Saturday, October 16, 2010

A successful media story

I’ve never said I could not be cynical; distrustful of human nature and motives. However, I must confess on some specific media stories, I am indeed cynical.

I am cynical about media driven stories that, in my opinion, make deliberate efforts to flush out the troubled amongst us. I suspect such a case involving the latest flavor of today which is bullying. Bullying is slowing mushrooming into a cottage industry artfully fanned by the media.

Another hot issue the media is presently successfully fanning is gay suicide and gay bashing.The media must have a separate account for reporters who seek out, write and push stories regarding gay suicides and gay bashing. I would not be a bit surprised if those reporters get lucrative bonuses or perhaps extended vacation time.

In recent memory, it was the media teaching/demonstrating the practice of water boarding that did not catch on as much as they would have liked. A reporter or two did not get the high-fives for their story not catching on. The media can not say it did not try.

I’ve never said I could not be cynical……
America and ‘built-in obsolescence’
I remember almost to the day when I first heard that phrase. It was many years ago when the Toyota car first hit American markets. The guys who worked on automobiles in back of their houses in the alley saw their businesses dwindling due to the fact they discovered automotive parts in the Toyota car far outlasted that same part in American cars. For their businesses, it was the handwriting on the wall. They examined the Toyota car as guys now do Ipods.

That bit of nostalgia leads me to a time when Australia refused to buy our beef and we retaliated by not buying their lamb. It was years before I could get any Australian lamb. At issue was the Australians objecting to us feeding hormones to our stock.

Now that bit of nostalgia pushes my memory even further…..
Empty boxcars to China
It was on television I saw a documentary showing long processions of fully loaded boxcars from China being loaded onto waterfront docks. It was a marvel to see how much stuff we get from China.

It was almost in the next scene the documentary showed piles of those now empty boxcars haphazardly stacked one upon the other in some desolate place as the announcer told us those boxcars were to contain American goods going to China. It was a marvel to see...
I am still vaiting…
Ms. Nancy Pelosi, Ms. Donna Edwards, true or false. Did you or did you not say you vere going to present legislation to deal vith Citizens United Vs. FEC? Just tell me, is that true or false? You’re squirming, I see. Are the ropes too tight? Are the lights too hot on you? They are blinding you, you say? Here, let me turn them down and you vill answer der question, yes?

As always,

Friday, October 15, 2010

Crème de la Crème of the Republican Senate

I speak of the two female Senators from Maine, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins.

What a thrill it would be seeing them watching Christine O’Donnell and Sharon Angle taking the Oath of Office to become U.S. Senators and immediately ushering them out of the chambers hovering under their wise wings to begin tutoring them on the ways of the Senate.

I will continue believing American heroes come from the most un-expected places and under the most un-expected circumstances. I’ve seen it happen too many times i.e., the 14 year old Black youth taking (stealing) a school bus during the Katrina floods picking up people and taking them to safety. Where is producer, director and film maker Spike Lee when you need him? This story could well be Black folks "Diary of Anna Frank".
As always,

How do you spell “Dignified?”

Sharon Angle (R) and Harry Reid (D) had a debate last night for the U.S.Senate seat of Nevada. Kudos to the moderator.

The contrast between the aura of this Nevada debate as compared to the Delaware debate featuring O’Donnell and Coons was, in a word, pitiful.

In my opinion, the Nevada debates made the Delaware debates look and smell as a huge heap of garbage exposed to the blistering sun for days on end. Another one with the same moderators would be dreadful.

As always,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Christine O’Donnell and Chris Coons

Christine and Chris had a debate last night for the Delaware Senate seat vacated by Vice Pres. Joe Biden.

In my opinion, Ms. O’Donnell did well on most of her answers and on others, my thoughts drifted into thinking maturation will take care of that issue with her. In other words, I do not feel Ms. O’Donnell has rigid ‘I shall not be moved’ opinions and answers.

I smiled several times as to her depth of knowledge on some issues and that she was re-gurgitating them ala Wikipedia.

If I were to say anything in the form of criticizing, I would suggest Ms. O’Donnell work on refraining from interrupting people as they speak. In my opinion, what is youthful exuberance on her part could be interpreted as hyper activity. I feel when you interrupt people in a formal setting while they are speaking, you in effect are saying, “(Pow!) Shut up! I can say that better than you can!” or “(Pow!) Shut up! What you are saying ain’t shit!”

I continue to appreciate the new vs. establishment and wish Ms. O’Donnell well. It would be a delight seeing her seated in the U.S. Senate learning and changing her mind as other Senators present new information.

