Saturday, October 24, 2009

Documentary: “Good Hair”

It’s nice to wake up in the morning singing, “Oh, what a beautiful morning’”. I did this morning until I saw clips -short ones- from a documentary made by comedian Chris Rock on CNN.
Straight away and no sooner than you could say “Jack Rabbit” my mind went into safe mode and I morphed into a screen writer pondering about my movie I was going to call “Good Hair”.

1. First and foremost, I know my over riding objective would be portraying the Black woman as a hero. That would be my mantra with no room for air.

2. I would pray, constantly reminding myself I am way over my head but if I wanted to and just had to make a movie about Black women and their hair, I would not be ego-trippin’ knowing full well the territory I would be going into. I ain’t crazy! At least my Mama never told me I was. (Smile)

3. I would begin to build by capturing her Black peers making fun of her natural hair and her feminine desires to look good and be pleasant and comfortable in her varied environments.

4. I would continue building showing how the hair of the Black female did not stop her from being raped by white men in this country i.e., Strum Thurmond, father of Essie Mae Washington; Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings and how the practice continues on a large scale in some parts of Africa without the so called “Good hair”.

5. I would expose the rumor a lot of Black churches in the South were burned to the ground due to the fact the white arsonist wanted to destroy his birth records.

6. I would self impose discipline there is a difference between a documentary and satire for the Black masses.

7. I would exploit conversations with Black women telling me different advantages THEY feel they have by doing different things to their hair and having different hair styles. I would exploit their answers as to satisfying their male friends, getting a job, peer-pressure and whatever.

8. I would not go into hair of the Black male. That to me is another can of worms. I would have all I could do dealing with Black female hair with tongue-in-cheek.

9. I would try to end my documentary with “Parade of the Black Hair” probably eliciting waves of thundering applauds from the audience with women and little girls rushing the stage falling all over me kissing me and adoring me and…..(Sigh)

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. An analogy of me making a documentary about Good Hair: “I don’t know nuffin 'bout birthing no baby, Miss Scarlet!”

“Good Hair” articles and comments

Chris Rock interview;


Rachel Maddow
In my opinion, watching Rachel Maddow makes it well. Around three or four o’clock in the afternoon and hearing soooo much shit on the TV and at times on the radio, I can not wait for Rachel’s show to come on. Sometimes I am so confused by that time I am in breathless anticipation knowing Rachel will explain things to me and “make it well.”
Very good show tonight ‘splainin how Fox News, with Roger Ailes and Rupert Murdock, has established itself as an anti-American governmental entity.
Please, oh pretty please tell me one mo’ time how to spell “Treason”. Do it slowly now’n after that I got a whole bun'cha names I wants you to spell fer me.
Updated: I'm DONE with "multiple sources". Horse's Mouth ONLY at this point!
by mdmslle!

Daily Kos
In my opinion, Dkos is one of the few sites of its nature that has not strayed from its original high standards since its launching in 2002. Many such sites have morphed or are in the process of morphing into un-ashamed propaganda machines of one sort or another. Those sites are finding out, “It’s not easy being green”.
Kermit: Not Easy Being Green:

Sen. Olympia Snowe
Has Sen. Olympia Snowe turned out to be a modern day Lady MacBeth? If so, is her husband Max Baucus or Dick Chaney?

Dick Chaney
Does disliking Dick Chaney make one anti-Semitic?

VP Biden
Wonderful seeing Ex. Sen. Joe Biden growing into the position of VP. It is beginning to fit well. I think Michelle also grew under Barack’s wing. Since (by her own admission) he was not a philanderer, she had no choice and no worries save to grow into the beautiful and confident lady, wife and mother she has become.
Michelle’s song:
“It’s so good loving somebody and somebody loves you back!”
Kudos to VP Biden

As always,

Friday, October 23, 2009

On the Republican's fight with Cognitive Dissidence (Update)

Cognitive dissidence
Dissonance normally occurs when a person perceives a logical inconsistency among his or her cognitions. This happens when one idea implies the opposite of another. For example, a belief in animal rights could be interpreted as inconsistent with eating meat or wearing fur. Noticing the contradiction would lead to dissonance, which could be experienced as anxiety, guilt, shame, anger, embarrassment, stress, and other negative emotional states. When people's ideas are consistent with each other, they are in a state of harmony, or consonance. If cognitions are unrelated, they are categorized as irrelevant to each other and do not lead to dissonance.

In other words and in my opinion, Republicans refuse to face reality. They have set up battlefields in their minds like the notorious war room in the Pentagon with the sole objective of winning wars with reality. Reality is their nemesis, their foe, their mortal enemy. Reality has no place on their mental battlefields. The presence of reality makes them uncomfortable and irritable and has to be subdued at all cost. They feel the soundness of their mind demands its vanquish.

Once again and in my opinion, more and more Republicans are beginning to understand, as did the ones who voted for Pres. Obama in November, that perpetually confronting and picking fights with reality on the mind's battlefield produces mental demons that alienate them more and more from society; the more fights, the more the demons and the furtherance of the alienation.

