Saturday, June 14, 2008

…and the bookstore was closed. Moved out! Vacated!

I made preparations to stay two hours in the mall with more than half the time allotted for my visit to the bookstore. “They left about a month ago” was the answer I got from the nice lady running a nearby kios.

The death of another Black bookstore is a lamentable event. Throughout the years, I’ve read about this demise occurring and only one other time did it happen to me, but the owner relocated a few doors down the street with STEPS.

The Black bookstore has been my refueling station. The prices go up as they do at the gas stations but when you need the refueling that only reading can give you, the price becomes secondary and my case today, tertiary and even more so if Sen. Obama will revise the tax code eliminating the income tax on Social Security checks. I got’sta have my re-fueling when I needs it else I becomes illit’trated -or is it illiterated? Whatever. (Snap)+(Grin)= LOL
As always,

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Blogosphere: My parallel universe

I’ve moved to Blogosphere. Well, almost. I could have moved to Mars, Venus, The Moon or Mercury. They may be nice places to rent an apartment, buy a Condo or a house for sure but my preference is Blogosphere. At this time, I‘m just renting a small unfurnished apartment but I trust I will like it and decide to call in an interior decorator, spending some time there.

For me, living in the Blogosphere as a parallel universe is due to the fact Mainstream Media has become a mental problem for me. The landscape, the infrastructure, the populace have become unbearable. Logic has become crusty, old moldy fowl smelling monsters; commercials have become akin to frequent trips to view apothecary jars on corner shelves at the Pony Express Office with toothless old men in dingy T-shirts and haggard untidy women with flour and food stained aprons sitting out front telling us what they heard and what they think with hypotheticals so grandiose as to curl your toes upwards.

In Blogosphere, my morning begins with the Drudge Report. My home page is TruthOut. Clicking on the Drudge Report has become part of my diurnal duties. I understand millions of other people fell the same way so I do not consider myself different than any other resident. I may go back to read my home page. I like the new format and the writing there. Next, I go to Huffington Post for a quick survey and scenic change just to see if something catches my eye in that vast landscape. To me, it is like trying to see the Grand Canyon at a glance. Much too massive but the landscape is beautiful. From there, I dot over to Counterpunch to see if I missed anything from the day before and look forward to their new batch of information coming out at eleven o’clock AM my time.

There maybe a few other sites I visit, try to understand what the interest is and finally go to Dkos which is like going to the lounge for me. I spend a considerable about of time there throughout the day. More and more with less frequency do I go to Mainstream Media and each time marvel how such an entity could be so instrumental in any society in it present form. It is really a disgrace. More and more I spend time in my unfurnished efficiency in Blogosphere, smiling, reading and writing with warm and fuzzy feelings. Heaven.
My Cell phone and me
Five years ago and just getting out of the hospital and before taking me home, my son took me to a phone shop and bought me a cell phone. It was my first and I enjoyed it once I learned how to use it.

Last month, I wanted to change carriers and learned from the new carrier spokeswoman I could not use my same phone. “What?” I asked her. “I can not change to any carrier I want with my cell phone?” I asked. She patiently answered, “You have to purchase a cell phone from this carrier.” “I’d better hang up now. I’m making a fool out of myself because I have no idea what you are talking about.” I truly did not.
-We have a special on now where we will give you a new cell phone free of charge.
- Then I would have one phone I can’t use. NO THANK YOU!

I thought a cell phone once it was purchased would enable you to go to any carrier you wanted and I immediately thought about Net Neutrality. I am pissed! And No!, I will not buy a new cell phone just to go to another carrier. F’-kit!! (Mumble, mumble) Note: Sen. McCain and I are the very same grumpy(?) age. (Smile)
As always,