Ah, youth! I remember it well!

As always,
P.S. Finally, I enjoyed the two different voice qualities (timbre) of the speakers and further suggest Ms. O’Donnell not flow into a duet with Mr. Coons. (Smile)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

San Jose Mines: Eighth Wonder of the World?

Now that the last person has been recovered from the infamous San Jose Mine in Chile, I am mindful hearing only once the other day that the mine may be sealed forever.

I hope an argument would be made the mine should stay preserved for humanity. I foresee scholars, archeologist, historians and the religiously inspired yet unborn justifying its continued existence.

I hope such an argument would make a relationship that the mine could become as revered as the site of Our Lady of Lourdes. I have a dream……
As always,

George Soros indicates ‘Disappointment’ with President and Democrats

Mr. Soros may feel as I do that if I helped financed your election and you continued making one stupid decision after another in choosing people in leadership roles and refusing, for whatever reason, to publicly justify your strategy, I too would ignore you as you begin once again holding out your begging bowl.

Further, it is a painful pill to swallow giving hard earned money away to short-sighted, ego driven people to squander i.e., Blanche Lincoln, Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Mary Landrieu, Harry Reid etc.

In both cases, the analogy of throwing small fish back into the water comes to mind due to the fact there’s nothing to work with.

The ‘Enthusiasm gap’ did not come from you working your ass off for the betterment of your country.
As always,

Soros Says He's 'Not In A Position' To Stop 'Avalanche'
By Gold_Panner
George Soros, the big money man for Barack Obama and the Democrat party is feeling pretty bummed out lately.
He admits in a recent interview that the Democrats are going to get slammed, perhaps as bad as history has ever shown a whooping to be.

Read more at:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chris Van Hollen stellar performance on C-Span

Mr. Van Hollen was on Washington Journal this morning. The word ‘flawless!’ comes to mind.

Mr. Van Hollen is a U.S. Rep. from Maryland who is also Chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

In my opinion, Mr. Van Hollen did Democrats proud this morning. How we pray there were more like him. His presentation revealed no hints of selfishness, hidden agendas or nefarious undertones. His answers to call-in questions were straight as an arrow exposing his crystal clear understanding of both the questions and the issues involved.

I recently resolved my ‘enthusiasm gap’ with the re-election of Gov. O’Malley and have now made peace with myself regarding the re-election of Mr. Van Hollen. I feel good!
As always,

Monday, October 11, 2010

Lawrence O’Donnell questions Alvin Greenes' humanity

Tonight on MSNBC, Mr. O’Donnell began an interview with U.S. Senate candidate Alvin Greene with two questions:

- "Are you a witch?"

- "Are you a turtle?"

Mr. Greene, to his credit, politely avoided answering both questions. In my opinion, this was bullying at its racist best.

I look forward to questions Mr. O’Donnell would be asking N.Y. mayoral contender Carl Paladino and congressional aspirant Rich Iott if they were to visit a show having a host that demonstrates such bad taste.

In my opinion, Mr. O’Donnell is just one more television host who could profit from a lesson or two from Larry King, a masterful interviewer.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Foreign money effecting our American elections (Update)

This morning on C-Span Washington Journal, I saw a film clip of Pres. Obama talking about, “…groups taking foreign money” to influence our elections. I have also heard the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a group headed by Karl Rove is also taking money from foreign countries to influence our elections. We are told the contributors can not be identified until after elections to which I say, ‘BS!’

The prolong anonymity places certain countries in suspect. The simple question is ‘what country or countries want our country to once again be controlled by Republicans?’ Would one or more of the countries be Haiti, Finland, Israel, Egypt, China or India?

In my opinion, if the press and the President go as far as alerting us of confirmed cases wherein foreign entities are making efforts to influence our elections, we, as well as the people of those countries, should know who it is. This is not brain surgery. It is good common sense and would demonstrate the spot-on transparency we were promised unless, of course, the information is supposed to be received and internalized as another (ahem) suspicious and always timely Bin Laden tape.
As always,
P.S. I repeat,what foreign country would so approve the conduct of Karl Rove that it would send money to him to influence our elections?

(Update) DNC Makes Major Ad Buy Accusing Chamber Of Potentially 'Stealing' Election
Sam Stein
The committee is airing a spot on national cable this coming week that turns an already harsh spotlight on the roles being played by former Bush strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie in addition to the Chamber of Commerce. Pivoting off reports that the business lobby has used foreign donations for its campaign activities, the spot ends with fairly conspicuous if not ominous shot of Chinese currency being stacked up -- ostensibly for use against Democratic candidates.
Read more at: