Friday, June 12, 2009

“White Men Going Wild in Bad Times?”

Ibenes is a very interesting diarist. More than once while reading the diary did I say either “That’s right!” or “That makes so much sense!” To me the diary lay itself out as the structure and discipline of a Bach Fugue. There are so many melodies to follow and keep up with to appreciate the whole composition. In other words, it got me excited and I am not familiar enough with another discipline to make a comparable analogy.

The “James Van Brunn’s” feel cheated out of their country. They feel, first of all, forced into second class status by the Jewish community and now with the in your face insult of being plummeted into third class status “…with a nigger, of all people,” elevated to the level of being their President hurts. People like Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Michelle, Savage et al., whom they depended on for comfort for so long have turned out to be nothing more than un-socialized cry babies. That also hurts and it hurts badly. And adding insult to injury there is the destiny “….to put another nigger on the Supreme Court to make laws for us to follow”. This is not the America they envisioned for themselves throughout generations. This was not supposed to happen; not to their country. Not according to their God’s will. “Bale, we cry to thee” from Mendellsohn’s oratorio “Elijah” comes to mind.

The anger of the “James Van Brunn’s” has been festering for a long time. I personally feel the Jewish community has consistently obfuscated their feelings. The Van Brunn’s are crying out in rebellion the best way they can. Whatever power they had or perceived to have had is gone; “High jacked!” some would shout amidst the gathered, armed with their pitchforks and lanterns.

It is historical fact the Van Brunn’s did not effectively use their powers in a humane manner during the beginning eras of this country and thought they were making progress but made the mistake of trying to keep the status quo with the arrival of the Jews into this country. To their utter dismay, the Jewish communities were not going to take it and did not take it. Their treatment of the Jews was like the treatment of all non-whites in the land which was abusive with the “big-me, little-you” mentality and the Jewish community outsmarted them on so many levels and “by any means necessary”. Some feel the Jews slapped them around even taking their name from them.

Just as evidenced yesterday, some members of our society want to say Mr. James Van Brunn took his shot gun to the Holocaust Museum due to the fact he has feelings regarding the birth certificate of our President Obama. Of course this is nonsense and just one more attempt to ignore their concerns. As a matter of fact, they even resurrected and dusted off the good Rev. Jeremiah Wright for the occasion.

The thoughts of people like Mr. Van Brunn feel they are being ignored regarding their true feelings. They have problems with the Jewish community and everytime they try to express their anger, their true efforts are thwarted by saying what they have done is the fault of their centuries old nemesis, the Blacks. They are saying, “No, no, no! It is because of you! We do what we do because of you! What do we have to do to make you understand?”

The average Anglo-Saxon feel they have been bamboozled by the Jewish community. They feel they have been fed crumbs from the table as the Jewish communities have taken over their entire domain. They have taken over what rightfully belongs to them “….and now they are killing our babies”.

Just as the Van Brunn’s’ were getting used to Huckleberry Finn meeting Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein has now in turn introduced them to his friend Barack Obama who in turn want them to meet his friend Sonia Sotomayor. Enough said. Kudos to Ibines for a very inspirational diary. When I first began writing my post, Ibenes’ diary had only three comments. That was awhile back. I am mindful during a book review an author was asked why she let one of her characters die and she responded that when you start writing, many times you can not control your characters, they develop a life of their own. I never dreamed this post would end up as it did. Not in a million years and to be honest, I don’t know if I like it or not.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I took a break from writing this post to watch a re-run of Rachel and saw an interview with Sen. Whitehouse. WOW!
P.P.S. I also remember it was the Jewish community moving into the affluent Connecticut ave./Woodly Road areas of Washington, D.C. after the signing of the Civil Rights Bill.
P.P.P.S. I think Bill O’Reilly knows he is only on the air due to the benevolence of the Jewish community. It is my opinion he amuses them on many levels well beyond our comprehension just as we Blacks amused his ancestry.

Issues Under Fire: White Men Going Wild in Bad Times?
by lbines
We as a nation would be making a grave mistake not to acknowledge this malignant mindset for what it really is. This is an ever-expanding segment of the population (White Males) that feel betrayed, left out, over-looked and cheat out of their vision of the American dream.
America is currently being confronted by an extremely dangerous homegrown element living in their own reality where the Blacks are taking over the country, immigrants have taken their jobs and the craziest of all, the Holocaust is a myth. These people are sitting around seething and simmering, with little else to do but focus their hostilities on those they feel are responsible for their lousy lot in life.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hate Obama? Kill Jews

The rhetoric has started blaming Pres. Obama for the shooting at the Holocaust Museum. Since the blame did not work with the shooting of Dr. Tiller and with the cop killer a few months back, racist polarizers feel they have yet another chance this time making a relationship between James Van Brum having feelings regarding the President’s birth certificate and going to the Holocaust museum armed with a shot gun. That’s some mighty fancy deductive reasoning! Only in America!
As always,

Voting: NY-20 & Virginia

In my opinion, it is beyond coincidence that against all odds Scott Murphy won the primary in New York and Greigh Deeds won in Virginia with both of them having little money and even less name recognition outside of their respective geographical areas.

The only expression I can think of is “Thanks” to the skills of their support teams and the sensibilities of the voters and I hope they keep us informed as the process progress. To say this is a terrible thing to happen to Hannity, Limbaugh, Cheney, Beck et al is an understatement and that includes the entire Republican Party. Sleepless nights are no fun but I suspect they are use to them by now. If ever there were a group of people who should be careful what they pray for, it is them. Apparently God is not the only one that don't like ugly!
As always,

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Congressional *Kryptonite: “I will not vote for you.” (P.S.)

Day by day it appears the **chasm that started out as a line in the sand is more and more pronounced separating people who are for and against having medical insurance for the multitudes.