I dedicate this short post to the illustrious Joan Walsh of who wrote of Dick Cheney‘s speech last night “.. at Frank Gaffney's far-right Center for Security Policy.”

Dick Cheney's losing his old black magic

Mr. Secret Bunker calls Obama "afraid." Wingnuts clap, world yawns.

As always,
P.S. I am mindful the late Sen. Ted Kennedy said, "You can not outlive reality".

Meet the RightWing MadMen : They are all freaking out because Obama "Likes" Maddow, Jon Stewart....
by LaurenMonica
First stop Boss Limbaugh, on FoxNews' war with the White Houte, Limbaugh came with a strange conclusion, the WH is attaking "Fox because the POTUS is obsessed with him". He said that "He is living rent free in Obama's head". A Big WTH moment, if you ask me ! Responding to Obama's interview with NBC Savanah Guthrie, Limbaugh said if "Fox News is Talk radio, MSNBC is porn, and CNN is child porn ". Talk about the twisted mind
Read more at:,-Jon-Stewart....

Thursday, October 22, 2009

My salute to Rep. Alan Grayson

The Congressman With Guts Drops By for a Chat
by Alan Grayson
I'll keep this diary brief.  I'm here to listen to all of you.  I've been talking about a Harvard study that shows over 44000 American deaths a year because they have no health coverage.  I heard this weekend that a Republican Senator said he wasn't sure that anyone is dying.  I launched a site today where people can just name the dead, the victims of our sadly deficient health care system.  If you know one of these victims, you can honor him or her here:
Read more at:

I will be making a contribution to Mr. Grayson’s re-election fund; financial responsibilities do not occur on the day of the election with buying balloons.

I am mindful of a conversation I had with a family member during the primaries of Pres. Obama regarding the money a political candidate has to shell out.

Staff has to be hired and paid including insurance for some of them; Office supplies have to be purchased; posters have to be made and sound systems and musicians have to be hired and paid. Meeting halls have to be secured. Caterers have to have contracts well ahead of any and all events and there is gas and petty cash money needed. You have to lease store-fronts. There are laundry bills and other personal grooming bills and the list goes on and on. Since I know all of this, I have already started saving my SS Checks for my Presidential run in 2016. (Smile)
As always,

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dick Armey: “I give my money to the Lord…”

so saith former House Republican Conference Chairman Mr. Armey this morning on C-SPAN but “ I do it is personal”.

BREAKING NEWS - Dick Armey to endorse Hoffman campaign!

Former Republican Congressman & House Majority Leader, Dick Armey will endorse Doug Hoffman's campaign to become the next Representative from the 23rd congressional district, Armey's endorsement brings more Conservative & Republican starpower to Hoffman's campaign, whom is attempting to defeat both a radical liberal Democrat & a radical liberal Republican, and it further proves that Scozzafava (the supposed Republican) is not a Conservative, hell, she cannot even be called a Moderate Republican anymore.

Mr. Armey: I believe we Republicans should “trim down government” and I believe in “smaller government” with “limited responsibilities” and there should be “restraints on big government” and “Pres. Reagan was the greatest President of my lifetime”.

If I were a Republican running for office in 2010, Dick Armey would be just the man I would want to come help me with my fund raising. With him, there is (how should I put it?) such wisdom! Such dedication! Such, such, uh.... such noble posturing. He duh man!!

This morning, in my opinion, Mr. Armey more than personified a segment of the Republican Party that does not realize the world has passed them by and judging from reading information regarding his career on Wikipedia, I would suggest the world passed him by a long time ago and it is sad. It is always sad seeing somebody stuck in the past regardless their political party affiliation.

I fear Mr. Armey will be totally devastated waking up to full and total realizations that in the twenty first century you can no longer run a country as a Mom and Pop store and that capitalism and democracy are both dead. I fear Mr. Armey will be totally devastated waking up to full realizations he can no longer “Strike up the band” due to the fact most of that band’s members are either dead, blind, cripple or raising serious family concerns regarding dementia. That is also sad. My heart goes out to Mr. Armey and I salute his past service to America.
As always,
P.S. It is my understanding Mr. Armey is a founding father of “Freedom Works” and a stanch supporter of TeaBaggers.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Black folk and the performing arts

Where Is the Arts Programming on PBS?
Michael Kaiser
President of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
One of the questions I am always asked when I teach abroad is why there are not more performances by American arts organizations available on television. In other developed nations, the great arts organizations are seen regularly on television.
Read more at:

“You’re so tall” they would say to me while collecting money from my newspaper route in nineteen hundred yesteryear. “Vot you do, already, you play basketball?” “No Ma’am” I would answer, “I play the piano.” “Oooh, dat’s niii-ce!”

