Saturday, August 29, 2009

Ex. CIA Michael Scheuer whom I call Chicken Little

In school, his name was John Bailey. We called him “Stinky!” He knew why we called him Stinky. He did not have to ask. Even if he did, those of us in Junior High School in days of yesteryear did not outright insult people. And then there was “Saddlehead!” His real name was Jimmy Jr. We knew why we called him Saddlehead. He knew it too. He did not ask us. Even if he had….. And now we have Chicken Little. His real name is Michael Scheuer. Lord knows what his Mama and friends called him! He is an ex-CIA Director.
Chicken Little was in the woods,
A seed fell on his tail.
He met Henny Penny and said,

"The sky is falling.
  I saw it with my eyes.
  I heard it with my ears.
  Some of it fell on my tail."

He met Turkey Lurkey, Ducky Lucky,
and Goosey Loosey.
They ran to tell the king.

They met Foxy Loxy.
They ran into his den,
And they did not come out again

Former head of CIA Michael Scheuer of the now defunct Bush administration is a Chicken Little. He is an alarmist and it now appears Former VP, Dick Cheney, is the Turkey and his daughter Liz Cheney is Henny Penny and ..…well, you get the picture.

I myself am from African decent and I believe in the African proverb stating it is the African women who hold up the sky, so I am not worried. But still I wonder. I wonder why Michael Scheuer and company do not specifically tell us what we are missing they themselves missed with the 911 attack on our country, aka, the sky is falling. I wonder why they feel duty bound at this time to simply tell us we are heading for another attack rather than the specific warnings they received but did not act upon for whatever reason. In my opinion, not to question why the sky is falling is pure ignorance.
Instead of pulling themselves together, they cover their heads yelling and screaming, running for shelter, merely pointing fingers at Pres. Obama. In other words, they should tell us specifically what we are doing wrong and specifically what signs we are ignoring from their failed experience. One would think with the internet man had long ago distanced himself from that arrested developmental stage of thinking you can fool all of the people all of the time and especially from people claiming how much they love themselves some America conducting themselves like Chicken Little and company. Calling them racist is a gross understatement! They have the unique affliction of 21 century Culture shock and as the late Ted Kennedy said, “We can not outlive the future.”

GBCFOX 2: "Rahm wants an attack" ON US! Scheuer does it AGAIN! WTF!?!
by MinistryOfTruth
Michael Scheuer:     "Oh sure we're going to be attacked, Brian, and it doesn't carry, and, you know,  Rahm Emanuel wants an attack. He loves crisis, and crisis, the Democrats, he says, can get all of their programs through. These people simply do not care."

Scheuer:      "For the first time I think a sitting President is giving aid and comfort to the enemy, both psychologically and materially."
    "The President , obviously, does not care."!-Scheuer-does-it-AGAIN!-WTF!!-

*The Sky is falling

As always,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

On watching C-Span this morning

Messrs. Haynas Johnson and Dan Balz, co-authors of “Battle For America 2008” were featured during the 9:00 hour.

Their book consist of “buckets full of bright and shiny golden nuggets” just yours for the picking amassed from the two thousand eight presidential campaign. There were little ones, big ones, bigger ones and some the size of watermelons. (Smile) What I found most captivating regarding the interview this morning was the complete objectivity of the two gentlemen authors in talking about their book. Even more captivating, however, were the times they gave background information and via film, showed you the referenced incident. It only happened a few times but was appropriate and “spot on!”

One such instance was the riff between Bill Clinton and Sen. Kennedy talking on the telephone wherein Bill injected “race” into the conversation as a justification for him, Sen. Kennedy, to back his wife Hillary. It seems Sen. Kennedy was highly offended. It was at this point C-Span showed a part of the speech Sen. Kennedy gave when he and his niece Caroline Kennedy endorsed then Sen. Obama as their choice to lead the Democratic ticket. Sen. Kennedy’s speech took on a very different tone than I had remembered. Armed with background knowledge of the speech gave me even more insight into the character of Sen. Kennedy, the man, as he was delivering his speech and yes, I started crying again. The speech was powerful! So heavily and un-intentionally nuanced! I say un-intentionally nuanced due to the fact I do not think Sen. Kennedy knew Messrs. Johnson and Balz were going to publish a book detailing the background of his speech so the speech was nuanced for a small few, if any.

