Saturday, May 08, 2010

Every action has a re-action….

It could be considered folly thinking re-actions to the Dow dropping 1,000 points on Thursday is simply discovering why and how it happened.

Of course finding out what happened, honestly finding out what happened, is well and good but will do little to alleviate the various sets of anxieties the tragedy has put into play.

People with already diminished 401K’s, school managers with endowments and pension fund overseers have to be (forgive me) literally shitting in their pants! And I am led to believe the only comfort afforded them is waiting to find out what and why it happened before doing something??

It has been my experiences life does not work that way; at least not for people who know what they are doing.

Finally, and in regards to re-actions of the Wall Street Barons themselves, I suspect we have only to look at the sudden strengthening of stock markets in a few other countries to find those answers.

I may be whistling to the wind but one thing I know for sure is the wisdom of the old saying, “A fool and his money are soon parted” which dovetails into its equally wise companion, “You can fool some of the people some of the time…..” and there is the one about "Hand writing on the wall..” but of course, the TeaBaggers and Sarah Palin will tell us all about what's going on. Just wait! Just watch! Keep waiting and watching! You’ll see. (Smile)
As always,

Friday, May 07, 2010

Stocks fall 1,000 points. What does it mean? (Update)

I can not panic due to the fact I do not know what it means. With all the media covered, someone should have told us that it means. Does it mean people are not ordering products or have withdrawn their orders or something? Maybe even telling us that each point equals one million dollars for something or other.

My comprehension of the issue is so limited I can not even articulate what it is I need to know to share the media’s panic. Sorry. If the media wants me scared, at least they should show me the bogeyman.
As always,

Tech stocks sucked down by 1,000-point Dow drop

May 6, 2010 | Anthony Ha
With uncertainty over the fate of the Greek economy, the US stock market took a steep dive today, and the big tech companies were not immune.
Read more at:

The (Almost) Crash of Wall Street
Robert Reich
Former Secretary of Labor, Professor at Berkeley
Regardless of why it happened, it's further evidence that the nation's and the world's capital markets have become a vast out-of-control casino in which fortunes can be made or lost in an instant -- which would be fine except for the fact that most of us have put our life savings there. Pension funds, mutual funds, school endowments -- the value of all of this depends on a mechanism that can lose a trillion dollars in minutes without anyone having a clear idea why.

The luck or foolishness of a few traders, and inside knowledge and information that some possess and others don't, combined with ultra high-speed computers, put us all at the whim of a system whose risk is way out of proportion to any public benefits.
Read more at:

Thursday, May 06, 2010

"Whole Body Imaging" at airports and additional revenue$

You get to the airport early. You are first in line for the security check. Upon completion, you run to the special lounge to pay your $10.00 renting a patch cord connecting your computer to the airports’ media circuit. You want to see the body imaging of all the people who are going to be on the flight with you. The lounge lights are low and you note drinks are also served. You are embarrassed reading a sign saying that you could purchase the tape for $200.00. (Smile)

TSA Agent Attacks when Security Reveals His Undersized Penis
by Pluto
I think these TSA Porn machines are going to be a big hit at airports across the United States -- and will go a long way toward keeping all of us as safe as can be. Tourists are going to love it.
Read more at:

As always,

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Before Obama, there were “Sacred Cows”

One that is immune from criticism, often unreasonably so: "The need for widespread secrecy has become a sacred cow" (Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists).

What I want to say is this: There are so many sacred cow issues in our society that, for whatever reason, editors and producers would not touch them. That is why they are considered “Sacred”: No one is to touch them and no one did. That is until those editors and producers came up with the brilliant idea, “Obama made me do it!” They planted that little idea in small segments into their TV news shows calling it “Fact Finding The President” for the main reason of embarrassing the President. If the proof is in the pudding, there are two schools of thoughts on that one eventhough the pudding tasting is still going on.

