangelicals nuts want Obama dead
by kat68
Tonight, Rachel Maddow aired a bonechilling interview with former fundamentalist leader Frank Schaeffer in which Schaeffer accuses evangelical zealots and far-right wing nuts of formenting violence against our president.

There’s a new slogan making its way onto car bumpers and across the Internet. It reads simply: "Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8"
A nice sentiment?
Maybe not.
The psalm reads, "Let his days be few; and let another take his office."
Presidential criticism through witty slogans is nothing new. Bumper stickers, t-shirts, and hats with "1/20/09" commemorated President Bush’s last day in office.
But the verse immediately following the psalm referenced is a bit more ominous: "Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow."
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignit of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.s. Pres. Obama is one of the most intelligent persons in America today.
*meme -Rhymes with "theme"- .

(Update) To put it another way….
of course they know they're calling for assassination!
by Terri
Is there even a question that these people are praying for, hoping for, wishing for the president to be killed, in large part because he is Black?
'Stopped' politically won't be enough for them. Annihilated is what they long for. His existence threatens their view of themselves, and they will find any justification to avoid that: anything goes for people like this.

But, the people that Frank Schaeffer is talking about are not people of good will. We are not just dealing with the idea of lone nuts - there is no real comfort there. We are dealing with a right wing wave of corruption and racism that will carry us all out of the beloved community and into chaos.

Read more at:!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Hillary “Mother dearest” Clinton to Pres. Karzai

As Sec. Clinton meanders around the world as America’s self imposed disciplinarian, I heard on radio this afternoon she is asking for the return of our money from Pres. Karzai.

I envisioned Ms. Clinton with shaking finger and hand on hip admonishing Pres. Karzai she is not satisfied how he has spent his allowance money and he must now pay it back. Knowing Mrs. Clinton, she probably ended the conversation with “…and I want all of it!”

In my opinion, this is a brilliant move by the Obama administration if what I heard on radio this afternoon is true. I feel as a citizen the demands are just and fair as it is in reference to the Karzai administration not being accountable for tax payer money we have given them for purposes of re-building their infrastructure.

First of all, we can give some of the money back to China and add some to our debt reduction program. Additionally, and as a side bar, we could delay sending more troops to Afghanistan until we get a firm commitment their administration is willing to meet our physical efforts and political proposals half-way at a minimum.
America has started a new war, ya'll!; a war on corruption. Boy oh boy, will wonders ever cease!
As always,
P.S. Kudos to the photographer who took the full view picture of Pres. Obama bowing to the Japanese Emperor and his wife. Precious! To me, the picture says just as much as did the photographs of him at Dover; silent and powerful!

U.S. aid often misses targets in Afghanistan
But construction and design flaws left it unusable, one many dozens of similar failures in the country, critics say. Opponents say the Nangarhar project is just one example of massive waste of taxpayer dollars in aid programs since the U.S.-led invasion ousted the Taliban government in 2001.
Read more at:

When Reality is denied, Imagination gets pregnant

Everybody and their Mama know the perils of denying reality. Consequently, everybody and their Mama also know Villagers tend to make up all kinds of shit when they feel they have been denied certain truths supporting their realities.

*In reference to Maj. Dr. Malik of Fort Hood notoriety, my reality says the man was driven mad due to racial and religious prejudices directed towards him. Results of a person’s continued subjugation to those behaviors is well documented in American history and if one is so obtuse as to what is presently going on here in America and prone to go once again to 1930 Germany for some form of rationale, I say “Go'head!” you can also find examples there.

**In reference to releasing torture pictures from Guantanamo Bay Cuba, it has been stated over and over we Americans have to know what atrocities were done in our name rather than leaving it up to our mostly undisciplined and oftime glamorous imaginations. It is time for America to grow up. Time to leave the sand box and join the older children. Now is a good time to put on and begin getting use to wearing long pants. Does America’s oligarchy really want the Villagers to out-grow them? Are they aware of the consequences? And especially if the child feels he has been abused?
As always,
*Fort Hood deaths bring new scrutiny to Army
“The Army is caught in a perfect storm,” says Larry Korb, the Pentagon's top manpower official during the Reagan administration. “It's had to lower standards to keep people coming in — and it's made changes to keep people from getting out.”

Alarmed, the White House and Capitol Hill are vowing to investigate whether warning signs of potential trouble are being routinely ignored in a military stretched to — or beyond — the breaking point.

“The president has asked every agency involved ... to investigate why this happened, how this happened, and to ensure that they can tell him that it won't happen again,” said President Barack Obama's spokesman, Robert Gibbs.

Some doctors are being forced to remain in uniform under the Pentagon's “stop loss” authority that enables the military to keep soldiers beyond their official enlistment limits. At least 11,000 soldiers in the Army, the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard are being retained under “stop loss” rules.

** Gates Invokes New Authority to Block Release of Detainee Abuse Photos

Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has blocked the release of photographs depicting US soldiers abusing detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan, invoking new powers just granted to him by Congress that allows him to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and keep the images under wraps on national security grounds.