Friday, October 30, 2009

Had to cut Ed Schultz loose tonight…

He was strictly on his own tonight working up a heart attack. When watching a show and it makes you take your medicine to pull yourself together as happened to me tonight before turning his show off, I strongly suspect Jownestown identifications and I do not intend to go that route with nobody! Ed can have his heart attack or nervous breakdown by himself. Count me out!! Waiting now for Rachel to come on in a few minutes. She will make it well.
As always,
Watching Ed Schultz is like watching a trainwreck

by ipl

Pres. Obama: “To be ….” or say nothing

For weeks and perhaps months I have wrestled with various rationales as to why Pres. Obama does not descend the mountain top with his specific desires regarding HealthCare Reforms. Descending with a stone tabloid cradled in his arms, mind you, with large letters depicting verses, chapters and parables all neat and legible for all to see.

But alas, all of the rationales I envisioned full of “Thy shalt’s” and “Who begets what” turned out to be un-mitigated and un-requited loves.

I can not be sure when our President decided to not say anything of real, real importance to himself but whatever the reason, I have enough confidence in my personal opinion there were episodes during his primaries as having a lot to do with his decision. For example, since his nemesis could not get any traction on things he said or would say, they attached the appendage of an Achilles’ Heel to him with things his wife Michelle said, his friend William Ayers and what his Pastor of over twenty years, Jeremiah Wright, said and if memory serves me correctly, they were accompanied by loud background noises from a disgruntled choir director. I think it was during these time our 'President to be' mustered the discipline to go to the mountain top. After all, he is not what one would consider a stupid man.

If anyone has learned the lesson of being seen and not heard, I posit it is our Pres. Obama and further, I think I fully understand his decision to do so. In my opinion, it has become crystal clear anything, ANYTHING, the President says is fodder for his foes to trash and consider useless jabber to run news cycles, thereby satisfying personal agendi with added bonuses of paying mortgages and car notes. In my opinion, they would consider it (Gasp!) humanizing the President to acknowledge anything he has to say or suggest. To seriously take anything he says or suggest would surely, in their minds and in some circles be blasphemy, sacrilegious in other and in even more but smaller circles, simply foolhardy.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
Coda: Of particular note to me was seeing this early morning footage of the non-speaking Pres. Obama on the tar mat at Dover Air Force Base.

Obama: "I've been thinking about it for 30 years"....Plouffe's book
by Julie Gulden
So, once again we see the strength of Barack Obama.  Unflappable to a fault. But of course, all of us knew that already.
Read more at:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Fable: I am a TeaBagger

If he gets a job, who’s gonna take care of me? I depend on him taking me to the store and to the bank when I get my Social Security Check and pick up my medicine from the Drug Store when I need it. Sometimes he pops up for no reason at all and then I know he needs a few dollars so I make up something for him to do. When he pops up, he’s got that look on his face. I can tell the minute I see him he wants a few dollars. Even when he calls on the telephone, I can see that look on his face. I don’t have to really make up something for him to do ‘cause there’s always something to do around a house but if he gets a job, no tellin’ when he would come around and when I see him.

Now here comes Obama, that Nigerian or whatever he is, wanting to give him a job and all. Telling him he won’t be laid off again from his job at the plant because now the owner won’t have to pay for his health care’n all. He’s gotten along alright for five years without it. And now he’s talking about getting another job or trying to get his old job back.

I worked so hard to get that baby of his on Medicaid. He don’t have to worry about her. And that hussy he calls his wife always goes to the emergency room down at the hospital and gets a little government check for something. I never did understand what she get it for. She even talking about getting a job. Lord, have mercy! Then they‘ll want me to baby sit for them.

That fool Obama is going to mess up everything for me and that’s why I am a proud TeaBagger. Call me what you will, but I know what’s best for me and my family and he should just stay out of trying to run everybody’s life. Fool!

-Yes, Jr. I’m in here.
- You going to that Teabag thing downtown today, I see. What sign are you going to carry today?
-Here it is. Just finished it. Take a look.
- “Obama is a Socialist!” You really believe that, Ma?
-Of course I do. Look on the back.
- “Bury Obamacare with Kennedy!” Ma!!
-Come on now. I’m running a little late. Here, take this gas money and let’s go.
-Where Dad?
- He left already. He went with your Uncle Harry and Cathy.

As always,
P.S. The overseas labs producing the H1N1 Vaccine have stopped production until the U.S. pays them for what they have already produced. The U.S. is behind in its payments. (Smile)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A fantasy: Congress screams, “Free at last!”

With the inevitable (fingers crossed) passage of the HealthCare Reform Bill with an Opt-out for states, I envision the TeaBaggers, Freedom Works et al. all going home and were I a Congressman, I would say “Amen! God bless Sen. Chuck Schumer" and kiss his ass for saving mine!

