Saturday, September 06, 2008

Mavericks shoot crap, Statistics play poker (Update)

A political analogy.
by JeffLieber
Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 04:20:13 PM PDT
Being a guy who likes to gamble, the moment I found out that John McCain is a craps player... er addict... I knew (beyond his positions and party affiliation) that by electing him America had a potential problem.

Poker, conversely, is all skill. There are no certainties in poker, but players know that if you play long enough... good pokers will beat bad players. Barack Obama... is a poker player.

If you can’t play crap play poker. If you can’t play poker, shoot craps. Talk! Express yourself, dammit! I rest my case in the hands of this wonderful diary. This is a thought producing metaphor of life’s journey and the decisions we make. Kudos.
As always,
True History: Real Mavericks Were Democrats and Progressives
by AndyT

Did you know that they have also stolen the word maverick? It is true - "maverick" used to be the proud property of progressives. Most modern Democrats have not a clue why calling McCain a "maverick" should offend them to the core. I'm here to tell you why, as Democrats and progressives, you should object every time you hear McCain referred to as a Maverick.
Conservative authoritarians, aided by the media, have stolen that word from us.

Personality language: Voice of the people (Update)


by thedaybeforeyesterday
Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 02:45:59 PM PDT

Today I spent over 3 hours registering voters. And I must say it is getting crazy out there. For as much as we despise Palin, she has become the hottest name in america. For as much as we want to see her destroyed personally, many people I talked with today were impressed with her tv speech. I couldn't believe it!

Usually, over the last 3 months there was a resolve. Something hit these people. And I think it was Sarah Palin. Even though it energized many of us.. it sent shivers down many peoples spines. People are nervous now.

It is my understanding a society has multi-levels. In order for it to effectively function, all of the levels must function to its maximum according to its mandates. In our America society, we have the three branches of government and the fourth estate which is the Mainstream Media. Each has its own unique and distinctive functions to perform assuring “a more perfect union”. When one or more of the functions does not do its job, the whole structure is in peril as we find ourselves today.

Up to and until the ‘06 elections, most of us knew there was a serious breakdown in our structure due to criminal behavior in several branches of our governmental structure. We managed to isolate the problem and with vociferous voices as angry citizens demanded justice. I read many passionate “Handwriting on the wall” blogs. Many of them very passionate, many emotional and some groveled.

We knew the breakdown would produce a domino effect. We knew the serious damage to our society if criminal behavior were not immediately checked and called for impeachment hearings. After “impeachment was taken off the table”, our biggest fears of a dysfunctional society escalated with an “in your face” disrespect and the other functions of our government, most especially our Mainstream Media, crumbled like a house of cards, as it now stands.

Unfair burdens have been mis-placed and scattered into areas of our society not qualified to deal with certain issues. Our society fragmented and began to un-successfully over lap due to necessity. One of the areas not fully qualified I would identify as some areas of the blogosphere. There are areas of the blogosphere dealing exclusively with health issues, political issues, financial and many other issues. Also existing in the blogosphere are sites for personalities, the language of the people. In my opinion, the language of personality is the weapon of the people and in many cases, the only weapon at our disposal and efforts to take that away, to modify it, threaten it or to chastise it is not a wise decision.

People should be encouraged to talk. People make up a society. You may not like what they have to say but talk they should. They must! As much as Sen. Obama wishes otherwise, all campaigns are personality driven. If it were otherwise in this Presidential election, his poll numbers would be much higher if people dealt with substance.

So it is some blog sites are being asked to bare the burden of our dysfunctional government else we will lose this election. No fare, I say. The task is too great and blog sites can not only make laws nor can a site enforce them regardless of the participants. I do not agree a web site can compensate for the incompetence of our Democratic congress, for the ashes we see in our Mainstream Media fire pit and special laws passed to arrest people “conspiring to riot”. We just can not do it. Impeachment WAS the thing; it was the launch pin to have prevented these catastrophic conditions in which we find ourselves. At this point, more and more dye has been cast. Sad.

