Saturday, March 28, 2009

The elderly taxed out of our homes (Update)

-Hello, is this “My Mortgage Company and Other Thieves?”
-Yes it is. What can I do for you?
-My name is Mr. BB and I want to talk about my monthly mortgage payments going up.
-Mr. BB! You’re not dead yet? Just kidding, just kidding!
-Well, I am 72 this year.
-That’s what I’m talking about. Most 72 year old people are dead! Just kidding, just kidding! And you’re not in jail with OJ either?
-Who am I speaking to? Are you “My Mortgage Company” or “Other Thieves?”
-I’m “Other Thieves!”
-Well, Mr. Other Thieves, my monthly payment has gone up and it has gone up quite a bit.
-Let’s see now, Mr. BB. ~OK. I see. If you pay me right now $150 for your Escrow Account Deficit, you will just have to pay me $8.32 more a month.
- That’s what I am talking about. That’s $8.32 a month. That’s almost $100 more a year. Where would I get that kind of money?
- It may be cheaper for you to die, now wouldn’t it? Just kidding, just kidding!
- None of my monthly checks gives me that much more money a year. I can pay the $150 Escrow amount today. Will that help? Will that help me, Mr. Other Thieves?
-No! I’m telling you, Mr. BB, if you pay me $150 today, your monthly payments would still be $8.32 more a month. Now if you don’t pay me the $150 today, your monthly payments to me would be $20.98 more a month. Now say, you die you wouldn’t have to pay me anything at all and your house would be up for sale.
-….and supposing I may not be able to pay the $150 Escrow amount next year and the years to come?
-Now you’re getting the picture, Mr. BB. If you don’t pay the Escrow amount for this year, we would have to add that Escrow money to your monthly payment every month and that means you would not be paying $8.32 more a month but $20.98 more a month. That comes to $251.76 a year.
- Mr. Other Thieves! In a few years, I would not be able to stay in my house. I think, I think I’m going to die.
- I thought you would eventually see it my way, Mr. BB.
-Thank you so much Mr. Other Thieves and Good-bye.
-Mr. BB?
- RIP. That means “Rest in Peace”.
- Thank you, Sir. You are so kind.
As always,
- Hello, Mr. Other Thieves, this is Mr. BB. I just got my retirement check today and I am getting $40.00 more a month. That’s over $400 a year!
-It said Pres. Obama changed the Federal Tax Rates so now I am getting more money on my check. It said:

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, signed by President Obama, changed the Federal Tax rate. The new tables may result in less federal tax being withheld from your benefit payment. These changes are effective with and are reflected in this payment.

Isn’t that good news, Mr. Other Thieves, isn’t it?
-Yeah! I suppose.
-Now I will be able to pay the $150 Escrow Deficit for a few more years to come. Praise the Lord!
-Yeah! Just as you say, Mr. BB. Praise the Lord. Is that all you called me to say?
-Yes Sir. I thought you would like to share my good news with me.
- (Click)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Children farting in the classroom

I do not know for sure why children fart in the classroom. There could be many reasons but there is one thing I know for sure; they usually fart in the middle of a good lesson. I am not familiar with them farting in the gym class while playing games nor on the playground or during a live football game. Although it may also happen in those places, I have not heard of it and I think the almost universal practice is farting occurs in the classroom. I am, of course, relating to the structured classroom. Apparently that is where the joy lies.

Sometimes a teacher could consider expelling gas an accident wherein I would say, “Some students are still trying to get hold of their sphincter muscles.” and go on with my lesson. However, there are some students that want what could be considered an accident of nature to be deliberately interpreted into the negative. There is always a faint smile on their little ignorant faces giving themselves a round of applause for a job well done. That's what exposes their intent. This is instead of their faces turning red - and yes, you can also tell when Black folks faces turn red- and perhaps burying their faces in their arms on their desk.

As an example, were I to posit the President and his cabinet members as delivering lessons to the American public, I would consider this, Tammy Bruce Calls The Obamas "Trash In The White House" a fart. As another example, I would consider a colleague of David Schuster who, on a show he monitored this early afternoon, making a remark about Michael Steele “tap-dancing” a fart and I must hastily record David Schuster setting the stage for such a trashy response from his un-lady like friend.

