Monday, July 16, 2012

There are always dirty dishes in my little kitchen sink

-Will our next Black President by an Uncle Tom?

- A VP does not get any better then Joe Biden. I felt any other choice would have stabbed Pres. Obama in the back long ago. It was brilliant of him calling in the audience for the Walter  Mosley character Mouse at his recent NAACP appearance.

- The vocabulary from the financial community is limited and complicated. If you take its limited vocabulary: raise taxes, lower taxes, deficit and  revenue and assign a musical notes to each one and ask a musician like John Coltrane to improvise on them, you will know how I felt this past Sunday trying to listen to financial guru Ali Velshi and his guest. They were having the equivalency of financial orgasms!

-It does not make sense to me to suppress votes with voter ID laws when many polls already show Gov. Mitt Romney being neck-n-neck with Pres. Obama. There’s a fly in the milk somewhere.

-My tv  gets smaller and smaller with all the crap producers are now putting on the screen. It is getting harder to see who I am trying to see and listen to. And now I have to contend with cliff hangers from Rachel and Lawrence O’Donnell that they do not even resolve after many commercials. I am slowly drifting away from watching them for that very reason. I do not like the tease. It gets my pressure up and in my opinion, it cheapens their show. To me it is akin to watching a show on Broadway  having the production constantly interrupted to show you the ending.

 - What happened to the “Fast and Furious” investigations staring Rep. Darrell Issa? Was mission accomplished?

As always,


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