Finally, and I reiterate in summary, it is not fair to accuse a web site of having the power to lose an election. It simply is not true. The site can only be a factor. We are all frustrated at this point and just have to wait to see what the end will be. Enough said.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span, The National Enquirer and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
(Update) Obama wins on the issues and personality (2+ / 0-)
The experts say, we win this campaign on the issues. If it becomes a campaign of personality, we lose.
Screw the experts. The answer is highlight the issues but never, ever, ever yield that McCain's personality trumps Obama's when it comes to being better suited to being President. The opposite is the case and we should be shoving it back in their face.
Many, many Americans care about personality. That's a fact. We can't ignore it. We can't expect to overcome the "personality" debate through the drumbeat of "issues" alone. It's not enough. We need to attack on issues and personality because Obama can win both, or at least neutralize the personality factor in the undecided voter's mind.
I don't need to get into the issue debate. Anyone of us could disagree with Obama on a handful of issues. We all know Obama and Biden are simply light years ahead of McCain/Palin on the issues.
The dirty little secret that no one in the MSM wants to publicly admit is that Obama is also light years ahead of McCain in terms of personality fit for this job. Age has nothing to do with it. Look at how Obama held it together and kept a steady hand over his campaign in his primary season match-up with the formidable Clinton machine. Obama beat one of the strongest candidates either party has had in years. He was able to steer his ship when he was an underdog and when he became the front runner during the primary season. Confident in himself, he did not shy away from selecting a VP with a strong presence. He did so, not because he needed to "secure the base" or because it would lock down his VP pick's home state. He would have looked in another direction if that were the case. Obama picked Biden because he will be a credible and valuable asset in his administration.
Look at McCain by contrast. Prone to outbursts, he is temperamental and the opposite of a steady hand. Quite simply, he's a hot-head. Not the type of person one would want running the show. He allows his campaign to overreact to everything. "We're not talking to the media." Are they kidding?
Holding out far too long on his VP choice because he wanted his "friend" Lieberman, he had to scramble to find someone. This is not someone you want in charge when difficult decisions have to be made.
McCain: prickly
McCain: temperamental
McCain: not strong enough to explain his policies to the public
McCain: not confident enough in his choice of VP to allow her to face the media while she gets remedial classes in foreign and domestic issues
McCain: flip-flops on issues he claims to care about
This is someone to elect President of the United States? No.
By * Murchadha on Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 09:50:30 AM PDT

Sarah Palin. Hillary foiled again?

The Real ’08 Fight: Clinton v. Palin?
ST. PAUL — The names at the top of the ballot on Nov. 4 will be McCain and Obama, but the juicier battle this fall for an important group of swing voters — white working women with children — may be fought between the other two stars of the Republican and Democratic conventions, Sarah Palin and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

The Palin Effect
Nevertheless, the addition of Governor Palin to the Republican ticket does more to excite each of the right's demographically targeted machines than anything that has happened in this election cycle thus far. That is a sobering threat that the Obama campaign, and all Democrats, would ignore at their peril.

The African proverb says “You do not build your weapon on the battlefield”. Ms. Clinton wants to be President. I must admit I saw the charm attributed by many to Hillary on three occasions after the primaries. One was her speech releasing her delegates and the other was on the floor of the convention asking for the cessation of the roll call and the first time was when she spoke of her pleasure of having debates with Sen. Obama. All the other times I saw her as a woman trying to morph into something she clearly was not. Ms. Palin does not need to morph. From Ms. Palin “what you see is what you get” and that ain’t no stage joke! The woman’s for real and I personally see Hillary as no match unless…….

I hope Hillary understand as do a lot of us observers that Sarah is a real….uh… know what I mean and the Republican Party has got her married to them for their pleasure(s). In my opinion, Sarah is being groomed to run against Hillary. She is young, attractive, and a genuine uh…. Well, she’s an aggressive woman. If Hillary has to run against Sarah, in my opinion and under the present conditions, Hillary will not win. In reality, Hillary will not get any help from her do-nothing Democratic "Impeachment is off the table" colleagues, many Blacks and some whites while Bill would be running around off the charts perhaps trying to ingraciate himself with Sarah and if rumors are true she cheated on her husband...well...

Were I Hillary and wanted to be the first female president of the United States of America, I would first do some serious, and I do mean serious, housecleaning. I would tie that rag so tight ‘round my head that it almost cut off my circulation and get my broom. Two if’n I have to; get on the just shy of being obsequious good side of Sen. Obama and place my daughter Chelsea at the mentoring feet of Madame Albright so she can help me campaign. I would befriend Rev. Jeremiah Wright for a “born again experience” and his blessings. Maybe even attend his Sunday School class a few times dressed in my white gloves and straw hat with my new friend swinging on my arm singing “Jesus loves me”. There. You have it. That‘s what I would do were I Hillary and wanted to be the first female President of the United States. I know it would send shock waves around the world and have our MSM gasping for breath but..

