Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haiti: Strange behavior for doctors (Update)

I turned in CNN-TV just in time to hear Dr. Sanjay Gupta telling show host Wolf Blitzer that doctors at the make-shift hospital he was visiting just got message to pack up their equipment and leave. Dr. Gupta was not able to give Wolfe answers to the several questions he was asking as to reasons why the doctors were leaving. Dr. Gupta did, however, manage to say they got orders from the UN to vacate immediately due to the fact there was impending danger. A UN truck was already waiting to pick up the doctors and the equipment.

Later on this evening on the Anderson Cooper Show, I saw Dr. Gupta alone in the make-shift tent hospital with no medical resources tending about twenty five patients.

For a group of doctors to suddenly abandon an assignment they were sent to participate in is, in my opinion, downright weird! That is, of course, if they were REAL doctors. I wonder as I wander……
As always,
P.S. I hope Dr. Gupta’s heroic deed is appropriately addressed by Pres. Obama and the Congress.

(Update) On a special show Sunday, Dr. Gupta informed us Dr. Gert Gijs, head of the Belgian team of doctors who abandoned the site, confessed to making the decision to leave by his lonesome. He was not ordered to do so by the UN. Also, I understand the time-frame is closing for nominations for the Nobel Peace Awards. I hope someone in the right position would submit the names of Dr. Gupta, Anderson Cooper and CNN for their coverage of the Earthquake in Haiti with love.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Haiti: There are facts (Update)

*Pg. 20
“As punishment for creating the first free republic in the Americas…… the new Republic of Haiti was met with global economic embargo imposed by the United States and Europe. The embargo was straightened by a further demand from France for financial reparations of roughly $21 billion (2004 dollars) as compensation from the newly free slaves for denying France the further benefit of owning them. It became the first time in history that reparations would be imposed by a defeated nation on the nation that had defeated it.”

“As late as 1915, 111 years after the successful slave revolt, some 80 percent of the Haitian government’s resources were being paid out in debt service to French and American banks on loans that had been made to enable Haiti to pay reparations to France.”

Pg. 47
“On February 7, 2003, the President raised the country’s national minimum wage from thirty-five gourds to seventy gourds (US$2) a day. The initiative touched off a firestorm of protest.” as well as a firestorm when Pres. Aristide wanted to strike the name “Peasant” from birth certificates of rural Blacks. (Pg. 38) and wanted to take his people “from misery to poverty with dignity." (Pg. 60)

Between pgs. 152-153, there was a group identified as “Group 184” working to outs Pres. Aristide and 7,500 elected officials from Haiti. On pg. 204, Sec. Of State Colin Powell proclaimed in a press release that Pres. Aristide voluntarily got on the plane to leave his country going into exile. (Smile)

Pg. 22
“In 1922, seven years into a nineteen-year American military occupation of Haiti that resulted in 15,000 Haitians deaths, the United State imposed a $16 million loan on the Haitian government to pay off its ‘debt’ to France. ……..The Haitian economy never recovered.”

Pg. 17
“By the time the church-schools were finally created, after the Concordat in which the Vatican formally recognized Haiti, these urban elites had already turned the education system so that it would serve their needs exclusively.”
What the Mainstream Media Will Not Tell You About Haiti: Part of the Suffering of Haiti is "Made in the USA"
The government was systematically starved of funds. The public sector shrank away. Poor people streamed to the cities.
Thus there are no rescue units. Little public healthcare is available.
So when disaster struck, the people of Haiti were on their own. We can see them pitching in. We can see them trying. They are courageous and generous and innovative, but volunteers cannot replace government. So people suffer and die in greater numbers than necessary.

Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. I wonder why no TV took pictures of the Haitians blocking roads with dead bodies and would love to hear evidence of them singing during the night. Where is news coverage from the other side of the island for comparison, if any?
* “An Unbroken Agony” by Randall Robinson. Basic Civitas Books, 2007

Why the US Owes Haiti Billions - The Briefest History
By Bill Quigley
From 1957 to 1986 Haiti was forced to live under US backed dictators "Papa Doc" and "Baby Doc" Duvlaier. The US supported these dictators economically and militarily because they did what the US wanted and were politically "anti-communist" - now translatable as against human rights for their people. Duvalier stole millions from Haiti and ran up hundreds of millions in debt that Haiti still owes. Ten thousand Haitians lost their lives. Estimates say that Haiti owes $1.3 billion in external debt and that 40% of that debt was run up by the US-backed Duvaliers.

Thirty years ago Haiti imported no rice. Today Haiti imports nearly all its rice. Though Haiti was the sugar growing capital of the Caribbean, it now imports sugar as well. Why? The US and the US dominated world financial institutions - the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank - forced Haiti to open its markets to the world. Then the US dumped millions of tons of US subsidized rice and sugar into Haiti - undercutting their farmers and ruining Haitian agriculture. By ruining Haitian agriculture, the US has forced Haiti into becoming the third largest world market for US rice. Good for US farmers, bad for Haiti.
Read more at:

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Don’t cry for the Black folks in Haiti….