Finally, there was the fart heard and smelled around the world, “I hope the President fails!” farted by the master class farter himself, Rush Limbaugh. Now it is you send these farters to the principal’s office and “wah-la!” as quick as you can say “Jack Rabbit” or breath a sigh of fresh air, they are back in your classroom oftentimes, this time, with a blushed-cheek triumphal grin on their little un-socialized faces.

As long as President Obama and his cabinet members deliver good lessons, we will have the class farters. What’sa teacher to do?
As always,
P.S. Many times and outside of the classroom, I have noticed TV commentators encouraging farts from both their audience and their guest. So un-lady like. So un-gentlemanly.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Geithner’s little light is shining today!

The hearings today staring Mr. Geithner has started off with smashing questions and answers. Mr. Barney Frank set a nice tone giving us some history of finances and regulations at the beginning of the hearings. I strongly suspect with Pres. Obama in office, people no longer fear doing their very best over and beyond the call of duty. In other words, it's OK to be smart and if you happen to be brilliant, go for it! A wonderful thing to witness.
As always,

Bobby Jindal, the Republicans and APAC

* On March 24th, Mr. Jindal, Republican Governor of Louisiana, deliver a speech to the Republican National Committee and I heard a re-broadcast this early morning on C-Span Radio.

In my opinion, the speech was very well crafted and delivered with such above average fervor and articulation I would, without question, call it breathtaking. I asked myself, “Is this the same little Bobby Jindal I heard last month muddling through a speech in the hallway of his home?” And Yes, it was the same Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana. As I said, it was breathtaking.

His speech grabbed hold of my mind in the manner that only a brainwashing speech does to me. I recognized the grip and it is the grip I have avoided of late ever since the Israeli Army started its massacre of the Palestinian people on the Gaza strip in December of last year. I turn off all news and talk regarding Israel. I kid you not. I do not like the feeling. It really and honestly upsets me. So why was I getting this feeling from a speech delivered by Gov. Jindal? What was he saying that was making me so highly suspicious of his speech? What was the propaganda my mind was warning me of? Why the red flags?

After focusing in on the speech a little closer, I heard the words socialist and money. Money the United States was about to spend with the passage of the Spending Bill now before Congress. We Blacks were told long ago by Dick Gregory or one of his contemporaries to always follow the money. They would say following the money trail would give you a cornucopia of answers and I believe that to be true.

I concluded from my experiences only APAC can make a politician talk like I heard Gov. Jindal speaking. A speech so important in Israel’s favor. It was then the Governor’s speech began making sense to me for I concluded Israel has fears of losing America’s financial assistance. If America is tightening her belt, setting her sails for her survival, she may no longer be able to keep a dinky in tow. She eventually may not be able to afford it. The dinky, of course, being Israel’s three billion dollars a year in addition to spending a bunch of money by giving her military equipment as she continues making people hate us through her aggressions. Not willing to get along with her neighbors. Does she in turn sell our military equipment to other countries? I know the UN Charter says we have to support Israel for not letting her citizens come into our country. That was over sixty years ago and it’s everyman (Country?) for himself these days. We learned that from the Wall Street boys.

And so I say “Kudos!” to the good Gov. Jidal. “Your speech was a masterpiece!” And like the masterpiece “Mona Lisa” everybody has their opinion regarding the look on her face. America is singing a new song now. Rather, a new old song:

There’s a change in the weather
There’s a change in the sea
From now on
There’ll be a change in me.

Or as Tevia said to his wife in Fiddler On The Roof, “It’s a new world, Goldie!”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Mr. Jindal and the others must understand there will be plenty more Budget Bills long before their projected doom and gloom day eight to ten years from now. There is a plan now that can be changed and modified as needed. BWT, this morning when asked about the Republican’s Budget Plan, I heard Sen. Cantor on C-Span saying the Republicans will unveil their Budget Plan when the Democratic version goes to the Senate floor. In other words, they are going to be “Winging it” on the Senate floor. Duh!