- Ow! Why you slap me upside my head like dat fer?
-Wake up, nigger!!

As always,
P.S. In two weeks Sarah has even put the Iron Lady to shame. And we were hoping the Black rappers were wrong.

God bless my friend, Jack Cafferty

Jack Cafferty's Wife Carol Passed Away This Morning
by snackdoodle
Fri Sep 05, 2008 at 01:58:10 PM PDT
As always,

Sen. Obama and specifics

It is a poor-ass reporter or pundit who continually cries out for Sen. Obama to be more specific in what he is saying. On Anderson Cooper 360, I heard a female pundit say what she clearly felt was an intelligent statement, “Sen. Obama should be more specific about specifics”. In my opinion, this very attractive young lady was making a statement akin to asking her Mama what she should do after giving her male companion consent and he penetrates her body. "What do I do after that?" she asks. (Smile)

When teaching a class, the teacher teaches to different levels of student comprehension. This is done using assorted teaching tools strategically built into the lesson through the use of speaking different sentences, speaking in different sentence structures, using various analogies and, when appropriate, metaphors. The teacher’s quizzes and test are designed, or should be designed, to asses the varied levels of the student’s understanding of the lesson. Students have to demonstrate their understanding through formal and informal assessments wherein the teacher may unfortunately confront a situation requiring Special Ed. pedagogy. You look at your class looking at you like little angels having the lights of their halos turned on with folded hands and gentle smiles while you scratch your head. It happens sometimes.

If local mores, the teacher’s temperament or educational background prevents this from happening, there is an educational problem in that classroom.

I have heard reporters talking to some people who are saying, to this day, they have not made up their mind for whom to vote. I have heard the Hillary loyalist saying they still want to vote for Hillary to become President and, alas, I have heard over and over some people saying they do not know anything about Sen. Obama and he should be more specific. The other day, one lady on TV said she could not vote for Sen. Obama until he personally come to her and ask for her vote. Sad. Sad for lots of reasons that a country considered to be the most advance on the planet has to pick a President depending on people who want a candidate to be specific about the specifics along with other shenanigans. Sen. Obama did say today the Republicans want this race to be about personalities instead of content. Sad. So very sad. Lord, give me strength!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span, the spirits of the unborn for the help and The Enquirer,

Friday, September 05, 2008

Speeches: Sen. McCain and Ms. Palin

-(Covert Garden) How did you enjoy the concert, Professor?
-Nice. Mighty fine. Enjoyable. Got a lot of exercise. was the latest composition of XYZ.
-Yes. Indeed so. Very enjoyable. Got a lot of exercise.
-Uh..Sir, I noticed you saluting at various times during the concert.
-Yes. Yes I did, didn’t I. Always do that at XWZ’s concerts. Lots of exercise.
-Uh…exercise me, sir?

-Yes. Everytime I hear Bach, Brahms and Beethoven, I salute them. XYZ is a clever thieving Chap, you see.

Everytime I hear a speech from Sen. McCain or Ms. Palin, I find myself saluting Sen. Obama. Sometimes even a standing ovation. Right here at home in my living room. (Smile)
As always,

Howard Fineman apologies today?

The Audacity of Republican Delusion!
by athospaco1
Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 01:38:20 PM PDT
"And, then despite Sarah Palin’s, crypto treasonous associations, they welcome her as the second coming of Roosevelt."

From what I could understand from Mr. Fineman with his brief appearance on the Chris Matthew show this afternoon, (Thursday) he has been chastised by the Republican Party for saying things about Ms. Palin they do not like. Mr. Fineman, in effect, publicly apologized and made accusations regarding the Obama campaign as doing the same thing as protecting their candidate from too much press exposure. This is the only way I can put it from what little I heard of his scripted message. I have no doubts Chris had a full understanding of what was going on.

In my opinion, Mr. Fineman has learn how dispensable he and other reporters are now that the dirty work with Sen. Obama is almost over. They did what they were supposed to do to Sen. Obama. They can not do the same thing to Ms. Palin. Simple as that. Reporters have heard and seen the shot across the bow to “nice her up” and make her presentable for the general public consumption or else. Period. The speech of Sen. McCain tonight is going to be only equal to The Sermon on the Mount. Enter “The National Enquirer”.
Heroes come from such unexpected places.

