Saturday, April 25, 2009

Dems and pending Health Care Bill

I feel a call to duty to help the President help me and my grandchildren with the passing of the Health Care Bill.

It should be no secret to anyone it is the Democrats who will propel President Obama into a failed presidency. It was conspicuously noted during the primaries. I wrote about my fears as did others. Now is the time to show those conservative Democrats the door due to the fact it is they who set up the scenario of “My way or the highway. FU!” We have seen it time and time again both pre and post primaries.

From what I am reading, the latest manifestation of their treasonous ways is in their opposition to the way Pres. Obama wants to present the Health Care Bill via the reconciliation route. Their opposition to the process is my green light to start fulfilling my own personal primary pledge: To get their useless asses out of our Congress. At this stage of the President’s tenure, I can really appreciate his unwillingness to take any pac money during his run for President. It is really paying off for him and makes it easier for us to put our weight behind him and vice versa.

The only name of a possible Democratic obstructionist to the bill at this time is Rep. Kent Conard. I am looking forward to finding more published names. The sooner I begin sending my $5.00 to whomever is running against Rep. Conrad and the rest of his gaggle, the better. They are messing with MY future health care services as well as those of my children and grandchildren. I will fight their asses into the middle of hell for that, having torn down the gates, ignoring all the “Stop,” “No trespassing" and "Please sign in here" signs! I’m gonn’a get’em even if I have to stay in hell kicking their asses however long it takes, even 'til I die if necessary! The time to start going after those varmints is now! Where’s my pitchfork? Hester? HES-TER?? Come here, woman, I’m mad!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Democrats can avoid filibuster games on health care reform. The question is whether they will.
by Joe Sudbay (DC) on 4/24/2009 08:57:00 AM

Excerpt: Opening paragraph
Congress will take up health care reform under the reconciliation process. That's very good news. It means the Republican Senators can't filibuster the legislation -- and that Obama doesn't have to sell out his proposal to get votes of Republicans or even those conservative Democrats. The bill needs 51 votes, not 60.

Second, from what I hear (and as Senator Kent Conrad indicated to the Times), several Democratic Senators really didn't want to go along with this reconciliation plan.

Our teacher the President or The President, our teacher?

I have tried in earnest to write this morning. I have tried writing two posts so far but have not been able to advance either one of them worth a damn. I have concluded it is not “writer’s block” but rather there is so much going on these days and it is difficult to focus on one issue. I will not take the negative issue “some people” are trying to perpetuate and that is, “The President is doing too much!” Translation: “He is pushing us too hard and we are having problems keeping up”.

Metaphorically, I look at it as reading and grading papers students have turned in from the President’s classroom.

Thinking of the President as a teacher, he has given assignments for various homework assignments and the students are now turning them in and we, his assistants, have to read them, grade them and pass them up the line for grade averaging. Just when you think you have gotten through one batch of homework papers, here comes another batch and another.

Somewhere along the line, you get the impression you are not doing all of this work for this teacher to get a Bachelor‘s Degree; this teacher, Our President Obama, has slid us into a PH.D program in Political Science and you say, “What happened? How’n hell did he do that?” as his cabinet members sit back smiling as if to say, “Yes, you can! We did.” It seems we are being gently carried from the unknown to the known regarding how our government works with the associated pains and triumphs of learning.

Question: Are we “woke up” yet? If you “woke up” to something, i.e., Black dialect (He ain’t woke up yet!), it is more of a sun-shiny day than if you were merely “awakened” and God help those who remain asleep nowadays for whatever reason. (Smile)
As always,
P.S. According to the President, it is going to be an unusual day in America when you assume a person does not have a Bachelor’s Degree.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My evening's trilogy: Ed, Roland and Rachel

Roland Martin reminds me of the Dr. Souse character “Yertle the Turtle,” being a leader and having a dream but without the downfall. In my opinion, Mr. Martin is perfectly placed on the television show, "No Bias, No Bull". I had feelings regarding Mr. Martin as guest on shows and now I think he is perfectly matched as a moderator. Some people find their station in life and I think Mr. Martin has found his. If Rachel Maddow can be successful with a radio and tv show, I am inclined to believe Roland Martin can also enjoy such a success. As a matter of fact, I am very proud of him.

