Saturday, April 03, 2010

America’s newest language: Nothing (Update)

I recall African-American comedian Dick Gregory telling a joke: He said “Yes, and ‘curse’ is my second language” when asked if he were bi-lingual.

There is the classic joke: “If you spoke three languages, you were “tri-lingual”. If you spoke two languages, you were “bi-lingual” and if you spoke only one language, you were “American”.
I am hearing a second language for Americans, especially in the media, and the new language is “Nothing!”

The clearest talk radio station I can get on the AM band is the station that carries Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Savage, somebody named Lawson, etc.,

I have concluded when listening to AM radio stations and other media, as soon as the moderator mentions the name “Obama”, I know I am listening to the new American second language of “Nothing”. The moderator is actually building sand castles, palaces and military fortresses all contained in the confines of the language of “Nothing”. They reach lofty heights and Orwellian depths in their presentations.

When someone calls into the station to say something as simple as, “What Obama is doing is crazy!” the moderator immediately takes over, never asking the caller what he means or give examples but rather goes straight into talking “Nothing”.

Moderators are slowly but surely teaching Americans its new second language. In my opinion, it consists of multiple levels of very interesting un-disciplined streams of consciousness. Observing from above and below, one can readily see the train wreck on the bridge when comparing their stream of consciousness to the verbalized streams of consciousness of the President.

Personally, it has become both fascinating and amusing to me. To speak that way is truly a talent and I appreciate all talents, regardless the banality and I fantasize Professor Henry Higgins of “My Fair Lady” analyzing the pedigree and substance of this new American language. Ah, were I an English Major Ph.D candidate looking for something to write about for my dissertation: “Dares gold in dem dah hills…”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I note the left is trying to also teach the language of "Nothing" using RNC Chairman Michael Steel with some casino foolishness coupled with highly questionable and grossly un-sustainable “core Black racist issues” of TeaBaggers. I posit the “core racist issues” of TeaBaggers is “Anti-Semitic” more than anything. "We want our country back" from Blacks? LOL

In my opinion, this little diary of futurebird is precious, PRECIOUS, I say. Perfections abound!
The invention of truth.
by futurebird
Read more at:

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Take That! Obama. You too, Hillary! (#%#!$@)

Regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu’s recent visit to the White House with private and secretive talks with Pres. Obama, the fact the talks did not go well could be expressed in the bombings of the Gaza strip this morning.

-Doctor, I am worried about my son. He still sucks his thumb and has temper tantrums.

-That’s fine, Mrs. Briggs, he’s still a young boy, you know.

- Doctor!! He’s thirty seven!

- Oy!

Israeli planes and helicopters mount Gaza attacks
Israeli planes and helicopters mounted at least seven missile attacks on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip on Friday, destroying what a military spokesman described as Palestinian munitions sites.
Read more at:

As always,
P.S. Another example how people of color are scapegoated. Tragic!

Bipartisanship? No, not again!!

Pres. Obama has to be one of the more sadistic people
in politics today.

In my opinion, the President’s stubborn fantasies of having bipartisanship support for the HealthCare Reform Bill has already torn this country apart to the brink of total social collapse and his call for bipartisanship support in announcing his newest bill, Drilling For Oil, is too much metal to the pedal for me!

His bipartisanship desires are cruel and un-realistic and I have fantasies of voting a straight Republican ticket in November giving him the Republican Congress he thinks is so vital for passing his legislations. He is telling his base to go to hell. “FU!” he appears to be saying. “I no longer want you nor do I need your support!” He is crazy if he thinks I will sit still for this.

The President is seriously beginning to worry me! Word creeping up in the street he is a DINO. (Democrat in name only)
NJ Democrats Freak Over Drill Obamaby Drill
by catlover9
Menendez also blasted Obama for caving on nuclear energy and clean-coal technology, calling it part of a misguided trade-off designed to win GOP support for developing legislation that would try to cap greenhouse emissions, according to the Star Ledger.

"I think it’s an effort to bring Republicans on board with broader climate change legislation and I think it’s a dangerous plan. ... This is a reversal of where the president has been."
Read more at:

As always,

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sen. Scott Brown hearts Rachel Maddow

If ever there was a man with a bone-hard for a woman, it is Scott Brown and I think he is gonna win. This is very different than Barack/Hillary and McCain/Palin.

To me, the romance is unfolding like a modern day Wuthering Heights, Camelot or Sleeping Beauty. Love letters abound! Expensive ones! Full pages, no less!

I am absolutely fascinated seeing the dazzling and sometimes giddy feminine charm of Rachel gush all over the place and I think both their spouses should have raised eye-brows. This is love, folks, love, you hear and the beginning of a relationship between the two of them that will last for *decades and beyond. Ah, were I a fly on the wall witnessing the sweet dreams.

Prince Charming is forfeiting his kingdom for the love of the fair Lady Rachel, propelling her into history within his own meteor ride into infamy. Sen. Brown is doing what every young man does when he falls in love and has ambitions; he has no shame! (Sigh)
As always,
P.S. (Disclaimer) Song: “It was just my imagination….”
* “I remember it well” from Gigi

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pres. Obama’s 2nd line of defense for future successes (Update)

In my opinion, the President’s first line of defense for future successes are persons identifying, tagging and supporting Democratic candidates to run in primaries and generals. Those identifiers are the ones bringing the candidates onto the political stage and for many reasons, Bloggers and volunteers can not do that.

