Friday, October 08, 2010

President Obama to ‘Them’: I tried it your way..

I was disciplined, I was obedient, I followed orders to a ‘T’ and allowed you total control of my agenda. I went out of my way to not argue with you about any of your decisions and tried my best to not give you a hard time. And now I am a dissatisfied employer. You have fu..fu…er, messed up the credibility of my product. Do the words ‘enthusiasm gap’ ring a bell to you? (Pause) What are we going to do about that?

Enter Peter Rouse…

Pete Rouse braces White House for GOP gains
Depending on the outcome, Obama may very well have to build a team that can fight, compromise, or do both. The existing organization, designed for 2009, with its possibilities of big legislation based on big Democratic majorities, may have to be re-stocked with staffers who know how to leverage executive power in the face of a newly emboldened congressional GOP — or can craft creative ways to forge bipartisan consensus.

“You don’t get to be as powerful as Pete is without knowing when to cut people loose,” says a former Rouse employee, one of dozens of Democratic operatives — a self-described ‘Cult of Pete’ — who keep in close touch with him.

House Democratic aides have long argued that Obama’s reliance on campaign advisers like Axelrod and Gibbs led him to attack the culture of Washington — implying that Democrats were part of the problem —- instead of targeting the GOP.
Read more at:
As always,

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The Presidents’ first taste of real power

Today, the President Vetoed an ill-conceived bill that would have given Wall Street yet another pony. This is due to the fact he did not drink the Kool-Aid handed to him by his ‘friends’ and in my opinion, he is a stronger person for it.

In my opinion, the Veto today was a very big deal for the President and hope he is now beginning to finally realize yet another role of a President; difficult decisions have to be made for your base.

I heard long ago, when raising children and they mis-behaved, you only have to give a good spanking one time and for the rest of their lives you can make references to it as needed. That’s how you can ‘carry the big stick!’ The President now has his big stick and I hope he uses it wisely.

As always,
P.S. Now I can mail in my request for an absentee ballot with a smile on my face. It has been setting on the table for a few days.
Obama VETOES Big Banks' notarization sweetheart deal
by Geekesque
Is Elizabeth Warren's status as personal advisor to President Obama paying off?
Today, the White House announced that President Obama will not sign H.R. 3808, the Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010, and will return the bill to the House of Representatives. The Interstate Recognition of Notarizations Act of 2010 was designed to remove impediments to interstate commerce. While we share this goal, we believe it is necessary to have further deliberations about the intended and unintended impact of this bill on consumer protections, including those for mortgages, before this bill can be finalized.

Read more at:

On hearing voices…..

Now I’m gonna tell you all one more time: Stop your f…ing whining! Compared to other countries, I think we are good to you. You really got it good here. Your place is to vote for Democrats, understand, and if you are Black, be thankful you get the privilege to even vote at all, understand? You people amaze me how ungrateful you are. Now listen up both of you ‘cause this is the last time I‘m gonna say it: Stop the fuckin’ whining and that‘s not an order….yet. And you know how easy it would be for us to get laws against criticizing the government. You better heed my warning and don‘t push us, OK?

The 'Cover Up' Is Finally Unraveling - Who Voted for HR 3808?
by Badabing
After Pelosi took impeachment off the table, after President Obama continued the same economic policies as the Rubin-Clinton-Summers-Greenspan crowd, after the war crimes have been covered up and the war profiteering and the 10 year war in Afganistan has become nothing more than a racket, that continues to destroy American lives, with suicide by our own soldiers at an all time high, after the greatest hope for Americans is only obtaining a job is to 'go to war,' after today we know that the Obama administration blocked efforts by government scientists to tell the public just how bad the Gulf oil spill could become and committed other missteps that raised questions about its competence and candor during the crisis, according to a commission appointed by the president to investigate the disaster.

And then we have the 'Deficit Hawks'...the Cat Food Commission coming after our last safety net.

How much do Americans have to pay, after everything they have already paid for? When is enough, enough?
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Fred Phelps to dead troopers: No R.I.P. for you, Buster!

The case before the U.S. Supreme Court today involves what many consider abusive use of ‘Freedom of speech’. If the judges would make the narrowest of a crack into the law, it would be a comfort for many. In my opinion, a teeny-tiny crack could go a long way, leaving its embellishments to the ages.

The English language has change so much since the writing of the law and I hope judges on the court would take advantage of that fact and set a much needed legal precedence. Just a crack would do it!
As always,

Commentary: Fred Phelps and First Amendment

By Mike Hendrick
I suspect most would agree that the families of men and women who died in service of their country are deserving of special protections from hateful speech along a funeral procession route.

The case at hand didn't arise from a legal challenge to the funeral procession laws. Rather, it concerns a civil suit brought by a Maryland man who said Phelps family picketers invaded his privacy and inflicted emotional distress on the day of his Marine son's funeral in 2006.
Read more at:

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Miracles 101

So much talk about getting out the Democratic vote.
In my opinion, few would disagree the 2008 elections propelling African-American Sen. Obama into the Presidency was a miracle. There are few facts that I am aware of disputing that fact. The America people saw a miracle hovering above and with prayers and hard work they built the appropriate scaffolding and captured it.