Further, the program this morning gave me deeper insight into history I personally witnessed and that fact alone made what I was hearing more meaningful. I am getting the same feeling reading the book “After America” by Paul Starobin. It is a wonderful feeling having a professional historian meticulously analyze events you have witnessed yourself providing you with background information to thoroughly complete the picture. Those true historians go around with Sherlock Holmes style capes and magnifying glass looking to see exactly what “The moving finger..” has written and report it. For one thing, you can immediately isolate the lies and the integrity of the author which determines if you are going to spend more time reading his book. I am sure I would have a different reaction to books were I reading books on the Civil War, History of Russia, Amsterdam in the 60’s and the likes.

'though I am not a history buff, I do intend to get the book, “Battle For America 2008” when I get some more money. Ahead of the list, however, is a contribution to “Color of Change.” Flat broke now. Finally, I wish today’s moderator on C-Span had asked the authors about the remark Sen. Clinton made regarding Sen. Bobby Kennedy and her decision to stay in the race. Hope it’s in the book.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Presidential (thwarted) efforts to make friends

I believe in the Universal Thought; the good, the bad and the ugly. Always have. I never thought for a moment I alone had an original thought. Never did.

I tried to write this post this morning but I did not have any back-up and could not find any other posts, diaries or news accounts to which I could refer. I have been disturbed these past few days hearing on talk radio Pres. Mohmar Gaddafi is coming to America to speak at the United Nations and is going to “pitch a tent in New Jersey”. The way it is being reported in the negative is to mobilize the citizens in New Jersey to organize and protest his coming to America and in particular coming into their community of New Jersey. The protest is regarding Pres. Gaddafi welcoming home Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi the now freed Lockerbie bomber who additionally disturbed them when Pres. Gaddafi “Kissed” him in the custom of his country upon his arrival home. Just as bad as the gesture of Pres. Obama shaking hands with Pres. Chavez, they anger.

I feel the mobilizing is disingenuous due to the fact Pres. Obama, as the President of the hosting county, does not need to piss off the Libyans. President Obama is trying his best to bring some civility in that part of the world and the last thing he needs is to piss off Pres. Gaddafi and his citizens.

How would the people of Libya respond were Pres. Obama to visit their country after such insults? Would he be welcomed? Who knows what the elements of Obama haters in Lybia are saying about him now or will say in the future after the anticipated New Jersey negative incidents?

I think portions of Americans do not want Pres. Obama to be liked in any parts of this world and make efforts to make their wishes come true. I am mindful of their disgusted unease when he was in Germany before he became President and one should remember the color green is also the color of jealously and envy! Many American citizens and members of the press were green during that period as well as his Presidential contenders, Hillary and McCain.

Add to the Gaddafi situation how Hillary pissed off the Chinese and Africans and Biden pissed off the Russians and Rahm pissed off the progressives. There is something unusual regarding these instances happening within such a short span of time and in particular by people who should be conscious enough knowing their behavior would have negative impacts on their President.

Pres. Fidel Castro has read the universal thought and has interpreted it the same way as I have and there have to be many others.
Fidel Castro Calls Obama Opposition Racist
by jeihesser
Wed Aug 26, 2009 at 07:14:45 PM PDT
Former Cuban leader Fidel Castro said on Tuesday that President Barack Obama is trying to make positive changes in the United States, but is being fought at every turn by right-wingers who hate him because he is black, according to a report by Reuters.

Lockerbie bomber returns to hero's welcome in Libya

The Leaking Game
The story by Reuters United Nations correspondent Louis Charbonneau reported that "several" officials from those states had said the IAEA has "credible information" suggesting that the U.S. intelligence estimate was "incorrect".
The issue of credibility of the NIE is particularly sensitive right now because the United States, Britain, France and Germany are anticipating tough negotiations with Russia and China on Iran's nuclear program in early September.

As always,
P.S. Can you take your twitter bill off your taxes for helping out msm when moderators ask you to help with a poll to make their show look good? Could you do that under “Charitable donations?”

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

You say, “Anti-Semitism” and I say, “Racism”

My problem is the perception we members of the Black community are so dumb, backwards and stupid we do not recognize racism when we see it. The Jewish community, however, is always spot on when they label a person Anti-Semitic. No one question their pronouncements save the victims.

