Saturday, January 03, 2009

Me and my diabetes

I seriously considered reaching out for professional help. Diabetes itself is a disease with overwhelming emotional tentacles and one also quickly discovers the “cottage industry” grown around it also has a battery of tentacles.

It is the industry you are forced to deal with that has many a frustrating “we just want to make money” attitude. For example, those blood meters for testing your blood, like cell phones, do not have interchangeable features. You are forced to stay with the instrument you have. Just like you can not use your Sprint cell phone with MCI, you can not use your blood meter with blood collecting strips from another meter reader. When you see all these meter readers on television for free, the catch is you are locked into that meter with that meter’s blood strips. My own insurance company told me they would give me the meter free if I would give them a verbal contract for two years to buy their strips or something like that. I was shocked! Shocked, you hear! It was just like signing that contract you have to agree to when signing up for a free cell phone.

My insurance company sent me the free blood meter but wrote me a letter informing me I had to have Medicare part B, which was ignored by them, and my doctor had to jump through an extra loop by faxing them a confirmation of the prescription for additional blood strips they already have in hand. This had to be done with each new prescription for blood strips. I politely called the letter writer and told her my doctor was a busy man and I respected his time and would be embarrassed to ask him to write me a prescription for blood strips and them defend it. I told her I would purchase the strips without the aid of my insurance company. I will.

And then there are the changes in your eating habits and taking the insulin appropriately. All due to the fact we Americans are forced to eat Monsanto Seed Company's genetically engineered food products. It was a real challenge to me until the visiting nurse assigned to my case came yesterday afternoon. I slept better last night better’n I have in weeks. Before her car left my driveway, I had called her agency telling them how pleased I was with her. I know when someone is kind to me, answering all my questions, taking away all my fears and calming me down. I know when I am falling in love. Move over, Rachel. Now if I can make a few phone calls to put a contract out on my nurse's husband….. (Smile)
As always,
P.S. The American capitalist wanted to do to the computer what they have done with the cell phone and Diabetic blood meters but Bill Gates will not let them. It is hard to imagine having as many different computer interfaces as there are cell phone and blood meters. God bless him! He has taken a terrible financial toll.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Pres.-elect Obama continues to walk on water (Update)

*And, not only has he succeeded in ways that nobody imagined he could, he has made nary a significant mistake. That’s a record unmatched in our time.

Democrats have been so disappointing to progressives these last two years is that their years in the wilderness have made them ‘smart’. Of course, another explanation is that they’re also nearly as bought-off as the GOP, but what I mean by this is that they have learned from their past experience and have therefore resisted doing anything remotely courageous with their majority powers – like basic oversight, investigation, impeachment, ending the war in Iraq or national healthcare, for instance. From the perspective of a political party seeking only to aggrandize power, one might see why.

There is, in short, good reason for suspicion and even anger on the left. I’m not there yet, and hope not to be. Not because I’m a Barack groupie. Far from it. My attitude toward him and anyone else is to wait and see before judging. In any case, I remain still rather hopeful for two reasons. One is that conditions are already pushing the new administration and the country inexorably to the left. And the other is that, within some minor limitations, I really don’t care who is secretary of this or secretary of that.

“We’ve only begun…..”
- (Sen. Reid) Me and my friends here have only begun to show your uppity-ass how we will not support you nor your administration. Eventhough not seating Roland Burris in the Senate this month is a situation at hand, I promise you: You ain’t seen nothing yet! We‘ll have you and Michelle on your knees beggin’ for mercy, you Muslin! (I understand Harry Reid’s father committed suicide and also heard a parent or parents who commit suicide have children growing up being emotionally un-stable.)
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
*What to Expect While We're Expecting

Is Reid opposed to Burris because he's a Progressive?
by fflambeau
Fri Jan 02, 2009 at 02:05:01 AM PST

Excerpt, the all important opening paragraph.
“Why the determined opposition by the footdragger, Harry Reid to Roland Burris as Senator from Illinois? It cannot be because he sees Burris as corrupt since no one has made that claim and since Burris in 16 years of public office in Illinois was seen as squeaky clean. Remember too that Blago still is the Governor of Illinois and had the responsibility, indeed the duty to make an appointment.”

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Eric Holder hearings and the cost of ink

Indeed, a plethora (A superabundance; an excess) of issues the Republicans want to bring up at the confirmation hearings of Mr. Eric Holder for Attorney General of the United States as articulated in the diary referenced below. Let’s see which newspapers fold under the burden and expense of re-producing shit discussed and reported ad nauseum years ago.

For editors to have their reporters cut and past from stories published so long ago is, in my opinion, testing the Gods of Finance. And to the “lucky” reporter who gets the assignment, I suggest you check your mail box often for a pink slip of some sort; the assignment very well maybe a set-up to get rid of your ass. Most of the stuff you would be writing about is already on scrolls and/or in history books.
-(1st voice) Good luck!
-(2nd voice) Go in peace, my child.
-(3rd voice) Break a leg!
As always,
Republicans readying for bruising Holder confirmation
by SusanG
Tue Dec 30, 2008 at 05:09:17 PM PST
By all means, with the economy in the tank, the international scene ominously unstable, health care costs spiraling out of control, joblessness on the rise and home foreclosures at record highs, let's waste the country's time on Al Gore's fundraising and Marc Rich's pardon. Way to win the hearts and minds of Americans, GOP!

Hat tip to Gov. Blogojevich

Thanks for Roland Burris! You did us proud! Brilliant move!
As always,

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gaza: Murder, good for the soul (Update)

Could it be? Can there really be a genre of humans who enjoy seeing people murdered? Witnessing people murdered for whatever reason followed by the enjoyment of articulating rationales? A cornucopia of sanctimonious testimonies of justification with somber sounds of satisfaction? A prize to be won? Could it be? Is it true? I wonder as I wander....
As always,
From the ever sanity of buhdyharma. Ah, were I teaching a Civic Class…..
“The Rule of Law is what stands between us and them to prevent it. The powerful believe they are above the Rule of Law. They believe in fact that their word IS the Rule of Law, because of their power. It is not. They believe that they can kill, invade, torture, steal and lay waste where ever and however they wish. And they have. What can stop them? What can stop their savagery? What can stop them from dragging us all back into the mud of savagery? They are powerful and control armies and police and even 'secret' police. Opposing them by force of arms only makes them stronger, only drags us back into the mud of killing and savagery with them.”
On Being Human...and Crimes Against Humanity
by buhdydharma
Tue Dec 30, 2008 at 04:36:08 PM PST