So it is of late when I get my annual Kennedy Center Brochure, I no longer hasten to look at the concert series to see what other Black boy did not play basketball. After a day or two, I may take a casual look through the brochure with absolutely no hope in finding a sustained series to quench my thirst. I see just the usual “Black boy” in a modern dance ensemble or in a jazz ensemble wherein I just lay the brochure back down on the table but this time in the pile of mail to discard in a few days after perhaps taking one or more “Look-see”.

Recently, there was a play at a theatre in Washington that peaked my interest and after calling the box office to see if there were any Blacks in the show, I thanked the kind ticket agent trying not to reveal my disappointment. (why do you keep doing this to yourself, BB?)

There is a strange feeling I get watching television not seeing Blacks speak the language of their country. It was a thrill hearing U.N. Sec. Kofi Anan responding to reporters in French. I don’t even see Black Egyptians in power and surely not in the performing arts. I do not see Black Jews or Black Palestinians. But I’m not talking about known Black countries in Africa but rather countries like France, Germany or even China. I heard about Black babies born in France and Germany during WW2 and about a Black dynasty in China but when I see pictures and news footage of those countries, never do I see a Black citizen speaking his native language. I do not see him at all. There have to be Blacks living in Ireland and Italy. I never see or hear from them. (BB, you have to understand this culture is not interested in promoting your culture.)

I ponder the ultimate destiny of a multi-culture country that has a closed fist encapsulating the talents of only one ethnic group and will continue to wonder as I wander…..
Ever so frustrating being forced to deal with this “double consciousness” all the time. Does this make me uniquely African American? But at least I can say I so glad I got a Black President.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Rahm Emanuel: Too big to fail?

In my opinion there is a strategist and there is a rhetorical bull-shitter; a bottom feeder. The strategist leaves me with “wonders of wonders” of insights and pregnant ideas opening up thoughts with fresh and new logical conclusions to ponder. The rhetorical bull-shitter leaves me wondering why I wasted my time with them trying to tell me where babies come from.

I turned off the interview with Mr. Emanuel on CNN this morning due to the fact I know where babies come from. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement. In my opinion once again, I perceived Mr. Emanuel’s problem solving abilities are no way close to those of the President's; not even a near distance. To be honest, after seeing Mr. Emanuel this morning I do not see how he and Pres. Obama have a productive conversation. I just imagine Mr. Emanuel having to constantly BS his way playing “Catch-up!” as to what the President is trying to discuss with him and the President ever so graciously monitoring his own patience during the conversations.

I could further imagine Mr. Emanuel being very uncomfortable in a three way conversation between the President, the strategist David Axelrod and himself. A child constantly getting into the conversations of adults comes to mind. The incompatibilities have already manifested themselves via the shifting and inconsistent images of the President signifying someone who is himself politically unstable and does not know what he is doing. The word “Whimsical” comes to mind.
As always,
P.S. The person I heard this morning is the person who told progressives to “Shut Up!”

We have a right to be angry with you, Rahm!
by madler
 It's surreal to hear you talk about our right to be angry, and yet you have waited this long to tell us.  Not to mention that you helped give these titans our money with no conditions on executive compensation or bonuses.
Read more at:,-Rahm!

HealthCare Reform talks: “Open the door, Richard!”

Talkin’ to you Harry Reid, Max Baucus, Chris Dodd and Rahm Emanuel. Open this MF door fo’ I get mad!”
Small Group Now Leads Closed Negotiations on Health-Care Bill
"I'm going to have all the negotiations around a big table," he said at an appearance in Chester, Va., repeating an assertion he made many times. He said the discussions would be "televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies."

Seems the White House has more stuff up its sleeves than a stand-up magician. In order to keep hope alive I suppose we are to think Pres. Obama was out-ranked in his desires to have public negotiations on C-Span. Lord, I tell yuh! If its not my sheep its my cow!
As always,

“Open the door, (Ya’ll!) Richard” Lyrics

Original version- Song

Censored version

Avoiding “Copy cat crimes” in Colorado

In my opinion, the decision of Colorado officials to pursue criminal charges in the “Balloon Boy” case is a just one. First of all, it will punish those trying to manipulate the tranquility of the laws of the state and most importantly, and with current financial situations, it will thwart copy-cat crimes. If Colorado is and has been fair and just in the implementation of its state and local laws, I would posit it is a state with low crime rates.
BTW, I do agree with a commentator yesterday saying Sheriff Jim Alderden sounds like Mr. Heene’s defense attorney.
As always,

Charges expected in Colorado balloon case
(CNN) -- Authorities in Colorado say criminal charges are expected to be filed against Richard Heene, a storm-chasing father whose giant Mylar balloon ascended into the sky earlier this week, sparking fears that his 6-year-old was aboard.

"We do anticipate at some point in the future, there will be some criminal charges filed with regards to this incident," Larimer County Sheriff Jim Alderden said.

"We certainly want to talk to FAA officials and federal officials to see if perhaps there aren't additional federal charges that would be more appropriate in the circumstances than what we're able to do locally."
Read more at: