Saturday, January 31, 2009

America, how’s your bond rating? (Update)

I had a disturbing flash-back yesterday morning hearing on C-Span American Enterprise Institute Resident Scholar ALAN VIARD touching briefly on America’s bond ratings as if we do not have enough problems already. The flash-back was something I heard former D.C. Mayor Marian Berry say regarding bond ratings of Washington, D.C. He said that when the people elect a Black Mayor of a city, the entire business infrastructure leaves the cities thereby significantly reducing its bond ratings. At the time of his statement, he was Mayor of Washington, D.C. and, as I remember there were only about two or three other Black Mayors of big cities.
-Please go on, BB.
-Are you promoting some kind of theory you have?
-Yes. Sounds that way to me also. Go on, BB. Please.
I did not think or know bond ratings reached the levels of countries being rated for bond issues, but when I think about it, that has to be a part of having U.S. sanctions. Along with the sanctions, the country would also have a lower bond rating. Are we about to get a taste of our own medicine? I understand “a spoonful of sugar” helps the medicine go down.
-That was funny. " A spoonful of sugar…"
- yeah. Not original, you know.
-I know that!
I do not know the agency that gives you bond ratings nor do I know the check-list involved but if the good Mr. Viard even mentioned the possible jeopardizing of our bond ratings with our current financial situation, someone has to go run’n tell it.
-Well BB, do you feel you have to be the one to, as you say, “Run’n tell it?”
-Yes, BB. Why do you think you have to be the one?
- And do you feel….‘chosen?’
Ever since Sen. Obama was leading in the popular polls, America’s corporations were packing their bags and the ones who did not have the money to leave were given money to leave by the foxes guarding our hen house treasury so they could also pack their bags. Moving to Israel settlements or Dubai, it does not matter. Leaving America just as they left cities when a Black became mayor of a major city.
-He’s not listening to us, Sid.
-Yes I know. He's ignoring us now. Mind drifting.
Enough of the bond issue. I understand the GOP has just elected an African-American as Chairman. Mr. Michale Steele. That would give us two Blacks in powerful political positions in America whose parents were raised on Soul Food.
-What’s that? What did he say?
And I posit if there is any difference between the races in the world, it is due to the fact people of color eat “Peasant Food” and in America, they call it “Soul Food”. All of our prominent Blacks from Martin Luther King to Barack Obama had parents eating foods and combinations of foods unlike whites. Soul Food, if you will.
-Is the man crazy or what?
-Could be early stages of dementia. You know, losing touch with reality?
-I gotta sleep on that one, Marsha.

Also on the C-Span program yesterday morning was the delightful and extremely knowledgeable JOY WILSON of the National Conference of State Legislatures Federal Affairs Counsel reminding us the Stimulus Package is correctly named “The Stimulus Recovery Package”. Ouch! I also note California is getting the lion’s share of the recovery money. Wanna guess who is a Senate representative from California? I’ll give you a hint; she helped write the bill.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
(Update) Worsening financial crisis. Will this kind of information contribute to our bond issues? I really do not know. Very disturbing. A new Homeland Security fear?

The Financial Crisis Is Driving Hordes of Americans to Suicide: Pushed past their breaking points, people are robbing banks to pay the rent, setting homes on fire -- even taking their own lives.
The body count is still rising. For months on end, marked by bankruptcies, foreclosures, evictions, and layoffs, the economic meltdown has taken a heavy toll on Americans. In response, a range of extreme acts including suicide, self-inflicted injury, murder, and arson have hit the local news. By October 2008, an analysis of press reports nationwide indicated that an epidemic of tragedies spurred by the financial crisis had already spread from Pasadena, California, to Taunton, Massachusetts, from Roseville, Minnesota, to Ocala, Florida.
And full article

Friday, January 30, 2009

Blagojevich: “No good deed…..”

