Saturday, May 30, 2009

A metaphor worth a thousand words

This is a metaphor that bears watching. I am going to print it out and put it in full view on my office wall right over my computer. “Tah’s gold in dem dar hills!” There are presently numerous articles to more than substanuate author Mario Solis-Marich’s accumulative and very astute observations. I’ll sit back, watch and enjoy the show! BTW, My Hiney Shiney is jealous. (Smile)
The Republican strategy is just becoming more and more like those scary spook trails that christians set up during Halloween in parts of the country. The spook trails that are meant to shock and frighten those who walk along their paths, with images of abortion and damnation, culminating in the viewer being offered one last chance to repent and find god before it's too late.
The Republican "spook trail" consists of images of a diabolical black president, who appoints minority "witches" to the courts! "Witches" who will then conjur horrors on the poor white country folk, as they lay in their beds at night festooned with necklaces of garlic in the shapes of crosses for protection.
As the frightened observers navigate the spook trail's images of terrorists, "evil" married gay people, and bloody scenes of Democratic politicians performing surgery on hapless victims in government controlled hospitals, the trail's end will offer one last hope from this fiendish future. A Newt Gingrich/Sara Palin presidency in 2012. Oh, the humanity!

Mario Solis-Marich
Posted: May 29, 2009 12:38 PM BIO Become a Fan Get Email Alerts Bloggers' Index
The Plan Behind the Sotomayor Attacks
As always,
P.S. I am mindful when years ago some Blacks would call the Latinos coming into the country and taking sides with the whites “The next generation of niggers”. We just sat back with folded arms and smiled. We knew their allegiance was mis-placed and it was only a matter of time the mostly white neocon community would slap them down. Hard! Most of them now know enough English to understand what is happening to them. A bitter pill to swallow: “No better treatment then Black folks!” they are beginning to see. My word! A wake-up call in any language is a bitch! I note more people would rather and with urgent passion get rid of Sen. Roland Burris than Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reid combined. Now the flavor of the day is Ms. Sotomayor. Sad.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Susan Boyle faces final hurdle in dreamlike rise

By Gregory Katz
Associated Press
Posted: 05/28/2009 07:54:28 AM PD
LONDON — It's always a bad hair day for Susan Boyle — until she starts to sing.
The Scottish songbird with the frizzed-out hair doesn't look like a star — she's chubby, with plain features, and no thousand-watt show biz smile. But her golden voice has made her the overwhelming favorite in Saturday's Britain's Got Talent finals, expected to draw millions of viewers in Britain, where it's broadcast live, and tens of millions throughout the world, with the help of YouTube and other online sites.

Ms. Boyles needs to sing one of the two songs strongly recommended for her by members of her American audience for her finals: “You’ll never walk alone” and/or “Climb ev’ry mountain”. She should get herself a competent agent to hold her hand while teaching her about life in the arts and the people who think they own it. I would strongly suggest her first album be a collection of “Scottish Folksongs”.

I hope there is a younger man than I who can fully appreciate the woman that Susan Boyle is with the combination of her voice and her hip-swings which knocks me out every time! Imaging me being her lover in our bedroom and her singing the “Habanera” from Carman to me and swinging those hips……and she has never been kissed before…….stranger things have happened to me in my life. Lord, have mercy!

Mr. BB? Hello? Wake up, Sir, time for your medicines.
As always,

I GOOGLED Susan Boyle this morning

To be exact, I googled “What is Susan Boyle singing for the finals”. I want to know! I thought I would at least find out the song she is working on. If I am right, the program is tomorrow night, Saturday May 30. I am anxious!

Susan Boyle Will Sing On Final, Britain's Got Talent Bosses Say
Despite tabloid reports...
Friday 29th May 2009
Susan Boyle will appear on the final of Britain's Got Talent, despite reports the singer has been on the verge of quitting the show.
As always,

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Cruelty: Telling Cheney his polls are up

While many may think the desperate delusions that have captured Ex. Vice Pres. Dick Cheney are praise-worthy as evidenced by his increased poll numbers, there have to be some, myself included, who wonders if Mr. Cheney himself believes them.

In other words, does Mr. Cheney believe in the very instruments that helped propelled him into the mental condition he now finds himself? The very instruments he used to manipulate, giving the rest of the populace the blues, namely the Iraq war?

To think Mr. Cheney is not aware of the lying and subliminal qualities of a poll would be a gross mis-treatment of facts. Mr. Cheney is hateful, angry, vindictive and delusional, my dear, not full blown crazy. Not yet! Not by American standards.

My Hiney Shiney is telling me Mr. Cheney is NOT happy with his rise in the polls. He feels he has been mis-understood. My Hiney Shiney also telling me Mr. Cheney was not happy regarding the 96-6 recent vote in the Senate to not fund the closing of Guantanamo. My Hiney Shiney is telling me Mr. Cheney feels what we call his delusions are not delusions at all, just a manifestation of his feelings (Vendetta) due to the fact he identified with John McCain so thoroughly and did so much behind the scenes work to assure his victory for the Presidency, he has simply developed some thoughts (Vendetta) about the winner, Pres. Obama.

This places the good Mr. Dick Cheney in the position of having two ego deteriorating entities to deal with: Sen. Barack Obama being elevated to the statue of President of the United State of America and not being able to get “W” to pardon his friend “Scooter” Libby. After all, he made promises! He made promises regarding then Sen. Obama and to “Scooter” and he does not like to be a man who brakes his promises to people nor to himself, for whatever reasons. He hurts so bad.