Wed Sep 03 2008 18:19:21 ET
"The National Enquirer's coverage of a vicious war within Sarah Palin's extended family includes several newsworthy revelations, including the resulting incredible charge of an affair plus details of family strife when the Governor's daughter revealed her pregnancy. Following our John Edwards' exclusives, our political reporting has obviously proven to be more detail-oriented than the McCain campaign's vetting process. Despite the McCain camp's attempts to control press coverage they find unfavorable, The Enquirer will continue to pursue news on both sides of the political spectrum."

McCain Camp Says Palin Won't Talk To Media During Campaign
by Feedback
Thu Sep 04, 2008 at 09:30:14 PM PDT
Excerpt from an excerpt in the diary:
“According to Nicole Wallace of the McCain campaign, the American people don't care whether Sarah Palin can answer specific questions about foreign and domestic policy. According to Wallace -- in an appearance I did with her this morning on Joe Scarborough's show -- the American people will learn all they need to know (and all they deserve to know) from Palin's scripted speeches and choreographed appearances on the campaign trail and in campaign ads.”

-Sarah, Sarah, my dear child, what is all this fuss that you want to go home? What can I get you? Tell me. Aren’t you comfortable here? You have maid service, I see you’ve got your make-up kit you asked for. You don’t have to cook anything. See, we’ve gone out of our way to provide you with all the comforts of living like the beauty queen you are. Now come on, my love. Tell me what’s all this talk about wanting to go home. Come on now. Don’t be shy. Tell me. There you go. Crying again. And look, you didn’t eat your lunch. I personally ordered it for you. Did you even look at it? Look here. It’s your favorite. Moose stew. No? Here now. Dry those tears. I've got some good news for you. Hillary and a few other women are trying hard to get in to see you. Right now she does not know where you are, but we know Hillary, don’t we? I understand she is trying to pull some strings but just in case she gets her way, you are to say nothing to her. You understand, of course she is your enemy. Your opponent, so to speak because you may have to run against her if she decides to run in the next election. 2012 I believe it is. You’ll like that, won’t you? Huh? Look at me, my pretty, won’t you like that? That’s better. Track is leaving soon and he wants to see you too, but you must understand they can’t barge in and see you anytime they want to. You do understand, don’t you? Don’t you? That’s better now. Look at the time! I’m a little behind in my schedule. Eat your lunch now and I’ll look in on you tomorrow and just remember, November is not that far away. Bye. Oh, you doll, you! (Be sure to lock the door Hilda, I'll see you tomorrow and for God's sake, fix your armband.)
As always,

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Fool me once….

Thanks Drudge
When asked during a campaign event in Deerfield Beach, Florida, whether he would "pursue the violations that have been made against our Constitution by the present administration", Biden answered in the affirmative.

I have a lot of respect for Sen. Biden but I do not appreciate being lied to again. Too many of us have seen this horrid movie before and I would suggest he best put it back on the shelves and pray we don’t once again register our frustrations with the Democratic Party and Sen. Nancy “Tee-hee” Pelosi in particular. Hush! Song: “Don’t be cruel”.
As always,
P.S. Heroes come from such unexpected places.
Wed Sep 03 2008 18:19:21 ET
"The National Enquirer's coverage of a vicious war within Sarah Palin's extended family includes several newsworthy revelations, including the resulting incredible charge of an affair plus details of family strife when the Governor's daughter revealed her pregnancy. Following our John Edwards' exclusives, our political reporting has obviously proven to be more detail-oriented than the McCain campaign's vetting process. Despite the McCain camp's attempts to control press coverage they find unfavorable, The Enquirer will continue to pursue news on both sides of the political spectrum."

The Republican Convention "laughter"

Group laughter, amongst other things, can be of two kinds: There is laughter when something is funny to the group and there can be laughter when the speaker is making a fool of him/herself.

In my opinion, laughter tonight at the Republican Convention was at first a response to something funny the speaker said but to me, the laughter slowly morphed into a silence as I metaphorically saw the crown beginning to give “Heil” salutes to the speakers when the speaker would espouse negative remarks regarding Sen. Obama, his family members and community organizers. Sorry, but I saw what I saw. Cold sober! A little bit. (Smile)
As always,
P.S. All of this for want of a little ol' impeachment. (Sigh)

Song: “There’s no business like show business.”

The Republican Convention: Empty suits, empty dresses and lots and lots of empty seats. How do you spell “Looser?” All I can say to all the actors, producers, directors, stage managers and patrons who witnessed a production closing after opening night, don’t feel bad. With all the resources of the Republican Party, they did you proud.

Comment of the evening: Rachel Maddow in reference to Ms. Palin’s speech and, I suspect reading the teleprompter, “…….phonetic pronunciations”. LOLROF for half hour!
As always,
P.S. For the first time I saw Pat Buchanan in his appropriate setting as providing comic relief. He is a riot i.e., Gracie Allan!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Sarah Palin: "Golly Gee!!" (Update)

‘Tis sad another person jumping out onto the world stage so unprepared as one Ms. Sarah Palin.

This has to be an emotional nightmare for Ms. Palin if she is of sound mind to think at all at this point. If the ordinary citizen is in a whirlwind as to her debut, I can only imagine her analysis of the situation. I would strongly suggest to Ms. Palin that to her, this maybe a bad dream and if she gets out now, that is how she would be able to deal with it. However, if she continues and finds out this is not a bad dream and awakens to the harsh realities of what is happening around her and to her, there are some consequences for waiting too late.

For one thing, Ms. Palin will realized that the good Sen. McCain and wife Cindy have invited her into the pits of hell and she has to pay the price. Selling ones soul to the devil does have its price. If I do watch Ms. Palin’s speech tonight, if would be with sadness knowing she has accepted the invitation to dance with the devil and other demons. The best thing for Ms. Palin would be to snatch up her Bible, gather her meager belongings and click her heels three times. God speed!
As always,
Interesting how the McCain campaign constantly inserts Sen. Obama’s name into every argument regarding Ms. Palin to encourage subliminal, polarizing comparisons. Check!

Gov. Sarah Palin and the Alaskan Independent Party (Up Date Word)

"Jews for Jesus" at Palin's church
Aug 17, 2008
by annalivia
Tue Sep 02, 2008 at 08:01:37 PM PDT

“David Brickner, whose ministry is converting Jews to Christianity, spoke at Sarah Palin's church in Wasilla two weeks ago, Aug 17,2008.
According to Ben Smith at Politico, Palin was in the audience for his controversial remarks suggesting terrorist attacks in Israel represent a judgement from God.”

There’s a needle waiting to be threaded with the Alaskan Independent Party and a McCain Presidency.

It is unlikely whatever interest Sen. McCain and his wife Cindy have in Georgia will not stop if he becomes President. Business deals usually become interrelated at some point. For some reason, McCain and his wife being involved with the secessionist movement in Georgia in any capacity at all has peaked my interest. The fact Prime Minister Putin of Russia has made references to an interest of some American citizens in Georgia’s secessionist efforts and there is a secessionists movement in Alaska and Alaska is close to Russia and Sen. McCain and his wife Cindy want a member of the Alaskan secessionist movement to become Vice President of the United State is, to me at the least, disquieting.

I do not know how secessionist movements are initiated nor implemented but I do know there is usually a blood bath of ethnic cleansing in its formula. I would wager two powerful groups get together agreeing on a secession when one group turns on the other to gain the prize for its singular benefits. Since I have noted it is always a Neo-con group that wants secessions, the other shoe dropped for me this evening reading the enclosed diary by annalivia, “Jews for Jesus” relating knowledge that Jews and Evangelicals are forming a force in Alaska. I understand Alaska has LOTS of oil and witnessing the polls of people who want the Presidency of a McCain, the secession of Alaska would be indeed “a slam dunk!”

Finally, in my opinion, McCain’s hand was forced for a secession of Alaska movement. Since his friend Black objected to Lieberman as a Vice President choice who would have helped him back door the Alaskan secession moment, McCain and his wife Cindy took their chances by taking the bull by the horns to nominating Gov. Sarah Palin as his choice for Vice President. If Sen. Obama can be crucified by associations, why is it any different for Gov. Palin? Damn! I keep forgetting about American white privilege! And paraphrased from the Dread Scott decision, “A black man has no rights a white man is bound to respect.”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Before Levi Johnson marries Bristol Palin I wonder if there is going to be a religious conversion on one of their part and hope they have it clear in what faith their precious baby will be raised.