Now that there are proven *successes in Pres. Obama’s presidency, I suspect with a U.S. Supreme Court law permitting corporations to share the same political contributions as humans and with the demise of the Republican Party, many a would-be traitor will be seeking to infiltrate the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party is a piece of cake to get into: A candidate goes around to Baptist churches yelling “Hallelujah!” at appropriate times during the services and he’s in. Simple as that!

I would like to think those days are gone. I would like to think persons in positions of tagging Democratic candidates would now check out the would-be candidate’s writings, prior political affiliations, monitor their bank accounts after they have been tagged and, if possible, conduct random checks on their underwear for inconsistent DNA droplets and stains. (As an aside, I understand Rahm Emanuel was somehow able to push through the current crop of Blue Dogs.)

It is only after this thorough vetting stage can volunteers and Bloggers go to work doing the job of getting the candidate into office. We can only work with whom the vetters have given us. Looking forward to the work to be done….
*Barack Obama gains steam, plows ahead
Obama’s new mojo comes after being tethered to the White House for months getting in the weeds of the health care debate. Relieved of working the phones and huddling with lawmakers, it appears he’ll keep brisk pace on a number of fronts.

He will talk about health care in Maine this week. He’ll raise money for Democrats in Boston on Thursday, and the White House already has him teed up to do an event in North Carolina Friday, hours after the Labor Department releases the latest unemployment figures. Obama will also sign fixes to the health care bill and student loan reforms into law at a ceremony Tuesday before he and the first lady host French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his wife at the White House. 

“They made some mistakes,” Begala said. “So I think that they come into the rest of 2010 with eyes wide open, and I don’t think they’re going to waste months and months again trying to get one or two or six Republicans to join them.”
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
We Can, And We Did
by Paradox13
In the face of united and vitriolic opposition from the Republicans, as well as outright lies and slander, our Democratic Congress and President Obama have delivered on progress for the American people. It's cumbersome progress, and the change we want is not arriving as quickly as we might have wished, but turning the ship of state is not a rapid maneuver. Our President promised change we could believe in, not change that would happen quickly, or even change that would be revolutionary.

At this point, it is worthwhile to review the changes that have happened since January 2009, and reflect. These changes are, after all, what we as Democrats believe in.
Read more at:,-And-We-Did

Sunday, March 28, 2010

2+2=4? “Threading the needle.”

My interest has been peaked lately as to why DOJ Sec. Eric Holder has not identified homegrown terrorist during his watch. By the legal definition of terrorist, Scott Roeder, murderer of Dr. George Tiller, Holocaust Museum murderer James Von Brunn and Piper airplane pilot Joe Pack were terrorist.

And to date we are not hearing from the DOJ, “The phone call threats to members of Congress have been traced through cell towers and we have identified persons of interest”.

I am mindful through the years reading the many clandestine methods the CIA use to de-stabilize a country with a lot of support from officers within its infrastructure. It appears to me, after a puppet government is installed, the conquering heroes sit back watching the secondary phase of their nefarious engineering taking place which is the in-fighting, usually between racial or religious groups. They smile.

They work hard to produce that conflict between race and religion with heavy reliance on their control of the media of the country. The conquerors worked hard for that control in Venezuela and Cuba and Pres. Chavez and Castro just un-ceremoniously shut them down; squelched them like cockroaches without a lot of Constitutional bull shit!

First, they create a slew of unidentified Boogeymen (TeaBaggers?) in the country, and simply follow the blue print, refining it as needed.

Vivid in my mind before the collapse of Russia were housewives beating pots and pans in protests sponsored by the CIA and more recently, the neighborhood cleansings in Iraq wherein each religious sect went into separate regions of the country.

In my opinion, the following blogs compliment and interlock in exposing efforts to destabilize America and raid its treasury and could well be considered sequels to the book, “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins. The article by Janine R. Wedel documents the inception and implementation of The New World Order and diarist bobswern and dlperry42 enlightened me on one of the contributing pieces to the Order residing here in America.
Shadow Elite: March to War -- The Neocon Playbook, Straight from the Soviet Bloc
By Janine R. Wedel
If you were to look at the bulk of my three decades of experience, research and expertise, you might find yourself asking, what does a social anthropologist who spent much of her career specializing in eastern Europe have to say about the neoconservatives who helped take the United States to war in Iraq?
Read more at:

Breaking DoJ: 12+ Wall St. Firms Conspired In Muni Ripoffs
by bobswern
In tonight's report, we're now learning of how more than 12 of the world's largest financial institutions have been named as "co-conspirators" in a scam to outright ripoff towns and cities across America via underpayments " U.S. state and local governments on investments, according to documents filed in a U.S. Justice Department criminal antitrust case."
Read more at:

And TeaBaggers
Incitement, Threats and Violence:  Right-Wing SOP
by dlperry42
The right-wing response to Obama’s offer of bipartisanship was the unruly disruption of congressional town halls around the nation by “Tea Party” “patriots.” The Tea Parties are financed by right-wing billionaire David Koch and coordinated by Republican political consultants.  Koch and his entities finance Americans for Prosperity , an advocacy groups which, in turn finances the Tea Parties.  AFP provides organizers for tea party groups in 29 states; it provides organization and transportation for tea party protests; it  provided the buses supporting the spitting, racist demonstration attempting to block Members’ access to the Capitol just prior to the House vote.  Tea Party websites like brag that right-wing blogs are threatening civil disobedience.
Read more at:,-Threats-and-Violence:-Right-Wing-SOP-

As always,
P.S. I did not go searching for these articles. They were just “There”, strengthening my belief in a universal thought which simply says to me, “You are not alone.”