Friday, October 29, 2010

The Good vs. Evil bout on November 2

I swear to God before the Bush administration I never knew there was such evil in the world. I never knew people could be down right evil! I could never have been convinced. I know me.

Of course I knew about Apartheid Africa, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and my own history of having slavery in my background but perhaps it was due to the fact I had not actually lived through it is the reason the evil of the recent Republican administration has hit me so hard. The realization is taking longer then I desire to absorb. There are still presently disturbing conflicts and the media parading the evil doers as folk heroes does not help at all. Many of them should be in jail by now. Also, it does not help that the President and the Department of Justice have venerated them in special ways.

So here we are on the eve of midterm elections stuck with the task of deciding which candidate, after winning the election, will un-mask him/herself continuing the demonic ways of the past administration. As it looks to me, that person could be from either party. Evil by any other name is still evil and in many cases, begets evil. Urging people to GOTV is asking them to motivate others to play a lottery that has become hostile and foreign to them.

We villagers are now confronted with the daunting task of having to garner omnipresence minds to predict the future of our existence and well-being all due to the fact those in charge of confronting evil have abandoned us to fin for ourselves. This is so sad!

I posit it is the blogosphere preventing many of us from going quite mad and that is happy.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestor,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sarah Palins’ gift from the gods

In my opinion, resolution to the feuding over the spelling of the name of Lisa Murkowski on the November 2 ballot in Alaska is a good opportunity for all of us to witness the political temperament, discipline and reasoning prowess of Ms. Palin. Her overt and highly visible intervention into this issue could well produce a good ethics foundation for her were she to run for the office of President of the United States of America. She should not let this golden opportunity pass her by. Her non-intervention could be fodder for her foes for many a year. It’s gonna boil down to ‘Is you is or is you ain’t a politician’ and if you are a politician, are you a good one. Come on Mama, hump it up. 'It's show time!'
As always,

AK-Sen: AK supreme court flips decision on write-in list
by greenomanic
The Anchorage Daily News (ADN) posted a story around 7:30 pm (11:30 ET) that the Alaska Supreme Court reversed this morning's Superior Court decision-- and the State Division of Elections may now provide a written list of write-in candidates to voters who ask for assistance at the polls.

And comment..
The question isn't what's reasonable (0+ / 0-)
The question is what the law requires. I read the order from Judge Pfiffner this morning and it was pretty straightforward. There's a regulation with a very plain meaning. The Division's proffered interpretation of the regulation was unreasonable and arbitrary and thus did not merit deference. The idea that the name of the write-in candidates isn't "information" is absurd. If it isn't information, what would be the benefit in providing it? The Division must under Alaska Law follow its own regulations. Case closed. I have no idea what legal basis the Alaska Supreme Court cooked up for this but it's completely absurd. It sounds like they bought the idea that the names aren't "information".
You can read this morning's order here.
by ortcutt on Thu Oct 28, 2010 at 01:47:51 AM PDT
Read more at:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

American thugery has legal advantages

First and foremost, if you are a political thug, you can be reasonably sure you will not go to jail or be otherwised held accountable for dastardly deeds. There will be virulent “My God man, have you no shame!” and “How could you do such a thing!” rhetoric falling on deaf ears of our so called Department of Justice. Remember, these deeds are executed on high political levels which makes them ‘special’. The word is out: They are too big to be prosecuted.

In the meanwhile, exactly what is the citizenry supposed to think and do when Blackwater gets away with legally proven cold blooded murder, when the entire Bush administration gets away with torturing other humans, robbing the public blind and at point blank range ‘accidentally’ shooting somebody in the face?

As disquieting as the situation may be, that kind of thugery yields only to a formidable foe, male or female. Todays’ thugery has to be better than prior thugery; new and improved, if you will. No longer are good guys in white hats the winners. No longer will the damsel tied onto railroad tracks be rescued in the nick of time. In America, those days are gone forever and appropriate adjustments have to be made! Thugery is now the new American hero in parallel to the new American dream.

And in the meanwhile, arguments regarding Roe Vs. Wade and various gay issues continue as smoke screens and Pooky and his friends are sent to jail for long periods of time due to the possession of small quantities of marijuana. Sad.
As always,

P.S. I have yet to hear a candidate being asked it they would vote to end American foreign wars or close any of the 500 or so military bases we have scattered around the world, etc.,

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Are TeaBaggers the progressives’ canary in the coal mine?