(I let this post sit around for awhile trying to get more unity to it but all I come up with were additional sentences and sound bites so I’m going to let it fly as-is. In music circles it would be called a “Caprice” and in the Blogosphere it is call a “Rant”.)
The entire statement is “No good deed goes unpunished”. And in the case of Gov. Blagojevich and the proud moments he has enjoyed in his career, I will concede his destiny to that of Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

Personally, my most disturbing issues is the fact many people, including some television personalities, would kill Gov. Blagojevich themselves for no other reason than not liking him. We have witnessed on the Gaza strip whole families of people murdered and Americans dare not utter a peep for fears of being labeled anti-Semitic; we have witnessed the shameless thief of our government's treasury and nobody says or does anything of significance and *one additional concern. We have witnessed all of us enjoying full American citizenship that in eight short years that citizenship has suddenly made us suspected criminals so who would give a shit about the murder of a little Jewish governor from Illinois? Unquestionably what has disturbed me most regarding the Blagojevich saga is the shameless hatred! I know Mr. Mandela is not dead, murdered, but a dollar to donuts there are still some people in quarters of South Africa……

Listening to Gov. Blagojevich this afternoon (Thursday) addressing the Illinois Senate, I thought, “How many people sitting in jail cells now wish they had not kept quiet as instructed by their lawyers? How many wish they did not have to be a ‘Johnny Come Lately’ by having to write a book after the court case or sitting in jail crying their hearts out to Nancy Grace on her show? How many people who are in the position will now go public as soon as they can before their court case comes up?” Hello? Yes? Is that you Karl? Fancy meeting you here. Hurry along now, you doesn’t want to keep Mr. Conyers waiting now, do you? (Smile)
As always,
P.S. I tip my hat once again to Gov. Blagojevich and wish him God’s grace, blessings and speed. In my opinion, he truly fought a gallant battle!
*NYC Budget Axe To Carve Out $1 Billion
Slew Of New Taxes On Tap, Higher Fees For Services, Plastic Bag Charge; City Workforce To Lose 23,000 Jobs
City Employees To Pay Part Of Healthcare; Pension Reform

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Does the President continue…..

allowing Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to write his legislations? You don't jump out of bed and write a Congressional Bill between taking a shower and brushing your teeth.

I think Republicans bent over backwards today and yesterday with verbal adulations of the President with the appearance of stabbing him in his back this evening with their Stimulus Package Vote. All 178 Republicans voted against it! I was not prepared for such a defeat but after hearing earlier in the day the Republicans are calling the Stimulus Bill the Nancy Pelosi Bill did it all come together for me.

Behind those closed doors yesterday when the President was meeting with the Republicans, I would bet my mortgage payment they told him how badly Nancy and Harry had written the bill. And hearing more and more about the contents of the bill yesterday and this evening, I agree with them.

In my opinion, the President should not have to suffer the humiliation of presenting his bills to his opponents, constituents or anybody for that matter having them ridiculed due to the incompetence of its authors. He should have the pride of a new father when presenting one of his legislations. He should have enriched confidence it is reasonable, responsible, coherent and above reproach. A thing of beauty, it you will. This is what we expect of him and nothing less. Nothing less, you hear!? To think a man of his statue and background having people making fun of and rejecting proposals he makes to Congress due to something he can control is horrifying!

In a way, that shit also represents me and we Black folks get mighty hot under the collar as to who represents us. That Stimulus Package does not say nice things about me! I’ll not have it! Bye Nancy, bye Harry! To be explicit, Good-bye and please, pretty please, I beg of you to allow me the pleasure of calling you.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gate, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. It was about two years ago I saw a letter Nancy had written and wrote a post about the appearance of writing illiteracy. As I remember, I made a comparison between her letter and one written by Pres. Ahmandinejad to Pres. Bush. Pres. Bush did not reply. I have never seen a letter written by Pres. Bush. My last chance was the one he left on the new President’s desk. Darn!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The President seeks out Republican intellectuals?

I would think there are few parents, if any, who would let their teen age children write the family budget. That is the way I perceive Democrats writing bills. I am mindful of past bills like the inequality and draconian drug laws, the "Three strikes your out” laws and most recently, the “Banking Bail Out” legislation.

To call Democrats “Incompetent” as a body of people would be kind.

As a party, they did absolutely nothing to help the President get elected that I could see. All the work was done by volunteers. I still have strong feelings how the party left Sen. Obama and the volunteers fining for themselves during both the primaries and the general election. I am mindful neither Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid nor Rahm Emanuel endorsed him in the primaries nor in the general. There is a lot they could have done and I articulated some them in previous post during the time. They left him and his volunteers moving that mountain by their lonesome not having, I honestly hope, the intellectual motivation to help them. And they didn’t! Pres. Bush did more to help by staying out of it. He may have been grinning with the amusement of Nero watching the whole process unfold.

So it is with now Pres. Obama entrusting them to write one of the most important legislations of his administration to date. I would suspect the President recollects the sloppy work they did on the “Banking Bail Out” bill by not even embedding into the bill the most basic of instruments when you either loan or give people money and that is accountability. When a parent or grand-parent gives children money, the first thing they do is put restrictions on it and then have a follow-up conversation with them.

One good thing about having an opponent is they will keep you on the straight and narrow and tell you how it is every move you make. On that you can bet your mortgage payment. Under those circumstances, I find it wise of President Obama to let his opponents, the Republican Party, take a look-see at what his party is proposing as legislation seeking their feed-back. I am listening closely to some of the break down of the Stimulus Package as articulated by the Republicans regarding millions for sod for the mall in Washington, D.C. and contraceptives for citizens as a stimulus to our economy. I repeat; In my opinion, it is very wise of President Obama to seek Republican input. With him not knowing all the ins and outs of how Congress works, I salute him for the way he is handling his Stimulus Package. You go, Mr. President!
As always,
P.S. I was impressed with the contrast between the Republican and Democratic representatives discussing the Stimulus Package on the Chris Matthew show this evening.
(Reprise) Irregardless what Gov. Blagojevich says, in my opinion he is Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald’s Sister Souljah.

Blagojevich just loves hisself some colored folks

-Guess what, Molly. That nigger lover just said he even considered Oprah Winfrey for that damn senate seat.

My thanks to Larry King. He just gets everybody to tell all their business. Barbara Walters tried to get Gov. Blagojevich to “tell all” earlier in the day but it took the old master himself Larry King to succeed where she failed and failed she did. The word sloppy comes to mind.

Regarding Gov. Blagojevich, I take the position he deeply feels he is being mis-treated. Treated unfairly. From my experiences with students in the elementary and middle-school, no one fights more vehemently than a student feeling he is being treated unfairly. I am mindful of classic cases of the Black “boy” accused of stealing the white teacher’s wallet from her purse only to find it in the teacher’s lounge. He can literally tear up your room or office defending himself and he will until you really listen to him between his sobs and tears at which point he is hating you with all his little heart and soul. True, the governor is not a child but I am only making the point to highlight an element of human behavior as I see it.

After Gov. Blagojevich’s appearance on the Larry King show, this is what I have come up with:

*Days before Gov. Blagojevich was charged with trying to sell President-elect Barack Obama's U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder, top Senate Democrat Harry Reid made it clear who he didn’t want in the post: Jesse Jackson, Jr., Danny Davis or Emil Jones.
Rather, Reid called Blagojevich to argue he appoint either state Veterans Affairs chief Tammy Duckworth or Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, sources told the Chicago Sun-Times.

Running in the primaries, Tammy Duckworth was shunned by Rahm Emanuel. I understand it was due to her stance on the Iraq War. So here you have Harry Reid not wanting the three Blacks and Rahm Emanuel not wanting the female. What to do, you ask? They put the word out loud and clear they would not accept anyone Gov. Blagojevich is considering to replace the seat vacated by the now Pres.-elect Obama. This was supposed to be “Check-mate!” for the good governor but the crafty governor is used to bureaucratic check-mates. He knows how to get around them and does not feel intimidated. After all, he went around the system securing free rides on public transportation for senior citizens; getting senior citizens reduced drugs from Canada; getting free mammograms with appropriate follow up consultations and medical treatment for poor women. Oh, least I forget, he also raised the minimum wage. For him, the “fix” was in:

- (Illinois beaurocrats)
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the cauldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blindworm's sting,
Lizard's leg and howlet's wing.
For charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.
Double,double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and couldron bubble.

Since Gov. Blagojevich confessed to Larry he did not want to take the vacated senate seat, I believe him. As he said, taking the seat himself would have been the easiest thing for him to do, and I believe that too. It is my opinion Gov. Blagojevich used a lot of LBJ’s arm twisting tactics to get things done in his state of Illinois.

-Listen Doc, you want funds for the hospital? Tell the Senate I want bill #C20334 passed to get reduced medicines for senior citizens. I will hold up the funds until you do that. This bill is important for the seniors. I have heard their complaints loud and clear.
- (To the editors) I want the editorial board to run some Op-eds supporting my bill #C20334 to get reduced medicines for senior citizens. Don’t let me have to get ugly and start tearing my hair out! I know you are still angry I was the first governor to support Sen. Obama but let it go, won’t you? Yes, I know you wanted me to support your guy but I didn’t. So there! Now about that Op-ed and when can I see the first installment?