*(Up-date Word: I do not think people know how very serious this is)
Full Circle and The Trainwreck
by mediapolitic
Wed Sep 03, 2008 at 03:19:37 AM PDT
Opening paragraph:
Later today history will have officially come full circle, and it only took a near sesquicentential - 148 years to do so.
Later today the Republican Party will nominate to high office someone who has advocated the secession of Alaska from The United States of America.
Remember, Eagleton lasted 18 days.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Sarah Palin: Israel, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Georgia and now AIP.

Ms. Palin associations with the “Alaskan Independent Party” (AIP) is something that will effect all Americans. We know Sen. McCain and wife Cindy have some affinity to Georgia the country and its efforts to become a NATO member.

This is all we need at this stage of the game for a state, any state in America, to start processing to become independent. Echoes of Israel, Kosovo, Kurdistan and Georgia are already becoming deafening. Yikes!!
“The public has a short memory” is the propaganda I have heard for many-a-year. I say it is propaganda due to the fact it “offends” a person who does have a long memory and is set forth to modify the thinking process. The implications are hard to avoid if you are a member of the public and do not have a short memory. In my opinion, the statement is also used as an aid to the desynthesizing and dehumanization process in this country.

The oligarchy and Mainstream Media (MSM) are now experiencing one Hissy fit after another; too many people writing with memories and citing sources for free, already! MSM’s job of reporting on a meaningful topic in isolation of its past is, well, past. Their job of plopping into the middle of a topic and not showing its relevancy is, well, gone.

The enclosed blog by NYT reporter *Paul Krugman is a decent reminder why memory in reporting is important when trying to make a point. Mr. Krugman, to bolster his chiding of the present administration in relations to the Katrina hurricane, recalls the recalcitrant attitude of Pres. Bush during the time with back ground offers of help coming from Pres. Fidel Castro. I am also mindful a few years back of Pres. Ahmadinejad sending two “Let’s talk” letters to Pres. Bush. To my knowledge, Pres. Bush neither replied to Pres. Castro nor Ahmadinejad. A better example of “Kiss My Ass” would be hard to find in the demeanor of a President.

Recently surfaced is a remark Sen. McCain made of Chelsea, the Clinton’s daughter, and yet the Clinton’s dislike Sen. Obama and embrace Sen. McCain. How can a person desynthesize and dehumanize themselves to accept the vile statement of Sen. McCain who said, paraphrased, the reason Chelsea is so ugly is due to the fact she is also the child of Ms. Janet Reno? How can you forgive anyone saying something like that about your daughter? Short memory? Hello. Hi you? I’m fine. Just wandering around. They say it is going to be a beautiful day. Have a nice one.
As always,
P.S. I did not know Ray Nagin was still Mayor or New Orleans. Look forward to a lot of “talking” due to the fact hurricane survivors evacuated this time have intermingled and ARE COMING BACK!

*John, Don't Go
Monday 01 September 2008
by: Paul Krugman, The New York Times
Opening paragraph:
“It's an ill wind that blows nobody good. Three years after Hurricane Katrina, another storm is heading for the Gulf Coast - and this has given Republicans a reason to cancel President Bush's scheduled appearance at their national convention. The party can thus avoid reminding voters that the last man they placed in the White House did such a heckuva job that he scored the highest disapproval ratings ever recorded.”

Monday, September 01, 2008

Obama labor day speech cancelled

I was settled in, ready to hear a speech and become educated regarding Labor Day a la Sen. Obama. Sen. Obama announces a change to his speech due to the hurricane Gustav with what he felt were appropriate excuses.

All I can say at this point is I would not have done what Sen. Obama did. I would have given the speech the people came out to hear. Many came with friends and relatives. I would not have disappointed them. I would have given what I would think was an appropriate reach-out regarding the hurricane and the effected populations and other niceties but never would I have cancelled my speech. I would not have felt I was in a “dammed if I do, dammed if I don’t” situation.

