Saturday, December 11, 2010

Pres. Obama: Anything I can do he can do better…

Yesterday, in my opinion, Pres. Obama demonstrated in the most overt manner he does not know what he is doing. For him to play 'Musical chairs' with the Office of the Presidency is an admission of guilt that is too ‘in your face’ to ignore.

I know it is said that politics is a dirty game, but somehow I never thought of people playing 'Musical chairs' as a dirty game. My bad! What about 'Spin the bottle?' (I better hush! This is getting embarrassing.)
As always,

Obama exits, Clinton keeps talking
Obama had barely left the room when Clinton rested his elbows on the podium and settled in. And once he was there, he couldn’t get enough.
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On having nothing to say...

If you like to write as I do, one of the hardest things to realize is the fact there are times when you have nothing to say.

With your fingers on the keyboard, you may briefly muse over Americans charging Julian Assange with spying. You wonder if there is a difference between spying and being a spy. Your mind drifts towards the difference of what Assange is accused of compared to what Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were accused of and whether he will suffer the same fate.

With equally fleeting thoughts you think of the bazaar accusations of Sec. Eric Holder in the Assange case and then to the Westboro Baptist Church preparing to picket the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards.

You think of the nothing you have to work with as you see Anderson Cooper as a cherub with a beautifully cultivated voice espousing lie after straight faced lie on his show named “Keeping them honest”.

You think of the nothing you can write about in the quagmire situation of repealing the Bush Tax Cuts and the quote regarding the ‘tangled’ web we weave when we want to deceive.

Suddenly, up pops the image of yourself many years ago sitting in the balcony of a theater in New York City listening to a young girl on stage singing a song from the musical “A Chorus Line”. The young girl gives a moving and heart wrenching account of going to Arts Highs and learning nothing in Mr. Karps’ improvisational class. You recall her telling you Mr. Karp tells her to drop the class if she is feeling nothing and she ends the song thus:

Six months later I heard that Karp had died.
And I dug right down to the bottom of my soul And cried--
'Cause I felt nothing...

I am now free to leave my keyboard. I have paid my dues. The words 'Account receivable' come to mind.
As always,

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Wikileaks and David, with five rocks

If Sir Isaac Newton was right, “Every action has a re-action of opposite and equal force,” where can we find the oppositional force to what is happening to Julian Assange? Where can we look? To whom or what can we turn?

What is happening to Mr. Assange is a new phenomenon to us. Has he met a 21 c. Goliath that only he, like biblical David, can slay as we villagers helplessly witness in un-believable horror? This situation is beginning to get eerie, if not downright diabolic! If ever there were a time to put on our ‘thinking caps’, it is now. To hell with all else.

The Arrest of Julian Assange
Truth in Chains
Tell a truth that discomforts power, that challenges its domination over our lives, our discourse, our very thoughts, and you will be destroyed. No institution, public or private, will stand with you; the most powerful entities, public and private, will be arrayed against you, backed up by overwhelming violent force. This is where we are now. This is what we are now.
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As always,

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Where have all the good Witch Doctors, Town Criers and Yentas gone?

For centuries and in various parts of the world, there was a way of getting reliable news from the venerated Witch Doctor, Town Crier or Yenta.

An educated guess would be things went well until good ol’ Benjamin Franklin invented the printing press and the press would beget television which would beget political commentaries which would beget political pundits which would beget liars and batshit crazy sociopaths all whom have failed us villagers big time.

Through the slow process of evolution, the press as we once knew it is being replaced with the Blogosphere. In my opinion, the Wikileak papers have been a vital culminating benchmark.

The irrelevancy of the media has been documented for a few years and if one would ask in an earnest and sober state of mind for whom the church bells toll, the answer would be in the aura of a Greek chorus, “They toll for thee, dear American press, they toll for thee!”
Wikileaks and the MSM's Credibility Crisis
by Neocynic Redux
In fact, the record of outright professional malfeasance of our so-called professional journalists goes back further than merely an illegal war of aggression killing perhaps a million lives and wasting easily a trillion of America’s middle class dollars. The profession of American journalism allowed itself to become corrupted by the hysteria of 911. Swept up by instinctual patriotism, and the political cowardice it incurs, it surrendered its independence, and lost its nerve to dare speak truth to power. The sycophantic performance of the Bush White Press Corps, the apparent elite of the profession, as eviscerated by the comic Stephen Colbert at its 2006 function, was symptomatic of the mass media at large. Indeed, the paralysis continues with the irrational refusal of the mainstream media to address significant scientific anomalies arising from the events of the day on 9/11.
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As always,

Wikileak 900lb gorilla weakens house structure. A fable

Without looking at what Google may say, I think the expression, ‘900 lb gorilla in the room’ refers to people avoiding the obvious.

Instead of talking the gorilla -aka Wikileak- down to a manageable size, people in the room prefer to taunt it with ‘nasty and hate’ like calling it a traitor and asking for its assassination and wishing it ill will and the like. Someone in the room even manages to call the gorilla ‘Anti-Semitic’.

Now the emotional and sobbing gorilla is stomping its feet, shifting its 900 pounds from one foot to the other and with fledgling arms, the erratic commotion begins weakening the very foundation of the house.

Chandeliers fall from the ceiling, sofas, tables, chairs, china plates and wine filled goblets fly around the room smashing against the walls. Some of the people also can be observed flying around the room each time with temporary resting places as others struggle, anyway they can, to continue throwing ‘nasty and hate’ at the gorilla when, alas, the gorilla dies. It dies from exhaustion and a broken heart.

Its body commence to immediately decompose, emitting the foul odor of death, and as the people in the room quickly discover, the gorilla dies with its massive body blocking the only exit from the room.

The moral: Ignore a 900lb gorilla in the room at your own peril. It could develop into a life or death situation in more ways than one. (Smile)
Secrecy In The Cloud
David Kurtz
I work for a mid-size defense contractor. Earlier this week the corporate security office sent a memo to everyone reminding us that: 1) Wikileaks was blocked at the company firewall; and 2) people who had security clearances should not go to the Wikileaks site on their home computer.
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As always,