Saturday, December 12, 2009

“Fancy meetin’ you here, my dear!”

I note, hopefully and with total concealment of my emotions, those *Democrats who voted against the interest of their base in CCR’s ACORN Vs. U.S.A.
Their votes to ban Congressional funding for ACORN were rejected as follows:
**Federal judge halts ban on ACORN funding (updated)
by desmoinesdem
Fri Dec 11, 2009 at 05:58:43 PM PST
A federal judge today issued an injunction preventing the implementation of a congressional ban on funding for ACORN.
Judge Nina Gershon concluded that the ban amounted to a "bill of attainder" that unfairly singled out ACORN.
"[The plaintiffs] have been singled out by Congress for punishment that directly and immediately affects their ability to continue to obtain federal funding, in the absence of any judicial, or even administrative, process of adjudicating guilt," Gershon wrote in her decision.
Gershon said ACORN had demonstrated "irreperable harm" from the ban, while "the potential harm to the government, in granting the injunction, is less.

I can not find nor can I envision a connection between the Democrats “Nay” votes and lobbyists, especially lobbyists from the pharmaceutical or insurance industry. To me this raises two questions as to their motivation; were lobbyists involved and if so, who were they?
To the Democrats voting “Nay” I am mindful of the “n” word identifying people having slave mentalities doing things against their own best interests because they were told to do so.
Finally and as an aside, it was within the past few months(?) the U.S. Supreme Court had a favorable ruling in a case involving ACORN and a wing of the Republican Party. The court said a private entity could not bring forth a suite against a congressional ruling. ACORN was mandated by an act of Congress in 1994.
For some strange reason I can not find the name of the case via Google, however I did identify it in a post I wrote at the time using information I got from Dkos and, as the Indians use to say, “..a lot of water has gone under the bridge.”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
* Please see CCR's ACORN v. U.S.A. webpage more information on this case.
**Read more at:
(75 House Democrats who had the courage to vote against this bill.)

Have a good “Joe Lieberman Day”

A Joe Lieberman Day would be a health care day in his state of Connecticut with short opening prayer services -with no collection plate- for those who want to attend and voter registration if possible. There should be “A Day” for all those Congresspersons opposing the HealthCare Reform Bill. Features…
Joe Lieberman must go.
Sen. Lieberman has indicated he plans to join with Republicans to filibuster any health care bill that contains a public option. Alone, the Republicans don't have the votes for a filibuster. So by joining with them, Lieberman would be tipping the balance of power in order to sink health care reform.
Read more at:

The William Schultz Health Fair
Read more at:


Thousands In Midwest Seek Medical Attention At Free Health Fair
MSNBC's Ed Schulz spent the day at the Kansas City Civic Center meeting doctors and patients. Schulz commented on how the majority of the patients have jobs, some of them two or three. A doctor he spoke to referred to them as "the new poor."
Read more at:


Senators Should Visit a Free Health Care Clinic to Really See the America They Represent...
Read more at:

As always,

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Groundhogs, some Democrats and Progressives

What I want to do is compare some Democrats and Progressives to the groundhog coming out of his burrow in today’s environment after voting on November 3, 2008 to see how much the world has changed since he last surfaced. He wants to take a look-see.

I want to say the groundhog was so optimistic before he packed up his little burrow with much glee and fanfare anticipating his big move from his borrow out into the wild, blue world; whistling and humming his little groundhog songs he did methodically go about his business.
With him and other groundhogs there was much excitement amongst the various burrows as to how living on land was going to be an exciting new adventure for them and how they were all going to have health care and how their children were going to be highly educated and how they would all have their own homes and two cars in their garages and they would only use their burrows as summer homes without feeling tremors of bombs falling around the world.

They had voted. They were truly excited! They felt they were at last witnessing, “Once upon a time….” Many of them were so highly motivated and voted for the first time in their lives. Many of them worked hard motivating other family members and friends to vote. They knew their votes made a difference. They knew their groundhog votes made a big difference.

The day came for them to all simultaneously emerge from their burrows. With great ceremonial fanfare and festivities and with baggage and furniture in tow, they did pop up from their burrows and were horrified! For they discovered all of them were not going to have health care. They discovered their children were not going to be highly educated as promised and they were not going to have homes with a two car garage because there were not any jobs. They discovered Congress was not groundhog friendly.