For the life of me I can not find the link I want. Some of them disappear so fast so I’ll just wing it.

Progressive are independents who wish, with all their hearts, there was a third party with the balls displayed by member of the TeaParty. They are disgusted with the two party system as it now exists and on bended knees pray for successes of many TeaParty candidates in the mid-term elections.

Many progressives will vote for TeaBagger candidates in their states due to the fact they, progressives, are a far sighted people and know ‘Rome was not built in a day’; fully willing to try things this a-way and then try again that a-way. It’s called patience.
As always,

TeaBaggers poised to take Congress back from Blacks

I clearly remember the numerous cries from people saying the TeaBaggers want to take their country back from Blacks. With every sign the media published, they concluded the letter ‘n’ in each and every word on the poster was a coded word meaning ‘nigger’.
“So you see” they would conclude, “this is proof the TeaBaggers are saying they want to take their country back from Blacks”. It was beginning to appear out of thin air and by calculated design the media would produce Black racism.

TeaBaggers struggled for their identity telling the media that it was ‘libruls’ carrying the offensive posters as they continued rejecting putting their weight behind candidates who were CINO‘s (Christian in name only).

And addressing the offensive poster issues, I was suspicious as to why the photographers or reporters would not identify persons carrying offensive (racist) posters they were so eager to publish. There were very few of those people identified. That was highly unusual behavior for the media but enough proof for me to conclude there was a fly in the milk somewhere. It just did not make sense. However, I do recall a few people from town hall meetings being identified but that was for asking questions of candidates and not from carrying offensive posters. Some of them were interviewed on talk shows.

Who was the poster carrying the sign of Pres. Obama with a bone in his nose or the various posters with the 'Obama is Hitler' signs? Could they have been the ‘libruls’ TeaBaggers claim they were?

So it is we are rapidly approaching mid-term elections for Congress with TeaBaggers not opposing candidates or sitting congress persons who are Black from what I can see. I heard there are at least 12-15 Black political candidates around the country who have the support of TeaBaggers. I thought it was us Blacks they wanted to take the country back from? What tuh hell is going on?

Let me see if I have this straight; according to the media, TeaBaggers want to take their country back from Blacks but from what I can see, TeaBaggers are upsetting and seeking to unseat white members of Congress.

I am beginning to feel there is a need to have my doctor check my medications. This is too curious for me to handle.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Monday, October 25, 2010

Abolishing Social Security and what I heard

There is “Abolishing Social Security” and there is “Modifying Social Security”.

When the idea of doing something to ensure the future life of Social Security came up during the Bush administration, I thought the idea novel and innovative.

Employers were to designate a portion of their Social Security Tax money (FICA) to go into a separate stock fund to be pampered until their retirement. The employer could designate 1%, 5% or any portion desired that would be put into a Wall Street fund of your own choosing and upon your retirement, if the fund did well, you would reap the benefits. However, if your designated fund did not do well, you will not have lost all of your Social Security benefits.

That was my understanding how America was going to approach and solve its projected Social Security dilemma.

While this model was being bantered about during the Bush administration, the Stock Market did its crazy things at which time people felt differently about putting any portions of their Social Security money into Wall Street accounts and the particular plan I have articulated was abandoned. There maybe a new and improved plan media is talking about now. I does not know. All I know is what I be told. (Smile)
As always,

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The “It’s a tie!” BS

“It’s a tie”, the posters proudly announce! I personally think those three words are the end product of a short and not so subtle negotiated money trail.

“It’s a tie” means 50/50 to me; half and half; even Steven, neck’n neck, if you will. If you apply this to a political campaign, that means every other one of your neighbors is voting contrary to your vote. In your apartment building, every other door represents a resident voting the opposite of you. On the subway and on the bus at all times of the day and evening, the same “It’s a tie!” principle applies.

If the modus operandi of pollsters is to motivate voters, I can only say it’s a good gimmick. Probably makes lots of money for the pollsters in ways we do not know at this time. I would, however, be shocked, shocked you hear, to learn the coffers of pollster are lined with cooperate funds.

“It’s a tie!” is getting passé to me. To conjure up an old expression, “It’s tired!” I am mindful the President called this ”The silly season”. He was spot on.

As always,

P.S. I note multi-millionaire political candidate from Alaska Lisa Mukowskis’ impressive poll numbers upon re-entering the race as a write-in candidate. (Yawn)
P.P.S. I do not believe with a random group of people you are going to get 50/50 agreements on anything.