It has been my experience the oligarchy will never let you feel sorry for Black people for any length of time. They will do all they can to turn empathy into disdain.

Already in Haiti there is talk about prisoners escapes and sporadic looting and as soon as the Blackwater groups and racist correspondents get to Haiti, there will be talks about Black on Black crimes and other horrors.

This situation will be exploited for all it is worth and you ain’t seen no negatives inflicted upon Blacks as soon to come! One has to know the History of Haiti to understand how much the citizenry is hated amongst Anglo-Saxon communities around the world starting with the U.S. and France. Haitians killed white folks during their liberation wars. Stay tuned! One earthquake does not a white humanitarian maketh. The Haitians have been hated by whites since the early 1800’s and I do not think it is going to stop now. I reference my reading of the book “An Unbroken Agony” by Randal Robinson.
As always,

Haiti, Bill Clinton and my prayers

As it was with George Bush’s Katrina, so it is with Bill Clinton and the Haitian Hurricane. The stalk contrast between the competent and the incompetent, the moral and the immoral, the good and the Bad & Ugly is noteworthy.

When tragedies occur, it is nice to know someone is in charge. Someone knowing what he is doing. Someone who is both respected by all concerned and has demonstrated leadership and gained trust. In my opinion, Bill Clinton and Haiti go together like peaches and cream.

I was overjoyed and beside myself when Former President Clinton was appointed as a Special Envoy to Haiti. In my opinion, it was a stroke of genius and I feel if anyone can get things done in Haiti, it is Bill Clinton along with Rep. Maxine Waters. Of course there are others but my bets are on those two titans lighting up the end of the tunnel for Haitians.

However, my one concern is bringing some of the hurricane survivors to America for treatment and having to deport them afterwards. If Cuba has sent doctors to Haiti, perhaps some of the survivors can go there for further treatment without fears of immediate deportation during or after recovery. But the man sang, “One step at a time…”
Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

America’s Siblings

Another angle.
There is a special election Senate Race in Massachusetts for the seat of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy. If one were to consider rival candidates Martha Coakley (D-Mass)) and Scott Brown (R-Mass) as children of America with parents being the President and with the Vice President and other cabinet members being cousins, it is my opinion they should not take sides. They should measure interfering in the proceedings.

To step into a quarrel taking sides between siblings who are grown and have moved away from home is not fair.

In the case of candidates Scott Brown and Martha Coakley, I think each should rise or fall on their own merits and in their own communities without external influences coming that will not only confuse the local populace but also may anger them. It is a risky chance to take. Risky due to the fact it raises issues not necessarily indigenous to local or state-wide concerns, whatever the case may be.

Aretha Franklin sang the song, “You better think!” My mother use to say, “Let every tub stand on its own bottom!” Just throwing out another (not new) angle.
As always,

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sec. Tim Geithner, the weak link in the chain

It Is my understanding there is a gang of so called “banksters” world-wide; Joker like characters grinning and working within a cabal energetically scratching each other’s back at the expense of the American treasury. These are the guys who stole much of our treasury resulting in the latest Wall Street Bank Bailout Debacle.

Sec. Tim Geithner has been identified as one of the cabal members and at this time he appears to be its weakest link. He appears to be a prominent thread to pull unraveling the American garment, so to speak, with possible links to unraveling garments worldwide.

In my opinion, it would be prudent for concerned and effected individuals worldwide to join us in our pursuits of this individual whom people in the know have identified as one of a few holding “The smokin’ gun”. He has been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and crumbs around his mouth. In the American children’s game, Hide and go Seek, Little Tim has been caught and he is unquestionably “It!”

Looking at the video in the enclosed post, it is the Democrat, Brad Sherman (D-Calif), who may represent the position of other Democrats as to the fact Sec. Tim Geithner has done no wrong and the rest of us are “picking” on him.

In making efforts trying to get our country back on some sort of footing, we must be mindful there is always more than one way to skin a cat; you just have to wait until the right one comes up your alley. (Smile)

Ratigan Makes The Case Against Geithner, Arianna Warns About Midterm Elections (VIDEO)
Ratigan laid out evidence of Geithner's failures as Treasury secretary and detailed efforts to downplay the former New York Fed chief's role in the apparent debacle. Ratigan wondered how one man has the legal authority to deny the congress, the attorney general, and the states attorneys general access to emails about public money.

Arianna warned that November's elections could be bad for Democrats because it's Republicans like Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif) who are acting on the public's behalf and asking questions about AIG's use of public funds.
Read more at:

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Ratigan is quicker than a switch-blade at a Saturday Night happening!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

America, fighting phantom ghosts

Depleting our treasury and usurping the dreams and future of our strong and easily impressionable youth. Tragic!
Obama’s Alternate Universe
By Scott Ritter
The “war on terror” becomes a self-perpetuating problem for which there is no solution. Worse, it is a problem that ultimately will destroy America, not from any actions undertaken by whatever manifestation of “enemy” America conjures up, but rather from the actions undertaken by America itself.
Read more at:

As always,
P.S. Me think America is punch-drunk from the Vietnam and Korean wars. Is there no cure?