Sorry Barbara. It’s not that you did not have enough time with Gov. Blagojevich this morning. It has to do with that little something called “Skill!”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S.(Mumble) Some people take that Affirmative Action shit too far. (Smile)

*Reid pressured Blagojevich not to appoint Jackson Jr. to Obama’s U.S. Senate seat,harry-reid-blagojevich-jesse-jackson-010209.article

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Republicans: Skunks at the garden party?

Sen. John McCain said on TV this morning he is not going to vote for the stimulus package in its present form. That’s fine. My problem with him is questioning what he is doing in the mean time before the stimulus package comes up for a vote if he already knows he is not going to vote “Aye”. How is he spending his Senatorial time?

Sen. John Boehner, Minority House Leader who voted for the bank bail-out, admits he opposes the stimulus package; “..the size of the package and all of the spending”. I ask how is he productively spending the tax payer’s money from his state of Ohio? Playing billiards with John McCain or the both of them spending their time going into offices of Democrats with a feigned “Hello, we just dropped by. What’s up?”

Those two guys remind me of the neighborhood Nosy Wart always looking out her window criticizing everything her neighbors do. You wonder when she cleans her house. You never see new furniture or packages come to her home; never a plumber or handyman and she cuts her own grass and trims her hedges. Ever vigilantly watching for movement of any kind for fear of missing something she feels is important. Her lawn and hedges do look good, one has to admit!

Personally, at this stage of our country’s development, I would like to see Republicans do their own thing. Since Sen. Boehner voted for the bank bail-out, he should direct his minions to investigate that issue and report to the American people. In my opinion, there is a lot he could do with that issue alone. Let the Democrats do their thing and meet them in the well to iron out differences. My point is to stop wasting tax payer’s time and money. If we have a two party system, do a two party thing: You mind your business and let the other party mind theirs. You work on separate issues that interest you letting them work on issues that interest them. You meet on the floor, present your opus and let Democracy do its thing. Everytime the Democrats decide to have a lawn party, Republicans should stop being the proverbial skunk. They should stay in their burrow, raising and making plans for the future of their off-springs, whatever they are called. "Little skunks," you say? Nah! I was hoping they would be called something a little more exotic. (Smile)
As always,

I stand for Gov. Blagojevich

The man said, “If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything”. In my opinion, Gov. Blagojevich is “something” due to the fact he gave us an intelligent, bright and articulate African-American Senator from the state of Illinois. He is “Something” due to the fact there are many others believing he is something and who are willing to speak up on his behalf. He is “Something” due to the fact there are so many personalities in vindictive opposition to him with desires to render him “Nothing”.

There is a reason this country has been frozen in its racist shame for hundreds of years and it is due to the fact there were and are no abundance of whites willing to do what Gov. Blagojevich did. Thus is the way of the “Nigger lover”. One who dares seeing beneficial attributes in a Black and pushes him forward. In this case, Gov. Blagojevich pushed African-American Roland Burris forward at great peril to his career. It appears Mr. Blagojevich has to be punished and punished severely for what he did. He is the example, the poster child if you will, for all other whites who may have the power and similar thoughts of promoting a Black and who should take serious notice of the plight of Gov. Blagojevich.

Mr. Patrick Fitzgerald was so comfortable in his career he took on the nefarious task of destroying Mr. Blagojevich’s career for being a “Nigger lover”. Mr. Fitzgerald’s career is so solid he could do what he did to Mr. Blagojevich with mere allegations and we have not heard from him since. Not a peep! There was talk of releasing tapes. There are no tapes to date! Just the twists and turns of the original allegations. Nothing new that I have heard.

Gov. Blagojevich’s lawyer abandoned him when he needs him most. This does not say nice things about his lawyer. I know it happens many times but I still think it does not bode well for the lawyer. With all the time you invest in one, he leaves you at the alter. Shame! So stands Gov. Blagojevich with no lawyer and forbidden by Illinois law to have witnesses on his behalf. Under such a circumstance, his case will be the proverbial Ham Sandwich.

It is my opinion Gov. Blagojevich is defending himself the best way he can. If he has to use a metaphor to do so, so be it but to call the man “Crazy” with copious synonyms is cruel and unusual punishment but then, what else do you do with a “Nigger lover?” Hang him? Well, this is America. It has happened before.
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-Span and the spirits of the unborn for the help,