Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Defibrillators: Three things to know

1. You should  know it has a battery. You should have been told the defibrillator has a battery and it needs periodic re-charging by a company expert.

2. You should be aware of  door-bell rings appearing to come from nowhere. Your defibrillator starts emitting  a sound described as  sounds coming from a European emergency vehicle i.e., ding-dong. It occurs for about ten seconds at different times of the day or night. The sound is warning you of dangers with the defibrillator. I understand there are more tones you should be aware of that could be emitted from your defibrillator.

3. When you hear what I would describe as  door-bell rings, call 911 immediately. Any delay can result in electric shocks to your body and possible heart damages. Once you get to the hospital, a magnet may be applied to the defibrillator to defuse it and after that, you will be in the hands of the cardiologist. I personally think first responder teams should have training as to applying the magnet.

As always,

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Romney and Paul Ryan positioning their quarter-back chairs

In their hearts of hearts they know they will not win. They know they can not win and have therefore positioned their Adirondack chairs at the beach poised to criticize the 2012 elections in perpetuity.

At this time, Romney and Ryan are laying all their cards on the table and are in it for the long haul. Their guiding light to the press from their quarter-back Adirondack chairs will  be “Romney is white and would not do what a Black Muslin foreign born socialist President is doing to our country.

I think this is what the Obama team thought Hillary would do after losing the election so they made her Secretary of State.
As always.