Saturday, August 08, 2009

The inevitabilities of not looking back Re: Pelosi, Obama

The cliché regarding failure to learn from history does not take into account a willingness by some people to simply live with it. That is, a willingness to admit it happened with a “So what?” attitude thus demonstrating, in my opinion, an immature outlook on the purpose of living; a lack of fun making relationships and witnessing consequences, if you will.

This constant “Let us forge-onward and don’t look back” mentality has its place, I do agree, but not in instances wherein there is documented evidence war crimes have been committed accompanied by horrible atrocities and at the same time there are hoards of people stealing money out of your national treasury and more than a few people are arrested, brutalized and even murdered due to the color of their skin.

These are not instances time alone will heal, if that is the prevailing thought. Also, If there is going to be a complete healing process, “Time” will need some help and not a mere Band-Aid. As an example, let’s take an amputation. Nancy Pelosi thought she could put a Band-Aid on an amputation. She waltzed onto the Senate floor, slapped a Band-Aid on an amputated limb and tossed it off the table.

-“Oh, what a wonderful American am I” she demurred to the thunderous applause of the Republicans.

Our Pres. Obama thought he could use a Band-Aid on an amputation. He felt all the shit that had gone on before his administration took over would be just OK until the 3:00 AM winds began drifting towards his bedroom windows.

-“WTF do I do now?” he moans.
-Did you say something, dear?
-Nothing, sweetheart, nothing at all. (Dammit!)

Moral: How can you expect people you govern to act any differently? As Frank Arbuckle use to say on the radio, “You get what you pay for.”

Breaking: wingnut tweets followers to bring guns to meetings
by RiderOnTheStorm
Based on the news that health care events are edging into violence, an anti-health care reform protester in New Mexico named Scott Oskay is calling on his hundreds of online followers to bring firearms to town halls, and to 'badly hurt' SEIU and ACORN counter protesters
But the significance of a request to people to arm themselves, and to be ready
to use those weapons to inflict violence on others at these meetings, is unmistakable.  I very much hope his advice is disregarded, and equally hope that security staff at these meetings are highly vigilant.  I fear this won't end well

As always,

Friday, August 07, 2009

Sharpton, M.L. King say: If you believe, Hit the streets, Jack!

Let’s see how you get things done! I note how fast Rev. Sharpton hit the streets and got results Re: Don Imus and Rev. King hit the streets for the sanitation workers and Meager Evers for voting rights. No sitting around BS’ing waiting for someone else to step up to the plate as to what were clearly injustices. Both King and Evers were physically assassinated and Rev. Sharpton is assassinated by character. Brave Black men. Where are the white ones? True, we Blacks were fighting for injustices in America and the current group of disgruntles are fighting for America itself and Without a spokesperson, mind you. It makes you wonder “where’s the beef?”

-(Sharpton to Imus) What do you mean calling our Black girls nappy headed whoes?

In my opinion, a leaderless people is not one in which you can easily identify nor admire. Most of them know things are easier said than done and we Blacks can not just step in due to the fact we can not deal with that Hitler stuff!! That’s Jew Boy and Anglo-Saxon shit and we Blacks already know whose gonna win that one! We have hard fought history and many dead bodies on our side. Who was their last leader leading whites in mass demonstrations and the like? Un-demonized Jane Fonda from the Vietnamese war era comes to mind. (Ahem!)Do whites want William Ayes or perhaps Rev. Jeremiah Wright to start speaking up now? LOL! It is sad how the oligarchy has rendered non-Blacks so vulnerable when they have serious issues, like frightened children hiding under the bed sucking their thumbs.
Think Again: The Mainstream Media Opens the Door to Hate
Obiously, I could spend almost every week demonstrating that the right-wing in the United States is peopled by some very nutty individuals--and believe me, I plan to do plenty of that in the future. History demonstrates what a mistake it can be to treat a crazy fringe as merely that--particularly one with unfettered access to its audience and little sense of responsibility to distinguish between truth and fiction. v

What's more, CNN appears to be trying to shut down criticism of its actions. When the progressive media watchdog group Media Matters created an advertisement calling into question the logic of allowing Dobbs to continue to peddle his "racially charged paranoia," and purchased time on local CNN affiliates to run the advertisement during Dobbs' program, he slandered them as "swift-boaters" and five of the six cable providers contracted for the project told Media Matters they would not run the spot.

Glen Beck: Obama is a racist
Excerpt: (This URL is hard to retrieve for some reason)

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Monday, August 03, 2009

Dems get what they deserve at Town Hall Meetings

In my opinion, at a *Town Hall Meeting in Texas, Ms. Sebilius, Mr. Specter and Sen. Carl Levin got what they deserve.