Going to the theater and finding out the star of the show took ill suddenly and his/her understudy would perform is bad enough but to cancel the event altogether would really piss me off. I’ll just end as I began by saying I would not have done it. My feelings regarding my support system would not have allowed me to do so.
As always,

Marc Cooper: “Good Thinking Cap of the Month” award

Gustav Postpones RNC...And Ends Reagan Revolution
By Marc Cooper
stumble digg reddit news trust huffington_post:
Posted August 31, 2008 | 03:32 PM (EST)
“A principle-free John McCain did his best these past months to dredge up all the psycho-political hobgoblins of the past 40 years -- alternately suggesting that Obama was something akin to an uppity, elite, remote and ultimately dangerous, feckless tyro. McCain swaggered onto the stage, redolent of jock straps, locker rooms and jet fuel exhaust, reassuring us that in such troubled times only his dead-serious maturity and stability could see us sternly through the storm.
Just when he was on the brink of successfully selling that story, he was unfortunately overcome by his inner frivolity and he chose a laughable and affable nobody zealot from a three stop-light town to be his running mate. I think it was all pretty much over last Friday.”

Let us not also forget the twelve straight Primary wins of Sen. Obama, the yawning press and the non-congratulations from the Clintons; The polls still insisting the ranking between Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama is even; McCain has some ‘splainin’ to do to Mr. Putin; The un-gentlemanly remark from Sen. Lindsey Graham that he dreads the day Sen. Obama would become President of the United States; and “Once upon a time, Mr. Graham was a nice young man until one faithful night something happened making him fearful of intelligent, educated Black men.”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lady McCain

Cindy's Offended!
by chainsaw mary
Sun Aug 31, 2008 at 12:54:14 AM PDT
Opening sentences: (Love this dairy!)
"According to CNN, Cindy McCain is offended. OFFENDED, I say! And what, you may ask, is disturbing Mrs. McCain's delicate sensibilities? Us, of course. We're such a bunch of meanie poo-poo heads!"

-Now you are going to have to speak up, Ms. McCain, right into the mike. We want the American public to really get to know you. Know you for the nice gentle soul that you am. Now tell me, Ms. McCain. How did you feel when your cleaning lady did not show up last month?
-I was offended.
-Speak up just a little bit more, Ms. McCain. Now how did you feel?
-I was offended.
-I don’t think that registered on the meter. Could you speak just a little louder, Ms. McCain we want all of America to hear you. Now how did you feel when your cleaning lady did not show up last month?
-I was offended.
-I’ve got to move on now. Ms. McCain? Yo, Ms. McCain?? Hello? Ms. McCain? Oh, there you are. Did you fire her?
-Fire her?
-Yes. Did you fire your cleaning lady who did not show up last month.
-I was offended.
-Yes. I’m sure you were. I see you are still upset.
-I was offended.
-Ms. McCain, your driver’s here. He’s going to take you back home now. Have a nice day and say “Hello” to John for me.
-Oh, I was offended.

As always,

We have amused Sen. McCain to no end

Our reaction to his VP pick makes him gloat. Sen. McCain is probably having a few belly-laughs now to see how right he and the rest of the Neo-con cabals are with whatever stupid thing they try to pull off on the American public usually succeeds.

With Mainstream Media on their side as cheerleaders and moles imbedded in strategic web sites, they play their political games. Sometimes they lose but most of the time they are winners prompting cheers and energetic high-fives. With the many Neo-con’s studies of how to control the masses clinically recorded in voluminous books and studies, whomever takes the time to evaluate them and integrate the practices into their agenda will be a successful winner. The Boogeyman they subliminally try to protect us from is always Hitler. Their books become best sellers telling us first how to protect ourselves from Hitler and at the same time how to produce citizens a Hitler mentality can manipulate. Cute.

One critical issue the creators of these studies know is the I.Q. of the American public is not high enough to defend itself due to the education of its citizens. Hence, citizens can be talked to and treated like goat herders and the unsophisticated peasants they are and laugh haughty laughs how easily we are manipulated knowing there is nothing we can do about it. The few “break through” intellectual can be easily and swiftly dealt with by David Horowitz et. al.,

Go to any web site and pose the question as to why it appears Neo-cons are always at the root of America’s problems and you will discover from the comments dentures are not the only thing that come out at night. Why always the Neo-con? We are not picking on them but there are not the Blacks, Asians or the Latinos that seem to occupy those lofty places of employment and decision making for America we can point to.

Neo-cons aka Simites aka white enjoy a privilege in America that has produced the un-anticipated (?) collateral damage of the psydo-omnipresence mind. That is what we are now dealing with and have been dealing with these past years with the Bush administration.

I was stunned to see so many people attending Sen. McCain’s event introducing his VP, Sarah Palin. Stunned, I tell you even if it was in a high school gymnasium! I re-iterate: Sen. McCain is amused. Would’nt you?
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,