I also like the Ed Schult’s Show. He is doing a great job having to come in so fast and so soon after David Shuster. That’s one of the advantages of having your head on straight. I noticed a Southern accent Mr. Schults uses once in a while. I would seriously encourage him to use it more often. With his personality and his topics, he could very well have his show raised a notch with the tasteful use of a southern accent as needed and when appropriate.

Rachel Maddow continues to be my very favorite teacher. Why? She teaches me things I did not know before and makes it fun. She gets my apple every night every time.
As always,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Smoke, smoke, smoke those cigarettes! (Update)

I thought I was cute. I really did, even with no teeth in my mouth rolling up to the counter asking the sales lady for a large pack of smoking tobacco.

I had decided that rolling my own cigarettes was cheaper than buying cigarettes. Cigarettes had gotten so expensive and since I had to buy them by the cartons due to the fact I can not get out everyday, I decided I would begin rolling my own.

The sales lady put a box of Tops and a six ounce can of Bugler on the counter and I choose the six ounce can of Bugler. After thinking for a moment and flashing my best Denzel Washington smile, “Give me another one” I said. “That will be $24” she said plus tax.

That was before I got $40 more in my retirement check and before tobacco went up to cover the health care of more children.

Last week I rolled into the store still looking cute knowing I had beaten the system by rolling my own cigarettes, “Let me have two six ounce cans of Bugler smoking tobacco” and putting on my best smile, “Please”. “That will be $64 plus tax” she said. She must have seen the new expression on my face. “They’ve gone up.” she said. I could not believe she was talking to me. “Hello? Sir?” I was speechless! I could not muster up anything to say while struggling to put my favorite expression on my face. I was numb! Dumb numb! Somehow I managed to pay her and went outside to wait for my bus to take me home. “Have a nice day” she cheered. “Your mama!” I muttered. Damm!!
As always,
P.S. African/American Van Jones does not sound as kool as he thinks he is calling his boss by his name as Barack Obama. This happened this afternoon on The Ed Schultz Show. He sounded as if he were going out of his way to say Barack Obama as many times as he could during his segment. In my opinion, Van Jones is displaying that “Hard to get along with” arrogance and he is, so far, Special Administrator of Green Jobs in the administration. I wish him well.

Double Down on Smoking
by UCRJames
Sat Apr 25, 2009 at 05:06:12 AM

Excerpt: (Human beings! What will we do without them?)

I am sitting in bed with some Actinite next to me, and it smells like fresh mountain air in here. You don’t know what you are missing if you have polluted air and haven’t experienced this. See my previous diary if you are curious.
It gets me thinking about smokers and how they really suffer to keep their habit. To have your mouth taste like an ashtray and turn your lungs from pink to a dark brown color. What are they thinking?
I have managed to get one smoker to quit and I think I will go after some more. They say a financial motivation is good to help people stop. A little potential embarrassment will help as well…

And a comment: (Smokers. The un-sung heroes of the Stimulus Bill?)

Leave 'Em Alone..... (1+ / 0-)
..and be damn glad America's nicotine-addicted punching bags are still out there to prey upon with billions of dollars of new taxes each year. We were already at the point years ago where this country's financial future depended upon smokers' continued indulgence of their nicotine fix. With each passing month and each subsequent "sin tax" increase, America's mortgage on tobacco grows that much more.
At some point a choice is gonna have to be made by the antismoking bullies. They got an excellent racket going by punching smokers in the guts and stealing their lunch money every day on the playground. Is their bully/superiority complex so insatiable that they're willing to shoot the golden goose and push smokers to actually quit being government's ATM machine? And if so, then what?
by Mark27 on Sat Apr 25, 2009 at 05:19:31 AM PDT

And another comment .(Ouch!)
Are you aware... (1+ / 0-)
...that 70% of smokers who die are nagged to death?
In other words, nagging, challenging, cajoling, shaming, embarrassing, harassing, and otherwise sticking one's schnozz into someone else's business because you don't like it won't help them at all. Not a bit. No amount of the above will get an alcoholic to sober up; it just makes it worse by increasing anxiety and providing an excuse to drink more. Similarly, bedeviling smokers generally increases anxiety, resulting in increased smoking.
Unfortunately, smoking is an addiction. And, like other addictions, a smoker will quit when s/he is ready to quit. Quitting smoking saves a lot more than $20 or $40. No one quit because someone gave them a bit of money; they quit because they were ready to quit. They just took the dough.
by SciMathGuy on Sat Apr 25, 2009 at 05:24:23 AM PDT

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

*Eye candy from “Al Rodgers” with love

I would have missed this were it not for diarist **Randian to whom I gave a very heart warming “Thank you!”