As diarist Vera Lofaro notes in her comments below, there are people in states that do not like Pres. Obama. In my opinion, there are a lot of people and people in power who do not like Pres. Obama and to me that is so significant to seriously consider how to frame future bills for the country. I would consider since the country is at such odds with itself at this time in history which is the beginning of its re-birth, why not do the re-building on concepts the founding fathers had with perpetual acknowledgments of State’s Rights? With each Presidential Election, there could be a choice on the ballot to succeed or not to succeeded for the term. True there would be a lot of book-keeping for various governmental agencies but it would be true to what the Founding Fathers wanted. (Hey, don’t shoot the messenger!)

I would submerge myself in understandings how we got off track in the past and the consequences. I would thus realize the fundamental issues of State’s Rights on the contemporary scene are issues having a Black President, Black Congresspersons and Black inhabitants of the land. With no Black industrialists of note nor any Black Wall Street Barons, that fact alone festers many of our problems and the rest of the country has to feel the brunt.

As a Congressman, I would come to grips with the fact the Constitution was created to be implemented by Whites but due to the fact there is now a Black in charge, I would use it from a Black point of implementation. Of course, that would throw us into another realm with other countries but other countries do not have to deal with the day to day Black problems we have.

As a Congressman, I feel that fact alone should be of paramount consideration when framing a bill for the country and at the end of the presentation of my bill, just as easily and before I would say “I yield the floor” I would say “I present this as an Opt-out bill”. If this is not the way the Founding Fathers wanted this country to be run, we would have an even tougher problem writing a new Constitution. The song goes, “If you can’t love the one you want, love the one you got”. It’s called “Making dew!”

- (K-Pow!!) Wake up, Nigger!
-AWWW! Why you slap me upside my head like dat fer?
- ‘cause you gots’tuh go empee your trash and mop yo’ flos ’stead of going tuh sleep in dat Senator’s chair. Come on now, we gonna be gittin’ off soon.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Isn't Opt-Out just passing the buck?
by TravelerDiogenes
 And we will be once and for all two differnt (1+ / 0-)
countries. Time will pass and we will have all the illegal red state aleins coming into the blue states and finally we will once again have a government of, by, and for the people. Hell, right now they don't like our President, they listen to Beck, Limbaugh and Fox daily, they "are" from a different country, this will simply formalize it. On the up side, we won't have to worry about President Palin, she would not have a chance in Blue American.
by Vera Lofaro on Mon Oct 26, 2009 at 09:56:34 PM PDT
Read more at:

Monday, October 26, 2009


FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) and NCLB (No Child Left Behind) have something in common.

This afternoon I heard on the Andrea Mitchell Show that the FDIC is going to clean house when they find a bank is not performing up to snuff. There is also a provision in NCLB that cleans a school when it is not performing up to snuff. In NCLB, it is called “Re-constitution” when means if the school has been identified as being a low performing school for a number of years, (3?) EVERYBODY has to go. From the Principals to the custodians to the cafeteria workers and crossing guards who would then have to re- apply for their jobs. The idea is to break up cliques and other such social anomalies. I think that is what just happened in Washington, D.C. these past few weeks in a modified form.

By the way, in looking up FDIC I found it is a part of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 and I thought the act was dis-mantled during the Clinton administration. Of course, I may be wrong. Hard to keep up with so much shit going on now-a-days. Pop-corn ready and looking forward to Sen. Harry Reid’s grand soliloquy at 3:15 this afternoon.
As always,

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Will Mrs. Obama also look nice in silks and satin?

(Not minding my business this morning. The word "meddlin'" comes to mind)
Most every time I see Mrs. Obama it look as though the material of her clothing does not match up with her personality. In other words, a difference in quality.

In my opinion, there is a visual breakdown between her personality and the quality of the material of garments she is wearing. I am not a fashion critic but I do know when things are not lining up. There is much talk regarding Mrs. Obama’s fashion designer J. Crew with whom I have no problems but it is just the materials he uses which I think he should take a closer look (at).

Again shooting from the hip, certain materials drape differently around the body and in the case of the garments of females, the lines and hem fall differently. Mrs. Obama stays physically fit which would be a challenge to any designer and were I a designer of her clothing, I could constantly check the body form I use for her clothing adhering to a trilogy: Skin tone (Make-up), material and occasion. If that doesn’t work, I would develop another trilogy.

I am mindful of world renowned African-American dancer and anthropologist Martha Graham who, with her husband Eric Hawkins, meticulously designed clothing/costumes for her dancers matching and complimenting skin tones.
As always,