Therefore this is what my Hiney Shiney is telling me. It’s telling me that Mr. Cheney is settled with two of the most debilitating and crippling emotions known to man; Jealousy and hatred. Ah, the perils of a lonely old man. I wish him well.
As always,
P.S. Finally, my Hiney Shiney is telling me the monotone deliverance of his last speech was a good example of him having a conversation with himself. Random wondering out loud, so to speak.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Susan Boyle railroaded? (Update)

For my personal taste, I have never liked any of the songs I have heard from the musical “Cats”. I think the music is amateurish and lacking the musical depth I have grown accustomed to listening to (old) musicals. Also I did not like the changing of the plot formula from “Boy meets Girl” to “Cat meets Cat”. On that one, you can color me stubborn.

So it is *Ms. Susan Boyle sings the song “Memory” from the musical “Cats” on the show “Britain‘s Got Talent”.

In the musical arrangement for Ms. Boyle, the music arranger used a piano that also plays the melody Ms. Boyle is suppose to also be singing. If you are a nervous singer, you are forced to let the piano player lead you at your peril. It takes more than a few rehearsals to iron out your differences. You, the singer, can not move until he moves. You are nervous he may throw you off your pitch or he may play a few of the notes in the melody a little louder indicating to you and the audience you got lost with your pitch and on it goes. Also, I immediately noticed the melodic weakness in the introduction to the song.

The long and short of it is you can not sing and sore with your song due to the fact certain instrumental limitations have been placed on you. My experiences have shown me that kind of situation is always a disaster. To make a long story short, the musical arrangement for Ms. Boyle’s appearance was a horrid mess and I do not think it was by accident. There are too many fallacies. Some people can be mean as hell to the un-suspecting. Ms. Boyle needs a good agent to look out for her interest!
As always,
P.S. If memory serves me correctly, I think Cats has mechanically produced music and I read the producers had trouble with the computers working before one performance. The paper read, (Paraphrased) “First time Broadway performance postponed due to computer problems.” It was either the show Cats or Les Meserable, which I also do not like. Give me Oklahoma or Guys and dolls anytime.

* Susan Boyle Sings 'Memory' From 'Cats' In Semi-Final (VIDEO)
The shy church volunteer gave a rousing, but occasionally nervous, performance on the "American Idol"-style show "Britain's Got Talent," with a version of the song "Memory" from the musical "Cats."

(Update) Comment:
“While I agree that Susan had kind of a rocky start, she recovered pretty quickly. Also, Memory is best sung by a second soprano, or someone with an excellent range; Susan has a great low voice, and she hit the high notes later in the song pretty well. If she needs to sing a standard, "Climb Every Mountain" would be an excellent choice.”

To hear Susan Boyle sing Climb Every Mountain from the musical “The Sound of Music” would send me to the hospital with a cardiac arrest. I kid you not! I know what her other song, I dreamed a dream did to me. I have to remember to take my medicine BEFORE listening to her and alert my local paramedics if she is going to sing Climb Every Mountain! Her singing that song would surly make musical history. Will the gods allow her? I remember kate Smith singing God, bless America in the '40s

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Dick Cheney is America

Mr. Cheney, in my opinion, embodies all that is America. He was born and raised as an American boy and now presents himself as such, “Made in America!”

You name the noun and that is Dick Cheney. You name the place, and there he is. You articulate the philosophy of America and your dreams and visions, Dick Cheney is your consultant. He da man!

However, in any situation when you put yourself out there as has Mr. Cheney, your Waterloo is not far behind. I believe Mr. Cheney is bearing his American soul to us. We have to see the picture as he and his ardent conduits, his daughter Liz and the media, see it. We should neither pity nor scorn the endeavors of Mr. Cheney. He has to get whatever it is out of his system and only then will appropriate adjustments be meaningful to him. Mr. Cheney will meet his Waterloo in the form of an objective individual or individuals who can help him more articulate what he really wants to say but lacks the skills, the nerves or both. The skills of others will help him.

In my own fantasy world, I envision Mr. Cheney’s Waterloo entering into his fantasy world with complete submersion but enough objectivity to be able to point out to him the “Exit” signs. I am mindful of that approach in a short story I read long ago written by Ray Bradbury called “The jet propelled Couch“.

I do not know why but in my opinion, Mr. Cheney and John McCain share and admire the same mental landscapes in relation to America. They both are powerful men and I think, however, following the primaries Mr. McCain is beginning to see the beacon lights of humanism and it is my fervent belief Mr. Cheney is not far behind. Let him continue rehearsing “Stars and strips forever” and “America, the beautiful” on his drum set in his basement.

Dick Cheney will be just fine! I say, “Lay on, Cheney. You go, boy! We can take it! After you finish rehearsing and presenting your impressive drum recital to the public, you will take your newly adjusted, non-controversial and rightful place in American history, like it or not!” I understand his daughter Liz will join him on the Kazoo in playing “This land is your land” in a military camouflage gown especially designed for her “… by a leading N.Y. fashion designer”. I look forward to the recital. At this point, he knows most of the tickets already purchased are from members of the Democratic Congress and he smiles. He practices harder as his smiles broaden. "I'll get you yet, my little pretty, and your dog too!"
As always,
Take Action! Keep MSM focus on Cheney & Co!
by catchaz!-Keep-MSM-focus-on-CheneyCo!

I know it is difficult for us to watch the news media treat these morons as if they spoke for anyone, as if they were respectable human beings. Which is why the rec list here is often full of diaries condemning the MSM for this practice. But we should pray they don't stop. We need to suck it up and take it, because as our parents told us, IT'S GOOD FOR US.