It was quicker than the bat of an eye did they all retreat into their burrows to begin the process of un-packing and un-doing other preparations they made anticipating their big move. The only proof of their brief emergence on land were little signs popping up over various landscapes reading, “We are not voting again. Please do not disturb!”
As always,
Groundhog Day is an annual holiday celebrated on February 2[1] in the United States and Canada. According to folklore, if a groundhog emerging from its burrow on this day fails to see its shadow, it will leave the burrow, signifying that winter will soon end. If on the other hand, the groundhog sees its shadow, the groundhog will supposedly retreat into its burrow, and winter will continue for six more weeks.
Read more at:

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Pres. Obama: “I am not a cook!”

Lots of things, important things happen in our kitchens. We get ready for all manner of festive events sitting ‘round the kitchen table. There are discussions with lots of humor interspersed with serious intrigue and drafts, discussions as to what dishes to have and there are assignments of duties and finally a plan. The process is ever the same.

The more serious participant and always the last to speak after the finalizing of the plan is Pres. Obama telling the assembled around the table he will be the one breaking the eggs for all their various dishes. He tells them he is the official egg breaker for such occasions and also, as an extra bonus, he promises to really talk-up their contribution before, during and after its presentation to which there is the usual round of applause.

The President confesses time and again he is not a cook! "Never learned how to cook!" he would try to hammer home, and that his God given gift is the art of perfectly braking eggs. “If I brake’em, it is you who have to cook’em!”

At the conclusion of his remarks, he usually elicits chuckles and “Amens” from the other participants as they leave the table to prepare their various contributions for the festivity singing, “For he’s a jolly good fellow!”
As always,

Breakthrough: Health Care Talks Advance In Senate

"We have made a lot of progress. There's a lot of agreement. We have decided to take the next step and that is to ask the CBO to score what we've been discussing," said Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.), one of five conservative Democrats negotiating with five liberals.
And from one of the "cooks":
Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), one of the liberal members in negotiations, said that he was happy with where the talks had gone.
"I've got a smile on my face. I don't smile naturally," he said.

Read more at:

Monday, December 07, 2009

In support of April Ryan

Chuck Todd, Helen Thomas and many others in the White House Press Coup would have been unabashedly applauded for asking the hard questions that were not asked of the White House Press Secretary with events leading up to the Iraq war. Oh, how many witnesses to this episode of "White House Gate Crashers" wish deep down in their hearts April Ryan were a white woman so they could elevate her up, up and away.

Todd and Thomas at al., would have been canonized for having the audacity to ask the hard questions but since it was an African-American asking the hard questions, she was told to stay in her place. “Black people just don‘t ask those kinds of questions” they signify. You are “Boundin’ out of your steps!” they imply, “…and since you do not in no ways look like me, you simply can’t expect me to identify with your, your, uh, your position - if you can call it a position- regardless how meaningful it is and please, please don’t take this personally!”

However, the episode was typical of “Lettin’ your hair down in Washington”. Typical in having two talented people who know their craft “go at it”. Typical of one person muddying up the water until the issue becomes secondary and other dynamics, usually social, come into play.

Finally and in my opinion, this episode demonstrates how the dominant group continues to be dismissive of anything a Black has to say Re: Pres. Obama. To them everything we Blacks say is to be taken with a grain of salt and whenever possible, ridiculed. They can always get loads of support by going that route due to the fact it is definitely one of America’s favorite past-time events; the belly laughing “Barrel full of monkeys” kind.

White House gets testy over Gatecrasher Gate
The Associated Press said excjhhanges between a press secretary can be rough: “However, the one that took place Wednesday between White House press secretary Robert Gibbs and April Ryan of American Urban Radio, in which Gibbs essentially compared Ryan to a petulant child, is among the most heated (and entertaining) in recent memory.”
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I am dying to see information about people in China, India and Africa who get paid the proverbial “$1.00 a-day” for their labor. I am dying to see them actually being paid and seeing them in actuality paying bills for groceries, rent etc., The documentary could be called something like, “Payday in Africa”.