Speaking metaphorically, the Dems have gone to their districts to skate on thin ice in the public pond that has not sufficiently hardened and they want to skate and do their cart-wheels and other acrobatics with insufficient ice to bare their weight.

In other words, they are BS’ing at their town hall meetings and there is a segment of our society that, to put it mildly, is confused. They think the Dems are skating on rock solid ice when talking about the Healthcare Reform Bills and they are not and therein lies the problem. There is no Healthcare Reform Bill voted on by the full Congress and signed by our President. There isn’t one so to have a Town Hall Meeting to talk about “The Bill” which is at this time a non-existent entity is stupid and does not give the Dems control of the Town Hall Meeting.

In my opinion, to try to talk to anybody regarding a non-existent bill is futile. Realistically, what can you say? What can you really be talking about in a rational discussion? Hypotheticals? Who wants to go to a meeting wherein all they are doing is espousing and trying to debunk hypotheticals?

-Ladies and gentlemen, first of all I want to thank you for coming to this Town Hall meeting this evening and I hasten to tell at this time, there is no Healthcare Reform Bill but I want to discuss with you the myths and false allegations regarding the bill that isn’t.
-What the hell are you here for then?
-I just told you. I want to talk about the myths and false allegations regarding the bill that isn’t.
-Why you wastin’ our time fer then? Go home, Senator.
-I want to thank you all for coming. Good night and God bless America. But before I leave, I want to say….
-I said, go home! Don’t make me have’ta use this here pitchfork now! Scat!!
-Right. I’m outa here!

As always,
*I don't like how this is going down, period. (Video),-period.-(Video)

Was House irresponsible on Friday?

I can not believe the news, the news, mind you, reporting that the one billion dollars allotted for *“Cash for Clunkers” had been depleted and the House decided the same day to allot an additional two billion dollars to the fund.

In my world, for one billion dollars to simply disappear in a matter of a few days is impossible without massive fraud. That kind of thing simply does not happen. I think the House members would have at least demanded some kind of proof and accountability to report to the public if nothing else. Some receipts or something but to just fork over an additional two billion dollars without any efforts whatsoever to substantiate the “Guess what? We ran out of money!” claim is irresponsible. The word “reckless!” comes to mind. Does the “Stimulus Package” mentality still haunt their thinking skills? Have none of them ever dealt with teenage children and money? In my opinion the money was budgeted for “Cash for Clunkers”. That was good, maybe even noble. It’s gone now. Let it go. The more I think the word “reckless” it is replaced with the word “insane!”

Lord help us if the House just wanted to hurry to shut down to take the August recess saying, “Let the Senate take care of it!”
As always,
* Cash-for-clunkers triggers billion-dollar spending spree
McCain will lead GOP opposition to ‘cash-for-clunkers’

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Dkos lay twin Golden Eggs (Update)

One Golden Egg by diarist SusanG and one by author Paul Starobin for his book “After America”. SusanG writes of Mr. Starobin:
Indeed, in looking at his credentials, it seems he himself might be one of the finest examples of a member of a universal civilization this country can produce at the moment, and in After America, he makes excellent use of his experiences, skills and obvious talent to take a stab at predicting the wildly unpredictable global future.

This book is a must read for me and by this time next Sunday, I will be sitting on my porch doing just that. I do not read very fast so even if I have to finish it in a nursing home, at least I will have it to read. (Smile) SusanG made my day!
As always,

Book review: Paul Starobin's "After America"
by SusanG

For America's imperial class, accustomed to the primacy of Washington's global diplomatic agenda, a multipolar world will no doubt be seen as a retreat. Local powers will become, in effect, the policemen of their own regional neighborhoods; a power less needful of Washington's help is inevitably a power less inclined to take Washington's advice. For neoconservatives in the Henry Luce tradition, this will be an especially painful adaptation, and the suffering will be felt not only by national security policy mavens at the likes of the American Enterprise Institute but also by branches of the Washington-based national media. I am thinking in particular of opinion media, like the Luce-tinged editorial page of the Washington Post, which has spent much of the first decade of the twenty-first century railing against the departure of countries like Russia away from the American-style diplomatic model. At some point the lectures will cease as the role of global pedagogue assumed by America simply loses its force. The "students," as things are going, are already leaving the classroom, just as an earlier generation of learners did in the first half of the twentieth century when the British imperial model became tarnished.

Restoring Democracy in Honduras
Thursday 30 July 2009
Hillary Clinton's attempts to resolve the crisis in Honduras have failed. It's time for Latin America to take the lead.
 The mediation effort that US secretary of state Hillary Clinton arranged to try to resolve the crisis in Honduras, which began when a military coup removed Honduran President Mel Zelaya more than four weeks ago, has failed. It is now time - some would say overdue - for the Latin American governments to play their proper role.