All I could do at the end was give a deep chest, bass voiced WOW! Tears had already begun flowing. In my opinion, the people who can not appreciate the montage of pictures in Mr. Rodger’s diary are the lovers of Noble Peace Prize Pictures like the one of the little Vietnamese girl running naked and crying as she reacts to the results of a napalm bomb that is burning her skin. That is what they consider a good picture and many more of that ilk. Get my drift?
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

*I'm in Love with My Country
by Al Rodgers
Mon Apr 20, 2009 at 06:36:25 PM PDT

**In Praise of Al Rodgers and His Effervescent Eye Candies
by Randian
Tue Apr 21, 2009 at 07:39:48 AM PDT

I happened to notice, while reading through the comments in Al Rodgers' latest diary entry, that some have taken to lashing out at Mr. Rodgers for his diaries supposed trivialization of politics and their encouragement of "groupy-like screams" as if Obama was the Jonas Brothers.

Strange E-mail today

I got this letter today in my E-mail. I have no way of checking its validity. I find it strange identifying me as having a “potential spam blog” and “...your readers will see a warning page during this time.” Signed' "The Blogger Team".
As always,

Your blog at: has been identified as a potential spam blog. To correct this, please request a review by filling out the form at

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We find spam by using an automated classifier. Automatic spam detection is inherently fuzzy, and occasionally a blog like yours is flagged incorrectly. We sincerely apologize for this error. By using this kind of system, however, we can dedicate more storage, bandwidth, and engineering resources to bloggers like you instead of to spammers. For more information, please see Blogger Help:

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The Blogger Team

P.S. Just one more reminder: Unless you request a review, your blog will be deleted in 20 days. Click this link to request the review:

Monday, April 20, 2009

*“Will you walk into my parlour?” said the Spider to the Fly. (Update)

-Nah! I’m busy now.
-You’ll like my parlour. Look, I’ve even set a feast for you.
-Not hungry. (Puff) Too much work to do.
-It’s got all sorts of carcass’ just waiting for you. Everything you like. Blood of every variety and enough nectar to make you want to eat your heart out. What’cha doing that’s so important you can not come pay me a little visit and enjoy the magnificent feast I’ve prepared just for you?
- Trying to get my house in order. There’s this banking thing.
-Banking thing? Oh, yes! The banking thing. How stupid of me!
-And there is the prescription medicine and Medicare and Medicaid thing.
-Little nothings. Don’t sweat the small stuff, I always say.
-And I have the bailout funds and a budget to work on.
-Mere trifles, my little friend, mere trifles. Look’a here. Have I got a deal for you! I personally promise you it will make the feast more enjoyable.
-Yeah? Like what? (Puff, puff)
-Prosecuting the people who tortured those poor people they call terrorist. You know, water boarding and all?
- (Puff) Told you I’m busy! Lots to do. Don’t want to lose focus.
-I am busy!!
-I’ve got friends in high places, you know. They are going to descend on you, getting into your hair and everything. Now You’re being stubborn.
-Yeah. I like to stay focused. I’ll tell’em I’m busy, too. Please go away. I’ve got a friend coming over to help me.
-A friend? You’ve got a friend?
-Yeah. Name’s Rahm.
-Rahm? Rahm?? THE Rahm???
-My friend Rahm. Do you know him?
-uh, I’ve got to go now. Nothing personal. Uh, see you later alligator! (“I’ll get you yet, my little pretty.”)
As always,

I call BS on all this torture(d) moralizing. . .
by Dailyfare
Mon Apr 20, 2009 at 09:17:33 AM PDT
Bottom line: the current administration knows (and you know it, too) that it will not be able to move forward on any kind of torture prosecution without overwhelming support from the American people.
Is this community going to be able to provide that support? Are you going to be able to bring Republicans, Moderates and Independents on board?

"Torture(d) Moralizing" & Other Fairy Tales
by Valtin
Mon Apr 20, 2009 at 10:38:53 AM PDT
Dailyfare has a diary on the recommended list at the moment that gathers a number of arguments currently being circulated in opposition to those at this site who would oppose Barack Obama's decision to forego prosecutions against torturers. Those arguments fail on a number of grounds.
First, this diarist constructs a strawman, counterpoising those who would "moralize" vs. those who would seek constructive action.

Ms. Susan Boyle and Cinderella???