* Bobby Jindal Speech Text: Criticizes Obama, Both Parties
February 24, 2009 04:42 PM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The President both walking and chewing gum (Update)

Republicans To Attack Obama For Walking And Chewing Gum
* “Okay, this is interesting. The chief spokesperson for GOP Senate Leader Mitch McConnell just said in an interview that leading Republicans are going to ratchet up their criticism of the Obama administration for releasing too many big plans on the economy — with too little sense of how they mesh with or impact each other.”

From what I understand, the President could both walk and chew gum when tapped on the shoulder to become editor of the Harvard Law Review after his first year and president of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his second year. He probably was chewing gum while walking on stage as Magda Cum Laude of his graduating class in 1991. It appears walking and chewing gum at the same time was our President’s training wheels.

Take note, non-gum chewers of the world! While stocks are rock bottom cheap, put an investment in what appears to be the hidden powers of chewing gum. If a person can walk, you have a potential winning combination selling them chewing gum. Perhaps an investor should seriously consider a chewing gum Kios on some of our college and university campuses. The full time students would be the targeted market. Walking and chewing gum with a 12 to 15 hour college load and ace’n all their courses is worth looking into. Worth a try. What can you lose? I can hear the rhetoric now; “Leave your non-gum chewing and knuckle crawling opponents in the dust!” or “Let your critics continue falling asleep in their one or two classes they take each semester”. “Let’em slep. Don’t woke’em! while you discover the power of chewing gum and walking!”

Perhaps a group should consider sending certain members of congress chewing gum or giving free sample at the entrance when they are coming to work. Maybe a good project for the Pink Ladies. Hell, here in America we could have a chewing gum bonanza!. Long live chewing gum and walking!
As always,

P.S. I’ve just finished watching the President’s news conference and now the pundits are evaluating the speech. I am not too much interested in what they have to say due to the fact they are increasingly showing me they do not or can not chew gum and walk at the same time. So mono-thematic, so to speak. Sad.
*by BarbinMD
Tue Mar 24, 2009 at 10:37:57 AM PDT

(Update: A spot on comment to BabinMD diary)asdf (0+ / 0-)

given that repubs cannot walk and chew at the same time, I tire of their excessive whinning about how they can't keep up. I hope people see this for what it is, their inability to deal with many deep issues at the same time. I think this is a great strategy by the Obama administration throw everything at them at the same time. Escpecially since we the people are facing multi issues everyday and are finally getting many things addressed at once. I don't think the democrats have a very good handle on this either, maybe its an age thing. Younger folks used to operating in many different mediums at different levels, in real tenar on Tue Mar 24, 2009 at


So apparently . . . (2+ / 0-)
5 months ago he was too inexperienced to be President but now he is doing too much?
The War Against Terror
by TheUnderground on Tue Mar 24,

Monday, March 23, 2009

Jumping ship with gold bricks and money bags

They’ve gone. They could not take the land with them nor the human spirit. Granted, it is a setback regardless of the length and proportion but now there will be peace in our land, happy well educated children and smiling toothless old men and women. What is the price of well-being? The price of having a government you respect and respects you back? We have work to do.

The true joys of America has been born and in time, some of our children will be able to dive deep into those oceans to recover our sunken treasures. For you see, the ship jumpers were so loaded down most of them drowned. They drowned with all their heavy load of gold bricks and money bags. They could not stay afloat. They had no place to go.

The G20 is talking about devaluing or replacing portions of the dollar with the Russian currency or the Euro. For those considerations to even be on the table tells me our bond rating is in serious trouble and is being kept from the public. The G20 may know something we don't know. When I saw Blacks in Connecticut with full knowledge of what is going on and with the absence of vicious dogs and hostile fire hoses, my spirit was at ease.

So Shhhh. Hush, child. Don’t’ fret. They’re gone and we are not alone. We have our land and our spirit. Our human spirit.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Hard Not To Call It Evil
by buhdydharma
Sun Mar 22, 2009 at 03:46:43 PM PDT
According to people who should know, The Ruling Class is using our money....draining our money, the money we use to survive and feed our children and to actual produce things, to rescue the very structure...that allows them to BE The Ruling Class. The structures that enable them to Rule us by controlling credit, capital, and our pensions and IRA's and 401k's.
And our regulatory agencies and politicians. And so by extension our military. Which is then used in the service and interests of The Ruling Class and their Party of Business, the GOP.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The look of learning.