The sacred cows we have seen so far are doozies and have awakened a whole bunch of people. And like I always say, “You can never tell what a man sees when he opens his eyes from sleep”. As for me, with the transparency it has afforded when my own eyes were opened, I toast “Obama made me do it!” I’ve learned a lot about my government.
While I’m at it, there is something else I want to say. I have stopped watching Olbermann’s show due to the fact he always wanted to tell me something O’Riely and/or Limbaugh said. I am not interested in what O’Riely or Limbaugh says. I turned off Schultz’ show these past several evenings due to the fact he wants to tell me what Glenn Beck said. I am not interested in what Glenn Beck is saying.

In my opinion, Beck, O’Riely and Limbaugh have their own shows and their own viewing and listening audiences. For the life of me I can not understand why I have to be forced to be part of their audience while viewing a show challenging me in a 360 degrees different direction. Those people are the Village idiots! Color me elitist if you want to do so. I does not give a damn!

Now days, I just look forward to Rachel’s show and if those crazy clowns pop up on her show in any form talking their stupid and goofy stuff……
As always,

And speaking of post-sacred cows…
Reagan Revolution Home To Roost: America Is Crumbling
by davej

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

“Taking your country back?” Good luck!

In my opinion, the admirable desires of Villagers taking back their own country back does not say nice things about them.

I wonder why Afghanistan never had to make such a decision? I understand it is also a multi-cultural country. I wonder if attempts to lull her Villagers to sleep and blindly fighting each other was also in play at various intervals of her existence? Why did it not work?

I do believe racial divide has temporarily worked in Iraq and, at this time, Iran is questionable. As we should now acknowledge racial divide has been 100% successful here in America and the upcoming elections in England should be watched with a Jantus eye.

In reference to “Taking your country back?” I note TeaBaggers et al., are investing in the very welcomed instruments that caused them to “loose” their country in the first place; bigotry, racism and self-imposed ignorance. The man said, “The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in the stars”.

Rahm Working With Fed To Beat Back Audit

CH0001   6 minutes ago (12:48 AM) 34 Fans

Greenspan, Bernanke, Paulson, Emanuel, Summers, Rubin, Blankfein, Goldman Sachs, Lehman Bros., Madoff...
Why are all these dual citizens allowed to destroy our countries wealth?

Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. At the top of the pyramid, I see “Them”. Right below, I see “Money and Power” and branching out below that is, “Distractions” and then “Sustained Racial and Religious Interference”.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Miracle workers: Pres. Obama and OJ

“OJ” is Orenthal J. Simpson, also known as “The Juice”. He was found not-guilty of murdering his ex-wife Nicole and her good friend, Ron Goldman in 1994.

Eventhough Mr. Simpson, an African American, was found not-guilty in a court of law, the common myth remains via the media…
Ron was killed with a knife on the front lawn of an apartment complex after a lengthy struggle with OJ while Nicole, eating Tom and Jerry ice-cream, stood silently at bay awaiting the un-timely destiny of having her throat slashed and a breast removed.

The media would not accept a “not guilty” verdict after a lengthy trial. The media instead perpetrated the utterly insane possibility that although Nichole did not scream for help, she was killed while eating ice cream after her friend Ronald Goldman was brutally murdered and OJ committed both murders by his lonesome on the front lawn of Nichole's apartment complex.

I suspect the media wanted us to believe Nichole did not scream due to the fact she was living in an up-scale apartment complex and did not want to disturb her neighbors or OJ threatened to kill her first if she screamed. The beautiful Nichole was cooperative. After all, this was the OJ Simpson who was telling her what to do! I guess it was love so she dutifully awaited her turn as facts revealed in the highly celebrated court case.

So it is and according to the media, we have the incredibly miraculous events Pres. Obama is performing; incredible things like causing oil spills and stuff. Pres. Obama, as OJ, is now being poised as a miracle worker possessing incredible super-human magical powers and it would not surprise me any day now reading headlines, “Obama has incarnated God!”
As always,
P.S. A neighbor, who was walking his dog during the alleged murders, did years later collaborate with OJ to write a book, “If I did it”.