I thoroughly agree with diarist gravitas13 the Susan Boyle phenomenon is more than a mere Cinderella story as attempts from the main media try to impose upon us. The reasons millions upon millions of people have cried watching a tape of her could be only the tip of the iceberg.

In my opinion, Ms. Boyle has done something the oligarchy of the world so desperately want us not to have: Basic human instincts. There have been tons of movies, talk show host, gruesome stories told over and over to de-sensitize us and now they have to own up to their utter failure. They “reject and denounce” that fact. Ms. Susan Boyle has made the world express a collective human instinct most of us could only cling to as a fading dream.

Ms. Boyle put us back in touch with ourselves. Our humanity. She let us know, as many have suggested, you do not, should not and can not judge a book by its cover. That lesson has always been a precious one in a humane society. It is one of the weight bearing pillars of a society and I will venture our American society has to still learn the lesson. A little of the lesson has leaked out with Ms. Boyle and most notably, on November 3rd, 2008.

A little anecdotal recollection from my field of music regarding Broadway Musicals and Ms. Boyle. Commencing around the 60’s as the lights of Ethel Merman, Martha Raye and Carole Burnet began to fade, the producers and backers of musicals decided to go for the “American girl” look which was a disaster. Broadway has never recovered. The audience found the “American girl” look was well and good but she could not sing and she could not act but the theater prices remained high. As a matter of fact, theater tickets began to get more expensive at prohibitive levels where they remain to this day and even to this day, everybody and their Mama think they can write a Broadway Musical. As another aside and regarding looks and talent, I am mindful how fast African-American opera singer Kathleen Battle was thrown out of the Met reportedly “..for complaining about the air-conditioning”.

Ms. Susan Boyle is going to be around for a long time haunting the mainstream media. There may be others who the name of Susan Boyle was instantly burned in their memories and I sure as hell am not one who remembers names so easily. I think the only thing working against Ms. Boyle is the fact she is not a Neo-con. This is going to give her a though row to hoe in her field of music. . I am mindful when Mr. Van Cliburn won the Tschiakowsy International Piano Competition in 1958. I think Leon Fletcher was in the same competition and a favorite to win. It got very ugly in the music world. Neo-con critics still have not let up on Van Cliburn. I hope Ms. Boyle stays the “tuff” little lady she appears to be.
As always,
P.S. If Ms. Boyle prevails in her present form, what will plastic surgeons do then? I even note how un-happy they are that Pres. Obama shook Pres. Chavez’ hand. “There goes the neighborhood!” (Smile)

Has Susan Boyle Come at Just the Right Time
by gravitas13
Sun Apr 19, 2009 at 05:59:37 PM PDT
Leave it to the mainstream media (MSM) to take the poignancy out of the moment. We love her, we watch her over and over, we are reduced to tears. But some media cynics just don’t get it. Kind of like how the pre Christmas Eve Scrooge was unable to see what most dogs and kids knew all along. They tell us that we are overreacting, and tritely dismiss her popularity as coming from the disparity between how she looks and how she sounds.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Susan Boyle, Barack Obama and "Fairy tales!"

Once upon a time.......
As always,

Campaign dialog a wish list

I look at it as a lack of creativity when a reporter or political pundit adorns his soap box and begins to list all the promises our President made on the campaign trail.

Most of the time they elicit their friend, Selective Memory to help them along the way. Surely what they say is a test of their memory but even more so, a test of their abilities to start and sustain foolish arguments to which they are entitled if you, the listener, take the bait.

Woe be unto us all if every Presidential Candidate has to utter a disclaimer before each and every speech: “This is what I want and the following speech will consist of my wish-list. As you know, I have to pick and confer with my cabinet members if elected and if you like what I will say, good and well, but if you think I can perform all things on my wish list without input from my cabinet members, than I say what you want is a dictator and I am not your man. Please take this time to leave the building if that is what you want.”

In my opinion, people who choose the path of writing and pontificating over a Presidential candidate’s wish list should know after a while it becomes both tiresome and unproductive. A lazy lack of vision and creativity comes to mind. Perhaps reading a few more books and chapters from a Journalism 101 reading list would be of some hurdle help because right now the practice looks and sounds ridiculous and I say to them, “Enough already. You do heap big bull shit! What you do can be more tastefully done if you feel you have to indeed do it at all and as I said before, some people tire easily of lazy and uncreative people.”
As always,