My metaphor continues as fervent pleas are now heard praying for another miracle: “Dear Lord, please don’t let the Republicans take over again. Please!”

I posit there are lessons to be learned from a miracle. There is a reason miracles do not happen everyday. They do not occur by happenstance or capriciously and they are tough things to handle. And so there is a reason why pre-2008 pleas for a miracle were in the daily prayers of the oppressed. For it was the oppressed who knew a miracle could yield positive effects for generations if handled appropriately. The ones fervently praying for a miracle knew lessons from a miracle could provide guiding lights well into the future for generations, if not millenniums, so they could see as they navigate their way forward.

I believe if we were truly grateful having a miracle bestowed upon us in 2008, it would not be as botched as it has become two years later. And to ask for another one of the same genre so soon afterwards could well be considered a sin.

If may be too late to understand how one has to work with a miracle. Especially the miracle of 2008. Most of the miracle workers from 2008 have gone back home. They did their job; they built that mighty scaffolding from scratch, they prayed and worked hard to bring that 2008 miracle to us for which we are eternally grateful. They did their job. We did not do ours. How many times do you have to slay the dragon? Maybe next time, eh? You bet'cha!

As always,
P.S. Could the TeaBaggers be the ones knowing how to deal with a miracle?

My inspiration….
Don't Let the Russ Feingolds Go Down For the Sins of the Blanche Lincolns
by PaulLoeb
But suppose you simply can't stomach your local Democratic candidates? Suppose you're simply too furious at their compromises and retreats? Then make phone calls or donate to those you do respect, but don't abdicate entirely. Maybe it's Russ Feingold, narrowly trailing in the latest Wisconsin polls. Or Jack Conway, challenging Rand Paul in Kentucky. Or Barbara Boxer, with the slimmest of leads in California. Or Congressman Alan Grayson, a powerful progressive voice being hammered by outside money in a swing district of Florida. Or anyone else you might choose. But unless you're as purist as the Republican fundamentalists, I can't imagine you want to see candidates who've stood for strong humane values be defeated by opponents who have nothing but contempt for democracy, justice, and even the barest stewardship of the planet. To shift our country's direction, we're going to have to elect and reelect some less than stellar candidates as well, but making sure the best of them win is a critical task.
Read more at:

Monday, October 04, 2010

Larry Kudlow and (gasp) Andrew Shirvell?

Andrew Shirvell is the Assistant Attorney General in Michigan whom many suspect has kooky feelings regarding a young gay college student named Chris Armstrong.

Fast forward……
This is what CNBC Larry Kudlow wrote regarding two old friends giving each other a good-bye hug:
Am I the only one who saw weakness when President Obama and his departing chief of staff Rahm Emanuel gave each other big, fat, full-bore hug following their speeches at the resignation event in the White House’s East Room on Friday?
Read more from diarist LaurentMonica and see the hug in question at:

If Mr. Kudlow is sincere regarding his feelings, he may want to check himself and closely watch the case unfolding with Andrew Shirvell. In my opinion, Mr. Kudlows’ thoughts are both garbled and interesting but far too personal to be flaunted in the public domain. I hope the poor man is able to pull himself together. (Lord, what is this world coming to?)

As always,

Rep. John Boehner Vs. What’s his name (Whn)

This evening, I saw Whn for the first time on the Ed Schultz Show. I was surprised I could not Google and find his name as a Democratic challenger to Ohio Rep. Boehner in the Nov. 2nd elections.

Whn told Mr. Schultz he has received no money from the Democratic Party and it appears his only claim to fame is having his campaign erect a billboard.

The interview with Mr. Schultz was brief -very brief- and I suspect a fly in the milk somewhere. How is it possible for a challenger to the chief Republican spokesperson to remain anonymous at this late date in the voting cycle and worst, to have to be referred to as Whn? And even worser, I did not know House Minority Leader John Boehner was up for re-election. I’m embarrassed!
As always,

Sunday, October 03, 2010

November 2nd, “Theme and Variations”

There are those saying Democrats should vote on November 2nd to at least save the House.

- If Democrats end up saving the House with big margins, Ben Bernanke, Tim Geithner and Henry Paulson will stay.
High fives all over the place! ‘They like us and want us to stay!’

- If Democrats end up barely saving the House, Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson will mope for a few days, darting around the White House, avoiding the President whenever possible.

- If Democrats end up losing the House however small the margin, Bernanke, Geithner and Paulson will say:
‘Those @$#%% Professional Left should have voted!’ as a smiling President accepts their resignations.

(Drum roll and music, “Hail to the Chief”)

As always,

(Coda) There is a saying amongst teachers, “If you do not have a lesson plan for your students, your students will have a lesson plan for you”.

Rahm Emanuel kicks off mayoral campaign

On Monday, Rahm comes out on Chicago stage blowing kisses to the cheering crowd as he begins commencing perfect periot combinations across the stage fully un-aware how much his favorite leotards have frayed and bearing a foot print since he was in DC. The cheering crowd becomes uncontrollably hysterical and the police are summoned.
As always,