In my opinion, the people who are against insurance for the multitude are rhetorically making efforts to pluck each and every pedal of the rose. I am mindful of the Frantz Schubert song wherein a little boy plucks off the pedals of a rose ending up having his finger pricked by its thorns.

-Senator, do I understand correctly you do not support the Single Payer portion of the President’s Health Care Reform Bill?
-Well, you see, blah, blah, blah, they can still get medical treatment blah, blah, blah, greatest country in the world blah, blah blah, blah whose gonna pay for it blah, blah, blah,
-Excuse me, Mr. Senator..
-No, let me finish, blah, blah,
-Mr. Senator, when your election comes up, I am not going to vote for you.
-Huh?? What’s that, you say?
- You heard me, Sir. When your election comes up, whenever it is, I am not going to vote for you. Neither is my wife. And my daughter will not be voting for you and her son and his girl friend will be of voting age by time your next election comes up and that makes five people who are not going to vote for you. You can take all your blah-blah’s (BS) and shov’em! I don’t know what you’re talking about anyway. Good-day, Sir. Oh, here’s the pledge we have signed to not vote for you. Consider it a certified, lever pulled “Pre-vote”.
As always,
P.S. After reading my published post, I amused myself as to what part of the dialog I had written represented the rose? What part represents the plucking of the rose pedals and what part represents the thorns pricking the Senator’s finger? How many thorns were there? I did not realize I was writing a lesson plan.


**chasm play_w2("C0257600") (kzm)n.1. A deep, steep-sided opening in the earth's surface; an abyss or gorge.2. A sudden interruption of continuity; a gap.3. A pronounced difference of opinion, interests, or loyalty.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Use Foreign Aid money for U.S. Health Reform?

I hate to be a “Johnny Come Lately” on this question but I do not recall reading a discussion regarding this topic during my (limited) readings. I have always heard Israel and Saudi Arabia are the two biggest recipients but can not find any other big recipients nor can I find the exact and total dollar amount U.S. is spending on Foreign Aid.

On every Talk Show when the discussion turns to the President’s Health Reform Plan, the question is always “Where is the money going to come from?” If I were to be sarcastic I would say my money is for my family and they come first but that’s not the kind of guy I am. I googled US foreign aid money:

United States Is Largest Donor of Foreign Aid, Report Says
Of the $122.8 billion of foreign aid provided by Americans in 2005 (the most current data available), $95.5 billion, or 79 percent, came from private foundations, corporations, voluntary organizations, universities, religious organizations and individuals, says the annual Index of Global Philanthropy.

For example, U.S. foundations gave more -- in money, time, goods and expertise -- than 11 of the 22 developed-country governments each gave in 2005, and U.S. private voluntary organizations totaled more than the governments of Japan, the United Kingdom, Germany and France each.
As always,

Are Congressional recalls “Off the table?”

Plato said, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Fine! I can live with that! Sen. Obama built a political machine to help win his Presidential ambitions. He had a need, hence the invention. An invention that was to the amazement, envy and awe of world wide political circles and governments resonating to this very day.

Regarding the President’s baby, Baby Health Reform, the President is hell bent on seeing its birth even if he has to deliver it himself and he needs help from all the mid-wives and mid-husbands he can get into the operation room. He is going to deliver! He’s determined! (Smile)

Obama to campaign for public option in health care
by tsackton
But Mr. Obama has grown concerned that he is losing the debate over certain policy prescriptions he favors, like a government-run insurance plan to compete with the private sector, said one Democrat familiar with his thinking. With Congress beginning a burst of work on the measure, top advisers say, the president is determined to make certain the final bill bears his stamp.

Healthcare reform and political realities
by Darcy Burner
Nearly all of the members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus support single payer. But 80 CPC members is a far cry from 218, which is what's needed to pass things in the House.
There are not 218 votes for single payer in the House. Single payer cannot happen in this environment right now, regardless of how passionately its advocates want it.
However, I ran into a tiny bit of a problem with my metaphor. I felt I could take it to the point we helpers could start “Re-call” campaigns of the Congresspersons opposed to the Single Payer part of his bill. I thought we could use the President’s new political invention to do it but it seems there are Constitutional issues raised in being a dissatisfied customer having desires to re-call your Congressperson. Damn! “If it’s not my sheep it’s my cow”.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help

Efforts under way to recall Senator Ashburn
Following the lengthy state budget impasse, a Bakersfield man is taking steps to recall 18th District California State Republican Senator Roy Ashburn for breaking a pledge.
Michael Moore, business owner and self-proclaimed Libertarian, said he is pursuing the action primarily because Ashburn had signed a “Taxpayer Protection Pledge” in 2006 promising his constituents that he would not raise taxes and then did exactly that by voting for the mid-year 2008-09 and the 2009-10 budget that would potentially raise taxes for residents by $16 billion over the next four years.

Why Effort To Recall Cao Won't Work
ORLEANS -- A move to recall Louisiana's Second District Rep. Joseph Cao may be a moot effort regardless of the support it receives.
The Congressional Research Service -- which analyzed the constitutionality of such actions -- found no precedent in the history of the nation, and noted that the Founding Fathers made sure to exempt federal lawmakers from recalls.

As to removal by recall, the United States Constitution does not provide for nor authorize the recall of United States officers such as Senators, Representatives, or the President or Vice President, and thus no Member of Congress has ever been recalled in the history of the United States.

The recall of Members was considered during the time of the drafting of the federal Constitution in 1787, but no such provisions were included in the final version sent to the States for ratification, and the specific drafting and ratifying debates indicate an express understanding of the Framers and ratifiers that no right or power to recall a Senator or Representative from the United States Congress exists under the Constitution.