The Jewish community, if need be, will chase their “Anti-Semite” around the world for close to sixty years, lock him up for life and hear barely a yawn from the public and surely not a peep from the Black community. But by the same token when we Blacks pronounce “Racism”, we get rocks and bricks thrown at us while being chased down the streets, for you see, it seems... there…. is…. this…. little…. fact; they feel we simply do not know what we are talking about. Sad?? You bet your Mama’s ol’ ragged girdle it is!
Why Gov. Paterson is Right: Race Will Cost Him His Job
Paterson sparked a fury when during an appearance on my buddy Errol Louis's radio program he inferred that his plunging support for re-election was due in part to his race. In his not entirely coherent remarks -- which are better heard than read -- he notes that fellow African-American Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts is also facing harsh criticism and daunting re-election prospects -- something Paterson sees as more than mere coincidence but proof that "We're not in the post-racial period." While I would agree with the Governor that talk of "post-racialism" is hooey, that is about the only thing in his statement that I can agree with. It pains me to write this post, in part because I do consider the Governor to be a smart, funny man who, on a personal note, has shown kindness to the friends I have who have worked for him (some of whom I presume may remove me from their Christmas card lists after reading this). But what pains me even more is seeing minorities who undermine the struggles of those who are facing real discrimination each and every day, by falsely claiming discrimination to save their own skin when it suits them.


Paterson's Doldrums Conundrum
For a moment there, Governor David Paterson parted the curtain and offered his theory on why state Democrats want him out: the color of his skin.
So that's one person's opinion. Fact is, nobody has a good explanation for Paterson's unpopularity. Ask around and people will struggle to tell you why he's barely treading lame-duck waters. Read Ben McGrath's recent New Yorker profile and you'll see that even Mayor Bloomberg is mystified by it.

Sweden: Editor Denies Anti-Semitism Charges, Gov't Refuses To Condemn Anti-Israel Article
Jan Helin, the editor-in-chief of the Swedish newspaper which printed an article accusing Israeli soldiers of killing Palestinians and harvested their organs, has denied he is anti-Semitic, Haaretz reports.
Helin said he was neither a Nazi nor an anti-Semite, and he allowed the publication of the article because he felt it posed a number of relevant questions.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Mr. President, we brung you to the dance…. (Update x2)

and now you are dancing and leaving with another.

I will never forget the wonderful diaries of volunteers who worked so hard to get Barack Obama elected President many times working under the most adverse of circumstances; being cursed at, being publicly humiliated, going out in bad weather, listening to tale after tale of woe, re-arranging personal schedules, raising hopes of people, depleting personal funds, etc., and being troubled right after the election with the hiring of Hillary and Rahm and these are the people critics are telling to shut up and sit down?? Tragic.
Losing Trust In Progressives?  Progressives Got Us Here!
by Bluejoy
There is on top of the rec list, a diary chastising us progressives for bitching.  In my effort to preserve political discourse, I will try to be mild, but, who the fuck do you think you are talking to?  I have been having this conversation all week and I am tired of it.!

As always,
Did Obama really build a grassroots movement or simply an election support group?

by don mikulecky
Comment to diarist don mikulecky from an Obama volunteer:

 From my point of view... (12+ / 0-)
I put in many hours volunteering to elect Obama and his Democratic majorities, to put whom I thought were the right people in charge of the government. I considered the election extremely important. It is always easier to get people to oppose something they don't like (e.g. 4 more years of a Republican in the WH) then to advocate aggressively for something.
I have little time to spare at this moment in my life for political activity, and for Christ's sake, we delivered them big enough majorities that they have the power, in theory, to push through a true liberal agenda virtually unimpeded. But what have they done so far? Basically a lot of compromised, watered-down, incremental BS, and the continuation of a lot of bad Bush policies, so I don't exactly feel inspired to go out and do activism and advocacy on behalf of the Obama agenda, which is what exactly? Is Obama willing to fight for the public option? Is Obama willing to take on the health insurance protection racket? Is he willing to take on the banks? Are we going to get financial system re-regulation with teeth? Are we going to get progressive taxation?
I am immeasurably glad that we have relatively sane people in charge of the government right now, who aren't likely to bomb Iran tomorrow, but the policies are still center-right, and it seems that Obama and this Congress are unwilling or unable to make the case for a decisive break from the dominant conservative/center-right paradigm of the last 30-some odd years, and then to take action in that direction, and it is hard for me to get excited about that, or to be part of a grassroots movement for cautious, incremental reform of the status quo. Just my two cents.

by ajpuckett on Sun Aug 23, 2009 at 06:43:51 PM PDT

(Update x2)
Diarist henry porter, yet another “dissatisfied customer”. WOW!
People like me.... and you!
by henry porter
"People like me are sick and tired of hearing how we need Republican support after we cleaned their clocks in House races, Senate races,  gubernatorial races and ...oh yeah... the race for the White House.  Remember "Elections have consequences"?  Now the shoe is on the other foot and you come to me asking for money because leadership lost the initiative?"!