When the President was giving his Town Hall Meeting in California last Thursday, I was struck by the look on the faces of the group of people sitting behind him on the stage.

The gentle smiles, the occasional nod of approval and the various body languages are some of the things we teachers witness while teaching. That’s when we know we are ‘struttin’’ our stuff’. That is when we know we have a good lesson and learning is taking place. It is those three elements, and perhaps a few more, that sends out an aura to you as the teacher. It is an energy your audience sends to you. You can feel it! There is no mistaking the energy emitting from your audience. When those rock stars yell from the stage, “I feel you!” they know what they are saying and so does their audience. Sometimes those good vibes come in massive waves and I am mindful of the concerts of Michael Jackson as one instance of what I am talking about. The audience i.e, responding to both the words THEY CAN HEAR AND UNDERSTAND and the music. The same things happened with the Beatless; the audience responding to both clearly articulated words and music.

I use to ask my students “Where is the joy of the song if you can not understand the words?” I would further employ them not to feel bad if all their friends are raving about a song in which they themselves can not understand what the singer is saying. I usually get one of those “gentle smiles” from some of the students when I would say that. They would send me a flash energy smile of “I understand, Mr. BB.” The flash smile being an inaudible applause. A smile has energy, no matter how gentle and how brief. I saw this too on the faces of the people sitting on the stage at the President‘s town hall meeting in California.

In my opinion, the novice teacher gets the vibes of nervousness from his audience. He is nervous and so is his audience. The more skills the novice develops and the more command he has over his subject matter, that vibe from his audience gradually disappears and you get the look of the audience sitting behind the President in California last Thursday evening.

Pres. Obama is getting better and better in teaching his audience. He has now entered the stage wherein he is breaking down the meaning of words he feels will prevent his audience from a total understanding of an issue. That’s a conscious skill to develop. When you are using a word that took you awhile to understand, why assume your audience already knows it? One of the first tenets of teaching is to go from the known to the unknown.

If appropriate foundations are not prepared, you run the risk, the “I promise you risk” of losing your audience. How can your audience be with you if you are assuming they know the definition of each new word coming minute by minute into the lexicon with each new major political issue? That is not the way a teacher thinks. They do not make those arrogant assumptions and most definitely not a position to take when talking to a group of mixed audience. Surely, making those assumptions when speaking to a specific group of people can be justified but not the general public.

President Obama is getting better in his teaching skills when addressing the general public as he should. He is an intelligent, open minded person always willing to learn new things himself. A good teacher welcomes a learning experience as well as teaching new experiences. The is one of the many joys of teaching; simultaneously teaching and learning. I miss it, dammit!

At the town hall meeting last Thursday, I was pleased Pres. Obama learned how to call on people in the audience. It takes one time, one time only, mind you, when a student yells out in your class, “You always call on girls” or “You never call on me!” for you to learn that lesson and woe be unto you if it comes out in the counselor’s office with the student registering his dismay with your class.

Although the accusation may or may not be true, it is a sobering experience to know there are people making all sorts of excuses not to learn. A true phenomenon. Of course there are other interpretations of why the student is making those accusations but sitting there in the counselor’s office, in your embarrassment you are angry. With whom you are angry are questions that are a part of the foundations that makes a good teacher; no mis-placed anger.

Finally, there is the home-work phase of teaching. During the primaries, the President gave us the assignment of helping him carrying out his program. He told us it would not be easy. He told us we could become public servants, for example, by joining the Peace Corp and there will be more. He has to be very pleased how we responded to the AIG bail out debacle. That’s a teacher’s reward; the pleasures of a job well done and not the money. I miss it, dammit!
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I don’t feel like ‘writing’ which includes editing. Just want to record a stream of consciousness. It’s almost 3:00 AM. Feels good. Writing can be hard at times. I envy writers who have editors. (Smile)

Related reading:
Taking The Pulse Of The American People
by DemFromCT
Sat Mar 21, 2009 at 09:46:03 AM PDT