Friday, November 12, 2010

An American tragedy

In denial of all things real, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will continue to be the face of the Democratic Party and the President will continue his Quixote obsessions with bi-partisanship.

In the clearest of language, I am once again given the gracious opportunity to hit the highway -as did many during midterm elections- or sit down and shut the f… up!

This is my new reality. I am not alone. As Ms. Vilma Hart told the President, she also has her new realities to deal with.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Obama -- are you KIDDING??
by Forrest Brown
Our days of "trusting" that Democratic leaders have some brilliant plan are over. We saw the results last Tuesday when many Obama voters were not inspired enough to return to the polls. If we don't fight on this issue, Democrats could lose even more seats in 2010.
Read more at:

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

From Rahm Emanuel to Joyce Kaufman

When I was growing up, we Black youth had a mandate from our elders ‘to be a credit to your race’.

Pres. Obama hired lightening rod Rahm Emanuel as his Chief of Staff and it appears we have another lightening rod Chief of Staff hired by newly elected 49 year old African American Allen West (R-Fl). Her name is Joyce Kaufman.

Rachel Maddow had a segment on her show tonight introducing us to Joyce Kaufman and gurgling sounds from torrents of salivation from media moguls and political pundits still ring in my ears. God only knows how many pundits she will rescue from the wilderness. I suspect more than one will now be able to make their car note and home mortgage payments for awhile. Ms. Kaufman is a gift to them from…somewhere. We'll see.

Before we are formally introduced to poor Mr. West after winning his midterm election last month, he has already become an embarrassment to the Congress. I pray he at least has the skills and intellect to keep himself afloat. Washington is one hell of a place to live if you are stupid.

It is my understanding Mr. West was endorsed by Sarah Palin and John Boehner. It would be interesting to note how long their endorsements will prevail.

In my opinion, the academic question is, (take your pick):
Joyce Kaufman is to Allen West as Rev. Jeremiah Wright was to Sen. Obama because __________.

Joyce Kaufman is to Allen West as Rahm Emanuel was to Pres. Obama because___________.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

This happened: Allen West picks right wing talk radio host as chief of staff **UPDATE**

November 9, 2010 · Posted in Allen West, Elections, Florida, News and Current Affairs, People, Political News, Politics

So Allen West, known to those of us in Broward County as that crazy guy who went berzerk in Iraq and came home to become one of the kookiest callers to right wing talk radio shows, is now headed to Congress (where I assume he will tell Nancy Pelosi to “give him that damned gavel.” And guess who he’s taking with him to Washington…

So who is Joyce Kaufman? Well, she once said on her daily right wing talk show that there are no Palestinians — that the Arabs living in what she calls Greater Israel should be deported to Jordan, en masse. It was one of only three times in my life that I’ve ever called in to talk radio. I called her a bigot, by the way.
Read more at:

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Tone-Deaf or listening to another drummer

Tone-Deaf in D.C.
NYT Op-ed 11/06

As I began reading Mr. Herberts’ well written Op-ed, I began humming the old Negro play song, Dem Bones i.e.,
The hip bone's connected to the back bone
The back bone's connected to the neck bone,
The neck bone's connected to the head bone,
Now here’s duh word of duh Lord! Etc,.

After reading the Op-ed and humming my tune, I concluded Ms. Vilma Hart hit the nail on the head by connecting dots as to what is happening in todays’ environment rather than connecting bones.

Ms. Vilma Hart is the lady who, at a Town Hall Meeting in Maryland raised eyebrows by asking the President if her present situation was her new reality? The visibly stunned President, bless his heart, made efforts to answer her question. Eyebrows were raised again at what some considered his non-answer. In other words, I’ll put it this way: His answer did not match the strength of her question. It did not come near.

In my opinion, our new reality is confronting head-on what our new reality is as follows:

-It is going on the fifth year with Pelosi and Reid in a prominent position of power and we lost the midterm elections big time. I know, “This time is going to be really different!”

-It is going on the third year our monetary system has been running roughshod with our treasury and they say we are broke. “They” are the people who made us broke and whom the President hired to fix the situation.

-It is the um-teenth year the Oligarchy and media have worked in concert to destroy the moral fiber of America.

- Everyone has to pay for healthcare or pay a fine or die trying.

- Blacks turning a 'below the radar' eye towards TeaBaggers, their efforts to take back the country and their recent support for Black candidates during midterm elections.

To take a leap, I therefore posit what we are seeing as our new reality is a connected series of long, pedantically planned benchmarks with the end product being a country that is the police station of the world. With our military arsenal and fighting power, our only meaningful contribution to the world will be as bullies, fighters, murderers and thugs.

When a country would need the use of our military for whatever reason, we will respond for the appropriate price, fight the fight and with a wink and a nod, take whatever resources we want from the conquered country.

And finally, America will no longer be a country but a separate entity in the constellation of the new world order; a place unto itself. There will be some air of respectability surrounding us but it would be air…..very thin air, the “Emperors’ New Clothes” kind of air.

As always,

Tone-Deaf in D.C.
Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans are offering voters the kind of change that they seem so desperately to want. We’re getting mind-numbing chatter about balanced budgets and smaller government and whether Mitch McConnell and his gang can chase President Obama out of the White House in 2012.

The Democrats are in disarray because it’s a party that lacks a spine. The Republicans, conversely, fight like wild people whether they’re in the majority or not. What neither party is doing is offering a bold, coherent plan to get the nation’s economy in good shape and create jobs, to bring our young men and women home from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, to rebuild the education system in a way that will prepare the next generation for the great challenges of the 21st century, and to reinvigorate the can-do spirit of America in a way that makes people believe that they are working together toward grand and constructive goals.
Read more at: